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Fantasy Post-apocalyptic Fantasy [ Jump-in RP ! ]

Rua found a suitable looking house to hunker down in. Night was fast approaching, he was hungry, but he had yet to find any drinkable water so far. Speaking softly to the ghost next to him, Rua turned to enter the suitable looking house. It was missing a couple of walls, but it still had at least part of a roof. It was good enough, especially if he sat himself down in one corner where two remaining walls met. There would be enough rubble and broken walls to mostly conceal him from view of anyone just glancing in that direction from the road.

So that was what he did. He sat himself down in that corner, and set the cans of food out in front of him. Actually looking over his haul thoughtfully. Thankfully he hadn't grabbed a can of beans. He hated beans. Even in a world like this, Rua was a picky eater. There was a can of green beans though, but Rua didn't think they were actually beans though. They were some kind of greens and they didn't taste like beans he had ever eaten. He picked up the can of green beans and looked it over. There would undoubtedly be water in the can, he could drink that, but there was a deep frown on his lips.

How would he get the can open? He didn't really have much of anything that was of use. Usually when he stole food, he waited until after someone had opened it first. Of course that kind of luck couldn't hold out but for so long. The blonde grimaced lightly, and scowled in the direction of the ghost, as if the entity only he saw had said something particularly mean to him. Rua let out a long sigh, he would just have to look around in the morning for a way to open the can. The other cans sat close to him, but he held the can of green beans close to his chest, tilting his head back and closing his eyes a bit. After a while of sitting like that, pondering his situation, Rua began to fall asleep as the night settled in around him.
@galacticspaceray @Kry

((Excellent! Gives a bit more chance for encounters and writing c; Too much time jumping and you lose the ability to play!))

The Collector sat by the desolate fountain, watching the sun set slowly over the rooftops. Around him, what little life did continue to thrive was settling in, ignoring the cowled figure that leant his serpentine body against the edge of the fountain. As the light drifted away, the beast-man looked about him. There was plenty of dead, desiccated wood strewn about by the gales that swept through these parts. Raising his nose to the wind, he scented, but there was nothing but clean air. Secreting his gathered possessions into his pouches, he slunk down to his quadrupedal shape, and started to gather wood and sticks, using one hand to hold these items, and the other limbs to support his body. When he had gathered so much he had to change tact, he raised to his digigrade bipedal shape, and slowly meandered through the buildings to find the most intact. He wasn't concerned by weather changes; he liked being out in nature. One building struck him, and he grinned beneath his skull as he inspected the joining walls, but much of the rest fallen down, leaving many nooks and crannies to hide in.

The Collector wasn't interested in shelter from above, but it was rare for him to create flame, and as such, he didn't want any howling winds to kick up and disturb his fire. He settled himself, his weird shape allowing him to settle back on his long legs, tail wrapped around his body, his hands free to go about their tasks. Twilight had set in true, and it was beginning to become difficult to see. For the first time since entering his desolate township, the Collector removed his skull mask. He set it carefully down, its shape causing it to rock gently as it settled where it was laid. Setting fires was a tricky job, and the Collector wanted full use of his senses. Beside the mask, a bowl that hung from the back of his belt was placed. This appeared to be the globe of another skull, intricate patterns carved into the outside surface of it. A pestle was removed from the largest of the pouches, and set inside the bowl. At this point, the mound of sticks, twigs and wood was arranged into an A-frame, with tinder gathered at its centre. Quietly he worked, and from yet another pouch, flint and stricker were also removed. The fire started quickly, the concentration and preparation worth it. A few sputters and sparks, and a golden glow flooded the decrepit building, casting the Collector's hunched shadow over the few remaining walls.

Satisfied, the beast-man leant back, and allowed the fire its freedom to burn. The thoughts of today's encounters passed through his mind like a cinema projector showcasing its film upon his eyelids. The strange one, that smelt of death, but walked all the same. The tar-girl, and her exquisite form, and how she had come to bore him. The bird-girl, his prey and target. And then... the fuzziness... the hint of something dark, something of power. It had escaped his memory until this point, at which it returned with a vengeance.

Ruby eyes slowly opened and cast about the area. It was not his imagination. It was indeed back. Tingling at his periphery, senses jangling with the sticky feel of it. What was it, he sensed? Something like himself? No... he held a different feel altogether; he was an assault on the senses, before Death cradled them in his arms and took them from this world. No, this held something more metallic to his tastes; like a pierced mind, a fractured mind. Something that had created something unexpected. Interesting... but! He couldn't get distracted. He had set up his fire for a reason, and so, his ritual must continue.

