
Akira smiled as she walked back into her ship. Over the course of an hour or so, all the scrap she was willing to sell was gone. The only things she kept for herself was some blaster parts and the nav computer she found earlier. Total, she had brought in 175 Credits. Placing the money somewhere safe, she took the nav computer over to her makeshift workshop in one of the corners of the hold. Setting it on the table, she got out some tools and began to work on getting the nav computer to a working state. Who knows, it might have some interesting coordinates to some place she hadnt visited yet. Or coordinates for some secret base. Akira smiled, giggling as she continued to work, barely containing her excitement as she continued to work. 
Ishtar was already wearing a respirator when Abe loaded in his shipment, "I can't smell a thing!" He joked, nudging Maccus with his elbow. The former didn't need a mask, "eh it's that bad, I've smelled worse." The Karkadon said as he proceeded to helping Abe lock the shipment down. "What exactly are we transporting?"
@The Mechanist

"Aged..." Abe coughed into his elbow. "Gruffle." He walked over the to cabinet and found that there was only one respirator. "OH COME ON! What kind of manufacturer only provides one respirator!" He went back to the cockpit hacking, trying to get the taste out of his mouth.

"For some reason Hutts love this stuff if its been aged three years. Who in all the hells loves rotten fruit!" The ship entered hyperspace, luckily the ship was quick and it wouldn't be a long trip.
Ishtar and Maccus followed after him, taking their seats in the cockpit. "Im not surprised they eat it rotten, they eat those little frog creatures alive."

Ishtar nodded in agreement as he strapped on the seat belt. "I bet we could probably vent the smell if we opened the cargo hold on deep space, after we delivered it that is."
@The Mechanist

"Anything to get that smell out! I can only imagine what it will smell like without proper ventilation." The ship made its way through hyperspace without a jam. The benefits of a new ship without any damage done to it. They pulled out just outside of the atmosphere, Abe wasn't playing around with the smell. He wanted to unload it as soon as possible. Coms rang and Abe got them the proper landing platform near the market district. As the ship sat down he opened up the ramp and every ventilation hatch the ship could open.

"Lets get this stuff out of here Maccus. Ishtar, find out what you need to find out so we can hit that factory."
Akira cursed under her breath. Getting the nav computer to work was taking longer than she expected. Needing a break, she set her tools down. Making sure she had her pistols on her, she walked out of her ship and closed the ramp. Immediately, she gagged. Something smelled horrible and she didnt know what it was. She looked around at all the nearby ships, trying to find the source of the rancid smell. Her gaze fell upon the CEC-XS 1200 cruiser that had just arrived. Curious, she made her way over and as she did, the smell grew stronger. So thats where it was coming from....

She neared the landing ramp, looking around for someone to talk to. Akira noticed the massive large Chiss male and she called out to him

Oi! The hell are you hauling that smells so badly?
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(Ishtar is quite skinny and only 5'9" Maccus is the buff karkadon enforcer @FabulousTrash)

Maccus nodded and began pushing the crates out as Ishtar followed after him holding a data pad. "Actually I already got list....right here." He extended his arm to Abe handing him the datapad. "It's quite extensive but you look like the kind of guy who's had plenty of experience with...large acquisitions of materials that are going to be permanently borrowed."

Maccus laughed at Ishtars careful choice of words though this was short lived as he heard someone call out to them. Turning around he quickly withdrew his handcannon and Lance, aiming at the stranger before him, revealing a large razor sharp toothy scowl. Upon further inspection he recognized her to be a mandalorian. "Great....." 
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Akira's hands went immediately down to her pistols, but she didnt draw. 

Oi, I dont want any trouble. Just asked a harmless question

She kept a careful eye on all three of the men, but paid more attention to the Karkadon who, judging by his facial expression, would kill her if he had the perfect chance. She remained where she stood, looking around some more. It seemed that the Chiss male was the leader of this band of....guys....

Her breathing grew soft and lightly as she concentrated, tensing up in case they let loose with blaster fire

@Squirrel Man Huey @The Mechanist
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@The Mechanist @FabulousTrash

"Whoa now! Lets just settle down." The gruffy looking bearded man stepped in between the Karkadon and the Mandalorian.

