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Fantasy Prince X Wolf Furry [CLOSED] {Main}

He picked up Kuna and made a small little portal to his bedroom and walked through it closing it immediately after exiting it and he was in his room with Kuna. He then laid her down on his bed and sat on the floor beside her.
Kuna Valentina

Kuna sighed at impact to the bed and she rolled onto her side, tiredly.​
"Sleep well!" he just sat there not really knowing what to do and not wanting to leave her alone on account of Hans.
Kuna Valentina

Kuna was having dreams of their ceremony together, her tail lightly patting on the bed.​
Kuna Valentina

Kuna had a smile cross her face and her tail thumped harder and faster.​
Kuna Valentina

Kuna was also hugging a pillow, which she squeezed in her arms, in an embrace.​
He poked his head up and looked at Kuna curious of what will happen he removes the pillow from her arms and replaces it with himself.
Kuna Valentina

Kuna had the warmest smile on her face and her tail was still moving, not growing tired at all.​
Kuna Valentina

Kuna then lost grip of her pillow as she rolled onto her other side.​

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