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Colosseum Praise Gaben: Corrosion vs Thepotatogod


ur lite fades awey
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Victory or Sovngarde


In the infinite and immortal Nordic afterlife of Sovngarde, under the vast swirling purple sky and at a massive mead hall, two figures pushed open the Hall of Valour's gigantic doors. One was dressed in a dark grey hoodie and what appeared to be multiple cardboard Mountain Dew boxes, with a triangular shield and a white and orange Asiimov AWP resting on his back. He was wearing a fedora, covering his messy black hair. A pair of 8-bit sunglasses hung from his belt, and a sword made up of millions of tiny microscopic Doritos laid in its sheath right next to the piece of eyewear. "Man, this place sucks!" He suddenly complained, throwing a bottle of Nord Mead into the endless chasm in front of the hall. "Can't even find a decent beer in there. Mead sucks!"

The other figure, noticeably shorter and younger than the first, tried to cheer his companion up. "Cheer up, bro. At least they had food." He said, biting into a skewer of venison. This one was wearing a simple tee with the words 'SPARTAN-IV' on it along with the image of an eagle grasping three lightning bolts. He looked admittedly more normal than the taller one, were it not for the pair of lever-action shotguns on his hip, and a tomahawk behind.

"Daniel. Stop eating that venison crap. It's disgusting." The taller one was Mountain Dew Quickscope, the greatest quickscoper in the galaxy and the latest Trickshot Master, beings with unimaginable Major League Powers. He was a legend. He could 360 noscope someone from across the map. He pwned noobs like a boss. And he had seen boobs in real life. The last one was someone not many people were capable off, for their eyes would explode into fireballs from the size of the melons.

The shorter one grunted and took another defiant bite out of the chunk of partially-rare meat, before flipping Mountain off with his free hand. This was Daniel Doritos Blazeit. While he was not a Trickshot Master like Mountain, he was still hailed as a hero in his home of Mlgolia, the birthplace of MLG and internet memes. "I don't give a shit." Mountain groaned in annoyance and walked across the Whalebone bridge, the only thing connecting the Hall of Valour from the mists of Sovngarde.

The 'god' Tsun lay on the ground on the other side, his head missing with an unrealistic amount of blood pouring out of his neck. He only granted those who proved themselves worthy into the hall, so Mountain did just that by quickscoping him in the head. Tsun died like a bitch, with his brains going everywhere like a popped balloon filled with period blood and clay. The pair of heroes stopped for a moment and stared towards the distant horizon as the Sovngarde Theme played in the background, taking in the sights one last time before Mountain teleported both of them out. What could go wrong?

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"This is X-Alpha to command, I've arrived to the mission area." A seemingly young woman of blonde hair said, landing on a mountain peak. She touched a part of her earlobe as she sat in wait for the command's response. She didn't care why she was sent here, but since she had lived longer than she should have as a human being, she might as well have fun.

"This is command. We read you X, what do you see?" A man's voice replied, as the woman observed what's below her. Nothing out of the ordinary for a mountain range out of the world map; Trees, rivers, and an unexplored castle a few meters below her.

"Aside from the absurd amount of nature? A facility of sorts." The woman said, squinting her eyes as her vision attempts to zoom in the said building. "It looks to be a castle...An old palace, maybe."

"Copy that...Any life forms?" Command asked, as the woman stood up, seeing two figures in the gates of the palace.

"Two Humanoid figures." X sighed, quickly scanning their mana properties while still zoomed in. "Judging by the quick scan, they have mana...So what exactly is my mission here, Command?" She asked, taking her scythe out; a light metallic scythe painted in a green hue and a power source of blue. The man's voice soon sighed, as if breaking into cold sweat.

"Your mission is to retrieve an artifact of sorts. We still haven't pinpoint the exact location of the reading, but it's somewhere near you." Command said, "I'm sorry we have to call you even when you're off-duty...It's just that our men was severely injured during the last mission."

"Noted." X replied, placing her scythe on her shoulder. "I don't really do much when I'm off-duty. It's boring to be honest."

"I-I see..." Command sighed, "We sent another elemental to assist you. He'll arrive in a few minutes."

"And...?" X waited, getting impatient. She hated having another elemental helping her. It always seemed to be a hassle for her to issue commands to them. They also seem too curious about her past. It pissed her off.

"Whether he arrives or not, Carry on with the mission." Command replied, making X chuckled in relief. "Contact us when you need help or when the mission is over. Command, out."

