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Role Play of Many kinds


New Member
Hi all ^^

Since looking for people to rp here gets me nowhere I figured I'd try to actually write one of these and see how that works out. I may not remember all the things that I wanna rp so whatever you're interested in message me about it.

Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan

Tokyo Ghoul

Fairy Tail

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood

Fate Zero

Diabolik Lovers

Kamigami no Asobi

Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler

D. Gray Man

Warm Bodies


Game of Thrones

Wow,I'm really drawing a blank here. Anyway this is all for now,remember to ask if you want something not on here.


Please,please I cannot stress this enough,please,do not bother to request a rp if you're not going to take it seriously.And please be respectful and do not disappear and ignore me when I message to ask what is wrong. If you need to be gone for a period of time please inform me so I don't worry,you don't have to give me any reasons,I just want to be sure you haven't ditched me.
VanessaFirefly said:
Hi all ^^
Since looking for people to rp here gets me nowhere I figured I'd try to actually write one of these and see how that works out. I may not remember all the things that I wanna rp so whatever you're interested in message me about it.

Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan

Tokyo Ghoul

Fairy Tail

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood

Fate Zero

Diabolik Lovers

Kamigami no Asobi

Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler

D. Gray Man

Warm Bodies


Game of Thrones

Wow,I'm really drawing a blank here. Anyway this is all for now,remember to ask if you want something not on here.


Please,please I cannot stress this enough,please,do not bother to request a rp if you're not going to take it seriously.And please be respectful and do not disappear and ignore me when I message to ask what is wrong. If you need to be gone for a period of time please inform me so I don't worry,you don't have to give me any reasons,I just want to be sure you haven't ditched me.
I sorta want to rp Fairy Tail. Btw, nice to meet you. I'm kinda new here, but I think I'm an okay rper. What do you want to do?
AwesomeJo said:
I sorta want to rp Fairy Tail. Btw, nice to meet you. I'm kinda new here, but I think I'm an okay rper. What do you want to do?
Nice to meet you :) If it's Fairy Tail that you want then awesome. You want to talk about it over private messages?
Hello there! :D

I would actually be interested in doing a roleplay with you! I'm fairly new to this site but have actually roleplayed for quite some time.

Anyway, what I might be interested in is Attack on Titan, Full Metal Alchemist or Marvel :D

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