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Realistic or Modern Restless Asylum

Kaori had whacked her head pretty hard against the window when the bus tipped over, and she released a soft moan, shutting her eyes. She knew she was lucky that she didn't get knocked out, but God did she wish she did. It felt like her head was about to split open.

She slowly and carefully made her way out of the bus with the other students, groaning as she held her the side of her head. Her steps were like those of a newborn deer: wobbly and uncertain, but she managed to get out without getting injured. She sat down, closing her eyes as a wave of nausea hit her, and moaned lowly, trying to hold anything trying to come up down.
Lilly Trian

Lilly thanked whatever holy diety was looking down on her at the moment when the girl n top of her finally decided to get off. Full of breath, Lilly was now also full of panic. Her untrapped hands went to the side of her bag, ignoring how her snacks cracked from her movements and the small plea of forgiveness that the girl who was crushing her gave. She dove for the small pouch on the side and took out her game console, her eyes searching the surface of the device to try and find any possible damage. The small device laid perfectly in her hand, a bit large for just one, but it was still so fragile looking. She didn't want it to break.

It was her only way to repair her bubble. Flipping it on, Lilly's contentness of having found no damaged was shot and killed as she saw the almost hairline crack on the top of her device's display. She felt tears come to her eyes as she thought of how this was going to end. Now that her device had a crack, it would slowly get bigger, and more fragile, before one day Lilly would accidently break it herself, then she would have to get another one....another one. She could...just get another one. For some reason that didn't seem ok. Frowning, Lilly dolefully glanced at the bus, and at the book, and then up so that she could glance at the girl who had cru...was holding her hand out to help her. Lilly gave a tight smile as she stood up, taking the book with her. Putting the book in her bag, Lilly smiled at the woman, her mature features putting her on her 11th year at the least.

"Oh, uh, thanks." Lilly looked at the girl who she had been sitting beside this whole time and realized they had never talked before. Not that surprusing since Lilly was rather wary of those her own age, much less those who were her senior. Stretching out a few of her legs and arms, Lilly could feel that she was banged up, probably a lot of bruises being her future, but it wasn't her place to worry others, "Y-Yeah, I'm all fine and, uh, dandy."

Lilly's small smile tentively tried to get a bit larger, but it ended up tight and looking more forced than she wanted. Looking at the woman, Lilly asked quietly, "Oh and, um, you're ok?" She was standing, and usually standing people had something going good for them. Lilly didn't forget, however, that this girl had been the one to break her screen. She reasoned, that it had been on accident, but she didn't feel angry much in life, so she was kind of unprepared. It was easy to stay angry at someone you didn't know.

"you should take it easy, you look Hurt ya know" Hiro said with a sudden kindness. Slightly confused by the tone of his voice that appeared with the generosity, she put on the jersey. She took extra sepcial care as to not get any blood on it. "Uhm, Thanks." She realized how moist the ground was getting and slowly picked herself up. Using the bus as a crutch. She stood there for a moment while battling the nausea she was feeling from standing up slowly. Memories of the same feeling in a similar situation made her instinctively clutch her right side. Knowing that the cut wasn't open she still hoped that it wasn't. The panic fell when she couldn't feel anything other than that damn scar.

She cleared her voice and recollected herself as Jerrit hopped out of the bus. "
Hey Mika, are you ok?" She did her best to laugh and pretend the pain wasn't as excrutaiitng as it was. "Oh yeah, I'll be fine. I probably just need to walk it off. hehe." She lightly pushed herself off of the bus and tried to stay up on her wobbly, jelly leegs. After she thought she had her balance she announced to the two guys, "We should probably go to the asylum and get out of the rain." She tried to take one step forward before falling onto her stomach. "Give me a break," She murmured trying to push herself back up.

@Fujiwara Tadayoshi @Kameil

Hiroshi Kazama

Outside the bus wreckage

Uhm, thanks" Hiro would nod at the girl who thanked him, before looking towards the sky once more "We should probably go to the asylum and get out of the rain." hearing the injured girl mention the Asylum Hiro would sigh under his breath "Oh yeah, I forgot about that." his gaze lowering from the blackened sky and to the Asylum, with the girl whom was bowed before it. "Apologising to a building huh. whats next, asking it for its brick in marriage" Hiro's mind would drift off from the current situation.

