
Pretzel Heart

Afterimage of Broad Daylight

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!


The GMs will be using this thread for any and all announcements, updates, and changelogs. Therefore it's very important that everyone "watches" the thread by clicking on the button in the top righthand corner. Fail to do so at your own peril!


@DemonKitten @Hange Zoe @Olissa @Lady Ravenshade @MLAQTS @The Succubi Queen @Ranulf01 @Otakuyaki @ParadoxalPaladin
(I'm tagging you all for now but for those who haven't yet you will be expected to click that little 'Follow' button in the righthand corner to post in the RP.)

So it's now past January 14th, meaning all 'Soft Hold' roles have been officially reopened for the RP! Which further means we'll start more heavily recruiting and hopefully adding to our family. :smile4:
If you know of anyone who might be interested, please invite them! Will try and post up an Interest Check tomorrow.

Currently our timeline looks like this:

--> February 3rd: First Character Acceptance Deadline. All CSs due by this point. Acceptances will be made within a matter of days.
--> February 17th: Guidebook Lore and Journals due for pertinent characters. Will continue to recruit if necessary.
--> February 19th: Beginning of the RP.

Uhm, I really wanted to have my stuff done by this point, but life had other plans and it turns out I'm still quite sick. U,U Even the doctors couldn't figure out what's wrong with me, so the continuing advice has been just to rest, meaning I've fallen behind in RPing and in life. :smile6: But I think, barring lack of player interest and difficulty in recruiting, we will still be able to stick to this schedule quite fine. We are really trying to give ample time for both players and the GMs to get ready before we start the RP, so sorry if it seems like a long wait. Furthermore @wizard nibblers and I have an important event in mid-February that, realistically, I know will be taking up much of our time to prepare for in the coming weeks.

On the down side, there is still information that has to be added to the site. And I don't just mean for individual characters (though that too). I know this situation is kind of a drag for those early birds who shouldn't be punished for turning in their homework early >< ...but we'll be sure to let you know once all the basic lore has been finalized. There might be an extra check that you guys will have to fill out though. Again, very sorry! Once we say the lore has been finalized, any additional changes will be noted in this thread so you'll never have to second guess or hunt for them again.

This also means that we will continue to hold off on discussing non-Representative / vital roles with people for a few more days because we really want all cards on the table before we start those kinds of conversations. And again, filling in the 'main' roles is our current top priority for the RP.

That being said, we still stand behind our commitment to player ideas and creativity! fever dreams I've been playing the accursed game this RP is based on and thinking of many ideas for the RP, so I'm pretty well pre-gamed and excited to start xD. We're both so happy to have this chance to get to RP with everyone again, and some new faces, too!
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@DemonKitten @Hange Zoe @Olissa @Lady Ravenshade @MLAQTS @The Succubi Queen @Ranulf01 @Otakuyaki @ParadoxalPaladin
(I'm tagging you all for now but for those who haven't yet you will be expected to click that little 'Follow' button in the righthand corner to post in the RP.)

Okie dokes, so with great delay, the RP Lore has been finished! -cue fanfare-

What this means is:

A) Everything on the RPN site (Library, Dungeon, ect) has been finalized. You will now be notified (through this page) of any other changes / additions from this point on.
B) Everything on the Guidebook has been finalized, with the exception of the country lore. However, if you want to see what a finished country page will look like, Euthalia is 100% done (besides some of the 'Relationships,' which we will be filling in as more people finish their bits and join the RP).

C) We will be officially opening the RP from this point on. :D So far to start it looks like we need 2 Princes, 1 Princess, and the Dance Instructor. So if you can think of anyone interested, don't be afraid to ask em on over!

So what we need from you:
* Please re-read everything, even if it's just giving it a quick skim. I can 100% guarantee you that there is new information from the last time you checked (unless you checked, like, today). This is especially to @The Succubi Queen @Ranulf01 and @ParadoxalPaladin. Not to punish you guys for being early birds, because your stuff is awesome, but there have been plenty of updates since you submitted your sheets. All of you have new things to fill out, and new checks you'll have to complete. You guys are still in the RP obviously, just try and get on top of that by the due dates. This also means you can start filling out your country info for the Guidebook, if you haven't done so already (again, take a look at Euthalia if you need an example).

So what are the due dates?

If all goes well, we'll be putting up the Interest Check and start recruiting tomorrow. Uhm unfortunately my computer decided to die on me again (yes it's literally the exact same problem as last time -deep sigh-), and @wizard nibblers will be gone this weekend, so sorry if we seem to lack presence. But so far we are thinking to have CS due by February 12th, and lore due by February 26th. That? should be? plenty of time...I know there is a lot to read and write, heck I still have a lot of things to fill out myself. But hopefully the payout will be a super fun RP. :smile2:

Can't wait to see what you guys come up with!

Any further questions? Don't be afraid to tag us in the OOC! :smile4:

Peace out.
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Alrighty, @wizard nibblers @Ranulf01 @ParadoxalPaladin @The Succubi Queen, we have officially accepted our wonderful Replacement Princess, @Olissa's Evalyn, into the RP!

This means that all of your Relationship Journals have been updated with a slot for Evalyn Euthalia. Note; your character's feelings here will currently reflect their relationship with the real princess, not the replacement! Those will be updated as the RP goes on. This information will be added to the skeleton as well for those who haven't gotten their CS through yet.

Thanks, and happy RPing!
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Okie dokes, so for those who haven't read the newest RPN newsletter...basically they are reverting back to the old software which is going to have some major effects on the site. For one all the HTML coding is out, which sucks for us since we just spent the past couple weeks re-coding everything, but any old BBC should revert back to what it was pre-updategeddon. So for those who had old profiles, you should be able to recycle the coding if you need to and overall that shouldn't be a huge issue.

What might effect us more seriously is that the Hosted Projects format was completely different on old RPN, and currently the site staff aren't sure how things will look once it's reverted. We should be able to keep the RP, but it might be a hot mess again in 20 different forums, or we might have limitations put on us......I honestly don't know.

Apparently this is all happening within the next month or so, so for now, I think we'll leave everything as is and just proceed normally as we wait for more information.

Annnnd that should be that.
Stay classy, talk to you on the flip side.

Edit: It seems like they have prematurely taken out any ability to edit HTML for the moment. This kind of screws over Relationship Journals since we won't be able to add any new characters, but we won't worry about that for now, and hope that the site does the BBC update before the RP starts. >,>'''
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Okay so Wiznibs and I have this thing next weekend and it's really getting to be crunch time for us. So we're going to be even worse bad at responding this next week (remember both of us have to agree on a point before we respond to it in almost all cases) and have decided to push the deadlines another 2 weeks. Partially due to business, partially due to still needing more apps to feel comfortable. xD If anyone has any ideas on recruiting please let us know...

So the current timeline is:

--> February 24th: First Character Acceptance Deadline. All CSs due by this point. Acceptances will be made within a matter of days.--> March 10th: Guidebook Lore and Journals due for pertinent players. Will continue to recruit if necessary.--> March 13th: Beginning of the RP.

Hopefully we won't need to push it again, but we'll see how things go.
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Okie Dokes another quick one because, beside my intentions to not check this site till after the weekend, well, it turns out it's a good thing I did check because Updateddon 2 is upon us much faster than anticipated.

