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Fandom Preplanned Mass Effect RP


Just A Guy Who’s A Hero For Fun
Greetings everyone, would like to announce a new RP idea. Well it's not new just new to this site. This particular plot was one my good friend Twisted Fate777 DMed in a rl DnD Champaign in the past. We enjoyed doing it so much we thought we would share the fun with a new group of people online. 

Since this story has been done once before the story line is already complete and plotted out so there is no fear of the DMs not knowing where to move the plot ^_^

However the RP is still very much character driven and will only move as fast as the players allow it. With that in mind we would like to ask for active interested people to please sign up. 

The story is as follows:

Taking place in the middle of ME2, the Normandy crew still work for the Illusive man. On a mission Shepard is severely injured and must take a break from his/her adventures. However the Illusive man has something urgent come up that can't wait. Therefore for the first time Shepard's crew of misfits must go out on their own to complete the mission.

The mission specs indicate that any Cerberus ships that pass through a certain area of space continue to go missing. The Illusive man would like us to look into this, should be simple, Something we don't need Shepard for right?

-So since this was originally done DnD style we will continue to use DnD elements. Stats for instants, as it makes the Champaign vastly more interesting and far less predictable. 

If interested but unfamiliar with DnD that's fine we are willing to teach ^_^

This will have a few survival elements as well...Why?! Can't tell you that, would spoil the story. This means there is a day and night cycle...for a very interesting reason of course. 

This RP has limited space considering how out of control the members to our last one became, which contributed to many problems later that lead to its cancellation. We will list the characters we are most interested in having at the bottom. When those spaces are full the RP is closed. 

We are okay with any writing length and ability, all we ask is you try to be in character but it's okay if you are not perfect, we are just out to have fun with this after all. Some of us are Novella writers but you don't have to be to join, don't be intimidated we are friendly people :D

As you may have guessed this is a canon character RP, however feel free to experiment with the character. Bioware might be good at character creation but even they can't confiscated for the complexity of a true person. Wanna add traits? If it makes sense go for it xD  

Characters we are most interested in having :3

Garrus: Me
Tali: @Trust (no longer online)
Liara: @King-of-the-Freljord
Thane: @TwistedFate777
Legion: @Void Puppy

Basically aliens xD what fun is space without playing a badass Alien character. 

See someone you can play? Well let us know and make some stats >_< 

You have 82 points to divide among...

Strength (Will effect physical damage with omi tool, how effective weapon damage is. Buffs to solider, infiltrator and vanguard class.)

Intelligence (Effects crafting and hacking abilities. Buffs to engineer, infiltrator and Sentinels class.) 

Wisdom (Effects worldly knowledge and biotic damage. Buffs Sentinels, Biotics and Vanguard class.) 

Dexterity (Effects your movement speed, reaction time and stealth.)

Perception (Effects your accuracy with a gun as well as your ability to sense enemies.) 

Charisma (Effects your ability to lie, convince others and how well people perceive you.) 

Constitution (Effects your health bar) 

What class does your character fall in? Well ME doesn't give these characters classes however we took a good guess based on abilities and gear. If you need to know yours just ask. 

Hope to hear back from some of you soon ^_^

RP starting date {Saturday Oct 22} it gives us time to transfer information. Currently the DM and I work mostly from our phones. 
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