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Fantasy Present to Past

There were only two times in Nevea Andrews life where everything had been turned on it's head in tragedy.... and the second time was worse than the first. The call had come in at 4 in the morning her mother barely descernible through her tears and hiccups but eventually the phone was taken by her father and she was given the awful news; her beloved grandmother had died of a sudden heart attack. After that shocking revelation everything was a blur she barely remembered calling her boss to ask for leave, the funeral and wake or even the breakfast she had with a few of her childhood friends. She felt numb and sick barely having the energy to sleep let alone eat and she cried constantly without warning or reason.

A month after the funeral she still hadn't returned to her job at the New York Library as a researcher her boss a kind man who had actually been a University professor was understanding and gave her paid leave for another 6 weeks with the promise to check in with him at least once a week. Her parents left her alone as she and her grandmother had been very close since she had been a little girl, her friends though wouldn't take the hint and dropped in randomly to check on her. She had just shooed her best friend away from one random visit when a UPS delivery man dropped a small box off with her name but no return address. Throwing caution to the wind since she really didn't care about her life Nevea opened the package to find a dark wooden box with her name engraved in hyroglyphics as well as a note from her grandmother.

Hands shaking she sat down heavily in a kitchen chair and started to read the letter from her nana;

"My sweet Nevie

If you are reading this then I am no longet with you and for that I am sorry since I can only imagine the pain that you are in, use know that I am in a better place with your poppy and we will see each other one day. In closed in this package is the necklace that you so admired when you were little the one that has been in our family for thousands of years, it's yours my dove wear it and think of me.

Your journey after this moment will be hard Nevie but you are a strong capable woman I know you will perservere and find a way to help our family. I love you very much my dove.

Forever and Always


Tears were rolling down Nevea's face and dotted the crisp paper that smelled of lilacs and old books, "I miss you Nannie" she gasped placing the letter down on the table and opened up the box. There lying in a crushed purple velvet cushion was the necklace that spurred her to become an archeologist, it was the size of an American dollar made of pure onyx with flecks of gold and opal. Wrapped around the stone was a ribbon of gold with engravings that represented love and promise. This stone of Kolasis had been a gift from the Demi God Hurul to his Egyptian Goddess lover who spurned him and the gift for her husband, after that Hurul disappeared never seen of again.

Hand still shaking Nevea picked up the necklace by its heavy gold chain and placed it on gasping when the cool stone warmed a little when it settled against her chest. Shaking it off she stood to place the box and letter somewhere safe however shr didn't get very far as the room started to spin. Listing to one side she fell onto the floor inches from her phone before everything went dark and she passed out. Around her neck the stone started to glow brightly which then enveloped Nevea, the light then became almost blinding before it vanished.... and so had she.
Darkness turned into light, and coldness into heat. The night was over and life returned to Alexandria. The sailors prepared their boats for the next travel across the Nile, the guards changed shifts, the architects returned to their construction zones and the taskmasters whipped the slaves into place - all to create the biggest and most perfect kingdom ever seen, according to the pharao. This competition with Rome was nonsense, but the monarch's word was law. As the market place began to fill up, the merchants started shouting out their goods. Food, jewelry, tools, clothing, one could find everything here as long as one had the silver to afford it. However, if one was looking for something else to spend their silver for, the docks were the place to be. Just now a ship with a new supply of slaves had arrived, and as the slaves were dragged ashore, there was only one man in the crowd who did not look upon them as if they were worth less than cattle, for he was once one of them.

This tall, beefy, copper-complexioned man with almond-shaped bottle green eyes and hair dark as the night rode along the docks one a mighty black stallion. Most Egyptians walked around completely bald or wearing wigs, but this man clearly broke the tradition by keeping a full yet neatly trimmed beard and wearing his hair in a thick braid that reached down to his waist. Why would he not? He wasn't Egyptian. He descended from a barbarian tribe and was enslaved as a child when his camp had been attacked. Lashing scars on his back were permanent reminders of this time. However, as he had grown older and stronger, the masters realized that he was of better use in the arena instead of the construction zones. Baptized in the fire of combat he became a warrior, a hunter, a killer. He took so many lives on the battlefield that he earned himself the privilege of freedom, and a name: A'nu, after Anubis.