For those who didn't check on the recent announcement the site will be going down sometime on Sunday February 19th and will be off for a couple days. Afterwards we have been told that the URLs should work, the old BBC should work, and we will have our Hosted Project as a forum. Probably won't be as a cutesy as this one but ah well. (As a side note, your blogs and followers will not make the jump)

That being said, coming fresh off of Hell week, we will be dutifully updating the RP in accordance with the new changes. So expect some hella awkward looking everything for a day or two, and if you had fancy BBC you can bring it back, and if you have fancy HTML well it's gonna be broke.
Going to have to figure out how the Journals will work in this new landscape. Ideally I would still like to be the one to edit them not because I'm a power-hungry dicktator (well, not that I'm not), but more so you guys don't have to worry about anything but filling them out. Otherwise it becomes a giant hassle I don't want you all to go through every time a new character pops up, and it just lets me sleep at night if I can do my OCD quality control thing and make sure we're all on the same page. But we'll see. 

I may be a Paranoid Pretz but I would strongly suggest saving all RP-related info (mostly Character Sheets for you guys) somewhere, off-site preferably. Most likely no info will be lost, but you really never know with software and technology and do you really want to take the risk?

Other than that we will possibly be discussing things at some point this weekend so if there's any feedback you'll get it from us after the update.
Have a swaggy week and see you, literally this time, on the flip side.  :smile7:
Man, sorry it took so long for me to stop running all over the place and adjust to my new work schedule and Wow! There many of you. I'm so used to thinking of this as our little RP I never realized. xD
In any case, this is going to be a Super Long Super Important Announcement. Much of it will retread previous notices which had to go into the OOC so bear with me but make sure you read it well, just in case you might have missed something under the temporary system. In any case it's nice to have it all in one place (which is the purpose of this thread after all).

-The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. So thankfully the RPN staff seems to have realized the injustice of their Sisyphean task and decided to give GMs back at least some control of their Hosted Projects. This means we can actually post in the previously locked threads/forums (like the IC!), change outdated information, and fix all that hideous dilapidated code. Huzzah! All threads should currently be back in working order. Sorry if you guys got some weird notifications throughout the day. Was re-coding everything for the third flipping time the most tedious thing I've ever had to do in my life? Probably. Would I ever do it again? I'd rather rip out my own spine and eat it. I did make a few adjustments to information here and there, mainly to take out any references to the old system (such as HTML, ect), so nothing that I believe it is pertinent for you to know, with the exception of one addition to the Dance Mechanics page which has been highlighted in red. Do inform us if any links are broken, information is inaccurate, or things are out of place. Especially on the Dance Mechanics page, where everyone's Dance Level has been updated, and on the Signup Page, where new databases have been added! The downside is that the GMs currently do not have the ability to edit other players' posts or delete content (and we still don't really have control of the forum). Which means we cannot help anyone with funky coding issues or separate archaic posts from relevant ones. I hope that one day we will regain full control of the until then, let's just do our best. :ghostuvu:

-Music of the Night. In my personal favorite update, I am proud to announce that this RP will have its own score! Music will be inserted into NPC / GM posts with directions when to *Press Play* for optimal Dark-Side-of-The-Rainbow synching effect! Of course this is purely optional, but I did spend way too much time picking out music, so I hope it enhances the overall experience. Likewise, feel free to add songs to your own posts! However, we would greatly appreciate if you abstain from using anything with sung lyrics as it might be too distracting (personally I can't read and listen to lyrics at the same time so I'm assuming there are others who are the same).

-Love is in the Air. For those of you who missed it, here is the updated Relationship Journal and Diplomacy Journal code! The difference between the two versions of the Relationship Journal code is that the first just includes royal characters - this is the one you should focus on for now. The second has the rest of the characters, which we will be adding in later once they've all gotten a chance to know one another.

[CENTER][SIZE=5][FONT=Calligraffitti][COLOR=#DE6D9D]~ Relationship Journal ~[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

[th][FONT=Book Antiqua]Name[/FONT][/th]
[th][FONT=Book Antiqua]Attraction[/FONT][/th]
[th][FONT=Book Antiqua]Thoughts[/FONT][/th]

[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua]Evalyn Euthalia[/FONT][/CENTER]
[td][FONT=Book Antiqua]Romance:[/FONT]
 [FONT=Book Antiqua]Friendship:[/FONT]
[FONT=Book Antiqua]---[/FONT]

[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua]Klaus Mathis Diefenbach[/FONT][/CENTER]
[td][FONT=Book Antiqua]Romance:[/FONT]
 [FONT=Book Antiqua]Friendship:[/FONT]
[FONT=Book Antiqua]---[/FONT]

[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua]Rosalein Katharina Diefenbach[/FONT][/CENTER]
[td][FONT=Book Antiqua]Romance:[/FONT]
 [FONT=Book Antiqua]Friendship:[/FONT]
[FONT=Book Antiqua]---[/FONT]

[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua]Luciano Barbosa[/FONT][/CENTER]
[td][FONT=Book Antiqua]Romance:[/FONT]
 [FONT=Book Antiqua]Friendship:[/FONT]
[FONT=Book Antiqua]---[/FONT]

[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua]Tristan Thaddeus Sinclair[/FONT][/CENTER]
[td][FONT=Book Antiqua]Romance:[/FONT]
 [FONT=Book Antiqua]Friendship:[/FONT]

[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua]Dahlia Lenore Sinclair[/FONT][/CENTER]
[td][FONT=Book Antiqua]Romance:[/FONT]
 [FONT=Book Antiqua]Friendship:[/FONT]

[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua]Naomi Marie Thalassa[/FONT][/CENTER]
[td][FONT=Book Antiqua]Romance:[/FONT]
 [FONT=Book Antiqua]Friendship:[/FONT]

[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua]Asuran Dorix[/FONT][/CENTER]
[td][FONT=Book Antiqua]Romance:[/FONT]
 [FONT=Book Antiqua]Friendship:[/FONT]

[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua]Kiefer Arlie Avescamp[/FONT][/CENTER]
[td][FONT=Book Antiqua]Romance:[/FONT]
 [FONT=Book Antiqua]Friendship:[/FONT]
[td][FONT=Book Antiqua]---[/FONT][/td]

[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua]East Sea Councilman[/FONT][/CENTER]
[td][FONT=Book Antiqua]Romance:[/FONT]
 [FONT=Book Antiqua]Friendship:[/FONT]

[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua]Brand Falx[/FONT][/CENTER]
 [FONT=Book Antiqua]Friendship:[/FONT]



[th][FONT=Book Antiqua]Name[/FONT][/th]
[th][FONT=Book Antiqua]Attraction[/FONT][/th]
[th][FONT=Book Antiqua]Thoughts[/FONT][/th]

[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua]Kip Hamoon Stallon the 77th[/FONT][/CENTER]
[td][FONT=Book Antiqua]Romance:[/FONT]
 [FONT=Book Antiqua]Friendship:[/FONT]
[FONT=Book Antiqua]---[/FONT]

[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua]Celso[/FONT][/CENTER]
[td][FONT=Book Antiqua]Romance:[/FONT]
 [FONT=Book Antiqua]Friendship:[/FONT]
[FONT=Book Antiqua]---[/FONT]

[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua]Kalen[/FONT][/CENTER]
[td][FONT=Book Antiqua]Romance:[/FONT]
 [FONT=Book Antiqua]Friendship:[/FONT]
[FONT=Book Antiqua]---[/FONT]

[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua]Chantie Basura[/FONT][/CENTER]
[td][FONT=Book Antiqua]Romance:[/FONT]
 [FONT=Book Antiqua]Friendship:[/FONT]
[FONT=Book Antiqua]---[/FONT]