He gazed over his limbs, and at his dank dreadlocks, inspecting their colour. His paste was aged, and needed replacing. Usually, he would have liked to of cleaned the old version from himself, but water appeared scarce in these parts. He would have to enter into the Wilds, beyond the cities and towns, soon, in order to replenish his soul, find himself within that which was untouched by Man's demise, and get back to his perceived tasks. Settle his scores. Pay his debts. The snubbed face, reminiscent, perhaps, of the portrayals on churches and cathedrals that still stood that had the gargoyle figures of protection, was as equally scarred and damaged as the body beneath the stinking hide cowl. A scar ran down the left side of his face, and where it ended over his mouth, it tugged upward on the lip, like a cleft palate might have. Over the broad bridge of the canine nose, parallel scars criss-crossed. Into the hairline, over the chin, following the lines of his throat. This body told stories of so many battles, so many fights, and yet still he stood, alive. The face, usually covered by the face of a skull, was not wholly unkind. Eyes could shift, as they did now, to quiet pensiveness, and one might well imagine that at a time, far from that which they found themselves in, those eyes may have looked upon another with devotion and love. The ears, usually perked, attentive, relaxed to curve with the shape of his skull, focus taken from his surroundings to the task his hands were doing.

It could be said, the appearance of the Bone Collector at this time might well suggest a creature you may have approached for help, though still perhaps, with caution. That is, until the femur blade was drawn with a tight "shhhhhiiik". The bowl was drawn closer, and a powder dumped into it that gave a great puff of stinking herbs and roots; earthy, but putrid. The blade was spun across the fingers of the beast-man a few times in practiced movements, like a dance, a worship, to whatever deity it was he sought answers from. The dance ended with a slice, and blood dribbled from the forelimb of the beast-man, into the bowl holding the powders. The clawed hand opened and closed a few times, and the almost black-red stream continued until the bowl was nearly filled to the brim. At that point, the arm was raised to the beast-man's fanged mouth, lips clamping around the pumping wound. The other hand carefully raised the bowl, and set it into the edge of the fire, where glowing charcoal was settling. It sputtered, and the blade was used to swirl the innards of the bowl. There was no clay here, to give it its sticky nature, but once it had reduced in the heat, and then cooled enough to mix with his already saturated body, hopefully it would be just the pick-me-up his appearance needed. The putrid smell swirled around him, as he removed his wrist from his mouth. A bloody smear remained, but it seemed the blood had slowed to a near stop. The blade was laid, carefully, before the bowl and its heated bed. A low hum started in his chest, as he gave voice to an undulating chant, low, deep, and reverberating. It was a tribal call, and the beast-man slowly rocked with the tones and rhythms as he sang.
@Malhyanth  ][I hope this is okay, if not I can change it. I wasn't really sure if our characters were this close to each other or not, so if you don't like it or if it messes up with anything you had planned I can change it.][

Rua jolted awake, in a moment of panic he glanced around almost fearfully. He calmed quickly, a slight look of embarrassment coming over his face for a moment, and then a scowl and glare were directed at an empty space not far from him. As if some unseen person had made fun of him. "You don't have to be an ass all the time, Noa." Rua muttered the words darkly while still glaring at the ghost only he could see. Ghost being a relative term, as there really was no such entity there, it was merely all in the blonde's head. To him though, his twin brother was as real now as he had been before his tragic death. Rua took the can he had been cuddling in his sleep and set it gently on the floor next to the other canned food, before stretching his arms just a bit over his head.

Now that he was fully awake, and paying attention to more than just his ghost brother, Rua noticed something. An orange glow, a flickering orange glow and a strange noise, or rather a strange singing, at least he thought it was supposed to be singing. It wasn't far from where he was, in fact, it seemed to be coming from the other side of one of the crumbled walls that made up his hiding spot. As in, the room right next to his room in this fallen apart house. The blonde shuddered for a moment, but a fire meant a person, and maybe they could help him with his canned problem...Or they might just try to take the food he had rightfully stolen first. "...Maybe.....but they might want my food." He was talking to that ghost again, his voice a light whisper as he spoke the words, answering whatever the entity had said to him. Then a slight nod was given, though hesitant, in response to more unheard words.

Slowly Rua crept on hands and knees, venturing towards one of the walls that made up his room, carefully he rose up just a bit to peek over it's crumbled surface to see what he would see.
Ashtar could see a faint orange glow in the distance through the window, then sharply drew the drapes all around the house. The paranoia started becoming anxiety, and Ashtar would take every precaution she could to avoid meeting the beast-man again.

She went into the bathroom and peered into the grimy mirror. Her hair was a bird's nest of tangles, and her complexion looked sallow. 

