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Realistic or Modern Psycho's Partner Search (Ignore Prefix Please)

Dear Mrs. Psycho

Junior Member
Updated 9/27/18: Fandoms and added a Plot

Hello, I'm Dear Mrs. Psycho. I've been roleplaying for about six or so years, so yes, I am an adult. Only physically or course. Though, that doesn't mean I don't make mistakes or make fun or others for theirs. I am utterly and completely open-minded. I am just completely into writing and expressing my creativity via writing. I just love doing it with other people for can a new perspective on things, or to see how others would respond in different ways, give some control to someone else on the outcome of the story.

I am open for everything. I have put my foot in plenty of waters. Though my cup of tea tends towards action, romance, modern, fantasy, adventure, and history. All ideas are welcome.

Just pm me or message/comment below. (Saying comment makes me sound like a Youtuber lol).

Rules (Seriously, Please Read)

  • Now, I know I am no saint when it comes to being active. I am an adult, which means I do this new adult-ing thing called a full-time job. Yes, crazy. I know. What's even crazier....I have no set schedule, no set days off, no set hours, even my set hours for the days aren't concrete. What I am saying is, busy is good, just try to post like once a week. Cool?
  • Please, just don't. If I accidently do, just boop me or whatever is your cup of tea. I will do the same. I just ask when you tell me when life happens, or you have some disinterest.
  • Just a preference since I am over the age of 18, I ask you be too. There is no way of me telling, of course, but you do, so just be a legal adult.
  • Please be a builder. No, I don't mean a construction worker. I don't want to my whole character's life planned out and how things end up, planned out by one person. I love building personalities, relationships, settings, etc. That doesn't mean I am not against pre-made settings, I just like using my creativity to the fullest.
Plot Twists/Thickeners
  • I love them. I love story surprises. So do just that. Contribute. It adds to the plot and the building thing. Plus it's fun. Just don't go too crazy, like dinosaurs in modern New York.
  • Now there are a couple of things for this category that I am going to put under one.
  • Please be open to playing either gender. I am not playing with the whole "I only play female because I have lady parts" bullshit. Sorry, no. Not my cup of tea.
  • That being said, I like doublings, so please be open to doubling.
  • No god-molding, power-playing, etc. The only way you can play a god-like character, is if we have a god-playing role, but even then there are limits.
  • Other than that, I don't see much else that goes in this category, so moving on.
  • I don't really have limits, but let yours be own, as well as stay within the rules of the site.
  • I love communicating. I like talking, whether it be about our writing or just everyday bullcrap, Don't be afraid to speak your mind, or shoot be a message that has nothing to do with anything.
  • Please post at least two well thought out paragraphs, (Now I sound like previous teachers lol), I need something to work with. I prefer literate partners, who can post more than that. Me, my general rule is that I get what I receive, meaning if you posts something not easy to work with, than I'll do the same, however, I can post anywhere between 2-15 or so paragraphs, and like to strive for the higher numbers.

Plots and Things

I have some plots in mind, based on my partners likes and cravings, I will post some here in spoilers, as I hash them out more.

Muse A and Muse C are siblings, grew up closely in crime, whose parents were leaders of a gang. When their parents were murdered the whole gang was willing to point fingers, and ended pointing them at Muse A. Muse C, even though they were siblings, saw reason in the members allegations and was willingly going to kill their sibling over it. Muse A, feeling betrayed fled and found sanctuary in a the rival gang with a new name.
Muse B, happens to be the leader, and knows nothing, expect that they find Muse A to be loyal and faithful, and not to mention a good follower, does what they are told. They actually might like Muse A a bit, but what happens when the secret comes out, and who Muse A really is, will they protect them, or cast them out? Will they find themselves liking Muse A a bit more?

Back in Muse C gang, there is another problem arise, not only with the threat of a traitor getting away, but finds themselves in the line of fire with a cop, Muse D. Muse D, plans on taking back the city and give it back to the people. Planning on infiltrating Muse C gang, helping out take out Muse B's gang, especially when Muse C figures out that the one they have been searching for is in there, and then betraying Muse C and taking them out. But what happens when the unexpected happens? When Muse D is compromised because there is more to Muse C than a merciless criminal?

My list of fandoms: (Bold = Craving) (Not all will be posted, ask if you have a particular one, can update)
  • Marvel/DC
  • Vampire Diaries/Orginals
  • Disney
  • Hunger Games
  • Sailor Moon
  • Harry Potter
  • Shadowhunter
  • The 100
  • Supernatural
  • Divergent
  • Once Upon A Time
  • Cinder Series
Up for literially anything
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Hey, I have a ton of ideas ranging from fantasy, futuristic, action, survival, romance, horror, medieval, adventure, and tons more that I am still trying to put together in my head. I can send you the whole list if you want. But I also would like an idea of what you are looking for mostly, as I am craving a bit of a fantasy, medieval, or horror roleplay.
Hey, I have a ton of ideas ranging from fantasy, futuristic, action, survival, romance, horror, medieval, adventure, and tons more that I am still trying to put together in my head. I can send you the whole list if you want. But I also would like an idea of what you are looking for mostly, as I am craving a bit of a fantasy, medieval, or horror roleplay.
Sure... Shoot me a pm
Ahem. I believe we can work something out. Should I PM you? Or will you reach out to me? I would love to discuss what I have in mind.
Was thinking maybe the Disney one? Feel free to shoot me a PM with your thoughts!

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