[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua]Vladimir Cossat[/FONT][/CENTER]
[td][FONT=Book Antiqua]Romance:[/FONT]
 [FONT=Book Antiqua]Friendship:[/FONT]
[td][FONT=Book Antiqua]---[/FONT][/td]

[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua]Carnation Reizwald[/FONT][/CENTER]
[td][FONT=Book Antiqua]Romance:[/FONT]
 [FONT=Book Antiqua]Friendship:[/FONT]

[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua]Helbrecht[/FONT][/CENTER]
 [FONT=Book Antiqua]Friendship:[/FONT]



[th][FONT=Book Antiqua]Name[/FONT][/th]
[th][FONT=Book Antiqua]Attraction[/FONT][/th]
[th][FONT=Book Antiqua]Thoughts[/FONT][/th]

[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua]Kip Hamoon Stallon the 77th[/FONT][/CENTER]
[td][FONT=Book Antiqua]Romance:[/FONT]
 [FONT=Book Antiqua]Friendship:[/FONT]
[FONT=Book Antiqua]---[/FONT]

[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua]Celso[/FONT][/CENTER]
[td][FONT=Book Antiqua]Romance:[/FONT]
 [FONT=Book Antiqua]Friendship:[/FONT]
[FONT=Book Antiqua]---[/FONT]

[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua]Kalen[/FONT][/CENTER]
[td][FONT=Book Antiqua]Romance:[/FONT]
 [FONT=Book Antiqua]Friendship:[/FONT]
[FONT=Book Antiqua]---[/FONT]

[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua]Chantie Basura[/FONT][/CENTER]
[td][FONT=Book Antiqua]Romance:[/FONT]
 [FONT=Book Antiqua]Friendship:[/FONT]
[FONT=Book Antiqua]---[/FONT]

[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua]Guido Lancelor Sinclair[/FONT][/CENTER]
[td][FONT=Book Antiqua]Romance:[/FONT]
 [FONT=Book Antiqua]Friendship:[/FONT]

[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua]Vladimir Cossat[/FONT][/CENTER]
[td][FONT=Book Antiqua]Romance:[/FONT]
 [FONT=Book Antiqua]Friendship:[/FONT]
[td][FONT=Book Antiqua]---[/FONT][/td]

[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua]Carnation Reizwald[/FONT][/CENTER]
[td][FONT=Book Antiqua]Romance:[/FONT]
 [FONT=Book Antiqua]Friendship:[/FONT]

[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua]Helbrecht[/FONT][/CENTER]
 [FONT=Book Antiqua]Friendship:[/FONT]


[CENTER][SIZE=5][FONT=Calligraffitti][COLOR=#DE6D9D]~ Diplomacy Journal ~[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

[th][FONT=Book Antiqua]Country[/FONT][/th]
[th][FONT=Book Antiqua]Thoughts[/FONT][/th]

[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua]Euthalia[/FONT][/CENTER]
[td][FONT=Book Antiqua]---[/FONT][/td]

[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua]Rameria[/FONT][/CENTER]
[td][FONT=Book Antiqua]---[/FONT][/td]

[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua]Galleria[/FONT][/CENTER]
[td][FONT=Book Antiqua]---[/FONT][/td]

[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua]Greedo[/FONT][/CENTER]
[td][FONT=Book Antiqua]---[/FONT][/td]

[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua]Marine[/FONT][/CENTER]
[td][FONT=Book Antiqua]---[/FONT][/td]

[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua]Dorimun[/FONT][/CENTER]
[td][FONT=Book Antiqua]---[/FONT][/td]

[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua]Nezzie[/FONT][/CENTER]
[td][FONT=Book Antiqua]---[/FONT][/td]

[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua]Sea Republic[/FONT][/CENTER]
[td][FONT=Book Antiqua]---[/FONT][/td]

[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua]Lepumir[/FONT][/CENTER]
[td][FONT=Book Antiqua]---[/FONT][/td]


This has been added to the Invitation Form and Journal Guidelines as well, if you ever need it. As a reminder, filling these out is 100% necessary for all Representatives, ie: characters with royal blood (if you don't know who you are then gtfo of this RP-- jkjk but still). For everyone else, it is completely optional based on whether you think it would be fun or not. Because we will be updating these over the course of the RP, I added in a separate section for non-royal characters. This section is completely optional for everyone, and probably should be left blank for now as very few non-royal characters would have reason to know one another, as far as I can tell. Since we will be checking for accuracy as well as completion, be sure to check up on the rules listed in the Journal Guidelines thread and the examples given on the Invitation Form. Just please humor my OCD on this. I really, really wish I had the power to edit everyone's code to make this process easier because BBC is a jerk and the most temperamental coding language I have ever-- but for now all I can provide is the backbone and, if the BBC starts octopussing all over the place, advice on how to fix it.

One of the other RPs I'm in just employed a very similar mechanic to our Relationship Journals, implemented through a Google Chart which can be edited by all members. I am wondering if it would be easier for everyone if we used something to that effect for our own RP. Please let us know in the OOC towel section!

-Start Date. This depresses me so I'll try and keep it short. xD More or less we can start as soon as the Guidebook lore and Journals have been finished and checked. Since we have continuously failed to meet our goals in this regard, we have tried to request a reasonable estimate from the involved parties on how much longer they think they'll need. Once a deadline has been set, we are going to be a bit hardline and will start calling people out for things they are missing. Since I am a bit wasted from all the tedious coding atm just hang on a bit for all that to be settled.

-Activity Boost.
Something that Wiznibs and I have been tossing around is possibly upping the activity requirements. I believe we have one of the more lenient posting requirements, which is partially because we feel we can trust you guys (to some extent :p). At the same time we are thirsty af. So we have been considering boosting the activity requirements from once a week to once every 5 days (or even less!), at least for the "main" roles. Understandably schedules are tricky and hard to predict, but we want to see what people's thoughts are about this and if rushing makes anyone uncomfortable.

-Welcome to Nightvale. In case you haven't noticed, we have had three new characters recently join the RP. Helbrecht played by Unwavering Knight Unwavering Knight , Kalen played by hosaki hosaki , and I finally got the final profile up for Klaus (I'm so sorry it took so long, I kept forgetting to copy it over... >,>''''''''''' bad GM, BAD!). Be sure to welcome all new players and take note of their characters for the Journals as needed.

-Tick Tock on the Clock. On the other hand, we still have unfinished profiles by @Lady Ravenshade and DemonKitten DemonKitten . As we have stated before there's no rush to finish as there will always be a spot for you in this RP. Buuut ideally we would like to get all characters in before we begin (to make sure we have room for everyone). So consider this a friendly poke to finish up if you still plan to join. ;)

-Sowing Discord. Thanks to Aster Aster 's suggestion, we have revived the RP's Discord channel! Feel free to use the Discord for anything, be it random gossip or easy plotting. However, keep in mind that not everyone will be checking this chat! We will never post important information there that we expect everyone to see and we will be expecting all users to do the same. If you do use the app, please introduce yourself, especially if your Discord username is different from your username on RPN. Since I am Discord illiterate I am not sure the best way to link it, but I believe you can type in the code XhQXKYq to join the group. I believe you might also be able to use this link. I have added this information in both the Teatime Chats op and in the dusty old Political Gossip op in case you ever need to find it. If you need any help signing up or joining the chat let us know...though there are probably members of this RP more suited to answering your questions than I. :ghostv:

-Follow the Leader. It seems that on the current system it is impossible for us to view who is "following" which thread. So we cannot enforce you doing so. However, Be warned that you do not keep up with this thread at your own risk! There are so many people in this RP that we are not going to tag each and everyone one of you every time we need to get out general information. This is the last time we will do so! If we see warning signs that you are not paying attention to the Announcements, there will be blood! I will drink your milkshake! I will drink it right up with my straw!! We might do evil little "checks" every once in a while to keep you on your toes because we have been really traumatized by people not reading sht and that means even you good little children (yes you) have to suffer. Remember, this thread is for you! So that everything you will ever need is in one neat little place. Use it well!