"We're transporting aged gruffle. It smells worse than death. No need to fight about it. The smell is on its way to the Hutts after all." Abe had his hands out, palms facing the Mando. He dropped the word Hutts to try to simmer the situation down.
Akira huffed a little, slowly standing back straight up and her hands moved away from her pistols

You must be getting paid tons if you're transporting garbage like that

She couldnt help look to the Karkadon every now and then, still a bit on edge from his presence. However, if the Karkadon was in service with the Chiss, things should be fine. Akira took a breath, relaxing herself

Honestly, what do the Hutts taste when they eat that....

@Squirrel Man Huey @The Mechanist
Maccus put his lance back on his back and twirled his pistol in his hand, holstering it. He only grunted and turned back to the ship, ready to get the other crates. 

Ishtar looked at all of them, "well glad to see we put the hostilities aside." His voice slightly electronic thanks to his respirator, "now captain once we deliver this....well it's crap is what it is. Once we deliver this crap the hutts call food ill show you were the....warehouse entrance is." He was still trying his best to sensor himself, especially now that there is a stranger about.
Akira glanced over to the Chiss who spoke through the respirator. She then looked back to the grumpy male who had stopped the iminate conflict between her and the Karkadon. 

Have fun delivering that crap. 

She turned and walked off, back to her own ship. When she got on board, she immediately donned her armor, this time putting on her helmet so that no one could recognize her. The suit powered on and her special HUD appeared. A distance meter, energy meter, on-hand database, scanner and much more. She altered the settings off the voicebox, making it so it was more disoriented and male sounding. Satisfied, she removed her helmet and set it aside for later as she went back to her workbench, resuming her work on the nav computer 

@Squirrel Man Huey @The Mechanist
@The Mechanist @FabulousTrash

Abe nodded to all of them. Good. Things had settled. Children, always messing around!

"They taste the death that is inside of them." He grunted as he retrieved another crate and unloaded it before the ship, where the Hutt representative was going to pick it up. He watched the Mandalorian walk off to her ship with a suspicious eye. He didn't like people nosing around where they were invited. It always threw a wrench in things.

"Lead on Ishtar." He said after he finished with the last crate. "Maccus, stay here and make sure the crates aren't thrown in the compactor because of the smell. There should be a Togruta coming to pick it up. He'll have the Hutt's seal on the top of his hands."
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Maccus nodded and sat down on a nearby piece of scrap, "and what about the money? Wil they wire it to your account amor pay it in person?"

Ishtar nodded, "well we're gonna need a speeder actually...or a smaller ship."
Haha! Yes!

Akira smiled brightly, jumping up a little in excitement as she saw the nav unit power on. After what seemed like hours of work, the scrapped nav computer was working. She quickly connected a datapad into the old unit and started to scan it, pulling out all saved journey logs ,coordinates and possible transponder codes from ships that used the old unit. While that was running, she went back outside, sitting down on the ramp and simply waited. Akira looked around from time to time, paying extra attention to the CEC frigate 

@The Mechanist  @Squirrel Man Huey
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@The Mechanist @FabulousTrash

"They will wire once its loaded on their skiff." Abe handed the Karkadon a data pad. It showed the account it would show up in. "You'll see the figure there once it happens. Don't let them leave until it happens." He turned to Ishtar and groaned.

"How big? Are we just surveying or do you have it in your mind that we're doing it now?" He didn't notice the Mando observing them, his back was to her ship as he spoke to his two crew members.
Ishtar nodded, "it's best we do it now.....I sorta am a...."priced" VIP on this planet since I....sold firearms both standard and custom with borrowed parts from the manufacturer."

Maccus nodded, "it will be done, I'll make sure everything goes through smoothly, and it will if I have my say."
@The Mechanist

Abe sighed and shook his head.

"We'll lift a speeder and bring it here in a hurry. Maccus keep us ready to launch without notice. The Hutt's people should be here soon." He walked off, expecting Ishtar to follow without hesitation. He walked through the market district looking for the right speeder. He knew it would be someone that had money which make him another enemy but why not collect enemies? It was better than collecting diseases. At the end of one platform was a spacious speeder that had room for cargo on the back.