This Rain wont let up huh, Maybe the sky is sad for us.. or maybe its just raining, who knows. but id like to think the sky cries for our misfortune." He would smile softly to himself as the rain drops slid down his face, giving the impression that he was crying. his hand lifting up and slowly wiping the water drops from his glasses, he would lift himself off the ground and stretch his arms above his head. "Back to reality... and all the woe that follows in its wake."

Beatrix clumsily tumbled out of the bus’s rear emergency exit, crashing down into the dirt and plastering -newly created- mud across her clothes and through her hair. She quickly picked herself up and attempted to brush the filth off with her hand, but to no success.

“This is fucking great; our bus driver is dead, I’m stuck with a bunch of classmates who I wish were dead, I lost my book, and now I’m gonna have to spend the rest of the morning caked in dirt.” she thought, picking her backpack off of the ground and walking towards the rest of the students.

Beatrix shuffled her feet through the mud only coming to stop when she reached their ‘Field Trip Advisor’, Mr.Erickson, she glared up at the teacher who she had previously shared countless disagreements with. Without any notice, she grabbed the fabric of the man’s shirt and tugged on it lightly. @Shura

“This is your fault, this is all your fault.” she said, her clench on his clothing progressively tightening; she nodded her head in disbelief once-more, and then let go, giving the teacher a light shove.

Beatrix practically dragged herself over to Mika who seemed to be struggling to even stand; and Hiro who was lost in his own thoughts. @Fujiwara Tadayoshi @MysticTrinket
"Apologising to a building huh. whats next, asking it for its brick in marriage" She couldn't help but to laugh at the sociopath's joke as she pushed herself onto her butt. She looked around and found a stick about half her size and used it to start pushing herself back to a standing position. "This Rain wont let up huh, Maybe the sky is sad for us.. or maybe its just raining, who knows. but id like to think the sky cries for our misfortune. Back to reality... and all the woe that follows in its wake." Mika made a mental note that Hiro is the deep, clown sociopath and continued to try and stand up. Her headache stopped just enough for her to observe the scenery around her. The strange clouds and the green forest just didn't seem to fit. She had some sort of strange urge to draw the clouds, probably because she had never seen anything like them before. Mika began reaching for her backpackn where it should have been hanging, but it wasn't there. She assumed that it must have slid off durring the crashed and cursed herself for not thinking of that. "Can one of you guys grab my backpack?" She asked. Hearing the crunching of leaves getting stronger and stronger, she turned to see someone approaching her, Hiro, and Jerrit. @Valium

Bus Wreck

Dani helped the younger teen to her feel seeing the tension in her face even as she smiled. It was almost as if she were faking it, which was totally possible since they were just in a rather bad crash. She would be surprised if anyone was particularly happy about their current predicament. She sighed softly before hearing someone approach her and spotting Jaron a close friend to say the least. She nodded slightly "Y-yeah I'm alright. We should get off the bus though..." She muttered the high from the adrenalin rush starting to fall. She shuffled her way to the roof exit and carefully exited, as her nerve started to settle the feeling of foreboding dread increased ten fold. She grit her teeth slightly as a heavy pressure weighed heavily on her mind making her feel slightly sick.

"The hell..." she muttered softly before shifting her gaze to the building and blinking a few times.

"What..." She muttered noticing that the building looked different. Not only did it look newer... there was also a different fence. Dani turned to peer beyond the rot iron bars was an eerie thick fog. This isn't right... it was clear as day second ago... now there is fog and the clouds are so dark... did we... her thoughts trailed off as she looked towards the hospital seeing several ghostly shapes in the window which caused her to shiver. "Not good..." she muttered softly her right hand instinctively reaching to clutch the pendent which hung around her neck.