"Affirmative." X said, leaping from the mountain. "X-Alpha 'Xandra', out." She said, landed on the mountain's foot. Another figure clad in black and white hair watches from the distance, he seemed to have just arrived...

"Showtime." He said, as Blue hearts float around the figure.
As Mountain felt the cool mountain breeze and the movement of a thousand spirits pass his face, he noticed a red dot signifying an enemy on one of the tall hills in front of him. He drew his Asiimov AWP, the Dewrito, and aimed down the sights. Through the magnifying lenses and crosshair, he saw what appeared to be a young woman, and he would have made a generic sexist joke were it not for the fact that she had robot parts. Also, she had a completely flat A-cup chest. He ain't gonna fall for that shit. Sensing a disturbance in the Force, Daniel also brought his two Model 1887s to bear and aimed around him. "So what've got?" He questioned. "Some stupid bitch watching us up there." Mountain answered as he lowered his rifle to speak to his companion. Daniel's eyes lit up. "Really? Where?!"

Mountain pointed to the hill. "Up there. She's got no boobs, though." Daniel seemed to be rather disappointed at that. "Aww." He muttered as he took out his Sony Xperia X and opened up his camera app and zoomed in. From the phone's 23 Megapixel lens, he could confirm that yes, she had no bewbs. And two, she had robot parts. He was even more disappointed now, and he kept his phone. He gave an annoyed wave at the girl. "Hey! Come down and 1v1 me you lil fgt!" At least he would get to kill a bitch.
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Upon landing near the body of water which flowed down the mountain, Xandra heard voices coming from the direction of the palace. The humanoid figures have spotted her; One wearing some sort of orange armor and a fedora and the other one being a blonde wearing nothing other than civilian clothes. They're both armed, the blonde waving at her in a somewhat displeased way. Xandra scoffed, stretching out her hand as her finger tips opened.

"Engaging Hostiles." Xandra muttered, firing sniper bullets from her fingers. She only fired once as a warning. She walked towards them, as she continued firing bullets once per 2 seconds. 'What a nuisance...'

LenKa sighed as he saw his partner open fired at her opponents, despite the fact that she's outnumbered for now. If he doesn't divert the other one, then she could either be destroyed in an instant. However, Xandra is known to handle situations like that. She's able to take down an army of Rogue Elementals on her own. He pointed at the two humanoid figures; Increasing the gravity around them tenfold. "[Gravity Charge;Crush.]" he muttered, letting out a soft grin as he increased the gravity on them even more.
"Whoa! DAFUQ IS THIS SHIT?!" Daniel cried as he dived out of the way with a blur of motion, his super speed making it much easier. Mountain simply teleported away in a cloud of Doritos dust. He turned to Daniel with a scary smile on his face and raised his rifle. "I guess it's..." He began. Daniel returned the smile, and they finished in sync. "NOOB REKKING TIME!"

And then, they disappeared.

Mountain teleported, and Daniel blinked away. Mere milliseconds later, they were on their attacker (not literally though). The Trickshot Master began to rapidly noscope the robot girl thing with deadly accuracy, the dubstep .50 cal rounds hitting her and unleashing the stored musical energy with bright flashes of blue, red, green, and just about every colour available. Behind her, Daniel fired at his opponent's back with 12 gauge shotgun shells, spinning to reload and repeating.
"Now that's odd..." LenKa muttered, as both of the hostiles disappeared in an instant. He looked around, seeing that one of them's behind Xandra and the other's firing shots from somewhere. "[DefensiveCharge:Marakukaja.]" He chanted, as a glow of green flashed on their bodies in mere milliseconds as Xandra was about to take the shot.

"[ReBuff:Greater Shield]" Xandra flourished her scythe, blocking some of the bullets. While the others hit the Defensive Charge provided by LenKa; Releasing a wave of energy in an array of colors. a few other bullets hit her body; creating a tiny, yet noticable crack in her chest area due to the energy surge. 'Great...They really should repair my Chest Parts with tungsten or something...' Xandra sighed, turning to the one who's attacking her from behind; Firing bullets at him at high speeds. Her shoulder slot opened, and out came a rather large missile Launcher. Six Missles emerged and was launched onto the blonde one, bursting into ice as they made contact to the ground and the blonde's legs. Soon afterwards, loud music was heard on her right; as loud as a blaring rock concert on a rainy day. However, the music wasn't rock, but electronic dumbstep. She raised her other arm; Firing a laser beam from her index finger to that direction.

