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Fantasy Project: M. A. S. K. (Mutated Armory Systamatic Killers)


Florian Society Member
Basic character info necessary to join.

Appearance: (Picture is not necessary)
Powers/ Weapons: ( has to be at a certain level of control. No God like abilities. Ex. No power over gravity to crush people, no using mind powers to drain their brains, and no abilities that allow you to always be faster or kill things in a single hit, but I will allow 1 or 2 ultimate moves. Any other powers that are requested must go by me and you have to explain as much as you can to see how far that power can grow.)
Fears/ Strong points:

There are three districts and three races to chose from so to say. There are the Three Districts from One being the Dessert/ Destroyed Ruins and remains of a once great civilization. Two which is surrounded by grass and leafage, and a lot of agriculture and Three which is the high class and more technologically advanced District. A lot of powerful people come from here but most are kinda evil. The three races to choose from are Humans (Regular just human), Morphers (Humans who can change their body at will, Uses more technology and science rather than magic), or Masqueraders (Beings who have magical and strange powers through the use of channeling is through a mask. This concept will be expanded later)
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Name: Syn

Gender: M


Race: Human

Appearance: Syn wears common clothing within the First District which is a land covered by sand, sand, and more sand with a few collapsed buildings here and there. He has no shoes but has bandages instead and has old and wore down shirt and pants. he is about 6 feet tall but is a little malnourished. When going out he wears a cowl and cape in order to stop the continuous pushing coming from the untimely sandstorms of District One.

Personality: Syn hasn't had much company except for his grandma so a somewhat quiet individual.

History: Syn was raised in District One as far back as he can remember and his only remaining family was his grandma who was the village doctor. The two lived in a remote area so they still didn't get a lot of visitors. His grandma always warned Syn to stay away from the village especially during the Festival of Colors. Syn followed that for the most of his life when one day he got so curious he broke that promise. It was said that on that night a monster tore through the town as if it was made of paper in front of a tsunami. Many lives were lost and Syn lost his grandma on that night. Syn had no recollection what happened and found himself buried under rubble. He was taken back and feared that night up till now. He still pays respect to his grandmother, and that day nears again with Syn walking down to the main town square to go shopping.

Powers/Weapons: N/A

Likes/ Dislikes: Likes food, and family Dislikes losing everything and the Festival of Colors.

Fears/ Strong Points: Fears the monster that killed his one and only remaining family. His strong points are that he always keeps his word and is very stubborn otherwise.
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Name: Henry Louise

Gender: M

Age: 17

Race: Human

Appearance: Wears basic white military uniform worn by officers. Has blonde hair and emerald colored eyes. Around 5'3" in height.

Personality: Henry is mentally a soldier but also can't help but to show his uneasiness when it comes to operations when innocents would be harmed. He is a good roundabout kind of guy and tends to take things seriously.

Henry lived in District Two where he lived with his sister and sick father. He joined the military so that he can help support his family. he is told to be stationed in District One and is interning for Commander Buck.

Powers/ Weapons: Carries a hand gun, shock baton, and a combat knife. Knows how to use almost every single weapon in the world and is quite smart. Natural born survivalist and trained fighter.

Likes/ Dislikes: His family and friends back in District Two. Dislikes taking unnecessary life.

Fears/ Strong Points: Dying losing his loved ones. Very strong willed and quite charismatic.
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Forgot my password to my old account, it had around 1000 posts. So don't think I am a noob :)

Name: Chad Flendermen
Gender: Male
Age: 52
Race: Human
Appearance: (Picture is not necessary) Grey medium length hair and beard. Has a "Grizzled" appearance. Wears an armored body suit, but usually chooses not to wear the helmet.
Personality: Quiet, not very open to conversation. Let's his weapons speak for him.
History: Chad grew up in the second district, living most of his childhood in poverty. Growing up, his father taught him much about combat, mostly about self-protection. Throughout his 20s and 30s Chad learned many combat styles, and even multiple different militaries' training. He became a contract killer, and was very successful at his craft. He moved to the third district, and into a large place near the heart of the district. Although he does hate the people in the 3rd district, he finds it a great place to hide from authorities.

Powers/ Weapons: Carries many knives, a great sword, and two revolvers. His power suit gives him increased acrobatic, and physical abilities.
Likes/Dislikes: Likes solitude and warfare. Dislikes people of authority, the stereotypical "hero."
Fears/ Strong points: Great physical condition for his age, knowledge of a range of weaponry. Fears retirement, and being put in situations out of his control.
This seems to be well and order. So is Chad like an anti-hero like Deadpool of a sort or rather just your common merc so to say? Is his armor also light or the heavy kind. Finally I have the idea on how to introduce your character. If your guy is willing to meet a sub-leader in District Three doing hush hush business.