After a few failed attempts at brushing her hair with her fingers, Ashtar gave up and went to the kitchen brought out a kitchen knife. She cut her hair so it reached her chin, getting rid of all the heavily matted parts. When she was done, she returned to the couch and kept the kitchen knife on the floor next to her. She fell into a restless sleep once more.
((Haha, yes, I had hoped you meant Rua was close to Collector when you wrote your response, but I didn't want to state he was if you'd been aiming for Darkness to join you c; ))

@Kry @galacticspaceray

The Collector still sang his long, mournful sound. It was a weird, undulating blend of howl and singing voice. It was eerie, and lonely, as though it should have the combination of others join in, but instead, this lonesome, rotten creature sang alone. It did not seem to bother him, instead, lending it yet more of an eerie, mournful sound. His eyes opened as he lowered to a chanting whisper, the blood smeared on his face giving him an evil visage in the glowing embers of the fire. He took the pestle still lent on the lip of the bone bowl, and used it, gingerly, to swirl the innards of the bowl, setting up a rhythmic grinding noise as he swirled it against the walls of the skull globe. He hummed in time, his body rocking back and forth as he did. As the mixture thickened, he removed it from the fire, and dipped his blade into the stinking mixture once more. He raised its dipped tip, so a single droplet ran down the sharp edge. He raised it to his mouth, and the dark tongue within flicked out to taste it.

Ruby eyes seemed to roll wildly; let it not be said the Bone Collector was not prone, as now, to getting high from his concoctions. His pupils expanded, and the deeper, darker red of the pupils filled his eyes as he shivered, a sheen of sweat standing out on his pulsating white body. He set the bowl to the side carefully, setting the blade carefully down as he, too, sank back. His back arched, his legs stretching out a little, a convulsion from head to foot rippling though this muscles body. Whatever hallucinogen, wherever euphoric state this concoction wrought, this beast-man rode its visions. His eyes rolled back in his skull as the back of his head touched the earth below him as he tilted back. His long spine arched and presented his chest to the sky as his arms flung out. Clawed fingers and toes curled viciously, then relaxed, as he was shown the death of hundreds in his wake, and the shadowed faces of those before him.

As the last of his convulsions went through his body, he felt himself coming back to the mortal realm. Whatever journey his master had taken him on, he had seen little that would help him in seeking his prey tonight. He'd seen the sun rise, and the glorious colours of those wings in the morning glow. He would not find her tonight, no matter how hard he sought. But something dark has danced around him, like a friend, and yet... no. It was something else, but it was close. As he came back to his body, he sat up. He yawned wide, showing off the rows of sharpened teeth, long curved fangs. Once his euphoria passed, he settled himself into a cross legged position, and watched the last of his flames. From a pouch at his belt, he removed what appeared to be a slither of jerky, though what the meat was, one daren't ask.

"Come now, brozher. Djou sshowed me little vorzh knowing. I travel, only for djou. Come come..." A sigh racked his body, heaving on his chest, popping his sternum with the force of it. He stretched his now tired limbs. The euphoria still sent shivers down his spine with the slightest breeze; his eyes still bottomless depths of dark ruby where his pupils remained dilated. He stared at the dancing flames as he took his blade and wiped it clean, holding it over the flames for a moment to sterilise, before returning it to its sheath at his belt. Whatever followed him, and left his ears buzzing, had gotten closer. However he felt no threat. If it has seen his display and meant harm, he would had been struck down, however, he still lives, and breathed.

"It ish impolite to shtay in zhe sshadowsh. I sheek no 'arm to djou. I 'ave my prey. Come, sshare my fire." He did not know to whom his words went, but he offered them anyway. Someone would come forth, and perhaps they would sit awhile. Talk, perhaps, in the glow of the fire. He took one of the spare branches, and threw it into the heart of the flames, watching it catch and brighten the scene. His expanded pupils sought the shadows, but whomever was hiding, they were good at it.
@Malhyanth ][Yay! I'm glad I'm not imposing on you. I'm a bit self conscious, so I always worry about things like that.][

With wide eyes Rua watched the creature, for the most part fear held him in place, as he watched. For once, the ghost that lurked in his mind, in his vision was even silent without a snide or rude comment to make. That in itself was worrisome, for Noa always had something to say to Rua about everything. A shiver raced down Rua's spine as he watched, uncertain of this odd ritual, of the contents in the bowl, whatever it had been it had put the creature in a trance or something. At least for a little while. Rua continued to watch, perhaps he should have used the chance to attempt an escape, but that thought never once even entered the human's mind.

Soon the trance or whatever it had been was over and the creature was sitting up, and yet Rua remained, more afraid to move now than when the creature had been caught up in the throes of whatever he had ingested. Sure Rua had seen strange and frightening things, but nothing like this creature before, and the glow of firelight dancing and flickering seemed to make the visage all that more frightening. It even made the shadows seem sinister. He watched as the creature pulled out some kind of meat or something, maybe just a piece of leather, the human was uncertain nor did he really care to find out what it was. Rua was content to just watch and remain undiscovered, but then the creature spoke, not to him at first. Nevertheless it caused Rua to duck down quickly behind that bit of wall he had been peering over. His heart pounding fast and hard in his chest.

