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Fandom QFTIM Crossover Roleplay

Boris saw his brother's face from earlier and smirked. "Why'd your face go pink when you looked at Clairise, Bendy?" He raised his eye brows.
Bendy halted where he was and stood with his back facing his brother. “What? Me? My face pink? No!” He laughed nervously.
“Whaaaat? No!” He says and goes into the bathroom, delicately closing the door behind him. “Not a nervous laugh!” He added.
Boris chuckled quietly. Clairise stirred in her sleep from a nightmare.
"Mum?.. Mum, talk to me..." She muttered in her sleep, tears beginning to roll down her cheeks. Boris became concerned.
"Bendy?.." he called quietly.
Bendy heard him and opened up the door, “yeah?” He saw Clairise and hurried over. “Is she okay?”
Bendy rose a hand and gently placed it on her shoulder, “Clairise? Are you okay?”
While sleeping, Clairise pulls Bendy to her and cuddles him, finally calming down.
Boris smiles and chuckles quietly.
Bendy gasped in surprise and his eyes went wide; along with his cheeks a bright red. “I-I-I-I,” he stammered.
“So funny,” he mumbled and he looked at Clairise’s face for a moment before his face blushed pink. He eventually fell asleep.
Hours later, Clairise wakes up to find Bendy in her arms. Her face immediately goes red. Boris looked at her, wiggling his eye brows.
'Shut up!' she mouthed to him.
Bendy was quietly sleeping, barely any noise from him. His tail was slowly moving back and forth.
"We should go to the park later, once Bendy wakes up," Claire suggested to Boris quietly so to not wake up her sleeping friend.
Bendy then just woke up with a long yawn and short stretch. His eyes went wide with embarrassment, “I-uhhh-“ was all he could muster through the embarrassment.
Clairise's face was red as well. "I-it's fine, Bendy, d-don't worry about it..."
Boris was silently laughing, tears of joy in his eyes.
"Oh, you guys!" was all he could say.
Bendy was too surprised in the moment but snapped out of it from his brother. “Borisss!” He grumbled and hopped up from the bed.
“Never mind!” He mumbled and simply crossed his arms. “What are we to do now, hm?” His brown eyes looked around the room.
"We could go to the park for a little bit," Claire suggested. "I could use a cheap coffee."
"Yeah!" Boris agreed "Except for the coffee part!"
Bendy have a smile and shrugged slightly, “sounds good to me. I could use some fresh air.”
"Great!" Clairise cheered, heading toward the door.
(And for this I do not mind being Cups and Mugs as well)
Bendy smiled and went into the bathroom to brush his hair; to make himself look good. Oh, casual Bendy.

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