As a final note i would like to know when you are available for posts because school will soon come around for me soon.

Also welcome to the rp of Project M.A.S.K.

The Grilled Charlie The Grilled Charlie
This seems to be well and order. So is Chad like an anti-hero like Deadpool of a sort or rather just your common merc so to say? Is his armor also light or the heavy kind. Finally I have the idea on how to introduce your character. If your guy is willing to meet a sub-leader in District Three doing hush hush business.

As a final note i would like to know when you are available for posts because school will soon come around for me soon.

Also welcome to the rp of Project M.A.S.K.

The Grilled Charlie The Grilled Charlie

Thank you for the questions! I wouldn't say he is an anti-hero, but just works wherever there is money to be made. His armor is kind of like modernized plate armor. I just attached this picture from Google that I think matches the look I am going for. I think meeting a sub-leader would be a great way to introduce Chad.

I have school as well soon, so I can post anytime after around 3:30ish (Central Time) during the week, and anytime during the weekend.

Carnation Carnation


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Alright then. Also do you want to start off the introduction? Or shall i? I mean I had the idea where he was invited to one of the high in society parties (Which is a costume one so your guy can go in unnoticed by the guards and officers in his outfit) to meet in a special room in the back to for the briefing of your new assignment. Also one last question about your character. is he possible a smoker or drinker because it just makes my sub-leader introduction a little more unique so to say.

The Grilled Charlie The Grilled Charlie
Name: Wilhelm Lafayette
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Race: Morpher Type 2
Appearance: (Picture is not necessary)
images (4).jpg
Wilhelm stands at 6’ 11” and has the build of a Bodybuilder, scars riddle his body, and a scar runs down his left eye, and he wears this mask:crossbones-mask.png

Personality: Wilhelm is a rather quiet and angry man. Very protective of Lilith, his sister, he will quite literally take a bullet for her. He is also very strong willed, and stubborn. Wilhelm is not easy to anger, and once that happens, an eruption if his repressed anger ensues. Wilhelm is a man of few words, and does not like to talk much. Besides the anger and other traits, he is understanding and somewhat empathetic, and proud of who he is. He is also scarred emotionally, and mentally, ever since the attack on his home.

History: Wilhelm and his sister were born and raised in District two, in a small community of type two morphers who were not very kind to others. They did not have much, but their father, the leader of the community, taught him how to fight, and how to defend himself. When the type one morphers attacked, his father was killed by a type one, the leader of the attacking forces, and was forced to take his sister, and fled, after he had his right eye gouged out during the attack. The event left him a emotional and mental scar, causing him to feel no happiness, no positive emotion, except brotherly love for his sister. For about some time after, in the present, he and his sister fight the Brotherhood with a group called the Revenants.

Powers/ Weapons: Wilhelm is a Tank, so he can take a lot more punishment than his little sister can, since his skin a bit tougher than anyone else. He can create two shields with Spikes for ramming, and his shields are powerful enough to block a tank shell (and that would take a lot of energy to keep them up after one.) he can also morph his hands into massive Hammerfists for attacking. Though mainly used for attacking armored enemies, or squishing smaller foes, he can use them for travel too, which involves throwing his heavy hands at a diagonal angle while running. With that, he can leap about 30 feet in the air doing this. If needed, he can increase his muscle mass when doing a 1v1, or when he needs a little more muscle to lift something up. And being a bulky morpher, he is rather slow in his movement. (Heavy Shield)
(HammerFist)download.jpg 28222_heller_hammerfist_final_by_redhavic-d86mge2.jpg
E07970_51bf0ed938370.jpg (these are what Wilhelm's powers look like, the shield is made to take heavy damage.)

Likes/Dislikes: He likes to Fight, being by Lilith, giving piggyback rides to anyone.

He dislikes being idle for too long, being bossed around by anyone, except if he is told what to do in battle. He even does not like being insulted, or having his pride hurt.

Fears/ Strong points: He fears Lilith being hurt, anyone after him, and he fears the ghosts of his past. His best with smashing his foes, and taking damage like a sponge, and he can lift 50x his own weight with his increased muscle.

