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Rain of Fate


One Thousand Club

~Rain of Fate~

A person helping another person isn't unusual at all, but this meeting in the rain was a fated one for both.
Okura had just exited from school, heading home. He was waiting to go home for a while now, glancing at the clock in their classroom every now and then. He was hungry, and couldn't wait to eat his mother's cooking. Not only that, but he also had a lot of other things to look forward to. It was a Friday, so his favorite manga would be getting an update. There was also the weekends which were starting. So all in all, even though he didn't show it clearly, he couldn't be more excited than he was. Unfortunately, his parade was rained on, literally. It started raining cats and dogs, and so he was going to take more time getting home. He wouldn't want to risk slipping on the water. Thankfully, he was prepared for this event and took out the umbrella he kept in his backpack, raising it above his head as he walked.

Kyou was passing through the alley using her hands to cover her head from the hand.

"Dammit, why didn't I bring an umbrella!?

She started running to try and arrive at home as fast as she can, unfortunately, she tripped and fell on the ground.
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Okura stopped in his tracks when he saw a girl on the floor, curious.

"What are you doing on the floor?" He questioned her before offering her a hand to pick her up.


She replied with an angry tone:" Who are you!? I would never need help from a stranger, baka! "
Okura grinned. "Well then, if you prefer to stay on the ground, then I don't mind."

He pretended that he was walking away.
Okura looked like he was deep in thought. "That's better, but you have to say 'pretty please, sir'!"

Kyou looked up at the guy's face, with pitiful eyes, and said:"pretty please, sir, I really need your umbrella..."
Okura chuckled a bit, before letting out a sigh. "I didn't expect you to actually say that."

He motioned her to come under his umbrella. "We both need it, so we need to share."

Kyou looked at the guy's face with an angry look and punched him in the chest, "baka!", she said. The punch didn't do much, so she had to share that umbrella.

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