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Fantasy Prince X Wolf Furry [CLOSED] {Main}

Kuna Valentina

Out of nowhere— her chest stopped beating. Her eyes were open a little and completely white.​
Kuna Valentina

A few feet ahead of them was a black shadow. The one Kuna was fearing. It was staring.​
Kuna Valentina

it’s too late,” the shadow spoke. “I’m sorry I had to take her from you.”​
Kuna Valentina

I said I’m sorry. But there is nothing I can do. Her father sent me here to take her back.”
He stands up and slowly approached the shadow. His demon wings and tail come out of his back his eyes dilate to pure black his claws come out and he has fallen silent his horns emitting a black aura his lifeless eyes staring directly into the shadows eyes.
Kuna Valentina

The shadow replied unamused, “me and you are the same you know. I’ve just been dead for a very, very long time.” he looks over at Kuna, “I wish I could help you. But her father didn’t feel safe her with you.”​
Kuna Valentina

“Ah. Kuna’s father. He is dead also. But he’s far from here. His power is very strong now, more than me even; since I’ve been dead longer. He now is practically alive now, but isn’t. He is possessing his old kingdom, which is hours away.”​
Kuna Valentina

Fire began forming around the shadow, “he is at his old kingdom that he burnt down decades ago.”​
Kuna Valentina

“I can’t tell exact coordinates. But I can show you,” he lifted his hand a portal forming.​
The Shadow

He waits patiently for him and peers into the portal he has opened, seeing many figures waking around the destroyed place.​
The Shadow

She nods, horrified at what he had handed her, “O-okay.” Shadow kicks a stick as he waits.​

“Follow,” he says, walking into the other portal. It looked like it used to be a temple of sorts, but had fallen with some burns here and there. He motions to one side where many figures are gathered. Obviously where Kuna’s father is.​

Shadow leads him to where most of the figures were gathered, some leaving though. He looks up at a much larger figure, who looks more alive than the rest: Kuna’s father.​

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