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Futuristic I.G.B.A

I.G.B.A (Inter Galactic Battle Arena)(Updated and improved)

In 2080 Earth received a message from an alien race. The message state that the alien species are creating a inter galactic battle arena. Which the Homo sapiens ( And Earth) Are one of the 12 competitors.In the battle arena the Homo sapiens and the other 11 races are fighting for the survival of their planet. If the Homo sapiens win planet earth is safe but the other planets are going to be destroyed. In 10 Homo sapiens years the Homo sapiens must send 3 of the worlds best warriors to fight in the battle arena for the survival of earth.Now Earth must in 10 years time grab the best warrior,train them and arm them to the teeth so in 10 years time they will go and win the I.G.B.A

This role-play is quite simple :3. Their are 12 races . 6 are already created and the other 6 can be created by other role-players. These races will fight to the death and the winner will have their planet save their planets.The battle will be in a special arena mixed with each species habitats,plant-life and creatures .I was planning that one person for each race ( Controlling all the 3 characters) But if a lot of people are interested I am okay with each person controlling on character

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