A breath caught in his throat, and then the creature spoke again, this time undoubtedly directed at Rua. He pressed himself hard and flat against the stone wall, as if he thought he could meld with it to hide. An almost panicked look was given to the empty space where he saw his brother, but the ghost merely answered him with a shrug. Though once Rua was sure the creature hadn't moved, wasn't coming to sniff him out, he calmed somewhat and slowly rose up to peek over that wall again. The creature was still sitting by the fire, but the fire was a bit brighter now, as if a branch or something had just been added to it.

The human inhaled deeply and stood. Rua was king of making bad decisions, and he was sure this would be the absolute worst one. Ignoring the warning from his dead twin, Rua moved to gather up three of his canned goods, one can being the green beans. Perhaps this creature could use it's claws to open the can for him? Assuming the creature didn't eat him first. With cans in his hands, and a sigh of the type one gives when they know they're making a bad decision leaving his lips, Rua stepped out of his room. Around the wall and into the light of the campfire, he was frightened but he tried to hide it well. Plastering a fake smile on his lips as he gingerly stepped closer, only a few steps before Rua stopped rather suddenly.

He turned slightly to look partially behind himself, and whispered lightly to the entity only he saw behind him. "...It's fine...if it eats me-" The whisper stopped suddenly, cut off by words unheard, though Rua heard them clearly. A slight surprised look at whatever had been said, then a frown appeared on his face. He hesitated greatly before looking once more to the creature, then back to where the ghost stood, as if trying to decide between the two. Another moment passed, and that a smile returned to Rua's lips, though this smile was more one of defiance, as he gave the ghost only he saw a shrug and moved rather purposefully towards the creature now. He came close to the creature and sat down right next to him, barely an inch between them.

"Use your scary claws to open this for me." The can of green beans was thrust out towards the creature that he was now sitting so closely too, Rua's tone wasn't demanding, it seemed rather conversational, despite that his words might have been phrased in a demanding way. "Try not to spill any of it, 'kay?" The defiant smile had changed as he held that can to the creature, nor was it a fake smile that replaced it, it was merely the smile of one who seemed to find the danger they might be in rather amusing.

Where had all that fear he had been feeling just moments earlier go? It was simply buried under this new idea that had formed in his mind. If the creature killed him, then he could just go be a ghost with his dead brother.

Something glimmered in Rua's eyes, it was small, barely noticeable, only the most perceptive of beings could see it, even then they might not know it for what it was. Just a glimmer, just a tiny spark of what might be insanity.
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((It's always a difficult one, trying to decide how far you can go. I tend to write and let people know I'm happy to alter if things don't work for them c; ))


The Collector tilted his head a little as the other now appeared. The buzzing feeling about his head intensified, and then dulled, now he could identify the cause. He was no more then a teenager, young and naive in this destroyed world. The beast-man watched as a war played out on the young man's face, and intrigue played about his own scarred visage. Slowly, his eyes were returning to their usual state, and his increased sensory output was slowly also returning to normal. Euphoria still tingled his nerves, and this was not helped as the young man took the plunge, and decided sitting nearly in his lap was a wise move.

The Collector swept his items carefully out of the teen's way, when he realised where he was headed. His bowl of blood concoction was carefully manoeuvred out of his way as he sat down. The teen continued to lean in close to the Collector, and his warmth and scent sent a shiver through his body. The innocent demand shocked him for a moment, but the lad was thin, and clearly lacking in some survival skills. Who didn't travel with some sort of weapon that could be used to open something as simple as a can? Placing his own hard, chewy, leathery jerky into the side of his mouth, he took the can, and inspected his claws.

"Djou are an unushual one." He muttered, as he took pity on the lad and slammed his claws into the top of the can curling his fingers over and ripping the lid back. When he saw the vegetables inside, he sneered a mixture of apathy and disgust at it, and handed it back to the teen. "Vhat are djou? Rabbit?" He asked incredulously. The smell was not something he was going to forget! He took the jerky back into his hand, and tore it with his teeth. Sitting in silence for a moment, he considered his little companion. He had spoken to another, before walking over. As he thought about it, the buzzing that seems to jangle behind his eyes and put pressure on his head increased a moment. 

