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Fantasy Reclamation of Tyrium


The Dragon Reborn
The character sheet is below, just copy the code and fill it all out. I'll check your CS when you post it and leave a like if it's accepted.

I'm going to make a separate code for a sort of nation character sheet so that the info on the nations can be readily accessed. I'll update the IC with the info on the nations once everything is solidified.

In this game, there are many different character classes to encompass all of the possible different characters.

1st, choose your character class. HP (Hit Points) are determined by your class.

Fighter (1)

1. Fighter - The archetype of physical-type warriors. Able to wield a variety of weapons and armor with skill. Also able to take a high amount of damage during a fight. Fighters are the most versatile of the physical-type characters, with the most varied branches of classes to level up through.

At level 1, the Fighter gains these bonuses;

HP: 12 + 1d10 per level

Strength: +1

Dexterity: +1

Constitution: +2

Intelligence: +0

Wisdom: +0

Charisma: +0

Proficiency: +2

Gladiator (2)

2. Gladiator - Deadly fighter-type characters who developed their abilities through constant, rigorous battles. Focused more on offense than defense.

HP: 8 + 1d6 per level









Paladin (3)

3. Paladin - Paladins are very durable fighters, but can only specify in certain types of fighting, due to their extensive training required of their faith.

At level 1, the paladin gains these bonuses:

HP: 12 + 1d10 per level

Strength: +1

Dexterity: +0

Constitution: +1

Intelligence: +0

Wisdom: +2

Charisma: +0

Proficiency: +1

Spells: +1

Spellsword (4)

4. Spellsword - Warriors who posses the natural ability to access the arcane arts. They both dabble in magical abilities, as well as hone their physical skills.

HP: 8 + 1d6 per level

Strength: +1

Dexterity: +1

Constitution: +1

Intelligence: +1

Wisdom: +0

Charisma: +0

Proficiency: +1

Spells: +2

Assassin (5)

5. Assassin - Swift, silent, and deadly. Assassins initiate their battles carefully, picking out targets to render inert. They utilize skills instead of spells or brute force to kill their targets.

HP: 1d8 + 1d10 per level

Strength: +0

Dexterity: +2

Constitution: +0

Intelligence: +1

Wisdom: +0

Charisma: +1

Proficiency: +1

Skills: +2

Thief (6)

6. Thief - The thief is an infiltration specialist, excelling in dexterous tasks such as lockpicking. Sneak-based melee-type fighter.

HP: 6 + 1d8 per level

Strength: +0

Dexterity: +3

Constitution: +0

Intelligence: +0

Wisdom: +0

Charisma: +1

Skills: +3

Cleric (7)

7. Cleric - skilled disciple of the church, a cleric is a person devoted to their faith. They draw upon their respective faiths in order to use their own form of "magic", although clerics are strict on calling them miracles.

HP: 8 + 1d8 per level

Strength: +0

Dexterity: +0

Constitution: +0

Intelligence: +0

Wisdom: +2

Charisma: +4

Skills: +0

Spells: +2

Druid (8)

8. Druid - Druids use the allied forces of nature to defeat their foes. They are one with nature, and feel more at home away from heavily populated areas. Druids start with an allied wild creature as a familiar.

HP: 6 + 1d8 per level

Strength: +1

Dexterity: +0

Constitution: +0

Intelligence: +1

Wisdom: +1

Charisma: +2

Skills: +0

Spells: +2

Ranger (9)

9. Ranger - Agile warriors that are able to assess the battlefield, responding to enemies with powerful ranged attacks. Rangers are swift and deadly, dabbling in magic that aids them in woodlore.

HP: 6 + 1d10 per level

Strength: +1

Dexterity: +2

Constitution: +0

Intelligence: +0

Wisdom: +1

Charisma: +0

Proficiency: +2

Spells: +1

Wizard (11)

11. Wizard - A being that subjugates art of magic through intense study and memorization. Wizard are physically weak, but extremely powerful when it comes to the world of magic, and knowledgeable in worldly affairs.

