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Roleplay Anyone?

Liquid Stars

Andi the Vampire
Hey Everyone! I'm super bored and I was seeing if anyone wanted to start a new roleplay! Here are some I think would be interesting:





Reply Back!
InsaneTruth said:
Hello, I have a prince char who's pretty fun to play with if you don't mind fantasy. He's a mage after all.
That sounds cool. What role would you want me to be? And I don't mind fantasy at all! ^,^
whatever role you'd like I don't do instant romances and my dear prince is cold as ice and very smart often I play him a a teen between 16 and 18. He;s the thrown s heir. We can discuss more detail in pm if you would like.
InsaneTruth said:
whatever role you'd like I don't do instant romances and my dear prince is cold as ice and very smart often I play him a a teen between 16 and 18. He;s the thrown s heir. We can discuss more detail in pm if you would like.
Sounds great.

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