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Realistic or Modern ♈ r e c l a m a t i o n ♈





Everyone gets sad sometimes. Everyone has punched a wall in anger. Everyone has cried themselves to sleep. Everyone has had good days. Everyone has had bad days. It's about how you deal with the bad days that gets you through. But the truth is, there are very few people who can get through the difficult days. Some turn to drink, drugs, food; anything that stops the pain. And who can blame them? Life is an endless pit of venom and agony.

We all have our wicked ways.

Islington's Rehabilitation Centre for Young People is a place for people who deal with their problems in ways that they feel they have no control over. It's for people who feel they have no option but to take a razor blade to their skin, or for people who think that they can't stop drowning their sorrows in alcohol. And who's to say they can be cured? Islington's isn't a place where they want to shove pills down your neck or force pointless counselling sessions on you. It's a place where you can try to be understood, or at least have someone else to talk to.

Islington's was founded by a British millionaire in 1992 and was originally a place for mentally ill children to fine respite. Since then, it has expanded, and has started to take in all types of teens who want to be redeemed. Islington's has taken in drug users, people battling mild personality disorders, alcoholics and people suffering from eating disorders. The Centre will accept people aged 18-26 into their doors and aims to gently restore
happiness into their life.

Although you will have to take prescribed medication and participate in some therapy sessions, Islington's tries to be open with it's patients. They can stay up until 11pm. Cinema nights are often put on for entertainment. There's even a coffee shop on one side of the Centre. It's a place for young people, and so no substitutes can be accepted.

One thing that has made Islington's so successful is its
Partner-Therapy Programme. This Programme was designed to help patients spend some quality time with each other, to help them to stop feeling so lonely or to help them to share their stories. The PTP was set up by Elizabeth Hemingway, the current manager of the Centre. She wants the patients to feel happy at Islington's. She want's them to have a home there.

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