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Fandom Resident Evil Outbreak OOC

Hmm so is this based on the first entry of resident evil or what's the exact premise or backstory for the plot?
Yes it is, I was thinking of doing our own version of the events in the Spencer mansion. So yes, the events that lead up to it happen and we all end up in this death mansion with terrible monsters and we have to survive and get out.
ah okay makes sense, so about the backstory for each character are they allowed to be different? i have an idea that I want to incorporate my character with. Perhaps like a double agent of some sort? Well nothing like wesker, just neutral mostly like Ada i guess? But like they're still part of the stars team just that they're a new addition or something like that.
They are allowed to be different but I just wanted them to be apart of Stars team for the beginning. Of course they can have hidden affiliations that will come up when Stars is disbanded. Your character can be like Ada but I am wondering what their goal would be then, maybe stealing a T virus sample or something? I am excited to see what you come up with.
Well I was thinking that they're just collecting some important intel about the mansion so nothing about stealing the t virus. they're just there to get dirt on umbrella.
pretty sure the bravo team was Rebecca's right? so what cc are included inside the plot other than Rebecca?
Ooh the drama! I was actually thinking of making my character an Umbrella affiliate. He isn't necessarily evil, but a bit manipulative and ambitious. Perhaps he's Oswell Spencer's grandson, but that remains hidden with the rest of the S.T.A.R.S.
pretty sure the bravo team was Rebecca's right? so what cc are included inside the plot other than Rebecca?
Yeah and they all get slaughtered :( I was thinking that Chris, Jill, Wesker were going to be included. We shall see if anyone take one of them.
Ooh the drama! I was actually thinking of making my character an Umbrella affiliate. He isn't necessarily evil, but a bit manipulative and ambitious. Perhaps he's Oswell Spencer's grandson, but that remains hidden with the rest of the S.T.A.R.S.
I love that! He can be in project W maybe? Would Wesker know? Like is he going to kill Rebecca and Stars like Wesker was? Rebecca is a smarty pants though and she might be able to figure him out. But considering the information STARS has about Umbrella idk if she would do anything.
Yeah and they all get slaughtered :( I was thinking that Chris, Jill, Wesker were going to be included. We shall see if anyone take one of them.

I love that! He can be in project W maybe? Would Wesker know? Like is he going to kill Rebecca and Stars like Wesker was? Rebecca is a smarty pants though and she might be able to figure him out. But considering the information STARS has about Umbrella idk if she would do anything.
That could work with my character, but I was thinking Wesker wouldn't know. Due to being the grandson, he probably would've been given "special treatment" (i.e. he probably would've known about the project). For the most part I don't think he would attempt to kill Rebecca or the Stars directly, I think he would be much more interested in damage control and protecting Umbrella.
Hmm I'm considering for my character to join the bravo team but they'll probably ended up escaping alone though considering they're neutral. And regarding the supernatural abilities, I was thinking that due to their affiliation with a thrid party, they were more prepared than rest of the bravo team regarding the virus so they had like booster shot that not only boost their immunity but enhanced their reflex mostly. It's not a foolproof plan they can still get infected but they won't turn as fast because of it.

Decided to do a bit of brain-storming for a character idea, came up with 'Alexander "Old man" Othonos'. U.S Ranger vet that signed up with S.T.A.R.S. (WIP)
Hmm I'm considering for my character to join the bravo team but they'll probably ended up escaping alone though considering they're neutral. And regarding the supernatural abilities, I was thinking that due to their affiliation with a thrid party, they were more prepared than rest of the bravo team regarding the virus so they had like booster shot that not only boost their immunity but enhanced their reflex mostly. It's not a foolproof plan they can still get infected but they won't turn as fast because of it.
sounds good.
I don't really care as long as it is not drawn. I have nothing against people who draw their ocs but for this I would like it to be realistic or video games.
Just throwing it out here that I have made CA's for previous RPs if anyone wants something similar to Alexander's. ;)
Just throwing it out here that I have made CA's for previous RPs if anyone wants something similar to Alexander's. ;)
who now? I mean I know most if not all of the Resident evil series, but there's like so many of them that I don't know which one you're talking about unless i got it wrong.
who now? I mean I know most if not all of the Resident evil series, but there's like so many of them that I don't know which one you're talking about unless i got it wrong.
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Decided to do a bit of brain-storming for a character idea, came up with 'Alexander "Old man" Othonos'. U.S Ranger vet that signed up with S.T.A.R.S. (WIP)
Unless.. we're using canon characters?.. I figured with all these secret motives being discussed that we're not?🤔
and supernatural abilities

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