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"That so? Explains how you know everything about the frame, and your lack of proper runner training. Perhaps having a guy who's an engineer and a runner would be beneficial..." Rowan mused out loud. "That aside, there must be an AI in there. Right?"
"Uh, yeah..." Ren said. "Look, I really can't afford to just sit around here waiting for this Weinberg person... is there anything we can to to expedite this?"
"You could always talk to this base's higher-ups, like we were supposed to. They'll keep you around long enough for Commander Weinberg to hear you out. But you, being the determined guy you are, won't leave the cockpit until the Commander gets here. They might have you executed for just staying in there for too long. Not sure how long it takes before they determine too long, so yeah. Either trust me and talk to the base commander, or face execution for keeping quiet for too long. That's all the options I've got for you, Silber." Rowan found a nearby chair, pulling it up next to the cockpit and sitting down in it to relax his feet.
"No, like, I really can't afford to be here for long." Ren said, stressing the point.

He knew that Neo BAHRAM was after him. It probably wouldn't take long for them to find out where he is, and if they sent Amaterasu after him again, he couldn't afford to be here. He needed to get to this Weinberg as fast as he could... and it seems that the Space Force was intent on slowing his progress.
"Sorry, Silber, but I've already given you your two options. Weinberg is a busy woman, after all." Rowan sighed. "I get you're a wanted man now. You've got really important intel that the higher-ups need to know. But I don't think I can just make an express call to Commander Weinberg and say 'I've got a former Neo BAHRAM engineer with one of their top-secret Orbital Frames and highly sensitive intel you need to know now.' I'd have to go through so much nonsensical security confirmation stuff, then I'd have to wait until she could get my call, and by then, she might be tired out or whatever. Your safest bet is to come with me, right now, and explain to the base's commander. They'll be sure to keep you and this intel around until Commander Weinberg comes in and chats with you."
Ren couldn't afford that. He knew how this thing worked... the instant he left the cockpit, he'd end up being detained and his intel confiscated. On top of that, they'd probably end up taking Tsukuyomi from him. He couldn't separate himself from either of these things until he got in direct contact with this Weinberg lady. Ren sighed, clutching the controls of the frame.

"I can't." He said plainly. "There's too much at stake, here."
"That so? Well, the moment you leave Jupiter, you're leaving a relatively safe zone. You'd be a wanted man, Neo BAHRAM would hunt you down, probably send multiple ace pilots and top-notch frames after you. Getting to Earth from here via Catapult would take too long too. I promise you that you won't face harm under my watch at the meeting. If you get out of the cockpit, and come along with me, we'll get Commander Weinberg here ASAP. That'll shorten your wait time by a good two or three days, at the least. But if you really wanna leave, then fine by me. Heading straight to Earth in a Neo BAHRAM Orbital Frame with no identification will guarantee that you'll be considered hostile and shot down the moment you enter Earth's orbit. But hey, you wanna go straight for Commander Weinberg. All up to you, Silber, all up to you." Rowan got up from the chair, put it back, and leaned against the door, awaiting Ren's next move.
Ren thought it strange that Rowan was giving him permission to just leave. How could he? He had incredibly sensitive information about Neo BAHRAM, and was in one of the two most advanced machines ever created. Why would he just let him go? He was right, though... getting to Earth the long way would take quite a bit from Jupiter, but staying here for more than a day was incredibly dangerous. He needed to stay on the move, no matter what. Getting to Earth from Jupiter via the catapults would take a week at most. He didn't have the provisions to get there with that time... but he couldn't stay here.

"I can't stay here." Ren said. "Neo BAHRAM is already after me, they'll find this place easily if I stay here."
Rowan sighed, seeing how stubborn Ren was going to be about this.