-Website Woes. Wiznibs and I have been arguing over the future of the Guidebook and...uhm...I honestly don't know what to say on that. So for now just PM us your lore as you would normally, and when it comes time to consolidate we will have it hosted somewhere in some shape way or form ASAP. This is also partially why you might have seen there has been no change to the website in some time, despite breakages and an influx of new information. :snail:

-Just for Funsies. So I noticed a few people taking advantage of our calendar and providing which day of the week their character was born. Since tradition has magical / spiritual properties assigned to each day (and there are probably some strains of astrology-like pseudo-sciences around them), I thought it was sort of a fun exercise to indulge in. Kind of like assigning your character an element / alignment. If anyone wants to include it their date can be added to our charts. Also you don't have to worry about the math too much (unless you reeeeaally want to). I know I sure as fkk won't check. So just choose whatever you want.

Now this has all been a lot of work on my first day back from vacation, so I think that's all I've got for now and see you on the flip side.
Can't wait to finally start and show you all what's in store...:hornskiss:
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Just another quick (but important) update on the RP.

So poor Greedo, being put through the wringer, there has been another (hopefully final) change in players.
hosaki hosaki will be playing Prince of Greedo, and Syrenrei Syrenrei will be joining us as Princess of Greedo. Feel free to introduce yourself in the OOC and everyone give her a warm welcome. ^ ^ Also if you have any questions over the next couple days you can reach me through PM, OOC, or on our RP's Discord Chat which is linked in the OOC threads.
I will be updating the Relationship Journal code once they have their sheets finalized and I'm expecting those of you who already started to fill it out to do the same. :3

There has also been another bump in the road, meaning that for now I will be taking over all of wizard nibblers wizard nibblers characters and responsibilities until further notice. Which is slightly terrifying, but this time I'm a little more prepared so I'll do my best. Thus if anyone has any questions about Klaus / Rameria, Kiefer / Nezzie, or Luciano / Galleria, please contact me for plotting I'm not trying to play every fkkn character in this RP I'm really not. And that's all I really want to say on that matter for now.

Despite the poll results, seeing as we have had to make these reshufflings and because of me not using my thinking brain to bring finals (which have eaten me alive, as I assume others) into consideration and because, despite everyone's assurances, we have seen exactly zero progress on our list :p , I have decided to give everyone the extra week that a few of you asked for.

Thus the Immovable State Date is Officially May 15th.
Be prepared. ;p

I have a lot to catch up on this weekend not to mention company visiting, but next week I will definitely get to finalizing the Guidebook with all the new lore.

Now if you finished reading this, just out of curiosity to see who is Watching the thread, give this post a like (you can unlike it later idc).
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Asdlaksjdlkjasdhgfdhgiupioilkjghfstrtyiuyrdgdzgffg I'm so so sorry this took a trillion years longer than I could have ever anticipated. U,U Thanks to various issues with my health, technology (stupid file scare again when will Apple let me live?), and, it was more difficult than anticipated to transfer over all those notes. :''') To be honest I was feeling a bit heavy of heart since my partner left me, and that compounded with guilt for not being able to perform my responsibilities as GM, so I was almost overtaken by the darkness.......

However! I wanted to give a special shoutout to @theglassangel for giving me the final kick in the ass I needed to get back on track with the upkeep of this RP. xD That, plus some other things, and I was finally able to become master of my life again. Or, at least, spend the past week crying over my computer. However, there is something I would like to elaborate a bit more, if only to get it off my chest and give myself some kind of closure.

So before we going into housekeeping allow me a brief moment to get a bit on the real real with you guys.

I don't want to go too far into details, first because it is Wizard's personal business, second because I have an extremely biased view of the situation, and lastly because I don't want there to be any issue should she ever return. What I will say is this. Wizard's deeply felt. This RP is our story, our dream. It's a good part of the reason why we came to RPN in the first place. We've had a lot of fun working on it, coming up with ideas, ironing out the kinks, lacing it with inside jokes.........for me, not having her by my side to see it through feels like losing a part of the RP's soul. You guys probably won't feel it the same way. In fact, I hope you don't. But it already seems hollow not having her around. Not to mention this entire site is now filled with reminders of our time together. It's kind of a pain when I am doing my best to move on with my life, and yet she is shadowing me every step of the way like the little gremlin she is. >,> Perhaps not to a huge extent on RPN, but the quirks of our relationship were legendarily odd. I mean, we were born nemeses, but also forced to work together time and again. And I thought that somehow, despite our rivalry and mutual contempt, we worked together well. We kept one another in check, giving each other inspiration and advice. I know that 99% of the time I was the face that communicated with all of you, but I can guarantee that her input made me a better GM. And, I mean, many of you guys have already given a lot of work to this RP, so you can imagine the amount of time we've put in on our end. And even with both of us, things were still chaotic in the wake of our ambitious goals. @,@ So doing it all with just the one is a hugely daunting prospect...

I guess I am waiting for a sequence of measures to be taken before there is a chance for Wizard to rejoin. I can't even say whether there is a good likelihood she will or not, because in the end it's all up to her. But I've already made my decision. As happy as it would make me to have her back (and not have to RP with myself), once every few hundred years I have to do something to stand up for myself. And I don't like being made to have such ... feelings. And what I really really hate is having to admit that I have them at all. Damnit it...I guess I'll just have to lose this round. Because I would be lying if I said she hasn't caused me pain. And that I don't miss her.

There may come a time when I try and seek out a new co-GM, but honestly I'm not ready to love again I don't think I could feel as comfortable working at that level with someone I don't know IRL. Since there are a lot of ~secrets~ involved in this RP and constant communication/plotting is more or less necessary...there is a lot of trust and energy involved in putting on the GM crown and mantle. Plus, despite my better judgement, I'm not quite ready to let go. So such an effort would be a last resort if I feel I'm really failing the RP. as if I haven't already

In the meantime, I am sorry you all are stuck with just me. I am apologizing beforehand for the many mistakes I am bound to make, and the ones I already have. U,U And now this is starting to sound really Japanese. つまらない物ですけど。。。 But just know that I want you guys to feel like you can openly communicate with me. Give me your suggestions and advice. I mean, I might not always be able to take it, but I will try and always take it into consideration!

I said that this RP was Wizard's and my story. But it is also our story, as in all of us all together. There were times when we considered presenting this project in some other form, but we wanted to see what other people - you all - could bring to the table. We...well, I, want to hear your crazy ideas and conspiracies. We have a saying at work: The answer is 'yes,' the question is 'how.' Which is a terrible business model btw, but here it applies. RPing is about collaboration, and I want everyone to have a say in how their story twists and winds. And most of all, I want it to be fun! I don't want anyone to feel the way I felt with the other RP I created, where it was a stressful chore I had to answer to every day. Give yourself what you need to get hype!! And if something isn't going well, tell me rather than suffer. In the case you need to leave the RP, I'd much rather you do so than be miserable. No one should grow to hate the thing they love.