HP: 4 + 1d4 per level

Strength: +0

Dexterity: +0

Constitution: +0

Intelligence: +4

Wisdom: +0

Charisma: +0

Spells: +4

Journeyman (12)

12. Journeyman - Journeyman are adventurers that travel not for gold or extrinsic motivation, but for the beauty of the adventure. They are often found on the road, and may even not own a home of their own, as wanderlust drives them to the corners of the planet in search of another journey.

HP: 6 + 1d8 per level

Strength: +0

Dexterity: +1

Constitution: +0

Intelligence: +0

Wisdom: +3

Charisma: +0

Skills: +4

Gleeman (13)

13. Gleeman - Known for their skill in performing arts, songs, and stories in small backwater towns, gleemen are also very well informed, and the only source of information for isolated villages. Gleemen utilize their expertise to either avoid battles, or defeat their foes with magical incantations.

HP: 6 + 1d8

Strength: +0

Dexterity: +0

Constitution: +0

Intelligence: +1

Wisdom: +0

Charisma: +3

Skills: +2

Spells: +2

The code messed up for this guy so here's the 10th class.

10. Sorcerer - People who are born with the magical skills that they can manifest in the form of spells or raw magic. Sorcerers don't have to devote much time to their magic, but they are not as powerful as wizards when it comes to magic. Magic can also be taken away from a sorcerer, as it is a part of them. This is known as "Silencing"

HP: 6 + 1d8 per level

Strength: +1

Dexterity: +1

Constitution: +0

Intelligence: +2

Wisdom: +0

Charisma: +0

Skills: +1

Spells: +3

2nd, choose your character race. Races are provided below, if you are unsure of what races you are allowed to use. Again, if you want to play a race not listed just tell me, i'll probably let you. Depending on what race you choose, you will have certain bonuses (and negatives), so choose wisely!

Human - Humans are versatile, they get +4 skill points
Elf - Elves are elegant, but can be a little weak, they gain +1 Charisma, but suffer -1 Constitution
Dwarf - Dwarves are sturdy but not known for their speed, they gain +1 Constitution, but -1 Dexterity
Orc - Orcs are known for their formidable strength, but not their looks, orcs get +1 Strength, but -1 Charisma
Halfling - Haflings are swift but not very strong, they get +1 Dexterity, but -1 Strength
Gnome - Gnomes are quite clever, but also suffer the weakness of the halfling races, +1 Intelligence, -1 Strength
Tiefling - Tieflings are micheivous, they gain +1 Intelligence and +1 Charisma, but suffer -1 Strength and -1 Constitution
Celestial - Celestials are naturally talented with magic, and gain a spell as their racial bonus
Dragonborn - Sturdy and
Lizardfolk - Strong and swift, the lizardfolk gain in physical attributes but lose in the intellectual ones, +1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, -1 Intelligence, -1 Wisdom
Minotaur - Very strong, but not known for their good judgement, minotaurs gain +2 Strength, but suffer -2 Wisdom
Knoll - Often underestimated, the knoll gains +1 Strength and +1 Constitution, but not intelligent, suffers -2 Intelligence

Goblin - Nothing special about a goblin
Hobgoblin - Stronger than their goblin bretheren, hobgoblins gain in strength and constitution, but suffer in intelligence +1 Strength, +1 Constutition, -2 Intelligence

Were-creature - A normal being that can transform into an alternate form. Depending on the creature that the host turns into, it gains different bonuses. Werewolf(/any dog hybrid) gains +2 Strength, Werecat gains +2 Dexterity, Werebear gains +1 Strength, +1 Constitution. They don't gain any bonuses as a normal creature, and can only turn into their alternate form in certain situations.

3rd, choose what type of weapons your character uses, and what type of equipment they should start out with. Be sure to make things work according to their social class and skillset.
Ex. Don't make an orc character that starts out with aristocratic clothing, unless it's a rich orc.

4th, stats. Each section for stats (str, dex, con) starts out with 8 points. You have 18 points to spend on each of the sections, but a respective stat cannot exceed 16 at level 1. For example, you cannot have 20 intelligence. For modifiers (the numbers next to the stat with parenthesis around them), it's the stat -10 / 2. So if you have 16 strength, 16 - 10 = 6, 6/2 = 3. So the modifier is (+3).