"Alright, Silber. Let's say you stay and Neo BAHRAM come and find you. They send their most advanced Frames after us. You seem to be in one of those Frames. Reminds of the Anubis and Jehuty situation, so I assume you've got a twin frame meant to cover Tsukuyomi's weak spots. They'll probably send that in. Then we all get obliterated, Tsukuyomi gets taken back, and you're executed for treason. Now let's say you leave. Heading to Earth from here would be just as risky. You'd be travelling for quite a while, and when you do get to Earth, the Space Force is going to identify you as an enemy and send LEVs after you to probably kill you. Either way, you're going to get killed at some point. You'll have risked so much for naught. If we were to train you as a runner, you could have a better chance at defending yourself AND the base. I assume Neo BAHRAM detected your leave, and sent someone to stop you. If you made it this far, that means you held off against some highly advanced frames. Imagine what you could do with proper training. You'd be unstoppable. If you come with me right now, I could try and negotiate with my higher-ups about getting you basic runner training. That's the only solution I can think up right now, Silber. So, what'll it be? Get an attempt at training to stand a better chance of making it to Earth? Or rush off to Earth and get shot down trying to deliver important info?"
"If I stay here, we're all going to get killed by the time I get any kind of training in." Ren said. "There's no time, Rowan. None. I don't have a choice. I have to take the risk."
"Well... If that's the case... Maybe I should go with you. If they see me, they'll be more willing to let you in. Problem here is getting to launch my Specter without the commanders getting mad at me... But hey, you're risking more than your life. And you've got sensitive data with you. You helped me out earlier, so I think I should repay the favor. Lemme see if my Specter is ready to launch. I'll stop by later with a snack and an update." Rowan exited the hangar, leaving Ren to his own devices while Rowan went to check on his LEV and get some food.
"That..." Ren started to say, before Rowan simply left the hangar. "Dammit."

"He can't come with us." ARAI spoke up finally. "He'd get shot down in an instant, he doesn't stand a chance."

"I know that..." Ren responded. "No doubt I'm going to meet Amaterasu again, and if he's around with me, there's no doubt he'll get killed."

"So what do we do?" ARAI asked. "Do we just leave while we can?"

"I don't have provisions to get to Earth on my own." Ren said.

"We could probably stop somewhere to get supplies. A resupply station."

"In an Orbital Frame?" He asks. "I don't think that would go very well."

"What about the Merchants?"

"Merchants? You mean those space pirates."

"Those are the ones. They have bases set up all over the system. Neither Neo BAHRAM or the Space Force will go near them."

"Won't deter Amaterasu." Ren pointed out. "And who says they'll cooperate? They'll probably try to steal this frame."

"What other choice do we have?" ARAI said. "We have to try."

"Hey, since when were you on board with this?"

"I'm finding it easier to just not argue with you."
Alrize lay down on the floor of the training room, exhausted after using every bit of energy she had to punch and kick the sandbag hanging from the ceiling. She calmed her breathing, and began thinking to herself.

All that practice, all that time, all that show of being high and mighty…it turns out you're useless. How could you let him get away like that? All you had to do was attack. But you didn't. No, you took a risk and went near him, knowing he still might be functioning. And what did he do? Nearly kill you. Yeah. You nearly died because of your own stupidity. How low is that? You're terrible.

Alrize curled herself into a fetal position. She wasn't used to losing. At times like this, she really wanted someone to talk to; someone to share her pain, or make her feel better. 

But there isn't anyone here to help me, is there…
As Zack spent some time lying on his bed, more and more thoughts began to cloud his mind. From losing to Tsukuyomi to Eclipse and to an extent TESS being incapacitated to Adalia's random personality change and actions towards him from earlier, the amount of thoughts going on in his brain was cumbersome.

"Jeez...I joined Neo BAHRAM to fight for a better galaxy...not get into all of this mess..."

Zack groans as he finally gets off his bed, then proceeds to exit his quarters. He felt drained of energy yet also desiring to punch something to let out frustration. He racks his brain before deciding to head for the training room. Punch some bags to let out some aggression. Maybe "accidently" break a bag in the process.

Zack reaches the training room and is greeted to seeing Alrize on the floor, seeing her all curled up. He knew how uncomfortable she seemed when they were just talking casually back in the cafeteria literally hours ago, and seeing how they both failed to capture Ren and Tsukuyomi, he guessed that she was depressed like him over the botched mission. He sighs before speaking up in a relaxed though still depressed tone.

"Hey there, Alrize."
Alrize realized Zack was in the room, and her eyes shot over to him.

"Why the hell are you here?"

She glared at him, not moving from her position in the slightest.
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Zack felt a bit uneasy from Alrize glaring at him. Regardless, he decided to speak in a bit of a more serious tone.

"I came here to just punch some bags."

