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Fantasy Primacy: Locations and Monsters and Lore (oh my)

  • Notable Individuals

    Main Cast:

    Traveling bard, descendant of the Ineffable One and a source of pure magic.
    Varick: Primal, de facto leader of the Primals, traveling for gold.
    Drazhan: Primal, but now a mercenary.
    Kirsikka: aka the Boreal Wind, war criminal and mage of the Ordo Sors.

    Other Notable Individuals

    Wydan: Visionary of the Ordo Sors, was assisting Kirsikka, now in the hands of the Council of Light.
    Malina: Former student with Kirsikka of the Ordo Sors, now a vowed enemy of Kirsikka. Member of the Council of the Light

    Deceased Notables:

    : Oldest mage Varick knew, former lover and mentor of Kirsikka, died during the battle of Mont Pellinor. Is now undead; cursed to live out the rest of his natural life as a vengeful spirit.
    Rolfe: Dead Primal, believed monsters didn't belong. Died in Geot Draath.
    Sophia: Former lover of Drazhan, who made him feel normal. Died by hanging.


    Zephyr: Kirsikka's horse.
    Bear: Dravon's horse
    Luna: Tamsin's horse
    Marzipan: Varick's horse
    Magpie: Kirsikka's sparrow - now dead, had as a student.
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