Food Potatoes are amazing.


This sentence is false.
Everyone has a favorite food—but if your favorite food isn't potatoes, you are probably doing something wrong in your life (unless you're allergic to potatoes, in which case, I am so, so, so sorry). If you're one of the many (but lucky) people in the world who can eat potatoes, then you know just how amazing they are.

Potatoes have a long history and can be eaten in tons of different ways. They can be enjoyed plain, with salt, sour cream, cheddar cheese, ketchup, mashed with butter and chives or in smiley face fries. The possibilities are endless, and potatoes are really the most versatile food.

Most people associate potatoes with the Irish. They became a staple of Irish crops, and it is well known that the Potato Famine in the 19th century caused the death of many who relied on potatoes for sustenance. However, potatoes actually originated in the Andes Mountains of South America, and were only transported to Europe during The Columbian Exchange, the exchange of biological and cultural goods between the "Old World" and the "New World" after 1492.
Potatoes are bland and boring and (unless they are chips or crisps or roast) I'd rather not. Mash? No. Jacket? It's too much sponge. If it helps any, I don't do bread or rice either.

Half my family are Irish. Whenever I go home there are many potatoes. It is a constant battle.
trying to think of a comeback
Oh yeah, this one's a lazy no win scenario
You just don't like them because they're different.
Sunstone Sunstone believe me now. I held my end, you hold yours.
Bacon is the superior food, simply because of its taste. The taste of bacon outweighs that of any other food, and the fact is so recognized that much of society has yet to disagree. The sound of bacon sizzling in a pan is loud enough to be heard, but quiet enough to not be obnoxious or distracting. The sound of fat and grease burning away to reveal the delicious, crisp meat within and bubbles popping and steam hissing is one of the few ways people would appreciate being awoken from a deep slumber. The smell of bacon wafting through a building is something that few have become disgusted at.
Funyuns descended from the skies above, gifted to the executives of an already-acclaimed company that could manufacture the rings with the delicacy and quality they deserved. The sound of a bag of Funyuns being opened has oft turned many a head, and the smell wafting out of a nearby bag makes one's mouth water, though not to the extent of bacon. A Funyun's immaculate taste, which has been widely-regarded throughout the world, is one of the few foods, beef jerky and bacon included, that makes people crowd around companions and friends, dismissing any thought of their appearance in the eyes of others, simply in order to receive one of the rings.
Potatoes are delicious, to be certain, and on a level with steak and pizza. However, they do not approach the level both Funyuns and bacon have attained. While potatoes are indeed good on their own, they are better paired with another meal item. As a side, they have attained levels of excellence few foods can rival. However, being offered a potato is not typically received as well as receiving a potato and an additional entree, such as bacon or Funyuns. Meanwhile the latter two could be enjoyed just as easily with or without an accompanying food item.
I ain't writing an essay about onion rings you're just gonna have to take my word for it that they're tasty
Sunstone Sunstone believe me now. I held my end, you hold yours.
Bacon is the superior food, simply because of its taste. The taste of bacon outweighs that of any other food, and the fact is so recognized that much of society has yet to disagree. The sound of bacon sizzling in a pan is loud enough to be heard, but quiet enough to not be obnoxious or distracting. The sound of fat and grease burning away to reveal the delicious, crisp meat within and bubbles popping and steam hissing is one of the few ways people would appreciate being awoken from a deep slumber. The smell of bacon wafting through a building is something that few have become disgusted at.
Funyuns descended from the skies above, gifted to the executives of an already-acclaimed company that could manufacture the rings with the delicacy and quality they deserved. The sound of a bag of Funyuns being opened has oft turned many a head, and the smell wafting out of a nearby bag makes one's mouth water, though not to the extent of bacon. A Funyun's immaculate taste, which has been widely-regarded throughout the world, is one of the few foods, beef jerky and bacon included, that makes people crowd around companions and friends, dismissing any thought of their appearance in the eyes of others, simply in order to receive one of the rings.
Potatoes are delicious, to be certain, and on a level with steak and pizza. However, they do not approach the level both Funyuns and bacon have attained. While potatoes are indeed good on their own, they are better paired with another meal item. As a side, they have attained levels of excellence few foods can rival. However, being offered a potato is not typically received as well as receiving a potato and an additional entree, such as bacon or Funyuns. Meanwhile the latter two could be enjoyed just as easily with or without an accompanying food item.
My master plan worked.
You have now spent several moments of your life saying that bacon is better than potatoes.
I'm totally with you, Sunstone Sunstone . Potatoes for me are WAAAAAAY better than bacon. I don't even particularly like bacon, but I could live off of potatoes forever. Baked, mashed, fries, home fries, in soup, chips, hash browns - You know what it's all about. *high-fives you* :coolshades:
Potatoes don't belong on pizza, potato has ranked from S-Class food to 1st-Class food.

But god, do I love potatoes. The other day I made some fries with them. Homemade fries are pretty good. But they were more like chips though. Whatever.
I don't have anything to contribute to the thread except this.
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems with just potatoes.
Douglas Adams

All hail the divine potato.
*Feels offended*
Y- yea potatoes are good and to be fair they are KINDA the best food seeing you can eat JUST potato and live forever! and plus TASTY WITH mostly ANYTHING! and pluses like ya said, can be cooked and made in millions of ways!

But..what about bananas? I am full of potassium and i am a berry...i am important like a potato...right?

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