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Fantasy Prince X Wolf Furry [CLOSED] {Main}

Kuna Valentina

Kuna smiled more and cuddled up next to him. Her tail wrapped over him, it moving in a gentle thump motion now.​
Kuna Valentina

Kuna then started to talk in her sleep a little, “hmmm... you feel warm...”​
Kuna Valentina

“Mhm!” She nuzzled closer to him, her body heat spreading. “Ooh- what.... are.... y-you... doing...?”​
Kuna Valentina

“Ffff- gooooooo away!” She had a playful tone as she spoke. Her tail began thumping again.​
Kuna Valentina

“Get... in the bed....” she poked her lips out a little, with a little twitch of her nose.​
Kuna Valentina

“T-testing something..?” Her voice still tired, her not being fully awake at the moment.​
Kuna Valentina

Kuna blinked a couple of times, before falling asleep again.​
Kuna Valentina

Kuna had curled up like a baby next to him, a little smile appeared on her face once again.​
Kuna Valentina

Kuna’s heart rate was slow and steady as she breathed next to him. Her tail doing small thumps.​
Kuna Valentina

Kuna began dreaming once more, her tongue hung out her mouth this time. “Oooh- what?”​

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