"Done. This one." He hopped into the seat without hesitation, leaning over to remove some wires and starting up the speeder in just a few moments. With that, they took off into the busy sky of Coruscant. "Where to?"
Akira watched as the  gruff male and the Chiss took off in the speeder, leaving the Karkadon to do the dirty work of sealing the deal of the weird fruit they were transporting. She got up from the ramp and went back inside to check on the data transfer. Akira smiled when she saw that the status said "Complete". She disconnected the datapad from the old nav unit. She clipped the datapad to her side and took the old unit, tossing it outside and called out

Free nav unit! Completely new and in working condition! Model XCS-150!!

A swarm of merchants and civilians rushed to where the nav unit landed, which was just outside her ship. She quickly donned her armor and grabbed her helmet, sliding it on. She grabbed her Tac-HUD sniper, slinging on her back and then went to the side of the hold. Disconnected the compact speeder, she turned it on, pushing it outside. She was well hidden by the crowd and hopefully, the Karkadon wouldnt notice her. She unfolded the speeder, getting on and took off. She pressed a button on her wrist gauntlet. The landing ramp of her ship closed and the engines fired up. It then took off, flying off in some direction. Akira then set off, pursuing the Chiss and the gruff man

@The Mechanist  @Squirrel Man Huey
Maccus softly laughed as the Mando tossed a piece of scrap and snuck away. "Nice armor, but whatever she's doing isn't my business."


Ishtar pinpointed some coordinates on he data pad, "we need to go here. The warehouse doors are located in this area, I'm assuming you can hack the lock right? And disable the turrets and....oh hey this speeder has a tractor beam! This will reduce the amount of trips!" He looked over the dash, eyeing the tractor beam button.

@Squirrel Man Huey @FabulousTrash
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@The Mechanist @FabulousTrash

"I can slice anything given enough time. Maybe we'll keep the speeder too. Depends on how much room it takes up in the hold. What do you think?" Abe turned the speeder quickly to the directions on the datapad. Things were definitely looking up. They quickly made their way to the warehouse, Abe did a once over to check things out. It seemed quiet enough, no guards, no homeless. It seemed prime for the picking. He set the speeder down and looked around before walking up to the entrance to kneel at the entry pad.
Akira wasnt too far behind. Lucky for her, her speeder was the silent type, or at least as silent as it could be. She landed only a few blocks away from the warehouse the gruff man and the Chiss were at. She hid her speeder in a dark corner, then began making her way slowly towards the warehouse. Looking through the visor of her helmet, she quickly scanned the 2 males, detecting the weapons they had on them. The Chiss had some of a jawa gun and a sniper while the gruff man had a handgun of sorts. She looked above her, then using her jetpack, flew up to the roof of an adjacent building, observing the pair of men closely

@The Mechanist  @Squirrel Man Huey
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Ishtar followed after Abe, pulling out his ion blaster. Which he stole from a jawa. "Alright so once you hack that we disable the security droids on the other side and continue. I'll need to get a view of the area to see some of the changes, it's been a couple of years since I was last here.....I wish I brought my jump pack..."


Maccus yawned as he sat and Noticed a couple of dug approach the crate. Getting up he withdrew his hand cannon. "Can I help you?"

They withdrew their blasters, "get this shit out of here! It's stinking up the joint."

Maccus shook his head, "no chance, got a delivery here for one of the hutts, and you know how foul tempered they can be when they haven't been fed." 

One of them scoffed, "I ain't afraid of no Hutt!"

Maccus smiled a toothy grin, "good, then you should be afraid of me..." he began to slowly strafe to side, getting into a Mexican standoff with the pair. "Well then I take it that means you won't be leaving then? Fine with me, been a while since I last killed someone."
Akira got down on her stomach, unslinging her rifle and set up it's tripod, setting it on the ground. She looked through the scope and her distance meter in the HUD of her helmet started to give her readings as it got the data from the range finder in the rifle's scope. She watched as the human male was currently hacking the door lock while the Chiss prepared to breach and shoot anything that was behind the door. She giggled quietly, continuing to watch the pair

@The Mechanist @Squirrel Man Huey
@The Mechanist @FabulousTrash

"I wish you would have bought it too. I need more gear for this shit." He took a few more seconds before a beep sounded and the cargo door slid open with a whoosh. He continued working away, trying to get to the droids as fast as he could. "One more second..." Another beep sounded and he smiled. Slicing always brought him pleasure. He stood up and stretched. His back clicked as he did so. "Go in...I'll get the speeder ready."

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