Caffeine Freak

Two Thousand Club
Got something you want to get off your chest? Do you love making passive aggressive (or just full-on aggressive) remarks at people? Are you feeling completely calm and neutral but want to find something to get angry at, anyway? Well then, welcome, weary traveler! Don't hesitate to (figuratively) blast the world's ass for getting on yours!

(No hate speech pls. I don't want to get banned)
My other option is Mandarin Chinese, widely considered to be the HARDEST LANGUAGE in the WORLD.
Thanks, HS, for not giving Spanish as an option this year.
(Three years of language for me instead of two because of that)
My other option is Mandarin Chinese, widely considered to be the HARDEST LANGUAGE in the WORLD.
Thanks, HS, for not giving Spanish as an option this year.
(Three years of language for me instead of two because of that)
There really isn't a good reason to ever learn Latin (I say as someone who studied Latin for five years), but it does help on SAT testing. And pretty much nothing else unless you're going to be studying like, classics or something. There's a lot of route memorization that goes into Latin, but, on the other hand, if you know Spanish its probably easier to remember Latin words, and the gender thing (although I'm not sure how it compares).
Chinese is only considered super difficult to westerners who aren't used to the tone thing or how to write the characters. I mean, there are parts of Chinese that are pretty easy to pick up, and the grammar isn't nearly as awful as memorizing table after table.

In other news, wow do I hate the three essays that I have to write, that got pushed to the same week due to personal life event. I'm a pretty good ways into two of them but words are getting difficult and my sleep schedule is screwed.
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Having an OCD relapse again. No idea what triggered it, but here we freaking go. Thanks, brain.

Bonus points: I have reading OCD. All my hobbies revolve around reading/writing. All my university assignments revolve around reading/writing, even more so than usual since I'm a linguist. And because I know from experience that running away from it doesn't work, I'm about to find the most difficult text I can and power though it. RIP.
Got something you want to get off your chest? Do you love making passive aggressive (or just full-on aggressive) remarks at people? Are you feeling completely calm and neutral but want to find something to get angry at, anyway? Well then, welcome, weary traveler! Don't hesitate to (figuratively) blast the world's ass for getting on yours!

(No hate speech pls. I don't want to get banned)

I'm pretty sure that's a personal problem that only you seem to exhibit and you just want others to get angry with you so you won't feel alone in this sea of (relative) calm. All that caffeine is riling you up like some fierce. Chill, drink some decaf and do some yoga. You'll feel better.
I'm pretty sure that's a personal problem that only you seem to exhibit and you just want others to get angry with you so you won't feel alone in this sea of (relative) calm. All that caffeine is riling you up like some fierce. Chill, drink some decaf and do some yoga. You'll feel better.

Yoga is for bitches. He should walk a dog and pet them with high intesnity.
I would say go out to the shooting range and vent some frustration on some paper targets, but some may misconstrue that for going postal.

Slightly better then yoga, but going on a long solo walk, dog in tow or otherwise, is an experience that anybody who's mad needs.
Or begin writing.
I make a character and then tear them down.
The higher up on the social chain they are, the more rungs you can take down.
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I exercise my brain while venting, as opposed to actually exercising.
Exercising is of the devil himself, children.
My other option is Mandarin Chinese, widely considered to be the HARDEST LANGUAGE in the WORLD.
Thanks, HS, for not giving Spanish as an option this year.
(Three years of language for me instead of two because of that)

Most of the periodic table elements named in Latin, so there's that I suppose.
I hate when people say everyone's unique and different!! WELL IS EVERYONE IS UNIQUE AND DIFFERENT THEN NOBODY IS!!! God just say people are people and that we are all alike. Also why do people say "I could care less" it's supposed to be "I couldn't care less".
God made us into stone after the tower of Babel. Each stone is unique in its own shape, color, density and form but still we are all stone. Stone within, stone without because humanity rocks. Hah get it? No? Well then that was awkward.
I hate when people say everyone's unique and different!! WELL IS EVERYONE IS UNIQUE AND DIFFERENT THEN NOBODY IS!!! God just say people are people and that we are all alike. Also why do people say "I could care less" it's supposed to be "I couldn't care less".
"And when everyone's super... no one will be." -Syndrome.
Also why do people say "I could care less" it's supposed to be "I couldn't care less".


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