A'nu averted his gaze as he left the city to hunt in the wild. Armed with a strong recurved bow, a steel kopesh and a light round shield, he rode along the Nile. He'd try and get a gazelle today. However, his plans soon came to an end as a bright light flashed up and startled his horse. A'nu just barely managed to keep himself in the saddle as his stallion reared up, but as the light disappeared, the tall man widened his eyes. A woman was lying in the sand, her skin was pale as milk, and the clothes she wore looked strange. A'nu hopped off his horse and approached the unconscious female. He quickly noticed that she wasn't a slave. Judging by the state of her body, she looked like the only physical effort she ever made was to open her eyes in the morning. Upon further examination, he noticed the necklace she was wearing. It looked precious, maybe he'd get a good price for it. He took it off her and placed it safely in one of his pouches. She didn't carry any other valuables with her, but knowing that he couldn't leave her out here, he decided to bring her back to Alexandria. She felt almost weightless as he picked her up in his strong arms and then placed her over his horse before he climbed back into the saddle. Maybe someone in the city would know what to do with her.
Her head was throbbing as she came back from the comfortable embrace of unconsciousness and she felt nauseous as well. Opening her pale lavender eyes she immediately squinted them as it was uncharacteristically bright out for some reason which was strange because she had pulled all the drapes closed in her apartment so she was in semi darkness. It was also hot unbearably so, she could feel the sun beating down on the back of her legs. 'Did my friends kidnap me and drag me too the beach again?' She thought as she saw sand and..... hooves? Why was she on a horse? Well drapped over the back of one which wasn't very dignified since she was wearing a skirt and any moment a breeze could blow exposing her panties to whoever was watching.

"Stop." She said as she tried to pull herself up so she could see which one of her idiot friends was steering the horse. "Stop the damn horse right now!"
A'nu looked down as the woman regained her consciousness. She was probably panicking because she was draped over his stallion's back, but he had no idea what she was saying. He pressed his strong hand down on her back to hold her in place so she wouldn't fall of as his horse broke into a gallop. Fortunately, the city wasn't too far away, and at this pace they should reach Alexandria in no time. "Quiet, woman!" he barked at her in his deep rich voice as he tightened his grip on her top. It was her luck that he wasn't a slave hunter, otherwise she would have to go through worse than this.

Only when they reached the docks did A'nu stop his loyal steed. He dismounted it and then quickly lifted the woman off the horse's back. "Here we are," A'nu said as he took a closer look at the stranger. She clearly looked out of place when he compared her to other women that walked around here. Who was she?
Panic rose to choke the scream that wanted to leave her lips when a haleavy hand landed on her back trapping her on the back of the horse while a deep voice shouted something in a language she did not recognize. What the hell? She was being kidnapped by a foriegner on horse back? Now she had to be dreaming that had to be the only logical explaination for this very weird situation, that was the last time she ate 2 day old Chinese food before bed.

When the horse finally stopped she let out a yelp when she was picked up by her kidnapper and set down on her bare feet face to face with him. 'I have got to stop watching multiple episodes of Game of Thrones at once.' She thought as her gaze went up as the burly man in front of her was a full head taller than her 5'10, wow her imagination was very detailed he looked exactly like a Dothraki warrior and now the language barrier made sense since the Dothraki have their own language.

