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Reunion of Fate


One Thousand Club

Back story


You have lived within the land Fayla for your entire life, it is your home; it's where you were born and where you came to know a boy by the name of Vance. Vance had been your child hood friend, he was kind and always he held a general smile upon his face though in truth you knew little about him. He would always leave your village at night, saying his own home was off into the woods, though you never truly knew what that home was or for that matter what he was. Never had you come to discover that this boy who seemed so kind, was in all truth the apprentice of a witch and making matters worse was the fact that within his very soul there lived a demon. One who he couldn't always control, and you came to know this painful reality one gruesome night, where every thing you had ever known had been taken from you. At the age of twelve, your village was burned to the ground, everyone was slaughter but yourself, the culprit of this crime was none other than your closest friend, Vance. You had seen him brutally murder all who you had known, left helpless by a wound he had inflicted through your back. Laying upon the ground you fell unconscious, soon awakening to the charred remains of all you had never know. Unaware of the demon inside Vance, you had no one else to blame but him, and quickly you grew hateful wishing revenge upon the man that had caused you such sorrow.

Ten years have passed sense that day, and now you live your life as a warrior surviving under the king himself, living within the capital, keeping prisoners in check... as such, you where one of the first to hear of Vance's capture, and the scheduled date of the witch's execution; One week, and until that time you where to guard him and be sure that he never escaped his dungeon...Today, you are to lay eyes up in your old friend for the first time in ten years, however are you prepared for what you will soon see? Will you allow this old friend to be murdered, or will you see what the real Vance is? You decide his fate... and your own. Will you select a life full of struggle along side Vance or one who stands loyal as the king's dog?

[sPPOILER=Continent Description]

Optional Read You are not required to read this, it simply gives optional information that may be useful. You can check them out whenever.

All three of these cities hold a nature full of similarities and lacking difference. All three have available water supplies and forested lands as well as a large population and happy citizens. Crime and conflict aren't common here, though of course the land isn't completely free of evil as still bandits and murders lurk, though it isn't as common as most of the other locations due to these places having better guarding systems that often scare of criminals. The castle can be located in Hengare, and it is home to the royal family that look over the entire land though often the children of the king will venture over these three cities to uphold a feeling of safety and peace between them. Of course they're guarded heavily, though it still does aid in the peace between the cities.

Brale is a city full of many strong and ruthless people with vile and savage laws, as such it is avoided by most outsiders unless trade is needed. They don't have many supporters or allies, but this collection of islands can keep care of its self due to advanced science and mathematics that allow it better battle tatics and medicines. It holds many smaller cities and from this land one can draw fish, glass, mineral, and fuel.

Mirrostill is much like Kalest in many ways seeing as it too is rather close to the Unmapped Forest, though they lack as much money. They don't have nearby oceans, so often this city will trade with Marend and Brale in order to obtain supplies one can only collect near the sea. They'll give away they're majestic furs and plentiful wood for the other's glass and fish. It's a common dealing, and many roads exist between these three locations and of course it connects to the capital. Mirrostill is a city that loves to please the king to revive praise and a wonderful image. They have a much larger population than Kalest though it isn't anywhere near the population of the capital it's self or Marend.

Marend is a sailing town being right next to such a large ocean. It is full to the brim with travelers, sailors, and traders of all types allowing it quite a bit of money though this city isn't as enthusiastic about sailing as they're rival Brale of which occupies a colection of islands. Not much forest and farming land can be found in Marend, as such they commonly trade they're collections for furs and wood. This dims a bit on the profit made by the city though still they can get by rather well. Marend doesn't have a large territory as normally it just pushes all of it's smaller civilizations right next to the ocean to ensure further profit, and they don't truly mind this. Overall, this territory is popular and rather important to the rest of Fayla.

Right next to the Unmapped Forest, Kalest isn't a popular place for tourists or visitors yet this town is one of the richest in Fayla. This is due to its location as it is surrounded in a deep prosperous forests and it neighbors large oceans allowing it a surplus of material and food. Due to this, Kalest is a wonderful trading place where much profit can be made for both the city and its acquaintances, this includes the capital Hengare and a few other major cities. Much trading and sailing is done here, and though the town is near empty it is still busy and hard working granting it everything it needs to get by, even if a small mishap would occur due to the nearby forests. The surrounding villages are small here, and often they are torn down to be moved to a new location. This makes it difficult to navigate Kalest's rejoin, though not much do the citizens care for as long as they are aware of were they're going, they truly don't care if a few stray travelers would get lost. Extra people would only way upon they're trading supplies.

This is the most dangerous area within Fayla, and this isn't due to any human connections. Rather, it has to do with the natural inhabitants and plant-life within this giant forest. Creatures once considered myth roam this land beholding many shapes and forms. Though not all of these creatures are bad, still predators and carnivores can be found commonly, such as dragons, serpents, and giants. Though this land can prove to be rather dangerous, not all of it is bad. With it comes a great amount of beauty as the plants are vibrant and healthy holding many exotic coloring, rivers and lakes glisten a bright clean blue, and at night the forest piratically lights up due to the work of faries and plants. Despite all of this land's holdings, humans have refused to venture into it out of fear of its beasts and unnatural environment. As such, it still remains unmapped and unexplored, in a sense.

[sPOILRER=Rules]~Any skill level is welcomed, I'll adjust.

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~Enjoy yourself

[/spoiler=My Cs]Name: Vance Willows

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Personality: Though Vance is now rather quite and often somewhat shy, he can still act like his old self at times. He isn't to good at speaking with others when they're strangers, though he'll become more comfortable over time. His bad side doesn't show often, though whenever it does incidents do occur unless help is provided in time.


Height~ 6'2

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