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Realistic or Modern Rapture - Farley's Ranch





Wyoming, Laramie 2016


The worlds gone to shit. That's about the gist of it. You see, a couple of months back, some kid in Chicago made his everyday trip to high school, but once third period came around, he was biting chunks out of all of his classmates. That was basically the end for mankind. Once that kid tucked into his lab partner, the world was doomed. It led to a chain reaction of people getting bit and hiding their injuries in fear of being killed or denial. Once the virus was present in five states, the borders were blocked, but it was far too late, nothing could stop the inevitable spread of death.

Some put it down to religion. They say it's the Rapture and that all of the good have died and gone to heaven, but their bodies are being used to haunt the bad on Earth. Some say it was a government experiment that got out of control, but who knows? The one clear thing is that there are people- or rather things marching around and passing on their condition. There's no escape. The last anyone heard; the President was resigning because the virus had spread over seas and every state had been infected. After that, the TV's shut off and the internet went down. Even the radio just plays a continuous warning message on loop. Maybe if mankind hadn't given up so quickly, they might have beaten the Rapture, but it's just too damn late.

All you can do now, is wait. Luckily, you've got somewhere good to go. Farley's Ranch, Albany County, Wyoming. It's big and out of the way, but that doesn't mean it's not seen it's fair share of the walking dead. At the beginning, everyone who was left in the city came over to Farley's. You included. Somehow, you ended up at Farley's. It's a cattle ranch located far from the city of Laramie. For two months and twenty one days, you've been living under the roof of the Murphy's; the owners of Farley's. Robert 'Bob' Murphy is the head of the place; he's a little grumpy, but he'll let you stay at his place as long as you pitch in. His wife, Leanna Murphy is kind and is hand with a first aid kit. Their son, Robert Jr is quiet, but he's certainly not afraid. As long as you can work and fight off a few of the undead from time to time, you can stay at Farley's. Money is worthless now anyways, so the only way you can earn your keep is by cold, hard work. At Farley's, you will have to take watch, clean, go out scavenging and participate in family meals. There will be a lot of work, but if you c an handle the dead; you can handle anything.

This roleplay will be semi-detailed and I will require at least two posts a week. The age range of characters is totally unlimited, but I will want some family members mixed in, so if you wanted to create a brother/sister/father/mother of your character, either team up with someone else or create your own; basically you can have up to three characters. This roleplay won't be all gore, but there will be parts of the roleplay where you may come across undead and you will have to kill them, so if you're somehow against that; here's the warning. Otherwise, let me know if you're interested!

I am very interested!

I am also intrigued by the idea of creating character applications for siblings, if anyone wants to take that route.

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