She felt naked under his intense stare and her hand went up to fiddle with her necklace only for her to touch bare skin. "My necklace where is my necklace?!" She asked suddenly outraged at her kidnapper and thief while moving closer to look for the piece of jewlery. She spotted a bit of gold sticking out of a satchel on his hip and she dug her hand in until she pulled out the necklace and slipped it over her head. "You don't take things that don't belong to you!!" She yelled wincing as her ears started to ring becoming almost piercing then faded as fast as it came and suddenly the languages around her came as clear as they were English.
A'nu was almost startled as she got loud, but at least this time he understood what she said. "So you do know the common tongue, that's good. I was wondering what to do about this gibberish from before," the male said calmly and gently petted his horse. "Now that I understand what you say, would you like to tell me what you were doing out there in the wild? Where did you even come from?" he asked, confused and curious at the same time. He wondered whether she was a witch since she had just appeared in front of him in a flash of white light.
His words came in clear and understandable that it threw her for a loop for a few seconds then she remembered that this was her dream so of course she wouldn't allow herself to be confused the entire time. His question though caused her to frown "why are you asking me that? You should know the answer because you're just a figment of my imagination brought on by bad Chinese food and too much binge watching." Nevea said before she turned around in a circle to take in her surroundings recognizing the city almost instantly 'I'm in Alexandria? Why? I haven't researched Egyptian Culture for months. Man that mooshoo pork must have been really off.' She thought as she took a hair tie from the pocket of her sweater and pulled her long dark auburn hair up into a messy bun as the weight of it was starting to make her neck sweat.
"You're making no sense, woman," A'nu said as he stared at her in a mix of utter confusion and maybe somewhat frustrated. He had just saved her from dying out there in the wild and all she could do was look around and continue with her gibberish, even though he understood her this time. "You appeared right in front of my horse, out of nowhere. Are you a witch or something? If so, don't let the priests get you," he warned, knowing these arrogant males loved to abuse their powers.
Nevea said nothing as she carefully walked around the doc being careful not to step on anything as she was in her barefeet. Already the sun was beating down making her sweat but as she checked what she was wearing under her hoodie, she was only wearing a bra as she had just grabbed what was on the floor when her best friend showed up randomly at her apartment..... But then again why was she sweating when this was a dream she had no idea. "A witch? Thats not very nice thing to call me." She said over her shoulder at her Dothraki dream.

Nevea suddenly stopped however when her necklace started to heat up and she felt a pull on her navel to turn to her left and start walking towards the marketplace. Well hell dreams sometimes had meaning to them so with a shrug she turned towards the marketplace and started to walk carefully not stopping to tell her 'kidnapper' to follow as she assumed he would follow.
A'nu was truly tempted to just leave her be. He wasn't responsible for her, but guessing that his curiosity wasn't satisfied yet, he followed her to the marketplace, leading his horse by the reigns. By now the marketplace looked very lively. The warrior led his horse to the large pond in the center to let it drink while he watched the strange woman walk around. She looked just as curious as a little kid. Even though she seemed to know where she was, she didn't seem to know how she got here.

The tall male decided to buy some supplies since he hadn't been able to hunt this morning. Some garlic bread and beer would do for tonight. As the strange woman got closer to the citizens, most people stared at her as if she had grown a second head. They had obviously never seen a woman as pale as her, and her weird attire truly caught her some attention.
Nevea tried not to be unnerved by the stares she received from those around her but it was difficult, she stuck out like a sore thumb with her modern clothing, pale skin, strange coloured eyes and red hair. She heard a few people whisper witch and she swore a few turned around and ran off in a different direction for what reason she had no idea nor was she corcerned with it. A sharp tug on her navel had her turning her head to the right and the crowd parted to reveal a multicoloured tent with its flap open, it looked like one of those corny fake fortune teller tents one saw at fares..... However there was a vibe coming from this tent that screamed realism. Swallowing a little Nevea took the few steps towards the tent and disappeared into the tent.

Cool shade enveloped her and she let out a soft sigh of relief as that sun had been unforgiving. "Sit child Ive been waiting for you." A female voice said before a lamp was lit revealing a beautiful Egyptian woman dressed in traditional Priestess clothing, she had a welcome smile on her face while beckoning Nevea to sit on the other cushion on the floor which she complied eagerly as her feet were killing her.

"Finally someone who can make sense of this dream." She said putting her hands on the table only to gasp when one of them was grasped by the Priestess.

"I'm sorry Nevea but this is no dream and I am here to make you realize it." She said seriously while pulling out a dagger.

"How did you know- what are you doing with that?!"

"Pain is usually the best method for this and I'm truly sorry for this but you are here for a reason, the sooner you realize that the faster you can adapt and start your journey." The priestess explained before she made a shallow cut in Nevea's hand. The sudden pain caused her to cry out in surprise as she jerked her hand away and craddled it to her chest. Looking around wildly she expected to be in her room as that amount of pain would have woken her up.... Except she was still in this tent her hand stinging as it bled while the Priestess watched her.