@DamagedGlasses @Robin man

Aaron Franc

Aaron turned a few shades paler than usual when he saw the teacher's eyes widen. Looking at the bus driver, Aaron could see why. He wasn't a medical expert, but it was more than apparent...He was dead, the bus driver was dead. In all his life he never would have expected this, but lo and behold here he was a TA to a field trip gone horribly wrong. He gulped down deeply, he suppresed the sudden gag reflex that had welled up in his throat. Right now he didn't need to panic. He needed to think, he needed to focus. Evacuation from a bus, he could do that, he took his place helping students through the emergency hatch, being careful if they were injured and cataloging it in his brain. "Alright ladies and gentlmen, let's go, let's go. If you need more help say something, if not, let's get you all off this bus!"
Jerrit nodded and walked back to the overturned bus as rain poured down on him, Jerrit hoisted himself through the emergency exit. Jerrit walked slowly through the bus broken glass crunching under his feet as he walked, looking for a minute he found the bag and grabbed it with his good hand. When he pulled the bag he noticed that it was stuck on a metal piece of a seat protruding out of the padding. Jerrit finally got it undone and began walking back trying not the slip on the shards of the sharp glass when he saw one of his games lying on the ground, bending down to pick it up he noticed a shadow standing in front of the broken windshield. Jerrit quickly ran out of the bus and joined the others once more "Here Mika....your bag...." he took a puff from his inhaler and handed her the bag.

Inhaler: 14 puffs left

It came as no surprise that Mika hardly knew who Beatrix was; despite both of them being in the eleventh grade. The two of them didn't share any classes, and obviously, didn't share any friends.

"Don't shorten my name, it's Beatrix." she snapped, taking notice of the way Mika subtly prepared her weapon. Beatrix's attention was diverted from the girl, and instead to the boy who had now joined her, Mika and Hiro. Beatrix's eyes seemed focused on that inhaler of his; she didn't understand why someone in need of such a device, would want to come to a place so eerie. Surely that inhaler would be drained empty by the end of the field trip, if it wasn't already canceled. "You're Mika right? The girl with the -atrocious- scars." she said with a toothy grin, recalling the rumors that went around after one of the girl's spotted them in gym. @MysticTrinket

Before Mika could even respond to Beatrix's rather harsh comment, her attention was redirected back at Jerrit. "I'm glad you're okay Jerrit." she greeted, with a step forward she coiled her arms around the boy that hardly knew her. They had never spoke until now, only trading glances when Beatrix passed through the 10th grade hallway to get to study hall. He was rather awkward, a boy who came off insecure, everytime they had a chance to talk-- he'd trip over his own words. @Kameil @Fujiwara Tadayoshi
Israel decided that she would wait outside for her fellow student and walked outside at a decent pace coming to a stop to survey the others. A couple of the others were talking with each other, and although she had been at the school for both her Sophomore and -now- her Junior year, she still did not know these people any better than her first day, save for pairing a name with a face.

Slowly she came to stop beside a girl who was rubbing a pendant around her neck and was looking at the mental hospital with a worried expression on her face. "You look upset about something?" She glanced up at the building that looked and felt more ominous than ever now that she had stepped outside. "Is it this place?" Israel shook her head laughing softly, rubbing her injured arm. "I swear it didn't look like that a minute ago, but maybe I'm going batty from blood loss." Or was she just trying to convince herself that she was just a little wonky from her injury. "Just forget I said anything."

Like they say, "Is it better to live in blissful ignorance, or know disturbing truths"

"I'm Israel. The Ultimate Bad Luck Charm," She smiled awkwardly. "or so I've deemed myself to be." Was she rambling? It sounded like she was beginning to ramble. Maybe she should actually give the girl a chance to talk? Dani. That was her name... Right?

Jaron nodded at Dani with a soft smile. He still cared for Dani in aspects of her safety. He made his way out of the bus as well. He looked around the area with a curious look as he heard Dani speak. "Dani? Your the spirit expert out of the two of us. Now I know this area shouldn't be this new looking." He told her.

Hiroshi Kazama

outside the wreck

Looking to the new Arrival, before looking back towards the Asylum. "All things large and small hold scars, some visible some not, doesnt make them any less than what they are at the moment." Hiro would mumble as his eyes scanned along the windows of the Asylum, before turning his head to the girl who joined them, adjusting his glasses they would give off a small gleam from the adjustment. Seeing as the people whom just make shifted a group with him in it, all knew each other in some way, Hiro would take this chance to bow out from the group. slipping away before a fight broke out.