More on Mechanics:
Fighting will be done with a dice system. When performing an attack or casting a spell, you roll a d20 (a dice with 20 faces) and add your bonuses on to the roll. Proficiency bonus is a bonus that you get while fighting with a weapon. Let's say you are trying to strike an opponent with a sword, and you have a proficiency of +2. This means that you'd roll the d20, and add 2 on to that roll.

Skills also can add on to rolls. Let's say that you have a sneak skill, and you have it at +2. This means that on top of the normal roll and bonuses, you would add 2 on to your roll.

This is the list of skills. Skills usually change modifiers, but some skills give you access to doing things that your character would not have been able to do earlier. Check 'em out if you have the chance or when you need to I guess.

I am providing a list of spells below, but it's probably not a complete list so if there are any spells that you think you would like to use or for me to add, just tell me and we can work it out.
Keep in mind that different classes (and in some cases, races) have access to different spells.

I'll add this in when I have the time and motivation :\

Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Hit Points:


Weapon and Damage:
Misc Items:


Ok, so this is the nation character sheet, used by people who are making a nation. (Down below)


[Tab=Kingdom Location]
Copy and paste the map onto paint. Circle the region you are taking in red. Regions can be big or small, but remember that other people are going to play, so don't be greedy.

Description: Put a brief description of the scenery here.


[Tab=Kingdom Information]
Sigil: Put a picture of the kingdom's sigil here.
Household Motto: Ex. My life for my king.
Lords: Who rules the kingdom?
Ladies: Who are the rulers married to?

Marriage: Do they marry? Do they marry multiple partners?
Nobility: Who are the nobles? What are they like?
Warfare: How do they fight? Do they like fighting?
Races: What races live here? Ex. Human, Elven, Dwarven
Music: (Optional, vid from you-tube or something)
Other: Anything else you want us to know.

[Tab=Locations & Landmarks]
(Place map of Tyrium, with major cities in the kingdom marked here)

Location 1-


Location 2-


Location 3-


Location 4-


Location 5-



Value: (Rating of 1-10. This means, how useful is it? Is it used as medicine? Is it used to coat weapons as a sort of poison?)
Activity: (Active or Inactive. Active means it is able to defend itself and attack characters, possibly because it is carnivorous. Inactive means it does not attack or defend itself, most likely photosynthetic.)


Value: (Rating of 1-10. This means, how useful is it? Is it used as medicine? Is it used to coat weapons as a sort of poison?)
Activity: (Active or Inactive. Active means it is able to defend itself and attack characters, possibly because it is carnivorous. Inactive means it does not attack or defend itself, most likely photosynthetic.)


Value: (Rating of 1-10. This means, how useful is it? Is it used as medicine? Is it used to coat weapons as a sort of poison?)
Activity: (Active or Inactive. Active means it is able to defend itself and attack characters, possibly because it is carnivorous. Inactive means it does not attack or defend itself, most likely photosynthetic.)



Danger: (Rating of 1-10. This means, how deadly is this creature? If a character faces it, is there a chance of death, injury, or deformity? Is it completely docile, or savage?)
Health Points:


Danger: (Rating of 1-10. This means, how deadly is this creature? If a character faces it, is there a chance of death, injury, or deformity? Is it completely docile, or savage?)
Health Points:


Danger: (Rating of 1-10. This means, how deadly is this creature? If a character faces it, is there a chance of death, injury, or deformity? Is it completely docile, or savage?)
Health Points:


Danger: (Rating of 1-10. This means, how deadly is this creature? If a character faces it, is there a chance of death, injury, or deformity? Is it completely docile, or savage?)
Health Points:


All kingdoms need important characters, and if all of the important characters die, the kingdom falls. Multiple players can have characters within one kingdom.

1. (Place character sheet here)
2. (Place character sheet here)
3. (Place character sheet here)
4. (Place character sheet here)
5. (Place character sheet here)


OOC: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/reclamation-of-tyrium.331918/
IC: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/reclamation-of-tyrium-ic.334044/
Extra: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/reclamation-of-tyrium-information.332953/
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  • tumblr_opnpxomdp71uci2tfo1_540.png

    Description: A scenic valley located at the bottom of a bowl-shaped crater. A large lake is located at the center of the valley, surrounded on all sides by forest. A massive castle stands at the center of the river on a peninsula, which is the capital of Satursia.
    Capital: Altara

  • Sigil: Put a picture of the kingdom's sigil here.
    Household Motto: Ex. My life for my king.