"W-what..... h-how..." Nevea stuttered completely overwhelmed by shock, pain and fear that it caused her to black out.
"Was that really necessary?" A'nu asked as he entered the tent. After the strange woman had taken off into the gods-know-where, the male had been quick to run after her. Why? He truly didn't know. He sat down beside the unconscious woman and looked at her intently before he turned his attention to the priestess. "Tell me, priestess, who is this woman? You call her by her name and you know she is here for a reason," he started and pulled the necklace up without taking it off Nevea. "And what is it with this thing? I cannot make sense from her words when it is not on her. She appeared out of light, is she sent by the gods? The people say it is witchcraft."

Once again the man of barbarian descent stared at the woman. He still didn't fell responsible for her at all, but he wanted to understand what had happened and what was about to come. The priestess had mentioned a journey, but he highly doubted that it was to start out there in the desert with nothing on her but her strange and impractical clothes and the necklace around her neck. Maybe the gods wanted him to find her and bring her here.
"I cannot say much warrior as her journey must be discovered and unraveled by her alone however what I can say is this; she is not from this time. The necklace around her neck holds many powers and secrets one of them took her from the very far future and brought her here to the past." The priestess explained while motioning for A'nu to step away from Nevea. She came around the table a bundle of clothing and a small chest in her hands then kneeling beside Nevea she started to take off her modern clothes and redress her in the traditional garb.

"It is no coincidence that you were the one who found her warrior you know these lands better than anyoje. You are strong and patient they will be key in helping her on her journey." She added as she finished dressing Nevea in a dark blue finely woven cotton dress that depicted a higher status. The priestess then added a gold cuff to her right arm and a few rings on her fingers to finish the illusion. "You and she will have to come up with a ruse to help keep suspicion off of you both."
"Don't try to flatter me, priestess. There are many others who know these lands and if she is to pretend to be someone she is not, why not keep her yourself? She is safer with you," A'nu replied dryly. He wasn't too sure what to think of this. If the stranger was to act like an upper class woman, she would have to present herself in public and act like a royal, which wouldn't be easy at all. "Who am I even to act as in this play? Her guard? Everyone out there knows who I am, this won't do."
"My roll in this has already been played I made her see that this is real and not a dream." The priestess replied as she stood to her feet to look at A'nu, "she appeared in the desert where you were warrior not anyone else. You must be the one to help her on her journey...... And she doesn't have to pretend to be royalty she is. She is related to a god."
"What? How can she... to which god?" A'nu asked completely dumbfounded. If they just went out there and told everyone about this, both of them would be executed for heresy, and A'nu truly wasn't keen on losing the life he fought so hard to regain. "And how am I to help her if I don't even know what this is all about?"
"Ive already said to much." She replied with a shake of her head as she started to gather up her things placing them in a dark canvas bag. "The two of you must work together and make sure the reason she was sent here is accomplished only then can she be returned to her time." She started to leave the tent but paused to look at A'nu "and I would keep her away from the priests as well." And with that she left the tent
A'nu watched her leave and sighed deeply. He looked down at the once again unconscious woman and wondered what he had gotten himself into. He only wanted to go hunting and now he was stuck with a strange woman from the future. Judging by the clothes she had worn, something must have happened to Egypt. The warrior left the tent and whistled for his horse before he gathered Nevea in his arms and once again draped her over the back of his horse before he climbed on as well. Countless questions arose in his mind as he rode back to the place he called home, and he hoped sincerely that Nevea would be able to answer them. The priestess said Nevea was related to a god, but not to which. What if he enraged the other gods by helping the disgrace of one of them? Well, there was probably only way to find out.

The house A'nu owned was located in a rather secluded area near the Nile and surrounded by a little green and palms. It had two floors. He lived on the upper floor while he used the lower floor for storage and as stable for his horse. A reed canopy on the roof provided some shade. There was also a small dock at the shore of the Nile where a small boat with a single mast and sail rested. A'nu didn't believe in money, so he was paid with goods and liked to barter, but every now and then he required silver.

