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Ragnarok Rising


Lord of the Void
Zonarch sat on his throne, watching the screens in front of him. For quite sometime. Since he could no longer sustain his life, he created an alternate dimension called Nexus. Here he created a station to watch every plane of existence across all time.

So he gathered heroes from everywhere to join him, send them out where they are needed. All the while keeping an eye out for Ragnarok The Destroyer.

Zonarch has been waiting to fight Ragnarok to prevent the destruction of all existence. There has been no sign, until now.

The whole station began to shake violently. Everyone was running around unsure what to do. Suddenly a large hole ripped into the side peering out into the endless black.

"Its here," Zonarch said. "Ragnarok is here. Quick! Everyone to the emergency escape pods." Everyone unwillingly ran towards their pods and launched.

All that was left were Zonarch and Daj. Daj manned the computers of the station, and kept the nexus together. "Daj! Get out now!"

"Not yet! I can still save the Nexus!"

"The Nexus is lost." Zonarch froze in fear. Behind Zonarch was a large golden eye. "We have to go now!"

Zonarch held out his hands and gold orbs glowed I'm them. His eyes glowed to match.

The golden glow engulfed the same light, and vanished from the nexus, crushing the dimension with it.

The station was in freefall but Zonarch was passed out from exhaustion before it made impact.
A demon stood on a peek of a mountain, his red eyes glaring over an enemy and a strange machine. The demon, Hydro, had jet black skin, and hair to match his eyes. His strange ensemble of cowboy boots, thick blue jeans, a bullet proof vest and cowboy hat made him look as if he were trying to fit into human culture. He advanced over to the enemy. "What is it?" His voice angered.

"I can use it as a portal, or I could combine my DNA with anything." A strange blue alien being stood at the foot of the large, circular object.

"You aren't doing either of those things." Hydro grunted, now close to the aliens face.

"Primitive demon, you can't stop me." The Alien began to get into the machine, but something like a space station crashed directly into it.
Daj pulled himself up off the floor. The crash had shaken a lot, but Daj was still alive. But where was Zonarch? He jumped up searching through the wreckage.

There he found him laying unmoving under monitors. Daj uncovered Zonarch and carried him over to the large gash.

Coming out of the station he saw a demon standing there. "By the gods, I am dead."

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Jumping from fear, the alien saw his chance and decided to take it now. He ran off, leaving Hydro and the newcomers far behind. Instead of chasing him, Hydro decided to stay and make sure things were okay with the strangers. "You're not dead, at least not yet. I hope you're not friends of Celestial, coming to save him from me." The demon taught it odd that the alien had crashed almost the same way almost a year ago, but gave the strangers time to explain themselves.
Daj looked a bit frightened, yet was realived that he was alive. The demon didn't look to be hostile, at least not yet. "My name's Daj, I'm sorry that we crashed, my boss needs help though!" Daj lost his footing and tumbled off the side of the station with Zonarch.

They landed at the bottom at the demons feet. Daj stared up at him not knowing what was going to happen.

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"It's okay, you saved me some time. Your ship tore apart this portal, so now I don't have to." Hydro looked over the two. "The name's Cervius, but most people just call me Hydro." He reached his hand out to help the man up. "Who are you, and what the hell happened?"
Daj accepted his offer and took Hydro's hand. "Thanks, I'm Daj," he picked Zonarch back up off the ground. "This is my boss Zonarch." Daj stared back at the station. It had become the only home he ever knew, now it was destroyed.

Daj turned back to Hydro. "We're part of an elite group whose purpose is to stop evil forces across all the planes of existence." Zonarch's limp form was starting to pull Daj down a little. "Our main goal however was to find and destroy a being known as Ragnarok once he awakens."

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"Zonarch?" Hydro looked again to the limp figure. He hadn't given more than a glance before, but now he studied Zonarch more. "I know him." Hydro explained, offering to take his body. "You can trust me."
Daj looked a bit uncomfortable at first, but quickly came to accept it. "I suppose I'll have to trust you, not that you've given me reason not to." He handed Zonarch's body over to Hydro. Daj exhaled with relief after being freed of Zonarch's weight. He wasn't built for anything like this at all. "Know anywhere to rest, so that I can continue to answer your questions, I'm sure you have more."