    Lords: Artur Arganda
    Ladies: Evalise Arganda

    Marriage: Satursians practice monogomy, they usually marry a single partner and if that partner dies, they may stay widowed for the rest of their lives unless they find true love once again.
    Nobility: There are currently eight noble families in Satursia. Satursia is ruled by the dominant noble family, which is currently House Arganda.
    Warfare: Satursians fight for glory, often pompous flashing their respective banners in order to gain favor of their king. Satursia na fight in separate regiments gathered under the respective banner of lords they serve under.
    Races: Predominantly human, elven and dwarven, although many other humanoid races are present, such as minotaurs and orcs, albeit in minority.
    Music: (Optional, vid from you-tube or something)
    Other: Anything else you want us to know.

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Arthur Landburg

  • latest

    Race: "Huh? Yes, yes I am indeed a human. I'd think this would be apparent by my appearance, though, your sight may not be as attuned as my own. Hah!"

    Height: "Due to my active lifestyle, I stand at a height - above human standards, mind you - of six feet, 2 and one quarter of an inch tall."

    Weight: "I have mentioned previously that I physically active. It's not the best, but for my age, impressive. I weigh 222.4444 pounds. I could of course calculate to the very last decimal of this number, but I will not bore you with this knowledge."

    Skin Color: "As many people of this age are, I have a lighter complexion. If I had to give you an exact color - peach."

    Eye Color: "My eyes are brown. Oh! Fun fact, some people say that by looking through the eyes of someone, you can see directly into their soul. But I've disproven this, do you want me to read my book about how this is false...? No? Oh alright.."

    Hair Color: "My hair is brown, like most, though I am starting to get some gray streaks. This can be undone, of course, though."

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Sophia Du'Mein

Title: Duchess of Illesia

  • Age: 24
    Race: Human
    Gender: Female
    Nationality: Unknown Province
    Height: 5'6"
    Weight: 142lbs
    Eye Color: Blue
    Hair Color: Black
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  • Arcadia
    Description: A gorgeous oceanic nation with white sandy beaches and exapnsive forest at the base of the mountians. The islands, while somehwat small for many people to live on, are home to the many exotic, and tropical fruits they trade with the other nations.
    Capital: Toron

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Wrought Iron Warrior

Name: Nisamora Steelshaper
Age: Forty
Race: Dwarf (¼ Human)
Gender: Female
Nationality: Stateless
Height: 4'0" (121cm)
Weight: 115lbs (52kg)
Eye Color: Bottle Green
Hair Color: Silver Gray
Level: 1
Class: Metalurgist
Deity: None
Alignment: True Neutral
Proficiency: +5
Organization: None
Hit Points: 8

Strength: 13 (+2)
Dexterity: 9 (+0)
Constitution: 13 (+2)
Intelligence: 9 (+2)
Wisdom: 11 (+0)
Charisma: 11 (+0)

AC: 10
Speed: 15
1. Craft
2. Survival
1. Sheild
2. Heat Metal
Clothing: On the battlefield, Nisamora normally adorns lightweight metal armor that wouldn't obstruct her movements during combat situations and would allow her to easily carry heavy loads.
Weapon(s): Nisamora weilds a large warhammer nearly twice her height as her main weapon. Aside from this, she also carries a pair of daggers strapped to her waist for close combat.
Misc Items: Nisamora always carries along with her the basic tools and equipment used for blacksmithing.
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Yuzmoth Snowmaker
High king of Zoram

  • Name: Yuzmoth Snowmaker
    Age: 52
    Race: Dwarf
    Gender: Male
    Nationality: White
    Height: 4’1”
    Weight: 153 lbs
    Eye Color: Brown
    Hair Color: Coal black
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  • CTsWiVONR27CCwfPOFOd6cnRp6Oka4yNszXYFvlyw1KGopTR0lRW3U_JMvdAFbS5OMOixRHNYcp0Ofkf_KNjoWR3QiljFTp9XEwTLEzHaUmSJRvQqE_9xs-cVOEafwV2hI4yqI19