When they arrived at his house, A'nu carefully lifted Nevea off his horse's back and carried her inside. There was a small fireplace in the middle of the room, surrounded by bricks for safety reasons. The bed was made from bricks as well, but cushioned by reed and furs. A'nu carefully placed Nevea on his bed before he took off his weapons and placed them on their holders at one of the walls. The rest of the furniture were two small stools and some baskets used for storage. Left in nothing but his leather shendyt he left the room to tend to his horse. Hopefully she'd wake up soon and explain one or two things to him.
It was so dark though it wasn't suffocating rather comfortable though she could see nothing. A soft humming drifted in and out soothing in familiarity as it was a song her grandmother use to sing to her when she was little. 'Come find me little wing' a male voice whispered as the humming stopped 'remember the necklace you where and come find me..... Now wake up.'

Lavender eyes snapped open only to find that she was looking at a different roof than the one she had been under when she passed out. Sitting up Nevea also noticed that her clothes were different now she truly fit in with those that lived in Alexandria and by the refinery of the dress and few pieces of jewlery she was imposing as a woman of high class..... Problem was she didn't look Egyptian well not entirely as she was only 1/4 from her father's side. Perhaps the Warrior who found her could help her come up with something since it seems she would need his help until she could find a way home.

My lord this is surreal.... Now where is he?

Standing to her feet Nevea didn't take the time to look at her surroundings as she left the hut and located her.... Savior? Who was tending to the gorgeous black Stallion. She hesitated as she approached wondering how she should start the conversation then realized that she didn't know his name so...

"You know I never got your name and since I need to properly thank you for saving me from the desert I should know it...... And my name is Nevea."
"Ah, I'm glad you're awake. You almost had me worried back there," A'nu replied with a smile as he turned around to face his guest. "Nevea... a beautiful name. As for my name, you may call me A'nu, that's what most people call me," he added and turned around to finish brushing through the mane of his horse. As his exposed back was facing her, she could clearly see the whipping scars, which betrayed what he used to be.

"The priestess said you came from the future. Please tell me, what happened to Egypt that everything changed so much? Where did you come from and what does the future look like?" he then asked with a curious expression.
There was something about the warrior that made her trust him almost immediately despite the fact that he was a foot taller than her and could probably break her in half with a snap of his wrist. She would have to explore her whacked feelings later as he was speaking to her now. A'nu.... Short form of Anubis? Well he definitely had the form of a God but not the personality of one so perhaps the name was given to him for an honor. When he turned around to continue grooming his stead her eyes widened at the lacerations that criss crossed his back, he was a slave she thought mournfully before schooling her features when he turned back towards her.

"Egypt hasn't changed actually just that the pyramids and temples are closed to the public to preserve them and they aren't really habitual. I live in a place that hasn't been discovered yet and I don't really want to say much since it could possibly change something..... So um..... how long have you beem free?"
A'nu was quiet for a moment as he thought about it. Time had flown by so quickly recently. "I think for about two years now," he replied as he placed the brush down and gently patted his stallion's neck. He had been a slave until he was around 16, and then he spent a couple of years in the arena before he was sent to the battlefield. Yeah, it had to be about one or two years now.

"The priestess told me that the blood of a god flows through your veins, but she did not tell me which. Do you know why you were sent here?" he asked, hoping that she wasn't even more confused that he was.
"The priestess? Oh right the woman who cut my hand... It was a cruel way to tell me I wasn't dreaming." She said more to herself than to A'nu while touching her bandaged hand. "A god? No I mean there's no proof that they exist....." she trailed off as his words brought her dream back to the forfront of her mind and her hand grasped the chain of her necklace and pulled it up so the obsidian jewel was eye level. That voice said think of the necklace you wear..... Could it be?

"Not a God no but if this is really what I think it us I am a descendant of a demi-god one that has been missing. Tell me A'nu do you know who Hurul is?"
"Hurul?" A'nu replied and scratched his beard for a moment. This name rung a bell in his head. "Hurul is a son of Seth, right? I'm not too familiar with all gods, as I'm not an Egyptian as you can see. But he must have gifted you with voice, I wouldn't be able to understand you otherwise." His expression darkened a bit, but he was quick to compose himself. "Hurul is trapped somewhere if my information is correct, but I don't know where and why. But if you were sent here to release him, this is a bad omen. I mean, his father is the god of chaos, and if he didn't free him up to now, this probably means that he is not meant to be released."

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