"'Oo do djou shpeak vizh?" He asked idly, enjoying the warmth the other gave off, so close to his side. He wondered how the other could eat his greenery, when beside him sat something that smelt like rotting flesh. Perhaps he lacked a sense of smell? He had met humans before, devoured them too, and he had always noted how blunted they were in comparison to others. He chuckled low in his throat as he thought about some instances of humans thinking they were so clever, and their lack of sense perception meant he had snuck up on them in plain sight. "Djou told shomeone djou did not care if I ate djou. Shtrange zhing to shay. 'Ave we met before?" The Bone Collector knew they hadn't, but he felt a need to make some sort of small talk. How could you not when the lad was practically draping himself in his lap? He was lucky the Collector already had a target, else he may have been tempted to take advantage of this young lad before devouring him!
Ashtar did not sleep for long. She woke up suddenly, minutes after she tried going back to sleep. She muttered curses under her breath as she tucked the kitchen knife she had left beside her into her belt loop. She retied her worn boots and checked outside the window of the house she was staying in. Seeing the faint orange glow in the distance, she decided to exit the house from the back door. Whoever was in the front would not see her, and hopefully the beast-man wouldn't, either.

She shoveled as many cans of food as she could into a shoulder bag, and slung it over a wing. She found a few empty flasks and filled them to the top with water and packed those as well. She also grabbed a few more kitchen knives and put them in the bag. When she was satisfied, she crept out the back door.

Ashtar carefully slunk behind the suburban houses, making sure no light caught her. If she was quick enough, she would reach the edge of the forest that surrounded the city before daybreak.

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][Yea. I don't mind changing things either if needed, and generally most things work for me, so I rarely if ever need to ask anyone to change anything. I'm pretty open to everything. I'm just self conscious and often worry that I'm bothering or annoying the other players with my characters.][


The other two cans were set down on the other side of him, a can of corn and a can of diced tomatoes. Rua hadn't decided if he would devour those as well, at the moment he mostly just wanted to drink the water that was trapped in the green bean can. He watched, slightly surprised the creature had taken the green beans from him and opened it for him, it wasn't at all what he had expected, and a smug smirk of almost triumph had been briefly directed to an empty space. Perhaps the smell of this creature should have bothered him, but the scent of rotting flesh was somewhat comforting, somehow it just reminded him more of his brother. Somehow, it made the ghost in the corner more tangible to him.

When that creature asked if he was a rabbit, the question was met with a shrug as Rua looked from the ghost to the creature, the smugness had gone, but that smirk was still on his lips as he took the can. For half a moment he looked at the contents, then brought the metal to his lips and began to drink the water inside. It had a metallic tang to it, but that was to be expected, after all this stuff had been in the can for who knew how long. Those eyes closed almost in pleasure as he gulped down the metallic, slightly vegetable flavored water, all too soon it was gone, and his eyes popped open. A pout on his face for half a moment as he lowered the can to his lap before he began to pick out the green beans and eat them.

The creature had spoken to him as he had been greedily drinking that water, and for a few moments after he had lowered the can it almost seemed like Rua wouldn't answer, but another smug look had been given to an empty space. A few green beans popped into his mouth, and then those eyes were on the creature. "My brother, I was talking to my brother. He's dead but he still follows me around and tries to control my life." The words were spoken casually, as if there were nothing wrong with hallucinating and speaking to dead people.

The blonde reached into the can and popped a few more green beans into his mouth. Though for a moment, there was a flicker of longing. "My brother thinks you'll eat me, but it's fine if you do, because then I can join him...but he says I'm not allowed to join him yet." A frown, Rua bit his bottom lip, glancing to that empty space again for only a moment. "..He says..if I let you eat me, he'll never speak to me again. He also says you're ugly and grotesque and horrible." Rua reached out, without hesitation and laid his hand on the creature's thigh, tilting his face up to look at the creature's face. "But I...I think you're beautiful in your own way, so you can ignore my brother. He's mean to everyone anyway." Sincerity was written on his features as he spoke those words, then that hand was withdrawn, and his attention returned mostly to his own meal. "Ah..My name is Rua, and thanks for opening this." This introduction was clearly an after thought, and said with a mouthful of half chewed greens.
((Not at all, if you have any issue, just let me know, but your character is very interesting!!))


The Collector's face wrinkled as the teen drank the foul smelling water from the can. How could he stand it? That close to his nose? That close to his mouth? Argh!! The idea of something so green entering his mouth made him shudder and lean away from the teen. He understood some creatures needed greenery to survive, but it would never really make sense to him! He listened to the youngster with interest. It was a sad tale, and it explained the pressure he felt in his head. He unsure if he should pity the creature, or allow him to continue with his delusion. He too, looked to the corner that the boy kept speaking too, eyes glazing slightly as he stared into the darkness beyond the fire's light. He knew what it was like to be followed by the spirits of those passed. He had enough following him.