Name: Lilith Lafayette
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Race: Morpher type 2
Appearance: (Picture is not necessary)
unnamed.png feb1d690fe147e20f44b631361318c5a--anime-oc-anime-manga.jpg
Personality: Lilith is an outgoing and caring person, and can be a bit cold at times. During battle, she is ruthless and merciless. She doesn't like to fight much, but will do so if needed. She is a smart young woman, and is slightly shy. She is one to get even with anyone who does her wrong. Also, she is a bit of a child.
History: Lilith and Wilhelm lived in a community of Type 2 morphers within District 2, the leader did not like outsiders, and did not take kindly to outsiders. Their father was a warrior, and their mother was their caretaker. When they were attacked, she was grabbed by her brother, and fled. She was taught by her father, along side Wilhelm, to fight using lighter weapons, while wilhelm went with the heavier ones. Fast forward to the present, she fights with her brother and the Revenants against the Brotherhood.
Powers/ Weapons: Lilith is a light and aggressive fighter, so she has to have light, and equally damaging weaponry. She can morph her arms to have metal claws to replace her fingers, she can morph her right arm to become a giant, and equally fast blade, she can also morph her right arm to form a whipfist, take take out enemies from 20 ft. Away. She is fast and nimble, as if she were a ninja. She can put up a shield, but it is a much weaker one than wilhelm’s. It can block anything but explosives, which completely drains her energy, and sends her flying.
(Shield) Shield_Menu.png
(Whipfist)images (2).jpg Hellerwhip.png
(Claws images (3).jpg Heller_Claws_Concept_scan.jpg
images (1).jpg (pics used for reference, and due to lilith being a light character, she needs a lighter shield.)
Likes/Dislikes: She likes to show off, riding on Wilhelm’s shoulders, and she likes to talk to people. She does not like seeing her brother get hurt, she does bit like to fight unless she has to, and she does not like being told to stay put, for she likes being in the action.
Fears/ Strong points: her biggest fear is losing her big brother. Her strong points are being able to strike quickly, close combat, and improvising during battle. Carnation Carnation
Name: Sonny

Gender: Duderino

Age: Mid 20s for sure

Race: Masquerader.

Appearance: Bolin.jpg
Aight so Sonny is a solid 6' on the mark and he weighs about 200 lbs, but don't go calling him fat. This nubbins is pretty gosh darn mukskular, just look at that damn bicep. Y'all get it. He is, however, covered in scars ranging from any and every size in all sorts of places. He could never tell if there was some kind of experimentation on him or not, but it seems like the random placements are not so random. His face is as smooth and beautiful as a baby's bottom except for one scar from the left his left eyebrow to his left jawline.

Personality: Curious yet cautious, Sonny is well aware that there are dangerous people around him, but he needs to find out who he is over mostly anything else. He is very self aware and tries to do the right thing, but he knows that sometimes you gotta kick a cop in the balls to get shit did. He appreciates company but much rather prefers a small group of allies. Sonny is very trusting, but knows when to stop trusting someone. He does not like betrayal. Period. Especially in this world, people need allies to survive. Sonny is a very intellectual individual, learning quickly and preferring to think rationally. He has an inherit rebellious attitude with authority and feels like they never are fully good. However, Sonny's actions don't always agree with how he thinks. He will most likely follow the law. But man if someone offers knowledge of his past, good luck straying his mind.

History: Sonny can tell you a lot... About what he doesn't know. Whether it's some crazy mental block or actual amnesia, the first thing he remembers is a man carrying his paralyzed body through District Two for about a mile before setting him down and asking him who he was. This man was not in his prime, but he didn't seem harmful. After no reply, the man spoke. "I'm Dr. Reginald Thaddeus Carbon. You can call me Doc though since I don't see all of those words coming out of your mouth." Doc snickered at his own joke. He seemed to have brought the limp, late teenaged body to a tree house of sorts. But with night drawing near, Doc had already laid the boy down on a bed of large leaves and said that hopefully in the morning they would find something out. -- In the morning, the boy was able to move slowly, and with pain, but hadn't noticed he was covered in bandages from his torso to his legs, and one covering the left half of his face. And from his right he heard a man say, "Morning Sonny! Hope you don't mind the clothes I gave you, yours were covered in so much dried blood that I'm pretty sure some critters would try and eat us. And I hear that bandages are hip among the young crowd these days!" A loud snorting laugh could be heard from Doc's tree house. After a pause, the light bulb above his head turned on and he began again, "And I hope you don't mind the name either. You seemed like you didn't have one. It fit." -- From there, Doc treated Sonny's wounds and continued to treat him as one of his own. Sonny learned that Doc was actually researching the plant life in District Two, but he was from District Three. He didn't fit in there so he moved out to the forests to become a hermit of sorts. Doc was his savior, father, teacher, and friend. For years, Sonny had forgotten what he had forgotten and enjoyed living with Doc, doing chores for him, helping him with his research, and learning how to cook with what they had since Doc was mostly living off of edible plants. Sonny also loved working out, and he knew that being strong would also help Doc because he was getting older and it was getting harder for Doc to carry his heavier equipment around. He had basically worshipped Doc, picked up his awful sense of humor, and eventually cared for Doc. After about 6 years, Doc had come down with something nasty. His fever wouldn't break, and he was eating less and less. He knew his time was coming to an end but Sonny refused to let his father figure go. One night, Doc told him he was like a son to him and spoke his last words before he fell asleep, "There is something that I found next to you all those years ago. I never knew the right time to give it to you. It's in the chest under my bed. And one more thing. Chin up, Sonny. This world is too big to be stuck in one place. Go out there and experience life. Make something to remember." With that, Sonny thanked him for everything and told him he loved him. He knew the Doc loved him too, but he didn't have the time to say it. He just smiled and closed his eyes. -- After burying Doc's body next to a very large Sequoia tree with a "Here lies Doc, Best man that has every lived." etched into it, Sonny dried his tears and searched under Doc's bed for the chest he was speaking about. Inside was mask, that looked like it was cracked, but it was able to be picked up. p261652_1.jpg
Within 3 days, Sonny had packed up with plenty of rations and started his exploration, trying to find out who he was, and why he had a mask that gave him extraordinary abilities...