Bus crashes and they are still being petty, I weep for my time going to be spent among such people" He would mumble as he wandered along the length of the bus, stopping where the drivers window would be. He would crouch down and peer into the window. gazing upon the corpse of the driver, Hiro would sigh. "Not everyone was lucky it seems. sucks to be you..." He would then straighten himself and begin wandering back to the group, his bag still where he was sat earlier.

The instructions of Nathan's classmates further added to the confusion. Was he supposed to just leave the bleeding girl and evacuate alone? She needed immediate medical attention. He looked around for something that would serve as a sterile bandage but there was nothing but broken glass and his bag, which had fallen nearby when the bus had flipped over. He unzipped it and began rummaging for anything that would be useful. "A baseball… another one… my math homework…." Panic was beginning to set in, when Mr. Erickson came over with a medical kit and began treating the gash. Nothing could describe the relief Nathan felt at that moment, that there was a capable adult around to hold things together."Please help her off the bus and make sure she stays conscious." Nathan gave a nod and quickly slung his bag over his shoulder before navigating through the wreckage and out into the open air, following after the girl. He frowned at the menacing dark clouds and the overcast sky, ominous harbingers of an impending storm. The gloomy building loomed overhead and a cold shiver ran down Nathan's back. "This is just like a set up from a horror movie," he thought.

Shaking away these thoughts, he chased after the girl.

"Hey, wait up! You shouldn't walk around too much after all that blood loss you sustained back there. I have some food, it might help you feel better."
He reached into his bag and pulled out a granola bar and a juice box. "I recommend the granola bar, it has iron— helps with the blood loss." This was the one time that he was grateful for paying attention in class.

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Christian Cadwell

Christian waited a few moments for some of the faster moving students to pass by him before he began to make his exit. Making sure not to put a lot of pressure on his bruised foot, the boy picked up his bag and slowly made his way to the back of the bus, making sure to avoid bumping into anyone who was still present, and lowered himself out of the toppled vehicle. He stumbled slightly as he landed, and quickly propped himself against the bus and held his elbow as he thought about what had just happened. His very first school field trip and this had to happen. Great. This was supposed to be a way for him to relax and AVOID stress, and instead he was thrown straight into the middle of it. On the bright side, he could have been much worse off than he was. He'd probably be able to move properly in a few hours, and there were some who seemed to have taken injuries that would take weeks to heal.

It took a few moments for him to realize it, but as he looked up at the building they had been approaching his expression changed to one of confusion. The place, once looking as if it would topple over if someone sneezed on it, looked much newer than he remembered. On top of that, the fences looked even sturdier, and the skies had turned an ominous black in what seemed like an instant. "What the... what?" Christian's mind took a while to process what he was seeing. Had his entire scenery just changed? No, that couldn't have been it. It was stupid for him to even think that was the case. He was probably remembering things wrong and the institute had always looked that way. The weather as well was just a normal occurrence. Quick shifts like that happened all the time, so it wasn't completely out of the ordinary. Still, even though he justified what his eyes perceived, he couldn't help but feel a strong sense of dread deep within himself as he stared at the old building, trying to think of what he could do next.
Jerrits face lit up a bright red as the girl pulled him into a hug "T-t-tha-nks f-f-for worr-y-ying but i-im allr-r-right". He started walking into the building to escape the cold rain, Jerrit took of his coat and set on the ground. His breath was heavy and slow trying to calm himself as he jotted the current events of what's happening. Will there be any cool thing like ghosts in here? Will they be evil of malicious? Different crazy thought burst through his head like fireworks.
"Hey, wait up! You shouldn't walk around too much after all that blood loss you sustained back there. I have some food, it might help you feel better." Israel turned around slightly spotting the guy who had helped her earlier pulling something out of his bag. It turned out to be a granola bar and a juice box. She smiled slightly amused at the contents inside his book bag, but took the food nonetheless.

She was grateful to get even the smallest bit of food because of how hungry she was.
"I recommend the granola bar, it has iron, which helps with blood loss."

She smiled tearing open the granola bar rapper as she tried to remember the familiar face's name. "...Nathan." She concluded triumphantly. "I just needed to get out of that deathtrap. And I must say, I'm feeling a significantly better (In a sense) now that the blood gushing from my arm has been slowed down with this," She showed off the job Mr. Erikson had done in patching her up. "so that it has a bit of a better chance of recovery."