"Djour brozher ish probably right..." He murmured, using a long claw to flip the newest branch in the fire, so the other side caught, and brought more light to the scene. He took his skull mask carefully into his palm, and stared into the face that gazed back, and gently set this closer to his other side, away from the youth. "Zhe Dead do not shpeak liesh, Little Rabbit. 'E caresh for djou shtill. Djou sshould listen to 'im." As the teen ate his green beans, the Collector stared into the flames quietly, letting the young man do his thinking, his listening, his musing. As he spoke again, and the hand was laid against the smooth fur of his thigh, it made the beast-man start a little, finding it unexpected that he would say the words he did. His scarred face sneered, and mourned the warmth as it was taken away as the hand retreated.

"Djou are a rare creature, Rua Rabbit." He growled, his face turned away from the words the youngster spoke. It was clear the beast-man did not quite grasp the sincerity in the words, and instead his hitched lip from the scar pulled tight over his fangs as he snarled a little at the words, and he spat into the flames, causing a hiss, crack, and a sizzle. He carefully manoeuvred himself, to remove more jerky from his belt. He chewed on it silently for a moment, a grumble rumbling his chest subconsciously. He pulled his concoction closer to himself as he set about his tasks. He made a point of ignoring the youth as he pulled his dank dreadlocks forward, and coated his hands in the substance, and started to reapply the black-red colour. When it dried, it would be a much richer russet red, and that was what he wanted, as he started his hunt. He worked the paste between his bone and feather ornaments, as well as the shiny golden ring. When his dreadlocks were nicely coated, he flicked them back against his head, to dry. The paste was rubbed up his arms further, to spread the thickness of it away from the palms and fingers, so he could still use them. Before he rubbed his hands down in the dust about him, he used the last of the paste for decorations; a handprint was applied to each side his chest, and then between them, some sort of practices rune. More handprints were applied to his upper arms. He contemplated a handprint on his skull mask, but he decided against it, and used his loincloth as a way to wipe the excess off his hands, and then rubbed the dust beneath him between his palms until the paste was loosened, and it was dusted off into the flames, where it sputtered and sparked, and released a foul stench.

"I planned to 'unt tonight, but I guessh I vill shtay put, if djou wissh to shleep." His voice was low, and he took up his femur blade, testing it with his thumb pad. He then used its now clean edge to pick jerky from between his teeth. "I doubt zhe bird-girl vill leave before shunrishe. Sshe ish young, like djou. Probably ish not avare I 'unt 'er yet." The Collector stretched out his digigrade legs, his hips popping, and then he stretched out his long, serpentine spine. His neck was last, audible pops and cracks echoing in the small space. He curved his long tail to the side, and flopped back into the dust, looking up with an arm resting behind his head. The stars were starting their dance above, and Bone Collector enjoyed the quiet voyeristic activity of watching them.
][I'm glad you think my character is interesting. He's definitely crazy, in more ways than one, that's for sure. I really really like your character, probably more than I should. Honestly I wanted to interact with him when he first appeared, but I wasn't sure how to approach so I just more or less ran away, so to speak. >.>; And I hope this isn't too much. Sometimes when I start typing a post my characters start taking over and literally run away with my fingers and the result is usually something like this. -.-;; ][


For a while Rua was content to be silent and just eat his green beans, they would have been better heated up, and true there was a fire in front of him but the blonde human didn't really think that much of it. Cold greens were fine to. It was good enough, the water in the can had been good enough, though Rua would have liked to have more. It really didn't take him long to finish off that can, and once it was empty he sat it down on the other side of him.

 "Tch...He's always right. It pisses me off." His tone was bitter and for a moment he grit his teeth as he watched the fire flare up at the new food fed to it, his arms crossed across his chest and a sour look on his face. "Brother always knows best. Always." He shivered slightly at some memory, the arms crossed at his chest moved, a hand reaching up and grasping each of his own shoulders. Hugging himself, as he stared at the fire. Not looking at his new companion or at the ghost that followed him, that sour look had been replaced with a pout.

All of this happened within the span of mere moments, and soon enough the expression on Rua's face had changed again, his hands came down from his torso to clasp lightly in his lap. The expression on his face had been replaced with that 'I-find-death-amusing-smirk' and his eyes shifted from the fire to the creature. "Rare creature? I could probably say the same about you." Then a hand was raised from his lap, and he gestured lightly, as if to encompass everything. "But then, everyone is a rare creature, because every one is unique." The other hand was raised, both arms now just stretching high above Rua's head as he stretched and yawned. It was late, he was tired, this creature had interrupted his nap.