Powers/ Weapons: Sonny can manipulate the earth around him. He cannot make any structures bigger than a tank, but he also isn't that creative with his ability. He mostly will make weapons or walls, but I mean a wall made up of earth/rocks is pretty sturdy. Sonny has an easy time lifting things he makes, such as the weapons, however he isn't going to be swinging around cars made up of rocks. His go to weapon of choice is a simple spiked club. He has no formal training, but you know. Just gotta whack stuff. 4225_l.jpg

Likes: Learning. Being warm. Intimidating people with his large size. Making really bad puns and then people giving him bad looks because his jokes aren't THAT bad.

Dislikes: Jerks. Authority and/or people who want to be in the authority. Sickness. Being cold, that shit sucks. He does not appreciate that he can't remember anything. Leading people.

Fears: Sicknesses. The unknown. Finding out that he was actually some murderer or worse, a leader.

Strengths: Leading people. Making quick decisions. His physical abilities. Making allies. He's got some knowledge of what plants do what and foraging. He is also good at cooking.
Chayliel Chayliel

This seems fine. I just have a need to remind people that abilities like your earth bending ( also love the pic from legend of korra) is only possible because of the mask. There are morphemes but their powers are different. You actually got ahead of me in sense of a story plot device. Masqueraders are born with their masks resembling animals or other but the Brotherhood with the use of science created makeshift ones. Your characters “father” can be a scientist or head director of the project who saw the evil of the Brotherhood left with the only prototype destroying all the evidence he could find. These makeshift masks. so I can allow your character but it has to be the only one to have such a mask. At least for now

Please ask me if there are any kinds of sorts of questions. .
Chayliel Chayliel

This seems fine. I just have a need to remind people that abilities like your earth bending ( also love the pic from legend of korra) is only possible because of the mask. There are morphemes but their powers are different. You actually got ahead of me in sense of a story plot device. Masqueraders are born with their masks resembling animals or other but the Brotherhood with the use of science created makeshift ones. Your characters “father” can be a scientist or head director of the project who saw the evil of the Brotherhood left with the only prototype destroying all the evidence he could find. These makeshift masks. so I can allow your character but it has to be the only one to have such a mask. At least for now

Please ask me if there are any kinds of sorts of questions. .

I gotcha. I was going to eventually elaborate on Doc's storyline a bit later and I was planning for him to be a lot more secretive than Sonny thought. But yea that's totally cool. :)

So Sonny is basically a man made version of the masqueraders? Not like a natural born
You can have him working near his home collecting resources or something and wishing to go to the Festival of Colors, and I can create a plot device to have my characters meet yours. Chayliel Chayliel

Also to Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers and The Grilled Charlie The Grilled Charlie . This is not a warning or anything but this is to just ask if it is alright if I borrow your characters to help the thread move forward. It just seems unfair to others if one person who has to do an action of a sort to be idle for so long. I repeat again. You are not in trouble and this is not a warning or a threat. I'm just asking if i can borrow your characters to help move the thread forward.
You can have him working near his home collecting resources or something and wishing to go to the Festival of Colors, and I can create a plot device to have my characters meet yours. Chayliel Chayliel

Also to Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers and The Grilled Charlie The Grilled Charlie . This is not a warning or anything but this is to just ask if it is alright if I borrow your characters to help the thread move forward. It just seems unfair to others if one person who has to do an action of a sort to be idle for so long. I repeat again. You are not in trouble and this is not a warning or a threat. I'm just asking if i can borrow your characters to help move the thread forward.
In my defense, I did not know whrn you were going to reply to my last post, so go on ahead.

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