"To think they've escaped in such a high gravity scale...Let's see how they fare at Lower G." LenKa muttered, taking out a bronze shotgun with silver linings. Following where the gunfire came from, he shot multiple rounds immediately, hoping to provoke the attacker onto him.
Mountain immediately teleport-spammed everywhere, dodging the beams and projectiles. Daniel did the same, running around the place like an ADHD kid on Red Bull-flavoured heroin. Daniel stopped some distance away and caught sight of another guy holding a shotgun in front of him. He turned to Mountain. "Mountain!" He cried, spinning and reloading his weapons. "Take out that bitch! I got this motherfucker!" With that, he once again disappeared in a blur of motion, stopping right in front of the guy. He aimed his shotguns. "Time for a real 1v1." He fired both guns, and 12 gauge Dragon's Breath shotgun shells filled with razor-sharp Doritos pellets flew out. In short, Daniel's target just got hit by a pillar of fire and sharpened buckshot.

Below, Mountain reappeared in front of the robot girl and kept his rifle, instead pulling out his shield and monomolecular Doritos sword. It glowed orange with the orbiting dust and pure MLG power. He bashed it against his shield. "Alright, bitch. What the fuck are you doing out here?" He asked, before suddenly charging forwards at an impossible speed with his shield raised. "GET BACK TO THE KITCHEN!"
"[Nope!] I ain't havin' that shit!" LenKa cried, just as the Buckshot started to spread out in midair...Almost motionless. It seemed slow, but it might still be lethal since it'll combust any second. He soon lowered the gravity on him, leaping higher than any human would. In midair, he attached high gravity mana onto his shotgun as it fired multiple high speed Wind-Type Buckshots back at his attacker; A young man of blonde.

"Annoying scum..." Xandra muttered, pointing her scythe as she was knocked back by the armored one; It's blue core switching into a grassy green hue. "I didn't live for almost 100 years for this kind of" She swung her scythe as the Armored one approached swiftly, letting a strong, green gust of wind sweep in front of her and towards the man in the fedora; The wind being as strong as a tornado.
The world around Daniel seemed to freeze as he activated his super speed. He casually picked up one of the buckshot pellets frozen in the air, examined it, and tossed it away. He casually walked out of the way of the incoming fire, before going back into normal speed as the shots whizzed past him. "Wtf is this hax?" He asked, then began to fire his shotguns with quick succession at his airborne opponent, the shots going at insane range.

"Lol u wot m8? A hundred years? I should call you grandma!" Mountain taunted as he quickly rolled out of the way. It was his turn now, and he raised his shield. The sharpened edges of the triangular piece made up of solid indestructium seemed to extend and curve to the front, and the Eye of the Illuminati opened up and began to glow a deathly red. "Imma firin mai lasor!" A massive beam of red suddenly shot out towards the robot girl.
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"[ManaCharge;Megidola]" Xandra muttered, as a small ball of white formed in her palms. Soon enough, a large beam of red shot out of the fedora's shield, heading towards her in great speeds. She scoffed, as her shoulder slot and her arm opened up, revealing both a Missile Launcher and a thick layer of metallic power armor formed around her wrist. "I'm not an old woman yet." She remarked, as the missiles fired towards the attacker rapidly as the power armor unleashed a flash of Blue as she fired a rather large beam; Clashing with the red beam that the opponent in the fedora had fired. "And I have no intention of looking any older."

"One word,kid." LenKa said, flying out of the bullet's way as it stopped once more a few meters below him."Magic." He span around rapidly, firing his shotgun once per spin when the target's at range. After 20 spins(In like, 1 minute), he strafed to the side, throwing dozens of De Dust Darts at the opponent multiple times as he descended. Soon, the bullets that missed it's target glowed green, causing a tornado to erect behind the opponent.
Mountain smiled as the beams met in the middle. Quickly backflipping away, he drew his AWP and quickscoped all the missiles, before putting on a green cap. As soon as he put it on, he disappeared. He didn't teleport, he just turned invisible. "You can't see me..." Mountain's voice seemed to come from everywhere as a soft tune played. "AND HIS NAME IS JOHN CENA!" He suddenly shouted and reappeared next to the robot girl as a chorus of trumpets and music suddenly picked up from thin air. He grabbed her and hefted her over his shoulders, before slamming her down to the ground.