Those arms were lowered, and Rua stared at the creature, watching intently as the other rubbed this paste stuff in is hair, around the decorations that adorned the hair, and then over his arms. Almost mesmerized, Rua watched as the hand prints were applied and the runes drawn, then more hand prints, his lips slightly parted as his eyes drank in everything. The way the paste was applied with practiced ease, to Rua it seemed almost like some sort of sacred ritual, and it was beautiful to behold in it's own right. He wasn't even sure he should even be watching, at some point he had leaned in closer to the creature. Their bodies nearly touching now.

He was still leaning in close when the creature spoke, his eyes mostly on the runes drawn on that chest. Intrigued and curious, the human lifted a hand, slowly reaching out. It seemed almost as if Rua hadn't heard the words the creature spoke, something about sleep and hunting, a bird girl and the sunrise, the young man was too busy wanting to run his fingers over the strange markings. Too busy formulating questions to ask, too busy being enthralled by something unique and strange. Odd and beautiful. His fingers inched closer, only wanting to feel the runes, wondering if they held a power. Wondering if they were some sort of magic spell.

Rua snapped back suddenly, jerking a bit, as if something had physically pulled him away. A grimace had passed across his features at the same time, and his hand, the one that had been reaching for the creature, came up to rub at his right shoulder. That head turning, a glare in his eyes, directed to the spot just slightly behind him. As if someone was standing there, as if that someone had so harshly yanked him back. In Rua's mind, in his eyes, that was exactly what had happened, the ghostly grip had been hard enough to leave bruises. Rua's mouth opened, the lips curling to form mean words, but his head suddenly jerked to the other side, as if someone had just slapped him.

The ghost might be only a figment of Rua's imagination, a thing created by a fractured mind, but the bruise it left on his cheek was rather real, visible to all. The hand that had gone to rub his shoulder now moved to rest over his cheek. Funny thing about the human psyche, if one believed something hard enough, even imaginary and unreal, it could physically affect them. For Rua, there was absolutely no doubt in his mind that his brother was there and had slapped him. Very, very hard.

Those lips were pressed together hard, forming a thin line. He was silent, and his posture changed slightly, his shoulders slumped and his head slightly ducked. Much like the posture of a child being scolded very thoroughly.
((Thanks so much :3 He's my longest running, most infamous creature, and I love him to bits; he takes over my fingers far more than he should too, and I'm surprised he's managed to not go in for gruesome detail... it's hard, I'm used to mature rated sites where the level of violence he would usually perpetrate is accepted c; ))


Though he had distracted himself from his companion, trying desperately not to be tempted by him as a pre-hunt snack, the Collector was extremely pleased when whatever mental construct the boy had to cope with the loss of his brother yanked him back from touching the paste he'd adorned himself with. The kid was slight, probably weak from hunger if he'd had no way to get to his food items but to wait for a creature with claws that could open it for him, and certainly not in a mental place to be dabbling in the world of the narcotics the Collector was smeared in. Plus, he had no protective fur like he did, so skin contact with the substance may very well cause his heart to increase its beating to a point he could not stand and kill him outright. Years of building tolerance to this concoction was all that saved the Bone Collector from naught but death himself. That, and he figured, an

agreement with his Dark Master.

"You sshould zhank 'im. It ish 'ard to acshept zhe dead know vhat ish good for ush, but trusht me vhen I shay djour brozher meansh djou nozhing but love in 'ish acshionsh." He knew the kid would scowl, would ignore his advice, but the Little Rabbit needed to learn that there  was more than just desire and need; there was survival, and he had a very special companion that was looking out for him.

The Bone Collector gazed at the kid a moment, seeing the welt developing on his cheek. He sat upright, and grabbed his chin, turning his face this way and that to inspect it. Now this was a development. At his touch to the kid's face, the buzzing in his head became fever-pitch, angry, like a hornet in a tin box. He shook his head, and let go of the teen. What black magic had attached itself to this naive Rabbit? This was no ordinary mental construct! Death had a plan for this kid, and it intrigued the Collector.

"Intereshting indeed..." He murmured, the clawed hand that hand held his chin so roughly before rising, and a claw was used to run down the face of the younger, from temple to jawline. The buzzing returned, and he snatched away his hand. "Djou are more shpeshial zhan djou know, Little Rabbit." A rolling laugh bubbled from his chest at the younger, and he moved himself further away from the young teen. Whatever it was that protected him was strong, fierce, and the Collector had a healthy amount of respect for it. "Sheemsh I vill not be marking djou tonight, Little Rabbit. Sshame... I shushpect djou are a razher shucculent prizshe. Sshame indeed... More protectsh djou zhan I firsht zhought." Again, the rolling laugh. The Collector took the lad's empty can, and twirled it, squeezing it, testing it. It was flimsy, and would not help the youngster if he were to use his claws to shred it and form a blade. Shame. He liked this kid. He suspected after this night it was unlikely they'd meet again, and there was no way he would keep up with the beast-man. He was such a frail human... The Collector set down the can, musings carrying him off in thought. He looked at the two other cans the kid had bought.