The teacher was helping some student out of the bus still when he felt a tug on his shirt followed by a shove. He looked over his shoulder to see one of the student blaming him for the incident. She looked angry and it was understandable... to an extent. Deep down Eric did feel responsible for this mess. He never intended things to go this horribly wrong. Several teachers had warned against going to such a location for a field trip and he was starting to think that maybe he should have listened. Shaking his head slightly the teacher returned to helping student. There was no use in dwelling on the past, it couldn't be changed. Right now he needed to focus on helping everyone else and making sure everyone was at the very least, alive.


A deep foreboding feeling settled in her stomach as she took in the surrounding in greater detail the murmur and moans of the other students becoming distant in her mind as she focused in on the building before her and the dark energy which surrounded it. There was no question there were spirits around. Her silvery gaze scanned towards the bus where a single male spirit, dressed in hospital scrubs laid sprawled out on the ground slowly vanishing. It had been the cause of all this.. but the blood and broken appearance of the body suggested that it was merely reliving how he had died.

Dani was snapped from her thoughts as another girl came up beside her she was covered in blood with a bandage wrapped around her upper arm. Dani started as the girl rambled questioning in her mind if the girl was in fact alive or another spirit for a second before shaking off the question. "Oh un.... I wouldn't really call your self a bad luck charm... its like jinxing things..." She replied trying to keep her tone friendly but a bit of nervousness seeped into her words. Thankfully Jaron had approached causing Dani to sigh and look back towards the building. "I... dont know. The building should look much, much older... it did when we were driving up. I know where we might be but it's too early to tell. right now we need to get everyone gathered up... and try to find a way out of here." She replied turning to look at her long time friend.

As she did her eye widen slightly as the same image of the male patient appeared on the side of the dirt road. A sad haunting figure shuffling towards the road. Then suddenly bursting into a full on sprint. His body flailing as if struck by something and landing crumpled once more near the bus. An echo...

@Robin man @TheWeirdPhilosopher
Jaron caught a glimpse if movement on the dirt road. He looked back at Dani with a quick look of worry. "Did you see something on the road?" He asked as he looked around. He wasn't really into the whole subject of paranormal activity, but this place was making him slightly uneasy and he wasn't liking it one bit. He looked at Mr.Erickson before he spoke. "You need to gather up everyone." He told him. Jaron was one of those students that didn't listen to teachers, and he took charge often. "So we need to check on how badly injured everybody is. And then we head back home."
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Lilly held her bag to her chest as she shakenly traversed over the turned over terrain of the bus. She went around the horizontal seats, her feet dodging over the glass and the little...oh that was blood. Lilly felt her stomach lurch threateningly as she realized how bad of a situation she was in. The older girl had walked on as Lilly had gotten her stuff together, not that Lilly cared much. She didn't even know the name of the girl, so it wasn't like she thought of her as a friend. She had very few friends in her own grade, and many of them saw her a little more than a casual friend. She didn't even like many of them.

Exiting the bus with more than a little trouble, not willing to let go of her bag to safely get down, Lilly looked around a little out of breath as she saw how bad it had got after the bus. This wasn't the same landscape that she had seen when she had stared at it all the way here. The cloudless sunny day that had followed them all the way from the school had been replaced by a rather dark and foggy landscape. Wrapping around the bus, she saw the fog that surrounded the hospital extend to where it was also covering the dirt road that had lead up to the school. "That shouldn't...what?" Lilly frowned in confusion. Looking around, she saw that a few others had gotten out of the bus, and Mr. Erickson was helping the stragglers.

Lilly went back to the center of the happenings, just trying to wait this entire thing out until they were all...calmish.

@Shura @OnlyForASecond,Doh
"Don't shorten my name, it's Beatrix. You're Mika right? The girl with the -atrocious- scars." Mika's heart stopped. How the Fuck did this fucking bitch know about my scars? It felt like the entire world stopped. Does she know how she got them? Does she know the pain she experienced that day and the few years afterward? Her confusion turned to anger and panic. Who else knew? Did everyone know? She couldn't let anyone know what happened to her. The questions might kill her. She slowly began to bring out her knife, thinking it would be best to cut her down where she stood. She didn't care about the consequences. That bitch shouldn't have brought up those painful memories. But the little angel on her shoulder told her otherwise, but she needed to get back at that damn bitch. She dropped her dagger back into it's case and she put on the smile that practically shouted she was dead. With blood hungry eyes, she began to speak.

