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Fandom Puella Magi: Renegade

I hope that it is fine if I try for this Rp. I know you're taking it down, but I would love to at least try. sorry for being selfish I already put up my character. If not thank you for your time
[QUOTE="Asuka Romeno]I hope that it is fine if I try for this Rp. I know you're taking it down, but I would love to at least try. sorry for being selfish I already put up my character. If not thank you for your time

Well Asuka, I've been considering bringing it back given I have a lot more free time than I had back when I made this...I suppose the stress from college got to me which led to its shutdown. But it makes me happy that there are still people who want to take part in this...and to my previous participants, I apologize for closing this before you could do anything.
That happened with a lot of the rps that I was on, on another site. I hope that doesn't happen to this one once it gets started. the plot seems interesting and it would go really far
Well, I'd say right now this RP is still a W.I.P one, but maybe not to the degree of being unable to start off a story? I mean I still have a few ideas I need to add but if you'd all like to start the RP now I could guide things along under the guise of Kyubey?
I've asked EssentPon and she seems to be up for it =) I've also sent Tales and Mollisol a PM so I'm just waiting for their replies.
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It appears I am the epitome of being unreliable...to any of you still out there I apologize for ditching you over my depression mood swings. Again. You're all free to leave before I annoy you further.
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Is everyone still here? My MadoMagi RP went belly-up while I was in the hospital, so I'm looking for a new one. Currently I have a 1x2 I want to start, but I don't want to give up on this one if it's been going well without me.

This one has literally just started...some depression mood swing issues kept me away from it until now. Currently I'm just waiting to see if everyone is still ok with rping it.

I'm sorry that your rp had to go like that though =/
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HylianWarrior said:
This one has literally just started...some depression mood swing issues kept me away from it until now. Currently I'm just waiting to see if everyone is still ok with rping it.
I'm sorry that your rp had to go like that though =/
I'm sorry you've gone through depression mood swings :c

I think I'll start my small group RP and try to be in this one as well though. Where exactly should I start? I know it's Witching Hour, but should my character know any of the other magical girls? And what player-controlled Witches will we be seeing?
[QUOTE="Flame Demon]I still want to, but did you already see my characters?

Of course, Chaos and Melody Black, I've accepted them both =)

You can see so in the Character Sign-Up page.
Mollisol said:
I'm sorry you've gone through depression mood swings :c
I think I'll start my small group RP and try to be in this one as well though. Where exactly should I start? I know it's Witching Hour, but should my character know any of the other magical girls? And what player-controlled Witches will we be seeing?
Meh...it's alright, happens to me from time to time so I've gotten used to it...But if it's no trouble for you then I'd be glad to have you take part, alongside everyone else.

As for who Mori's take on the other Puella Magi that's up to you to decide, if she's not too familiar with a certain girl/boy you can briefly mention it in a post, otherwise if you'd like her to be acquainted with another character I suggest you bring it up with the owner of said character.

For whoever would like their witch to appear during the first witching hour, PM me and I'll have our crafty Incubator manipulate the girls over to them.
I think I can wait with Chaos, I tried finding picture for her minions, but couldn't.
Is anyone still interested in this? I mean I was waiting to see if FlameDemon or EssentPon would reply but I suppose we could do it with just the three of us...if you like that idea?
I'm really sorry, but I'm going to have to bow out. I simply have too much going on to participate in this properly.

If y'all don't want to do this with two people, I would recommend My Wish by Vague and Idea, which is the magical girl RP I just dropped last night. It says "closed", but last I checked, there was at least one spot open. (Ask in the OOC if there's a spot before posting a CS.)

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