Zack walks over to a punching bag and begins punching it with both fists. Even though Zack didn't have any muscles that could save him in a fist fight, when he was frustrated and angry, he could unleash a pretty hard, decent punch. He kept his gaze off of Alrize, still feeling a bit uneasy from her glare.

"I didn't mean to interrupt you. Just been feeling frustrated after having failed to capture Tsukuyomi..."

Alrize turned her gaze away from him and continued her thoughts.

How shameless of you to stay like this when he's around! Why aren't you at least sitting on the ground properly? Or on a bench? There are so many of them here. Honestly. Pick yourself up at least. Even at a time like this, conduct yourself properly. Your dignity and reputation are more important than your feelings right now.

Listening to her own pep talk, Alrize finally sat up. She looked around the training room, checking for anything of interest. Deciding that the treadmill and then a few weights would suffice, she turned on the machine and started running.

If the frames are no good, then I'll kill him with my own two hands.
Zack continues punching the punching bag, thinking back to what Overseer Adalia had said to him.

"You just need to get stronger..."

Zack breathes through his nose as he punches the bag harder and harder, imagining himself as Eclipse during a close quarters scenario. He could see it now, Eclipse swinging it's Long Claws at Tsukuyomi relentlessly. Tsukuyomi. The Frame that beat him with ease. The Frame that was piloted by a mere engineer. The Frame that wrecked Eclipse...

I will get stronger...I will defeat Tsukuyomi...I have to...no, I NEED to...
Rowan returned to the hangar, with several guards in tow this time around.

"As it turns out, you've stayed in that cockpit for too long. Sorry, Silber. We're gonna have to take you out of that thing. It's outta my hands now."

The guards approached Tsukuyomi's cockpit, intent on getting Ren out with whatever means necessary.
Ren sighed as the guards approached the cockpit. Shaking his head, he took the controls.

"Alright, ARAI, we're getting out of here." He said.

"Great." She said. "That's the second break-out today."

With that, Ren moved the frame away from them and deeper into the open hangar. Before the guards could think to shoot at him, he quickly moved to the airlock, once again blasting through it and out into space. He flew out of the base and distanced himself at full speed.

"Boy, I hope Rowan got out of that one." Ren commented.

"He's probably fine." ARAI said. "What a strange guy, though... just giving us the option of leaving."

"Pretty stupid, actually..." Ren sighed. "But really, even if he didn't give the option it'd probably come to this."
Rowan clung to the wall of the damaged hangar, hitting the emergency seal button after crawling his way over there. Once the airlock had sealed itself, he sighed in disappointment.

"I made some pretty stupid decisions today... Guess bringing him in to begin with was a mistake..." Rowan looked around and saw that the guards accompanying him had been sucked out. "Wonder how better this day is gonna get..."

Then, the base commander decided to visit.

"Rowan, what the hell happened here?!?!"

"He escaped. He was awfully adamant about getting that data to Commander Weinberg."

"What if he tries to kill her?!"

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there. I take it I'll be hunting Silber down?"

"Damn right, Kagami. Get moving, your LEV is ready to deploy."

"Yes sir." Rowan went to the hangar where Specter was held, and proceeded to deploy. "Alright, Silber. Try not to kill anyone."

With the system checks finished, Specter launched and proceeded to hunt down Tsukuyomi and its pilot.
"Ren, unknown approaching from behind." ARAI said.

"They sent someone after us?" Ren said.

"It's the same one." She clarified. "Rowan."

"Huh... seems like he doesn't want us to get away after all..." Ren said. "Well, a LEV shouldn't be able to catch up to us either way."

"It's accelerating." ARAI said. "Gaining."

"Heh? Huh... never seen a LEV that quick before..."
Specter suddenly appeared in front of Tsukuyomi in its flight mode.

"Found ya," Rowan said to himself. "I can't guarantee we'll both survive this, Silber."

He then flew several meters ahead of Tsukuyomi before turning around, charging up its Gauss rifle, and firing a round at Tsukuyomi.
"Dammit..." Ren said, boosting to the side quickly, and launching a volley of homing lasers towards Specter.
Rowan returned fire with a series of homing missiles to distract the lasers, then switching to combat mode and deploying his Shots. He fired back at Tsukuyomi with the Shots and another volley of homing missiles.

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