"Okay then Bitch. I have heard a lot about you two! My new nickname really suits what everyone calls you anyways. Or maybe you should be called 'the fucking piece of shit who can't make any real friends'?" She calmly took out her dagger and started toying with it in her fingers. She dropped the stick she had been using to keep herself up. She used the tip of the knife to move Beatrix's hair off of her shoulder and she giggled slightly before talking again. "Next time, know someones past before bringing up their scars, Okay Bitch?" With a smug smile she put her dagger in it's case again and whispered very quietly. "Fuck with me again, and this dagger will be covered in your blood, k~?" She began walking to the creepy asylum not giving a fuck about what anyone else was about to say. In her mind, all the other students here were fucking asshole except for the only two who have even bothered to help her, Hiro and Jerrit. @Valium
Jaron looked back when he heard yelling. That voice sounded familiar, but he couldn't put the name to it. He looked back and he saw the girl with the knife in her hands. He slowly stood in front of Dani to make sure that she wouldn't be a victim if the girl with the knife snaps. He knew the girl that the knife holder was talking to. Beatrix, she knew her well, for all the wrong reasons, and he recognized Mika the moment he heard the name. He then saw Mika walking to the building, he knew he had to do something without startling her. "Hey, Mika. You shouldn't go into that place." He told her calmly. He could sense something was wrong with that building, you don't have to be connected in anyway to tall that.

"Hey, Mika. You shouldn't go into that place." She stopped mid step and turned to Jaron. She actually smiled with kindness. "Thank you Jaron. I'll just wait with you guys. hehe." She felt so happy letting out her anger towards that bitch. She walked to Jaron and apologized to him and Dani. She didn't know how she knew their names, but she did. As she stepped closer, she realized that Jaron saw that. She cleared her throat before apologizing. "Sorry you had to see that. She needed to get some sense in her. I wouldn't actually hurt her." Frankly, Mika didn't know if that last sentence was true or not.

@Robin man
Jaron mentally sighed heavily in relieve. Thank goodness that was taken care of. He thought to himself. He smiled at her as he gently patted her shoulder. "Yeah, I know where you're coming from. I know Beatrix for a lot of reasons. Being a bitch can be one of them." He said with a chuckle as he pulled out his E-cigarette and electric lighter. He lite his smoke and took a good few second drag before he blew the smoke up into the air. "And let's make sure to stick together." He said calmly.

"Or maybe you should be called 'the fucking piece of shit who can't make any real friends'?" Beatrix stood dumbfounded, she had chosen to separate herself from those who wanted friendship; it wasn't that she couldn't make any friends. Besides what good were friends for anyway? Friends only got in the way of what was really important, success. Who was really going to remember what type of person you were when you dead, no-one, that's who. But success, on the other hand, could last a life time; when invested correctly.

Mika's bubbly personality had quickly dissolved and turned into bitterness, which was apparent to not only Beatrix, but to the rest of the students now that Mika was -so- close. Beatrix felt the metal of the blade lightly brush against her shoulder, and push her hair off to the side. "Next time, know someones past before bringing up their scars, Okay Bitch?"

Beatrix stared intensely as Mika stormed away from her, and towards the Asylum.
"What an over-dramatic bitch, she belongs in there." she thought, looking around at the rest of the surrounding students who awkwardly shuffled their feet against the dirt. @MysticTrinket -- Beatrix lightly patted on the right pocket of her pants, where a new outline sat. She smiled at the tiny-square pressing at the fabric of her pants,

"Monster hunter.." she thought, a sly grin stretching across her lips. "Maybe when we get back; I can trade this in for a bit of extra money." She recalled the brief hug she shared with Jerrit, he was too nervous to realize what she 'borrowed.' @Kameil

With a small tug, she pulled her backpack off and opened it up; pulling out her bottle of water. Beatrix twisted off the cap and began to drink, she kind of wished it was whatever that alcohol was that her parents kept in the cabinet, but, water would have to do for now.

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