On the other side, Daniel was blown into the air by the tornado. Readjusting himself, he landed on his feet and inserted new shells into both shotguns. "Lol noob. You can't quickscope with a shotgun!" He put one foot in front of the other. "Magic, huh? Got a surprise for you!" He reared back and took a breath. "FUS RO DAH!" A blue translucent cloud seemed to erupt from Daniel's mouth and streaked towards his attacker, blasting him away.
Xandra was surprised by the sudden grab from her opponent and slamming her on the ground. Does this man know Teleportation as well as Illusion Magic? This she has yet to know, however, her opponent is now in the perfect range. Her Knees opened up as she tried to bend them; Releasing a small bomb which was set to stun, which exploded upon enemy contact. After it exploded, she kicked the man's face with great speeds with her rocket feet as she boosted away; Her scythe was flown away in the middle of a 50 meter gap between them. She pointed both her hands in front of her; as merely all her slots opened(bow chika bow wow), as multiple weapons emerged; mostly a missile launcher with heat-seeking Missiles loaded onto them. And all at once, dozens of Missiles and bombs were released; Coupled with a barrage of Plasma bullets targeted at her opponent.

"Ok...That is NOT what I had in mind!" LenKa sighed as he was blasted back, hitting a wall on Low Gravity. Due to that, it didn't hurt. Upon landing, he made his gravity normal once more, as he pointed his arm at the opponent. Soon enough, dozens of Plasma pellets erupted from his arm. Like heat seeking missiles, It was targeted at the opponent without restraint! LenKa rapidly fired as he strafed from side to side, skipping to gain momentum.
"Aw, shit." Mountain muttered as the missiles and explosives detonated all around him, and he was blown back. Not that he gave a shit. He teleported away, but still sustained some amount of damage to his armour. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out the most powerful handgun ever made: the M6D Pistol from Halo: Combat Evolved. He activated its zoom function and fired at the robot girl's head. He continuously teleported and fired after every shot.

Daniel immediately countered the plasma attacks with his own fiery Doritos pellets, causing them to explode. He put his shotguns away and pulled out a tomahawk. He took aim and tossed it. It was a clean hit, with the head of the throwing weapon embedding itself into his opponent's chest. "OOOOOHHHH! JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!" Daniel cheered. "MOM GET THE CAMERA!!!" As soon as he said that, a hot youngish-looking lady suddenly appeared from thin air with a DSLR camera. "Smile, honey." She said, and snapped a photo of the falling white-haired guy. The flash that followed was brighter than the sun, and blinded those in range.
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"What the hell?" LenKa muttered, finding a random tomahawk on his chest. He was lucky he always keep some low G around his body just in case this sort of thing happens. However, he was still hit, blue blood gushing out bit by bit. "Not good..." He muttered, soon, a woman holding a camera appeared, blinding him by the bright flash. This shouldn't affect his sight since he was an undead, but having magic makes your senses a little bit more...Sensitive. "Jesus, man! Lower the flash!" He cussed, rubbing his as he landed. LenKa threw his darts aimlessly, due to the fact that the flash was too fucking bright. Where the hell did that woman come from anyway?!

Xandra flourished her scythe, the bullets hitting the tip of the staff or the blade each time the man teleported. After a while, She jumped upwards, spinning as her feet rockets boosted her upwards. Soon, a tornado of white formed, as Xandra stopped at the top, her fingers aiming and firing at the continuously teleporting asshole.

"Ayyy watch it!" Daniel cried as he was hit several times, but deflected the majority of the darts by spinning his respawned tomahawk like a boss. Putting it away, he reached into his pants and pulled out a huge sausage. The smell of pork wafted through the air. "SAUSAGE FEST!" He cried, and suddenly dashed towards his opponent and began to beat his meat against his opponent's face. It wasn't just any sausage, no, it was a German über bratwürst, made using the finest German engineering and pork. With every hit, the long and hard (no homo) piece of meat produced a small cloud of Zyklon B gas and a snippet of Hitler's speeches, along with German beer squirting from its tip.

Mountain tossed his M6D away as he performed several epic backflips to dodge the shots. Stopping and using his shield to block his opponent's shots, he closed his eyes and concentrated. A huge tidal wave of Mountain Dew suddenly appeared behind her, washing her away before it receded into the ground and disappeared. Mountain took this moment to pull out a can of Mountain Dew from his pocket and casually drink it. Not that it did anything. It just tasted great. Downing it in exactly 1.2 seconds, he took out his AWP and teleported out of sight.

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