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Realistic or Modern River High School

Meredith leans back on her chair and crosses her legs. She pulls out her phone when it vibrates and rolls her eyes at the text. It was from her father telling her he wouldn't be home until late.,
Aaron smiled taking it and looking at it "wow" she said as her eyes grew gigantic in amazement "it's freaking amazing" she said looking over at him blushing "thank you, i love it" she muttered looking back down at the drawing.
They were so cute. So freaking adorable. And Indigo had to tell them so.

"You two should go out because you would be the most adorable pairing ever!" she squealed, "Kaaroden forever!" She clapped her hands together and then realised how stupid she looked. She grinned, going a little pink.
Meredith glances at Indigo and smiles slightly. "You're easily excitable. I love it." She states with a small laugh. She puts her phone away and closes her eyes.
"Thanks." Indigo beamed, "Most people say I'm annoying or they just look at me weirdly!" She returned to staring intently at Kayden and Aaron.

"Kiss! KISS!" she yelled.
Aaron's face flushed red as she looked up at Indigo "why you fangirling so much?" she asks raising an eyebrow running a hand through her hair nervously with huge eyes.
Meredith smiles and shakes her head, "I really wanna skip school..." She murmurs to herself. She stands up and begins gathering her things.
"It's just cute and romantic. I'm sorry. Well, no I'm not sorry. I am in no way sorry. But I'll be quiet now. You guys... Just do whatever you want. Make out a bit. I'll just be here. Being quiet." she shut up and watched silently, leaning forwards slightly.
Meredith laughs lightly at Indigo's reply. "I'm ditching school. Anyone wanna come with?" She asks, hoping she didn't have to ditch school alone.
Jay released a giant sigh when the group of girls left. He hears another voice, he turns nervously and just says "Hi..."
"Why are you ditching?" Indigo turned to the girl, "Nothing bad is happening and you'll fall behind. There's no positives to ditching. What would you even do all day?" She was curious. She didn't like to ditch school unless there was a really, really good reason.
Meredith giggles. "Well, my grades are pretty good, so I don't have anything to worry about. And to answer your question if any of you come with me, we'll do whatever you want. I normally ditch school for fun. Well that, and to piss my dad off." She laughs.
Aaron sat there with cherry red cheeks scanning Kayden's face then back at Indigo "oh it's fine, im was just saying" she said covering her cheeks.
"Okay." Indigo smiled half heartily, "Have fun, I guess." Why would that girl be so eager to annoy her dad? Indigo shook it off and continued to ogle at Aaron, who had gone very, very pink. She looked so embarrassed that Indigo was actually considering going to rescue her from Kayden.
Meredith frowns slightly, but huffs and sits back down, crossing her arms. She wasn't going to ditch by herself. She always ditched with at least one other person.
The girl sat back down.

"Don't let me put you off ruining your education for no good reason." Indigo said, "Please, go ahead." Then, she paused, "Sorry, that was mean. I'll be over here." She crossed her arms and looked down. She'd upset someone. That was the last thing she wanted to do.
Meredith sighs and shakes her head. "No, you're right. And I never ditch school without at least one other person with me. So I'm fine right here." She murmurs, running her fingers through her hair.
Jay gets sick of being there. He gets up and start walking along the classroom, peeking trough the windows, no clue about this place. He shakes the dust off his cap and puts his thumbs hooked in his pockets. Swaying from side to side, still dying for a nap.

Aaron's face was cherry red she looked down running a hand through her hair "are you alright?" she asks looking up at Kayden slightly.
"Meh." Indigo collapsed on her desk in boredom. Nothing was happening. This was the most boring class EVER. She was going to fall asleep. Or maybe not. She didn't know. She lay with her arms stretched across her desk and her head resting on it. She was bored to tears and Kayden and Aaron weren't making out.
Aaron nodded slightly "are you sure?" she adds covering her cheeks from her blushing looking up at him then at Indigo "why are you fangirling?" she laughs looking over at her.

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