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Ragnarok Rising

About three mysterious figures entered the cave, eyeing Hydro. "All alone, demon?"

"That's none of your business. What's the matter, your boss didn't want to come back after his machine was destroyed?" Hydro smirked.

"Whoever you're helping destroyed our way home when they crashed into that portal. Plus, I hear the Nexus is gone. That has to be your fault somehow." One of the aliens got closer to Hydro.

"Trust me, I want you off this planet too." Hydro slammed his fist into the wall, and waved as the cave shook. "Been a nice chat, but I have things to do. If you survive the cave in, tell your boss I'll be coming for him."

"You crazy mother-" The talking was cut off when large boulders blocked the way between them. Hydro turned and ran away from the cave-in, and towards Daj and Zonarch.
After walking for what seemed like an eternity, Daj had finally emerged from the other side. Never before had he welcomed light as he did now. He gently lowered Zonarch to the ground and sat next to him. Daj sighed heavily. "Well boss, this could not be how you planned this."

Then Zonarch's voice echoed in his head. "Return to the Minerva." Daj wondered if it had just been his imagination.

"What rotten luck, now I'm going crazy," he had said aloud.

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Catching up with Daj and Zonarch, Hydro let his wings come out. "Alright, they are trapped in there, they won't be coming after us for a while. Still need a ride to your ship?"
Daj looked around before jumping to his feet and brushing himself off. "Yeah, we could use a lift." A beeping sound came from Daj's pocket. He reach I'm and pulled out a glowing purple stone. "One of the people on my team has activated their beacon. So I should be able to move the Minerva again."
Hydro took Zonarch once more. "You know the drill, jump on my back." Hydro thought for a minute, wondering about a friends help. "Do you have a way I can contact someone?"
Daj climbed onto Hydro's back again. "Maybe, currently I can only do local. Anything else would have to wait til Minerva is back to full power." He thought for a moment at the wreckage left behind. "Could be days, could be longer."
Sighing, Hydro didn't reply and took off into the air, dodging trees on the way. Within seconds the top of the mountain came into view once more, as Hydro landed and shook the ground. "This person might not be local, could I at least give it a try?"
Daj hopped of Hydro back and ran over to the wreckage. "Uh yeah, you could always give it a shot." He pressed in a code the keypad next to the door. A ring of success sounded and the doors slid open. The inside was in very disarray. Monitors, chairs, everything was tossed about. "I'll go setup what you'll need. Just set Zonarch of the throne over there." Daj pointed to the plain white seat in the center of the circular room.
Hydro propped Zonarch up on the throne, as requested. His wings went back into his shoulders, as he looked around at the mess. "Hades sake, it's a real mess." He decided to help clean up a bit, putting a chair back up and picking a monitor off the floor.
Daj finally found what he was looking for. A large purple crystal, much like the one in his pocket, only cut different and set on a different base. "Alright I got it!" Daj made his way back to Hydro and handed him that pendant. "Just think about who you want to talk to. The farther away the quicker the stone will shatter."
"So I talk to them in my head?" The demon raised an eyebrow. "I suppose I've heard stranger ways of communicating." He took the pendant.
"Unfortunately, since they don't have one, yeah," Daj said making his way to where the controls were. He had done a pretty good job with the setup. Three huge monitors loomed over his seat, with plenty of keys to play with. Sitting down in his chair, Daj let out sigh of relief.

He started tapping keys, flipping switches, and all other manner of tasks. Finally, to his surprise, the monitors came on. "Hello Daj, welcome back."

"Hello Mini, did you sleep well." Daj spoke as though the computer was another person.

"It was concerning, how long have I been offline?"

Daj thought for a second. "That's a good question, it seems to have been only a few hours."
Holding tightly to the pendant, Hydro sat and thought. "Hello, Red?" He nodded, and continued. "I'm going to need some help. I think your abilities will come in handy." He gave a confused look. "I can't hear you, you must be too far. Just follow the signal."
Daj continued running his hands across the keyboard, checking various settings if the station. "Very little power, not near enough for a stable jump."

"Daj, you could revert all power the Nexus Crystal. It should give enough energy for a random jump." Mini said as she brought different statistics in screen for Daj to look at. "And since the beacon has been lit, we would naturally be drawn to it."

Daj pondered the idea. "But the chances of us actually landing on the beacon is almost impossible."

"I could give you the numbers if you want them." Different mathematical figures started to appear on screen.

"Whoa no need for all that," Daj said, then the screen went back blank.

"Daj, doing the jump would release a lot of free energy, maybe even enough to wake Zonarch up."
"If you get some strange readings, or discover something following us on radar, please don't be alert. I notified an Ally to track us. I dont know how long it will take him, but he'll be of great use in this situation. Now if you get multiple readings, then I would be worried an enemy was following us." Hydro sighed. "Anyway, how long will this jump take?"
Daj started clicking away at the keys as all the lights began to dim down. "No need to worry, the guns will be down until we land."

A low hum sounded from deep within the station, radiating a comforting warmth. Finally all the light were completely out, with the exception of one monitor that Daj was working on.

"All power has been transferred, are we ready to jump?"

Daj looked back to Hydro. "You may want to hang on to something."
Daj threw a strap around his waist and shoulders. "Alright, jump now!"

The ship filled with a fluorescent purple light, before the feeling of being ripped apart overcame him. Jumping has always been tedious and painful, but the landing was the worse.

Suddenly the ship lurched forward, slamming into the ground.
Feeling a knot in his stomach, Hydro almost threw up. His feet hit the ground as they landed. "Woah, that was... something."

"I agree, that was almost too fast for me to keep up." A voice came through a portal that had just opened in the ship. "I believe you rang?" A figure stepped out, looking to Hydro. It was another alien, but friendlier than the one Hydro was fighting before. He was tall, almost eight foot even. He wore a bright red jumpsuit that covered his whole body, except his gray eyes.
Daj's mind was in a terrible fog after the landing. He looked around to see what as broken, thankfully everything seemed to be as intact as before the jump. Then he noticed the new person in the ship.

"Must be Hydro's friend." Daj tried to stand but almost as quickly fell back down. He hasn't gotten his legs back yet.
"Redcase. My alien ally that can help us out." Hydro introduced him. "This is Daj. And the unresponsive one is Zonarch."

Red case looked over and nodded. "Nice to meet you. Now, how can I help?

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