Opinion RANT- "typical" teenage girls in class

Revna Eris

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A "typical" teenage girl, is seen as... Boycrazy, shallow, and stupid... The worst part is... MY CLASSES are fulllllll of them. Girls that are off topic, have a new boyfriend every other day, and complain about their grades without trying to fix it. It's so frustrating. It's also a lot worse when the "typical" teenage girl decides to try to one up me, or point out tiny mistakes I made. We're Sophomores in HIGH SCHOOL. We KNOW BETTER. Yet they are still so ignorant and so obnoxious! What's your opinion on what a "typical" teenage girl is?

(Please note this is not directed at females who like make up, or have lots of crushes, or have trouble understanding. This is specifically to my CLASSMATES because I know they do these things I'm around them 5/7 days in the week. So please don't take offense to this.)
They're okay. I remember when I used to think like you when I was younger. Now I don't. Annnnd that's all I have to say about that :p
I think a "typical" teenage girl fits that description in my eyes. You'll find people like that everywhere, generally. As frustrating as those types of people are to be around, at the end of the day they are really only hurting themselves. Pointing out tiny mistakes or trying to one up other people (sometimes to make themselves feel better) is really all they can do.

Lift your chin though. In my opinion, any other type of person is better than that archetype :p
I guess it's just better to ignore people like that, time is precious and we must do what we wish. You have to take into account socialization and the pressure girls have too (like, to put on make-up, heteronormativity), and it's fine to criticize. They probs have their own problems too. But honestly, unless you really want to help them for some reason, it's better to just stay away from obnoxious people in general.
I think one important thing to realize here is, like you said, you're all sophomores in high school. You're still young, your brains are still growing, and people definitely come into their maturity at different rates. Adolescence is a gnarly time for most folks, and high school brings its own challenges to the forefront. I'd imagine most of these girls are going through a lot of struggles of their own and trying to find the best way to deal with their lives as they discover who they are and all that.

It can be nasty to see from the outside if you're not on the same wavelength, but I don't really think turning your nose up at these people is the best choice. I definitely understand being frustrated by these behaviors as I had similar feelings during my high school years. I was also a contrarian little shit who looked for any possible way to stand out from others and feel judgmental, but hey. Age and distance helped me come to terms with the source of those feelings and I also learned that nobody's shallow. We're all human, and being human is complicated by default.

I just wish I could articulate it a little better but Darkmaster006 definitely makes a good point about socialization and the pressure put on girls.
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I think one important thing to realize here is, like you said, you're all sophomores in high school. You're still young, your brains are still growing, and people definitely come into their maturity at different rates. Adolescence is a gnarly time for most folks, and high school brings its own challenges to the forefront. I'd imagine most of these girls are going through a lot of struggles of their own and trying to find the best way to deal with their lives as they discover who they are and all that.

It can be nasty to see from the outside if you're not on the same wavelength, but I don't really think turning your nose up at these people is the best choice. I definitely understand being frustrated by these behaviors as I had similar feelings during my high school years. I was also a contrarian little shit who looked for any possible way to stand out from others and feel judgmental, but hey. Age and distance helped me come to terms with the source of those feelings and I also learned that nobody's shallow. We're all human, and being human is complicated by default.

I just wish I could articulate it a little better but Darkmaster006 definitely makes a good point about socialization and the pressure put on girls.
I was actually going to add something along the lines of what you say on maturity. Yeah, what I think is that one should try not to get frustrated with people and just to move along and try to be the better self one can be; at least, that's what will make one feel better and happier. Of course, that is difficult when you're in high school, if you don't have friends for example, you'll have a really hard time getting through it, but I guess that's all you can do about it? I do get what the OP is saying though: whether they have problems or not, they're still annoying and troublesome on the outside and towards other people, so that's why it's better to just ignore obnoxious people, that's not to say they're 'bad' or something like that.

And, yeah, socialization, gender expectations which fall clearly harder on girls (on how to behave, how to grow up, etc), external and peer pressure, all that takes a toll on people and shapes them; unconsciously, of course, little by little, since you were born and people thought that because you were a girl you had to play with barbies and you had to have babies at some point, to be ladylike, and just had to like pink (symbolically speaking). I'm kinda getting off the rails and probs not being that understandable but anyways, I hope my addition is worth something haha.
I was actually going to add something along the lines of what you say on maturity. Yeah, what I think is that one should try not to get frustrated with people and just to move along and try to be the better self one can be; at least, that's what will make one feel better and happier. Of course, that is difficult when you're in high school, if you don't have friends for example, you'll have a really hard time getting through it, but I guess that's all you can do about it? I do get what the OP is saying though: whether they have problems or not, they're still annoying and troublesome on the outside and towards other people, so that's why it's better to just ignore obnoxious people, that's not to say they're 'bad' or something like that.

And, yeah, socialization, gender expectations which fall clearly harder on girls (on how to behave, how to grow up, etc), external and peer pressure, all that takes a toll on people and shapes them; unconsciously, of course, little by little, since you were born and people thought that because you were a girl you had to play with barbies and you had to have babies at some point, to be ladylike, and just had to like pink (symbolically speaking). I'm kinda getting off the rails and probs not being that understandable but anyways, I hope my addition is worth something haha.

I think it is! I felt compelled to at least try to respond to this post because it was like peering into a wormhole into my own past, so I was like "uhhhh what would I tell myself if I had the chance??". I think ultimately just moving along and trying not to fuss over it too much is probably a good solution but definitely a difficult one especially when sharing classes with people you just do not get along with at all. Eheheh.

But I wanted to at least try and get my two cents in and offer that perspective. Hopefully it helps Snowshadow a little.
Wow. I'm surprised so many people actually responded to this, and in such kind ways. I expected people to call me a "bitch" or "arrogant" I see what all of you are saying, and I completely understand. So many of these girls, I have tried to help, have back stabbed me. Keep in mind I'm in online school, as are they, yet there they are putting on make up and complaining about it when they say they don't have lives. I try to be understanding. But.. It just.. Gets to me sometimes.
It has nothing to do with maturity. It's a state of mind, a way of being. They will be like that throughout their 20s as well, whereas some don't get out of it until the end of their 30s, at which point they become very bitter and alone. They act on biological instinct, which is to simply attract a man and have some kids. That's it, but it's not necessarily a bad thing. You need those kinds of people as well. Every person cannot be and are not meant to be a rocket scientist, artist, or politician.
Well that's how i feel this generations teenage girls are, back when I was school (and Ming you I am of the Mexican/Hispanic culture so culturally speaking my school was more than likely different) a lot of the girls just mainly spent their time either concentrating in school due to strict Mexican parents, or trying to one up another by dressing flashy due to rich Mexican parents.
People act differently in different enviorments, and you don't know how they act in one on one situations or what their home life is. People can annoy you but grouping a 'whole class' up by menial character traits is kinda petty and childish. I would say try to befriend one of these 'typical teenage girls' because I imagine one of them could be a great friend.

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