• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Red vs Blue: Fall of Freelancer - OOC


Shadowborn Omen

A White Wolf
Here's the OOC for the roleplay. Feel free to "shoot the shit" here, so to speak. You can talk about anything you want here, just connect with your fellow roleplayers.

For those of you eager to start on your characters, there is a character sheet up in the characters tab. Don't follow that sheet to a Tee, however, as it is subject to change in the upcoming days. All the stuff on there should stay, though, so if you want to work on anything there, it should be a worthwhile pursuit.
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LoneSniper87 LoneSniper87 NerdyBirdy NerdyBirdy capMARVELOUS capMARVELOUS

For those of you who have already posted CSs, know I've skimmed over them and edited the state list to reserve those who aren't already reserved. Apologies for the lack of communication on my part, I worked 19 hours over the past 2 days on top of many hours of schoolwork, and the next few days look to be about the same. I'll be working on getting my characters out and then reviewing yours hopefully Wednesday. Keep a look out.
Hello, I am an avid fan of RVB but I don’t plan on participating. However, I’m going to watch this thread and follow the story. :’)
Checking character sheets as we speak. Sorry for the delay, I decided to post the interest check at the wrong time, haha. I have finals this week but should be able to pop in a few times a day. After this weekend when I'm working I have loads of free time.
LoneSniper87 LoneSniper87 capMARVELOUS capMARVELOUS NerdyBirdy NerdyBirdy cinnabuns cinnabuns

Just finished reading through the character sheets, and all the ones posted so far are accepted. You may have gotten a conversation from me about any possible issues, but none of you had any serious issues at all. There was nothing severe enough to warrant me to postpone accepting your characters.

I'm excited to see what you guys do with them! Again, I apologize for how long this is taking to get started up. I hadn't anticipated how much I'd be working and doing schoolwork the past week. This'll be up an running very soon!
Working on cleaning up my CS's and I should have Ohio and Michigan up soon :D
I had their profiles from before but..well I first made them years ago so there were major changes needed lol
Yeah, I looked at Delaware's old CS, gave it a solid "meh" , and just decided to redesign him
Im liking what im doing with the new one. They are still them but better XD
Finally college free soooo I am going to try to spam finish today

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