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Fantasy Prince X Wolf Furry [CLOSED] {Main}

Kuna Valentina

“I know you’re hungry,” she spoke in a toddler tone.​
Kuna Valentina

“You must eat,” she whined. Her face turning pink, remembering how revealing her bathing suit is.​
Kuna Valentina

“I know. Can we just get some food,” she cocked a brow.​
Kuna Valentina

“Come on, sir-pouts-a-lot,” she walked over to her dress and began putting it back on.​
Kuna Valentina

“Good,” she smiled faintly and walked him to the castle.​
Kuna Valentina

She sighed and muttered, “I know you’re upset. But I need to make sure you eat like you’re supposed to. I’ll never live with myself if I don’t.” She led him into the dining room.​
Kuna Valentina

When Kuna sat herself down, she honestly seemed angry. Her bottom jaw was sort of sticking out and her eyes brows were slightly narrowed.​
Kuna Valentina

“Oh nothing. I’m fine. Just eat,” she grumbled as the maid placed food down for them.​

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