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Nation Building Rising From The Ashes

Bronco's character wasn't talking at Indigo, I guess, I mean, we didn't even reach the harbor yet.

Calm down, guys, let the character position themselves so we can interact. Eloria didn't even board the griffon yet.

We're having a time and distance issue. In the span of what, an hour, Indigo left Ignis, made a speech, printed those pamphlets, and returned with a fleet to Ignis. Unless he can teleport, stuff like this is impossible. I know you want to move the plot forward, but we need to solve this issue.

@Iuadago Adaicate Bellarum, @xEmoBunnehx
@xEmoBunnehxyeah I forgot to say I'll edit it later

@Broncos My char still doesn't care but has done nothing yet only having his men go help the citizens. Right now though he's as Galandal or whatever his name is how he can help.
@Raizel Ya, I say we probably need to halt RP till we can figure the time situation out some, you know, so we don't have this to happen again
You are exactly right. I have been milling over how to bring that up, but in truth..it would take more than a few minutes to get from Ignis to GB. 

I know plot stuff is great, but at the rate we are going..the plot will crumble soon and that's not what I want at all..so please take your time and give people time to respond. 

If I'm being brutally honest, which I am, half of the posts made are not decent..and are actually lacking in quality. And this is not to say that my posts with Eloria are any better, because they aren't. So seriously guys..take it easy and let's be realistic here, okay?

Thank you,

OK, you heard the woman and I think I have an idea

I'm participating in another RP which is Star Wars related and we came to a conclusion to help with time skip. So, here's my idea

All ocean travel, you must wait 10 posts or 2 hours before you can arrive

Any continental travel will vary on the distance, but to me, the standard should be 5 posts or wait an hour to travel to a nearby city or 10 posts or 2 hours for travelling across the continent.

Sound good? @xEmoBunnehx
I agree with Broncos. It's a good way to make the time pass, but since we have real life stuff to do, I guess just the 10 posts thing is fine. Because it takes a while for some of us to post, like me and @xEmoBunnehx, so it would be best.
I'm purposely not posting for the Vamp until enough time has passed by to make it.. well... make sense. 
So me and a couple of friends have been RP with each other for over three years now hopping from one site to another and what we did not travel all depending on how far away it was. If it was really far away some people would wait days and if it was like a few hours away some would wait for an hour or 30 min. For my post I'd say it wad good cause I had waited two days (when I was accepted) to make a post so I'd say my thing is cleared up.

the Wychester King depending on how far away would possibly be sailing for a day meaning two to four hours on our thing. So I propose it all depends on how far away if really far a day or two if not so far an hour or two and if not far at all ten to thirty min 
Although, the 10 post thing is meh. IC Time =/= OOC time. You can wait three weeks and only a day will have passed IC. Really, its use your best judgement imo. Not sure? Give it a bit. Still not sure? Ask the GM or post it in the OOC.

@Cosmo For RP at Ignis who do you think should be there and for everyone else. You two decide in PM and then tell us and we'll suck it up. But that's entirely up to you 
Death, that's not how it works. We are playing together. We need to reach a consensus, otherwise it's not enjoyable for anyone.
Ik but there GMs and they are running the RP I love a civil vote as much as anyone but I think as of now we should let them decide also I know it prob won't be enjoyable for some people but they can have some action ex like pirates attacking or some lost souls needing help or something like that. I've wanted to say something for a long time about the time but I didn't which is on me for not bringing it up sooner but I entirely think as of right now with people being transported to new continents in ten min is ridiculous and the GMs should make a final say.

also thanks for calling me Death and not DeathValley105 :)
Well.. like Cosmo said.. the two things are not equal it times. Not at all, so really it is best to play it by 'ear' or ask if you're really unsure.

As for the clutter of posts that has become an utter mess.. my best solution is that anyone who was in or headed or near Ignis will reset to where Eloria and Galandor are having a meeting. What do you guys/gals think?
Well, can you delete the posts? Because if you can, do it immediately and reset however, if you can't, we need to figure out an alternate solution

Alright then, I say we should probably start a little ahead of where you thought we should start and start with Andros rushing in with the pamphlet from Indigo to the two royals. Then, we could have some character moments with the three of them until Indigo arrives
I'm talking about WAYYY before that. I want to reset all the way to when Eloria first sat down to have lunch with Galandor.
Oh, OK, well then, I guess we'll start there but sadly I can't get my posts deleted so disregard all of my posts

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