Ah well, sorry to go off like that, but it makes me feel better somehow.
And I'm looking forward to finally getting a chance to RP with all of you. :ghostv:

Okay, real real talk over. Whether you read it all or not, it was something I real real really wanted to say.

But now onto more important matters!

* Since the Guidebook was Wizard's lovechild, and since we have somehow survived Updateddon with our Hosted Project intact, I decided it would be simpler for me to move over all the lore than try and get into the shoes of her coding. This was mostly a matter of copy-paste, however I did update a few details here and there. Nothing crucial so I didn't highlight them, and it is more of an OCD thing that whenever I do an update I feel an impulse to go back and proof everything written so far for the RP (another reason why it takes so long lkwjewas). However, there is one thing I added by callout request which is a mini "Astrology" section on the bottom of the "Schedule of Events" page. Please check it out and play around with it as you wish!

* On the subject of Lore, all of the country info has been posted and is up to date. The only things that remain to be added are Relationships and Sea / Greedo, which is why I put them in red for now, so you know to ignore it. Please read up on all the countries you missed (which should have been all but Euthalia since the rest were all WiP lol). Feel free to curl up with some lemonade or something while you do will be a niiiiiice looooooooooong read. xD (between this Announcement, the Lore, and the 3 Opening Posts don't kill me---) Since there have been so many lapses in time, I would strongly encourage everyone to go back and read through the rest of the lore and even the rules as well before getting to work on posting. At the very least, check up on a section when you go to address it in the RP. It isn't necessary, but it will most likely help you in the long run since you wouldn't be human if at least some things have slipped your mind. xD I mean, I wrote the damn thing and have re-read it many times, and there are still some things I forget. The GM shouldn't be admitting that--

* Renn Skye Renn Skye had to go on hiatus for medical reasons. Since they contacted me it was ultimately decided that I would hold their character for them until the end of IC Day 1. Hopefully they will make a full recovery and rejoin us soon. :)

* Not of huge importance, but if anyone knows of a cool "Timeline Generator," can you let me know? Actually Wizard and I were planning to replace ours for the longest time since neither of us liked it, but we could find no better alternative. Also she had the code for that, too, and I can't for the life of me find it, so I just took away the graphic for now. Not the biggest priority, but I might whip something up in PS for funsies later down the line. B)
However, I will say that I did add a lot to our running timeline. Pretty much any date I saw, whether important in the grand scheme of things or not, has now been added! So feel free to bask in its grandeur, lol.

* Please welcome @theglassangel into the RP! As I already mentioned, she was kind enough to support me as I finished working on updates, and I'm happy to have her onboard to control Klaus's little sister, Rosalein, who has unexpectedly graduated from side character to part of the main cast. xD Feel free to introduce yourself in the OOC if you would like.
Greedo will no longer be the only incest route

* On the topic of siscon siblings! I know I already introduced Syrenrei Syrenrei , but her CS for Dahlia, our new Princess of Greedo, is finally up! So make sure to read up on her as well as keep her in your thoughts for future plotting. And, of course, don't hesitate to introduce yourself in the OOC or chat about characters.
By the way, I put Dahlia's starting rank at a 3. Let me know if you'd like it changed!

I'm really happy to have both of you join our team! ^ ^

* With all these new characters I have updated the Relationship Journal code. Please update to the most current version and fill it out if you have not already done so!

* Now, for the one we've aaaaaall been waiting (and waiting and waiting and waiting) for...The. First. Post. Is. UPPPPPPPP!, the first three posts. even tho it feels more like 6 ... kill me now... ;; Sorry for the awkward structure and if there is an issue with the music synching, ect. eheh, but I reeeeally put my heart into this one, so hopefully it gets you all in the mood for the RP and ready to write! I was reviewing the first version of this RP a lot as I worked on it, and I actually teared up a little when I saw originally we only had 4 look how far we've come! I can't say I could be any more excited to work with all of you to see where this journey takes us! ; 3;

...However, not everyone's characters are in a state where I feel like they should be allowed to enter the RP. >< Yes, I know that I am changing some previously stated policies, but I feel that if I don't, then some things will never get done. I also recognize that sometimes it is hard to prioritize working on an RP when it's future is up in the air. But technically many of you have had weeks to think about these things, and the future is, as of now, no longer dubious. So below is a list of the characters who may post, and the characters who still need work, with the missing requirements. For this first post I am extending the normal deadline of 1 week to 2.5, so you have 2.5 weeks to get your shiz together and post without penalty. However, if you have not done so by the end of that time, I will take that as a statement of your resignation and Archive your character on July 8th, at which point we will be moving on in the RP. It is totally understandable if you have lost your passion for Primum Movens, and now would honestly be the best chance for you to drop. No hard feelings, just do what you need to do.

For the rest, I'm looking forward to a great RP. Can't wait to see where we can go! And hoping that at least a few of ye will stick with me to the end. ;p

Vladimir Cossat ( Pretzel Heart Pretzel Heart )
Kiefer Arlie Avescamp ( Pretzel Heart Pretzel Heart )
Kip Hamoon Stallon the 77th ( Pretzel Heart Pretzel Heart )
Celso ( Orikanyo Orikanyo )
Carnation Reizwald ( Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine )
Chantie Basura ( Peppermint Patty Peppermint Patty )
Helbrecht ( Unwavering Knight Unwavering Knight )
Kalen ( hosaki hosaki )
Klaus Matthis Diefenbach ( Pretzel Heart Pretzel Heart )
Luciano Barbosa ( Pretzel Heart Pretzel Heart )
Rosalein Katharina Diefenbach ( @theglassangel )
Asuran Dorix ( ParadoxalPaladin ParadoxalPaladin )
Naomi Marie Thalassa ( The Succubi Queen The Succubi Queen )
Dahlia Lenore Sinclair ( Syrenrei Syrenrei )


Vincentius Falx ( @Ranulf01 )
--Relationship Journal, Diplomacy Journal, Answer PM--
Evalyn Jones ( Olissa Olissa )
--Update to new Relationship/Diplomacy Journal, Answer PM--
Tristan Thaddeus Sinclair ( hosaki hosaki )
--CS Approval, Relationship Journal, Diplomacy Journal, Country Lore--

**Reminder that to pass both Journals you do not need to include the countries / characters that haven't been added yet. Though you will need to eventually! I will set a second deadline for that later on once everyone is caught up. Likewise Country Lore does not need to include the 'Relationship' section for any country as of now. Please try and reach out to your fellow RPers to set up relationships! The more complex the better tbh :lenny: **​
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I Probably Should Have Mentioned This Hella Before But... If you want to set up a past relationship between your character(s) and any of the NPCs (including Princess Evalyn and Prince Lysander), please feel free to hit me up! Yahll should know by now I love that shit. xD (Don't think Dahlia's little crush on Lysander slipped by me, Syrenrei Syrenrei :p ) The princess was ripped more or less right from the game, but even in there there were things like, people she had turned down as dance partners in the past, people who had visited her before, friendships, ect. I mean, it probably won't matter too much in the long run since she won't be popping up too much (probably), but it could add some flavor to upcoming character interactions. Who knows?

This RP Needs its Own Goddamn Dictionary.
I added a tiny bit to each Country Lore which describes what the population of that country is called, and what products from that country are called. I've been thinking to do this for some time, just never got around to it. ;; I just need confirmation from The Succubi Queen The Succubi Queen and ParadoxalPaladin ParadoxalPaladin for Marine and Dorimun, but I think everyone else checks out?