    Zoram is a vast underground dwarven city the likes of which has never been seen, on the surface, are the harsh lava filled mountains while underneath is the Dwarven gold filled paradise.
    Capital: Red Dunes​

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The Forsaken Knight

  • Name: Cain
    Age: 177 Years
    Race: Celestial
    Gender: Male
    Nationality: None
    Height: 6'7"
    Weight: 278lbs
    Eye Color: Unknown
    Hair Color: Unknown
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  • Grissenholt.png

    Description: Grissenholt, once a visually-stunning nation populated by scattered forests and verdant grasslands, is now mostly fire-scarred and barren from decades of dragonic incursions. Towards the capital, the landscape becomes more green and vibrant.
    Capital:Grissen City

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  • tumblr_opt5aesQEK1wpwjxgo2_540.png

    Description: The old stoney land of the Gnomes and Stone Dwarves of the South. Defended by Rivers, created by the sea... This land has a river delta which makes itself even more suitable as a Trading post for the surrounding nations.
    Capital: New Dunnhold

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  • tumblr_opsmf93dCA1wpwjxgo2_540.png

    Description: The old stoney land of the Gnomes and Stone Dwarves of the west. Defended by Rivers, created by the sea... This land has a river delta which makes itself even more suitable as a Trading post for the surrounding nations.
    Capital: New Dunnhold

Dude, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but some of where your boarders are bleed into Grissenholt.
Dude, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but some of where your boarders are bleed into Grissenholt.
I'm not trying it be an asshole, but till Grissenholt is accepted and added into the map on the OOC post I have the right to claim the land that isn't already claimed by an accepted nation.
Shucks. Let's try not to take borders that are already being put into question for new people that haven't made a nation.
jppeer123 jppeer123 So, sorry man but those borders are going to be in Grissenholt, i'll put the like on the nation to solidify it. Might I suggest some of the land to the right instead?
Shucks. Let's try not to take borders that are already being put into question for new people that haven't made a nation.
jppeer123 jppeer123 So, sorry man but those borders are going to be in Grissenholt, i'll put the like on the nation to solidify it. Might I suggest some of the land to the right instead?

I've changed my nation CS accordingly.
Gabrielle Reiss
General Reiss
(This may take a bit)

  • Name: Gabrielle Reiss
    Age: 25
    Race: Half-Elf
    Gender: Female
    Nationality: Arcadian
    Height: 5'6
    Weight: 157 pounds
    Eye Color: Red
    Hair Color: Light Brown
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FireMaiden FireMaiden Alright yeah I see you left a few things blank, and I know some other people have some questions about those things too. I'll try to tag everyone and answer any questions about those, so be sure to ask questions so I know what to tell you guys.

Btw i'm impressed you did that right on the same day I changed the CS, good job there.
FireMaiden FireMaiden Alright yeah I see you left a few things blank, and I know some other people have some questions about those things too. I'll try to tag everyone and answer any questions about those, so be sure to ask questions so I know what to tell you guys.

Btw i'm impressed you did that right on the same day I changed the CS, good job there.
Okay thanks. I know it's kinda like dnd with the stats and shit.
Dorakdreg Darkbrow
"Elder Lord of the Old Kingdom"


  • Age: 56
    Race: Dwarf
    Gender: Male
    Nationality: Dunnholdian
    Height: 1,5 m
    Weight: 60 kg
    Eye Color: Blue-Grayish
    Hair Color: Grey
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Mr. Fredegar Hopesinger
halfling character.jpg

  • Age: 42
    Race: Halfling
    Gender: Male
    Nationality: Grissenholtian
    Height: 3'10
    Weight: 104 Pounds
    Eye Color: Brown
    Hair Color: Brown
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The Venerable Joseph Vin Ekleson


  • Age: 37
    Race: Human
    Gender: Male
    Nationality: Grissenholtian
    Height: 5'7
    Weight: 147 Pounds
    Eye Color: Brown
    Hair Color: Dark Brown
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