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A Finnish Boot

Seeking RP!
Roleplay Availability
Looking for a Character willing to roleplay as a pregnant wife/fiance/girlfriend. It can be fantast or realistic, i will leave that up to you as i have an rp i mind for each of those. LEt me know if interested below.
[QUOTE="Dante Flickajew]Looking for a Character willing to roleplay as a pregnant wife/fiance/girlfriend. It can be fantast or realistic, i will leave that up to you as i have an rp i mind for each of those. LEt me know if interested below.

Excuse me, I don't know if this thread is still open, but Inwould most definitely be interested! May I do the honors of playing the pregnant wife?
[QUOTE="Dante Flickajew]its still open, pms are better if you dont mind!

Please PM me and let us see what we can work out.

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