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Taking Zonarch with ease, Hydro lifted him like a pillow. "You probably have questions as well. There is a cave, down the mountain. It's a little over ten miles, but it shouldn't take us long. Jump on my back." Hydro smiled, a pair of dark shadow like demon wings sprouting from his back.
Daj watched with curiosity as Hydro sprouted wings. He's watched a lot of things over the years, but this was something he never seen before. "Well I guess there's a first time for everything," Daj said as he climbed onto Hydro's back. "How safe is this exactly?"

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"Not very safe." Hydro laughed, taking off from the ground before Daj could change his mind. Soaring down the mountain, the air got warmer. Hydro glided into a dimly lit cave, which had a fire in the center and shelves around the walls. From the center the cave split off into different areas, but they were hard to see because the other caves were dark. Hydro laid Zonarch down, and got some water. "Here ya go." He handed two bottles to Daj.
Daj took the water gratefully. "Thank you." He gulped down half the bottle easy. He didn't realize just how thirsty he'd become.

Daj walked over to Zonarch and opened his mouth, slowly pouring water from the second bottle. Zonarch's body reacted enough to drink the water, but nothing more. "At least he's alive." Daj spoke mostly to himself.

"So should I call you Cervius or Hydro?" He turned back to Hydro.

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"Just call me Hydro." He walked to the edge of the cave, looking out over the trees. "I always hated my name. Cervius Hydro Antics, which in demonic means Servant Earth Demon." He let out a scoff. "Ah, it's grown on me a bit. Zonarch helped me very much in my early years."
"He's helped a lot of people over the years." Daj sat on the ground, crossing his legs as though he was about to meditate. "Alright, so do you have any questions you would like answered?" His mind was racing with the previous events, but now it was starting to calm down. "I'll answer to the best of my ability."

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Hydro still had his sights on the ground, which was about a hundred feet below the cave. "Well, you'll have to tell me what happened, please." He moved away from the opening, and turned his attention to the shelf on the cave wall. Picking up a large brown duster, he put it on over his vest. He then checked the rest of the clothes he was wearing, as if preparing for a date.
"Oh wow, where to begin." Daj ran his fingers through his medium length black hair, making a half attempt to calm the disheveled look. "Well before I came on board, Zonarch had been forced to create a dimension called the Nexus, which house our station, Minerva." Daj shook his head free from the worries of his home. "He was forced there after a certain confrontation and his physical body was mortally wounded. So he created the Nexus to sustain himself as well as allow other heroes to travel between planes as needed. But the main purpose for Zonarch's creation of the Nexus and Minerva, was to find and ultimately destroy Ragnarok."

Daj breathed in the air before taking a sip of water. "Ragnarok is a being created in the Astral Dimension, the birthplace of everything, as a failsafe initially. But the forces of darkness has prompted Ragnarok to awaken, so Ragnarok's on the path to wipe life clean, and well restart everything."

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"I know of the aspect Ragnarok. Zonarch has told me before. This is most troublesome news..." Hydro went back to the cave entrance. "The Nexus, it's gone isn't it?" Hydro had a worried look upon his face.
"That's what is being assumed at this point." Daj looked over to Zonarch. "Judging by Zonarch's decline in health, the Nexus must has collapsed." Turned back to Hydro then finished his water. "And unfortunately, I don't believe an entire dimension collapsing on Ragnarok would be enough to stop it."

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"You better get ready, there is a whole lot that's about to happen. Get Zonarch up if you can." Hydro growled as some figures pointed up at the cave. "I assume you can fight?"
Daj jumped up and himself down. "I don't believe I have any weapons on me." He looked back at Zonarch then realized. "Can we get back to the Minerva? I can use its weapon systems and hopefully get us away from whatever's coming this way."

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"It's going to be hard for me to fly us there while being attacked." Hydro explained. "I Have an idea. Take Zonarch and run straight down the far right caveway hall. Give me about two minutes and I'll catch up with you." The demon took a bag off his shelf and started throwing food, water, and survival equipment into the bag.
"Right! Okay!" Daj hefted Zonarch up. Staring down the dark tunnel he became a little uneasy. "I'm not to fond of dark places. What's down there and do you have a light?"
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"It's all clear." Hydro took a stick and wrapped a cloth around it. "Take this, makeshift torch. Don't take any turns, just stay straight on the path."
Daj took the torch from Hydro. "Alright down the dark tunnel, with a makeshift torch we go" He pulled a lighter out his pocket and ignited the cloth. Warm light filled the cave, giving Daj enough comfort. He took a deep breath and started walking through the cave, carrying Zonarch in his back.

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