Terrible GMing 101. Well, I had a bit of a rough time in California. Not to mention, as soon as I set foot off the plane, work decided to claim my soul I haven't even gotten to unpack yet.... So inevitably I fell a bit behind eheh. But this has given a chance for a few of you stragglers to catch up, so I guess it isn't the worst thing. :p I am working on the next "story" post right now, and it should be posted Saturday. As soon as it goes up, we will start what will become our normal counter for activity. Please reference da Rulz if you need a refresher on what this means, but basically yah'll will have to post once a week, if not more. Hell yeah I'm ready to get this girl on the run, so you better believe I'll be keeping on top of those Warnings. :lenny: -cracks whip-
And of course I'll be holding myself accountable to these policies...''' lawd knows I probably need it the most

Money Makes the World Go Round. Thanks to the combined efforts of Olissa Olissa and ParadoxalPaladin ParadoxalPaladin , we now have our own amazetastic currency for Roserasia, which has been added to the Country Lore (I have decided to use spoilers at the top of the page to cover general information). Keep up the great work. :ghostv:

Odds and Ends. There is also now a 'Height Chart' I crafted while listening to this wild documentary I still can't believe actually exists and has like, legitimacy, because I'm OCD and I love charts! I used this engine btw, Wizard found it and I've been addicted ever since lmao.
Also, kind of out of the blue, but there is a character I want to introduce on either IC Day 2 or 3 (don't worry, we won't be getting there for a hot bit!), and I was wondering if anyone had an inclination to play him/her. Basically, their role will work as a collector and facilitator of secrets, with their main goal eventually turning into uncovering the "true" identity of the princess. They can be as important or secondary as you'd like. But I will say, playing this character may grant you access to "special scenes" or "special information." I think this kind of person could really be a fun addition to the RP. In any case, if no one wants to take them, I will add it to my ever-growing list of NPCs, and probably have them take more of a back seat as a plot device. But lemme know if you're into that kind of thing.
I'll be mentioning more about it as we get closer. :captaincat:

Talk to Me About Men's Rights And... I also did another thing which should have been there long ago, and added a section on Gender Equality to the Social Politics page. Some people asked me about it, so now we have it all spelled out in once place. Feel free to add, challenge, or expand! Also keep these great questions coming. :3

Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow. Well, sadly we have lost @Ranulf01 and their character, Vincentius Falx. While Ranulf can come reclaim Vincentius as long as the role is open, for now, we will begin recruiting for a new East Sea Representative. If any of you know anyone who might be interested, it seems like word of mouth has done wonders for us in the past. xD Otherwise, time to obnoxiously hit the Recruitment Thread! For now, you can keep your Relationship Journals as is, or simply replace Vincentius with a placeholder. Once we get a replacement, I will be updating the code. For now, his spot has been simply replaced by the placeholder "East Sea Councilman."

Tristan Joins the Battle! While we lost one prince, we gained another! Please welcome Tristan, Representative of Greedo, played by our own hosaki hosaki ! Please add him all to your Relationship Journals by the end of the next Posting Round, and include him in your plots and plans. B)

On the Topic of Love... So in case you haven't noticed I went around and gave all active profiles a nice big Like. Because who doesn't like Likes? Plus I Love you all, and you all deserve it. But this is also a way to help people see which profiles are active, and which are not. Same goes for Relationship / Diplomacy Journals. If yours has a Like, you are good to go. If not, you may need to add some people / update now with the new additions. For now, the only ones who should be blank are East Sea Councilman and Brand Falx. Every other character must be accounted for by the end of this next posting round.

It's a Big World Out There. On that note, I have updated some of Blue (and Syren's) ideas for Greedo to the Country Lore page! Because Blue was working triple time to get caught up to the RP, it is still incomplete, though you guys can begin to get a sense of what the country is about, and I'm hoping to see it completed by the end of the next posting round or two. :darkwizardhat:

How Do I Reach These Kids? So...uhm...while I was overlooking things (I s2g I've re-read this shiz a thousand times and I still find more typos) I realized that the current Rank Up! system we had for our "Dance Mechanic" didn't make any f00king sense. Like, I have no idea what we were smoking at the time we came up with it, but the math didn't add up at all. Not even close. There were 2 people working on this. The fact that no one pointed out this huge oversight makes me believe that either you were all feeling piteous over our blatant inability to count and decided not to mention it, you are all equally terrible at simple math, or you weren't paying attention. :p In any case, no harm, no foul; after a lot of feeling stupid and jabbing my finger at the calendar, it's been fixed in...almost a complete overhaul. I'm actually really happy with the current system though. I think it plays out nicely in rewarding those who practice, with a slight advantage of starting at a higher rank, but nothing too overpowering. Of course, the highest advantage of all goes to those with a partner, so I would suggest, if your character has any interest in being competitive, you get them one ASAP. ;p There is now also more of a tactical element, so I'm looking forward to seeing how everything plays out. :hornskiss:
This has also been there for a while, but I did add some more rules to the "Practice Hall" RP page, in case you wanna get a jump on that as well.
Dance Practice won't begin till IC Day 2.

Doppelgängers Bring Bad Luck.
While I was in California, a very sudden, very unexpected Wizard Nibblers encounter occurred. The even worse than I thought. Another of her friends and I have been doing everything in our power to get through to her, but... (◞‸◟) I returned a heavy-hearted man. We're trying one last gambit tomorrow, and my masochistic heart continues to hold onto the sliveriest sliver of hope. But things don't look good. On the plus side, I found the document I had previously thought out of my possession where we wrote down ideas, so Naga Be Praised for that.
I don't wanna drag my personal baggage through this place I come to have fun and escape the flaming hell of reality xD, so this is the last I'll try and say about it (until the news is good!). But at this point, I have also lost the will to protect someone who has made it clear she no longer cares about my wellbeing. :''') So if for whatever reason you want to know the details, you can talk to me through DM.​
Fkk. Sorry that took so awfully long like usual. I'll just... -adds another point to GM failures, adds another point to feelings of self hate- :''''''''')
I am in a bit of a rush since I'm running late to work, but I'll go back and look over it again later. Sorry if I missed anything / anyone ;;

As it turns out, the issue with my hand got a bit more serious than I expected. Since I thought if I ignored it, it would go away quickly, but that was a huge Ai-Chan Misteku...who would have thought? xD
So I've only been able to use it in short spurts, which has been deleterious to RPing as one might imagine lolol

Anyways, I think it's doing better...doc didn't have much advice for me, so I'll just have to keep trying not to strain it too much until it heals (godspeed body)

I really wanted to post for Kluciano behind the NPCs since they're first up, but there's another RP I have to see to today and I'm moving so god damn slowly I decided to just cycle back to them and the princess ( Olissa Olissa ) tomorrow. In the meantime feel free to start working on a post. ;)

Just a few quick housekeeping things.

As many of you probably noticed, we at last escaped Update Hell with our HP intact. Man, I seriously don't deserve you guys. xD As (I believe) the oldest HP in the Fantasy section, just wanted to give everyone a huuuuuge shout of thanks and...Congratulations! You all stay classy. :bishiesparklesl:

And the first thing I did to abuse my new GM powers was to fix all yahll's code. Good news for you is I'll never have to bug you about it again, so you can just focus on filling in the information (of course, if you already know coding, then you're probably already keeping on top of it just fine). I could also finally Archive those dead threads. I am curious if you all can see the deleted content though? RPN is like, the only place I know that does that. It's really friggin weird and lowkey triggers my OCD every time lmao, but I guess they have some sort of reason for it? Anyways, just ignore the red/pink threads for now.

