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Queen searching for her king.


Just a girl, trying to find her way.♡☆
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Set in a world, filled with disease and famine, the world split up, into different sections. Many of the earth's people that still roam, hunt and kill each other for food, shelter. With crumbling buildings, and dry fields for miles, the earth had become something of a shell of what it used to be. 

Many people, had turned to following the people they thought could lead them in some sort of leadership. Yet, none of thay had worked remotely successfully,  as the world was now sectioned and ruled by large voilent gangs, who hado taken over, once the president was killed;yet that was years ago. Now, the gangs ran most of the world, drugs and voilence being mainly a way of life. 

In a large section of the United States, or what was the U.S was a large family style gang who ruled thier area well, with voilence and greed. Each four years, they would have a ceramoney;each lady who was over the age of 16, was told to come to the main meeting area of the large "country." The ceramoney was for that years eldest son to pick his wife. The wife would be a lady, to rule, to produce hers and run the gang when her husband died, of fell ill. (So, it's basically a queen.) 

She had shown up late, like most things her family had dropped her off and left her at the door. Going inside she stood in the large meeting hall with many young ladies she had grown up with. The young girl knew, if she wasn't chosen, her family would be so ashamed she'd be either exacuted or sent to live on her own. And a young lady on her own in such a voilent ridden city was always a sign of trouble. She stood against the wall. Her olived tan skin, didn't shine much as the other girls who were either very pale or very dark. Her blue eyes, scanned the room, as she kept her hands into her pockets,waiting for her named to be called. Once it finally was, Elaine walked past the young ladies up to her place, a large stool like platform, she was supposed to stand still while the next hier and his family watched in a separate room. 

(Hey!! I'd like this to be a romance, new King and Queen kinda story. He doesn't even have to like her to start, because she's so different than anyone he's ever met. Or maybe his family doesn't like her because she doesn't believe in the use of drugs? It's all up to you, how you'd like to play the future king!!)
Would you be willing to do a Yuri where the king would actually be a woman raised to pretend/act like she is male so she can rule the kingdom?

(Might need help with the dice aspect)
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(Absolutely!!! I chose dice because I had no idea what category to put it in!! But feel free to send me a reply to the starter!! (:)
Of course just send me reply to the starter!!^-^
I would be interested in being your king. I think your world is very interesting. I especially love the mafia aspect of your story because I believe that it will bring great amount of scenarios with rival families and what not.
Sure!! Just send me a message, to the starter!! (:

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