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Fandom Red Dead Redemption 3: No Man's Land



Junior Member
The year is 1919, America has returned from the most devasting war in the history of mankind, leaving thousands of dangerous men without work or creed returning to land they no longer recongize.

For now civilization finally taken the west, save New Austin and the much of the Great Plains, as factories and smokestacks slowly dot the country side poluting it with sulfur and smog.

The once venerated horse has begun to be replaced by mechanized transport, the land once free and wild has been taken by big business and corporations, and the law has become more deadly then ever.

In light of this industrial era, a new type of crime has emerged alongside the gunslingers and highwaymen of the not so wild west.

Crime Syndicates. From the Irish mob to the Italian mafia, organized crime has spread across the nation, corrupting amd warping it.

In retaliation the American government has chosen to fight fire with fire. While the new plight of organized crimed syndicates have spread like the plague, America has not forgotten its gunslingers and bandits.

The federal government has conscripted, recruited and bribed several gunman into its service. Young, old, retired or active, the law does not descriminate.

Their way of life may be dead, but these men and woman have not been forgotten. So onward they ride, for one last time.
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