I mentioned this in the OOC but if anyone wants to make a contribution to our HP Banner, feel free! The dimensions are 220 x 80. Even if it's just an idea, cause right now I have 0 inspiration. But I had to throw up something before we (seriously) got Archived. I think our RP deserves a cool banner though. There's a lot of nice ones. xD

And last but certainly not least, as you also have likely noticed, please welcome isapi isapi and Raven Kade Raven Kade into the RP! With their characters Jervis and Katja, respectively. I'm sure both will make interesting additions to our cast. And just so we're all clear, you guys are included in this posting round, so keep on it.

From now on I really wanna crack down on our activity rule
I mean, I wasn't kidding when I said I also need to focus on monitoring myself ;; I know I work best with deadlines. There's been a lot of finicky fickles with people having to catch up, going in and out of the RP, and at this point NGL I do trust you guys to an extent, but I think that having a stricter posting schedule will overall just be healthier for the RP. So don't freak out if you get sent a Warning, just post within your deadline. Remember, even Archived characters can be revived as long as they haven't been replaced, and as you might have noticed, that takes some time xD. Of course if you can't post because of something I did, then I will never hold it against you. But I am taking several precautions to try and ensure we don't have too many more of those days...

Country Lore / Relationships will be due within 2 posting cycles. So please start working on those if you need to. Since all our characters are getting together, I think it will be rather beneficial to the coming scenes.

One thing I would like to know, so please post in the OOC after reading this, but would you guys prefer a strict weekly schedule (as in, NPC / plot posts will always be on x day around x time, and you will have 6 days after that to respond), or continue in this more organic fashion (where there could be a difference of several days, and we calculate every new deadline as we go). I have been going with the latter, but if it helps you guys out, I will fix myself to the former. Give me your opinion and/or specify a day you'd like the posting cycle to start based around your schedule.

Also, if you are ever curious where you stand in terms of Activity, here is the chart I will be keeping. I'm thinking to highlight people who have given prior warning of hiatus, unless you think that's too invasive of privacy? Idk. Btw you guys have been doing a pretty good job with that, so thanks.
I will try and update the chart every night before I go to bed. I will link it in Da Rules after this.
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Alright one of my super special "quickie" announcements that never end up quick just you wait to dust off this sorry old thread!
To start I'm super happy with everyone's work so far and glad that you guys are starting to get back into the rhythm of posting in here and thinking about this RP. Like I said we're not really on a pressure to post at the moment, but I feel like we're still managing a good pace so...keep it up. :)

That's all you guys really have to focus on for now. I'm considering us in kind of a weird transition phase where we all get settled back into the story, lore, and characters before I start recruiting for new peeps. One of the reasons I'm dragging my feet is that I am slowly working on cleaning up the forum, which should last the next week or two.

In case you're wondering, here are a few points of what that basically boils down to:

  • Editing information in the case of typos or just bad writing. And yeap I've already found a ton.
  • Updating information that is outdated or confusing for new players. I started to realize that the way we worded things might be a bit misleading and/or overwhelming. There is already a Grigori-Mountain-high barrier to entry for this RP, so I want to make it as easy as possible on newcomers. Will probably also be including a walk-through for all the threads to give them a bit of a guide. And I want to make the confusing state of the GMs a bit clearer for those just showing up.
  • Updating graphics (a few months ago something terrible happened because Apple is the worst and all my computer data was almost lost and ever since it's been in a big jumbled clusterfluk so a part of this was going spelunking to retrieve all relevant files for this RP actual sobbing)...but also I noticed some typos and whatnot on the images so I want to clean that up. Most importantly, I want to get us a smashing new banner. :D I think I have a decent idea--
  • Fixing the coding on all posts for Nightlife. It's been a long while since I thought about this, but recently it got brought to my attention again and I don't want any potential Nightlife-using newcomers to feel kukd. I'm assuming that none of you currently use Nightlife or, if you do, it hasn't been a problem...but boyo does shiz look sloppy in there. Also I seem to be the #1 offender of this lol. So yeah if I have to fix one of your posts for "Nightlife" that's the reason why. Probably won't have too much of that tho.
  • Moving all trash to the trash forum
  • Adding to the mechanics / Lore. I don't think there will be anything too extreme except for one thing I want to add to how dance competitions work...but I'll make another announcement about that once we get there.
  • And finally, updating all my CSs. This is just something I feel like doing so I don't expect it for anyone else. It just helps me to breathe new life into the characters, plus I have been struggling to make Wizard's characters feel more like my own, so I want to do something for them as well.

So yeah. There's not much really aimed at you guys for now. And if there is, I will be giving you a heads up once it's in place. I would leave a friendly suggestion to go back and skim through all the lore pages once I've finished prepping them, just because it's been a while and even I forgot some stuff, but it's not really necessary. Also, if there are any changes you would like to make to your character(s) / posts / ect before newcomers arrive, you got about 2 weeks to do so.

For now I am going to leave things like the Relationship Journals / references to now-passed characters. Mostly just because it is a lot of work to go through and edit every single one, and then edit it again once people start arriving. So I'm going to wait till we have characters solidified before I do anything like that. Like I said in the OOC, for now just carry on as if Celso the Dance Instructor is present, and Marine and the Sea Reps are not. You all got it.

And finally, if you know anyone you think might be interested in this sort of thing, I'd appreciate any suggestions of the sort. I'm considering the possibility of sending private invitations before testing the waters on the Interest Check. Trying not to get my hopes too high though cause I know this RP isn't everyone's taste. xD

There is one important thing I would like to say before I go though.
Obviously I have reached out to all of you privately to discuss your feelings on the RP. And like I said to all of you before, I want you to feel like you can speak to me openly about any problems you are having. I will always do my best to treat your opinions with the utmost respect and try to come to a reasonable solution.
You guys have also showed a lot of heart in supporting one another, and I really appreciate that. I want this RP to be a friendly and comfortable space so that we can create a great story between us all. :D

That being said...I would like to encourage everyone to take this "awkward transition phase" to perhaps think once more about your characters, their goals, and any ideas for future plot arcs involving them and/or others. It seems like some of you are already doing this, and that's great. Wizard and I started a chart that basically tracks everyone in this way, to keep on top of secrets and who knows what, and to help us better shape future events to be more...form-fitting...for the people involved. So really, the more ideas and/or plot bunnies you guys come up with the easier and more enjoyable my job becomes, thus hopefully generating a better experience for all.

This also means that I am watching like a hawk. As a good host should I am working hard to study the needs of all those in my Guest Rooms, always watching them from the shadows, scribbling notes......
A pretzel may be very fragile- it breaks under the slightest pressure. But nevertheless this pretzel bravely stands to protect the interests of all those in this RP. Perhaps you don't believe it now...and it cannot blame you for that. But it is doing its best, nonetheless.

I'll just leave this last bit sniped from a PM to basically sum up my feelings on the matter:

Pretzel Heart said:
The characters aren't the ones running this show, the plot is. And I'm the asshole running the plot. Nothing kuky is gonna get past me unless I'm the one directing it at my own creations lmfao. It's not like I would sit back and watch everything go to Hell--- wait I would totally do that. It's not like I would sit back while everyone's characters are getting kukd. If people have a request I take it seriously. That was our #1 mission statement for this RP.

So don't worry, just have fun, but if there is a problem don't hesitate to come to me. I'd much rather know than letting that shit fester and having it later hurt another player and/or their character. That would be a huge no-no.

