Raise your hand if you're guilty.


{ prince

I'm sure I'm not the only person who "shops around" when looking for roleplays to not only join but also to invest time in. Ever found yourself in a comfortable and snug position with a handful of great stories going on - only to stumble upon <em>that one roleplay</em> that sucks up your attention? It could be the character you're writing. The setting. The people you're RPing with. Or heck, maybe it's just the most active.

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Yep, that usually happens to me. Trying to not take on too much right now, I really lose motivation for all roleplays if I already have a lot going on.
Yup. Usually the one I'm really invested in is also the one that implodes horribly too. It's a good thing I'm not gambling man or I'd be homeless with that kinda luck.
@Play On Words Sounds about right. To be fair I'm partially to blame for some of my experiences. My circumstances in life have shifted around a bit since joining and left me with less free time than I'd like, and a lack of energy has prevented me from really challenging myself in a lot of topics so I can't get too upset since they're obviously low effort/investment.

For the others though, seeing someone go to a lot of trouble to set something up for months only to completely drop everything a few pages in because one particular person never posted is kind of insulting. Particularly when I try to be active and help develop the plot and relationships between characters in interesting ways. Wish more people would try to adapt and make an effort to communicate instead of immediately giving up. ~_~

Have a list on my computer reserved for the people who've really burned me. Know to avoid their topics now. Name changes won't be enough to make me forget about that.
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@Ammy It's almost as bad when the Roleplay dies except for just two people. Like, they took it over and story-blocked everyone else just so they can take thirty pages to themselves, then complain if everyone else isn't active. I have a list of my own of people that, if they join a RP that I've been active in, I'll send a warning to the GM privately and tell them what happened. Most of the time, that person isn't accepted into the RP.
Play On Words] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11726-ammy/ said:
@Ammy[/URL] It's almost as bad when the Roleplay dies except for just two people. Like, they took it over and story-blocked everyone else just so they can take thirty pages to themselves, then complain if everyone else isn't active. I have a list of my own of people that, if they join a RP that I've been active in, I'll send a warning to the GM privately and tell them what happened. Most of the time, that person isn't accepted into the RP.
I dearly hope I don't end up on anyone's list. :P
I wouldn't worry about it. Never going to go so far as to identify them as I don't wish to start drama, but I only have three people on mine as of now. They really had to earn those spots.

If someone is making notes for dozens upon dozens of different members then you might get tossed into one. While it's an uncommon practice I don't think it's outlandishly rare. That said, being far too judgmental does have a tendency to fall back on you after a time. Either a bad rep will build up or they'll be critical of enough individuals that their pool of potential writing partners dwindle down to the point where they've dug their own hole.

Really just boils down to the same things as a lot of other stuff in life in my opinion; treat others with respect, try to be accommodating, and remember that they're people with expectations and hopes like you. Hard to get on a list if you're at least trying.

This whole thing started for me as a direct result of what was mentioned in the original post, actually. Bet on a group roleplay rather than what I'm certain would have been a fantastic 1x1. Characters had good chemistry and the writer was a fun person. Unfortunately she vanished from the site shortly after all that happened. Still regret that. ~_~
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Ammy said:
Really just boils down to the same thing as a lot of other stuff in life in my opinion; treat others with respect, try to be accommodating, and remember that they're people with expectations and hopes like you. Hard to get on a list if you're at least trying.
I really like the point you make here. It definitely shouldn't be a knee-jerk reaction to put someone on the list; they should be given a few chances, but if they keep up the same shit continuously, it'd be fair to add them.
I rarely find roleplays that really catch my interest and suck my time up. When I do, though it's so great. You also feel so much better because you know that you developed your character better and your posts might be longer. (o'v'o)
I used to have that problem. Nowadays, I limit myself to three roleplays at a time, and only ones that I think look really good. One of those slots is pretty much permanently taken up by a 1/1 I've been in for years now, too.

On some other sites I have a reputation for flaking too, oops. I refuse to take responsibility though, real life happens.
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slowly raises hand

There's been moments where I've joined too many and ended up holding a lot of them back.

Or I've been busy with real life, but see an appealing role play and just have to join..

Now, I know better.

Oh yeah man, don't even get me started on all the time I hype up RPs only for them to crash and burn a few weeks later.
-raises both hands-

But hey! Kudos to those people who create such enticing role-plays that makes us those who are full of stories and role-plays everywhere still want to join! I think that speaks a lot for the author of those role-plays.

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