I genuinely care about each of you and the work you have put into this RP. I am quite hopeful about our future together, and greatly looking forward to what it brings. :)

and yup this was neither quick nor short
Alright, so, as promised, I've got a big fat update for you all todaynight. Nowhere near done yet, so I'd consider this Part 1 of like...2 or maybe even 3...but I'm excited over all the additions and as it may be relevant to some of you for plotting purposes here we go--

Summary of All New Lore Shiz So Far

Alright so I think I said this somewhere or to some of you but most of the Lore additions have to do with Witches. They have a lot of their own lore going on, and for the most part I don't want to get into it just yet, as much of it would be locked from your characters anyways, and I want everyone to get a bit more comfortable with each other and the characters and the lore we do have before I unleash the most broken thing ever into the RP.
However, I noticed that some of the stuff your characters probably would know was awkwardly pussyfooted around here and there, so I decided to make that a whole lot clearer for you guys. It's kind of all spread out over the Library so I'm gonna give a quick summary here, and if you feel like digging for more deets, feel free to do so. Oh but not all of it has been added yet cause I'm going thread by thread, so jumping the gun on myself a can find the finished threads below vVv

*Brockenhexe. Occurring around 35 years ago, a small group of Witches attacked the tiny village of Saint Brocken, Lepumir, completely wiping them out overnight. The perpetrators were killed the morning after by combined Lepumiran-Nezzien forces, thus the cause of the attack remains unknown. However this had a huge lasting ripple effect. For one Nezzie used it as an excuse to retain military personnel in Southern Lepumir for an extended period of time, which the pro-Nezzien supporters in the region were fine with, but Euthalia wasn't so pleased about, increasing their own presence along the border in return. Tensions became extremely high around the contested area of the islands, not to mention between races as it was the first time Witches had ever done anything like that, and it scared the bejeezus out of humans and arie alike. Eventually Nezzie left, Euthalia left, and things calmed down...but it is not farfetched for some to theorize this moment as a potential start of the current Arien Rebellion. maybe Nezzie should have stayed

*Clovian Treaty. Mentioned before, but now with more detail. Lepumir actually got a lot better deal with this treaty than they, arguably, deserved, with both Euthalia and Nezzie kind of dick wagging over who could better protect the little country while simultaneously being pissed at them. You see, Lepumir being the weak ass punk it is lmao, decided that even after Brockenhexe to retain a policy of appeasement, afraid that rocking the boat would only further provoke the Witches, and tying the attack down to a random, isolated event. That sht did not fly to the North and South, and the Clovian Treaty was part of that, taking place just a mere 2 years after the attack. In return for being allowed to keep the majority land around Squirrel Bay, Lepumir was forced to take military action against its Witches. Rameria, who was also involved in the Treaty, agreed to assist in this task in return for keeping rights over an island technically owned by Nezzie but populated by Ramerian traders. Records show that task forces comprised of Ramerian, Nezzien, Euthalian, and Lepumiran personal did infiltrate Perilin, though their results were reportedly shaky at best, with Ramerian coverage being stifled and reports wildly varied. Otherwise Lepumir flimflammed over their promised action, though whenever pressure was put on them by either Euthalia or Nezzie, they'd always get some kind of non-comital answer in return about how they had "taken care of it." As no other events even close to Brockenhexe have occurred since, the world was forced to take Lepumir's word. Then the Rebellion happened, so peeps aren't too concerned about Witches anymore, especially as their involvement in the Rebellion has been reportedly null, and they are not known to be an overall violent race. Besides, there's no time to worry about them when potential murderers are wandering around right in people's very own homes!

This is all entirely new so may as well go read it here.

*Dark Side of Magic. Basically a small section talking about the (failed) use of magic in warfare as well as examples of some of the "forbidden" types (such as portal magic and mind control). Being caught using forbidden magic is pretty much a death sentence, also it's extremely dangerous to those trying to perfect it and can even kill the caster. Just felt that there was a lot of talk about how humanity was abusing magic to their benefit, but not really enough about the downside to that abuse. Magic is scary.

*Ballroom Dance. Very tiny added details to explain the differences between "Classic" style and "Rhythm." Classic dances move in a counter-clockwise circle along the "line of dance." Dress styles are extremely high end conservative emphasizing the flow and glide of the dancers. Rhythm dances tend to be more stationary, and clothing is more tight-fighting so that body movements can be more carefully observed.

*Cendrillion Ball. Just clarified that there is an associated prize with winning which can be either a physical object, usually a magical accessory, or formal request to be fulfilled by Euthalia's head. This is now the reason why they currently allow same-sex dancers into the Ball.

I Also Did Some Other Stuff

*Posting Requirement. If you go to the rules you will notice that I have retracted all activity requirements until further notice. You will be given a 1 week advanced notice when/if they are reinstated.

*People's Choice. It didn't really sit right with me that only active characters would be competing in the Dance Competitions when actually it's quite easy to get into one...there's a few qualifiers but more or less anyone can join, which makes the rule that "any winner from one of the previous Dance Competitions can participate in Cendrillion" make a whole lot more sense lol. So I wanted to throw in random competitors. Now, I also recognize it wouldn't be very fun at all if none of our characters ever won anything despite potentially working really hard to maximize their Dance Rank, so these guys are going to be relatively unobtrusive and their power levels will be entirely based on luck. Before each competition I will roll 2 dice with a max value equaling whatever the highest Dance Rank is for the player characters at the time. These will become the ranks of a random NPC lead and follower dancer who will then be entered into the competition. I probably won't even write a post for them unless they come out with an interesting result, but this means there is the slightest chance that a random ass plebian could win. Now, we won't have any of this nonsense in the actual Cendrillion Ball because A) it's a lot more exclusive, invite-only type thing, and B) we're going to have worked damn fkkn hard to get there and with as much kuk as I am going to probably be tossing at you guys I feel like that would just be the ultimate kuk and I won't do that to you or Luciano lmfao as hilarious as it would be. The only way one of these randos will even have a chance at Cendrillion is if they win first place at one of the smaller Dance Competitions. I will then proceed to roll new stats for them based on dice rolls with max values equal to the number of days since their original values were rolled, which will be added onto those original values. Probably sounds confusing, but the point is, none of you guys have to worry about that! Just look out for potential plebs capable of victory snags. ;>

*Relationships. This is really on me. This is something, in retrospect, I should have been enforcing from the beginning. So I'm not going to shove it down any of your characters' throats, though if you did want to make some changes along these lines, now would be your chance. But anyways, I am strongly encouraging each of the incoming new royal characters to establish at least one potential 'crush' and one potential 'rival' into their "base kit." I just think this will make things more interesting and force you guys to plot with one another more. :p I am also hoping to force the dusty af Political Gossip thread for discussions of this type so don't be surprised if someone tags you in there to talk character relations. I want any potential newcomers to feel as welcome as possible so they don't get overwhelmed, so please try and work with them to the best of your ability.

As far as overall cleanup is concerned, I consider the following threads to be complete:
  • What Makes This a Detailed RP?
  • The Law of the Land
  • Races
  • Magic
  • Dance
  • Practice Hall
That means that, if you are one of those sad, mental souls who want to re-read everything, those are the threads you can start with. Everything else is still in Update Hell.

And finally...

Weird Issue with Images?

I've noticed something...disturbing. It seems that on my mobile device some of the image links are broken...however, they come up just fine for me on my computer, and seem to bounce around whether they show up or not.
If anyone else notices a broken image link, can you please let me know? This is very frustrating and strange.

And that's all for now...please look forward to more text dumps in the near future as well! :blowkiss:


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