"Do djou vant me to..." He motioned with his claws, though with the still fresh paint beneath his claws, he would probably use his blade instead. The kid looked like he could use a decent meal, and whom was he to deny one protected by forces linked to his Master? He looked the youngster over, not necessarily a hungry gaze, but more one of intense interest. What had this kid been through to make his Master so interested in him? To protect him with black magic that was fracturing the poor kid's mind as he went on surviving. Surely the kid must know what he experienced was more than simple delusion, hallucination, and illusion? Crossing his digigrade legs once more, across the small fire from the lad, the Collector placed his hands upon his knees. "Come. Tell me djour tale, and may'ap I vill sshare my own." The grotesque face split into a vicious grin. He loved to spin a tale, and when was better than when in the firelight, beneath the decrepit eaves of a broken down house, in the apocalypse of man!
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][I have trouble finding more mature sites that offer forum RPs. I did find one, but so far none of the RPs in it catch my interest, but I watch it like a hawk, cause I'm needy. >.>;;;;][


When the creature spoke, Rua raised his eyes a bit. The blonde had no intention of thanking his brother for slapping him around, it wasn't the first time though and Rua knew it certainly would not be the last perhaps love was a part of it, but Rua knew that his brother was mostly jealous. He had began to lower his gaze again, when the creature grabbed his chin. It startled Rua but he didn't move away, allowing the other to turn his head this way and that, he did glance to the side a moment and offer a brief smirk. The ghost was furious, and it was powerless to do anything to the creature to stop it from touching Rua. Soon the creature was releasing him, only to lift that claw to trail down the side of Rua's face, he tilted his head ever so slightly towards the touch. Eyes fluttering for a moment, then it was gone.

When Rua's eyes fully opened and he looked at the creature, there was only a hint of anger shinning in them. "..His love is a twisted love, and one I can't live without..." The words were whispered, that head turned away, his arms came up to hug himself, as if embarrassed by such an admittance. "Possessive, jealous. Controlling and demanding. He's always like that." His body tensed, and his arms tightened around himself. "I'm nothing special..I'm just...Just his." His jaw clenched tightly for a moment, and he looked up, glancing to where the ghost stood next to him, his body tensed even more and then relaxed. His gaze shifting to the creature when it asked about the other cans of food.

Rua looked to the cans, staring at the them almost in thought, then he shook his head. His appetite for the moment was gone, he was to angry at his dead brother to be hungry. Those eyes settled on a empty space some feet away, where the ghost had retreated to, and Rua childishly stuck his tongue out at that empty air. Then he licked his lips and looked at the creature, Rua was still hugging himself, and slowly his arms came down. His hands resting in his lap. "...I wouldn't even know what to tell you...I can't remember some of it....and Noa would stop me from telling the rest.." A glare was sent in the direction of the ghost as he spoke that last sentence.
((I was a part of one for a while. Jeeze he ran rampant for a while!! But ended leaving due to life and being and adult and shizzle |: Would be awesome to try and find somewhere for him again that does let out my crazy c; ))


The Collector mused on the teen, and truly, a pang of empathy shot him hard. He was a kid that clearly needed companionship beyond this strange, cryptic possession whatever spirit hounded him had over him. It was not often the Collector felt empathy for another, it was not his usual deal. However, he felt the younger was but a tormented version of himself, still working through the trauma that had broken him, and soon, he'd find himself in the same broken state as the Collector. Maybe months, years, decades even, in the future, but the Collector could see his own life portrayed in the suffering of the other.

"I never shaid it vouldn't be cruel, Little Rabbit." He mused aloud, his clawed hand raising to tap at his lip, a thoughtful expression covering the grotesque face as he peered off towards the stars above once more. A smirk teased his ruined lips. "In fact, I vould shay zhat vhich ish cruel ish zhe mosht delectable." The Collector supposed he would indeed believe that. His body was not lined in scars from simply a battle or two. Some were self inflicted, as the one on his forearm from his ritual, others imposed by what love was supposed to achieve. He smiled at the younger, his fingers idly picking up the can, and turning it over in his hands, slowly at first, as his brain tried to figure a way he may be able to leave the younger with a momento of their shared time. Slowly, his claws started to work at the flimsy metal, surprised how quickly it was pierced. He spread it flat, and started a series of folds and flaps that would eventually leave a sharp section free of a rounded "grip". It would not last long, but perhaps it would make his brother less possessive if the kid had a way to defend himself? He offered it across the flame, the fire licking at the back of his hand.

"'Ere, take it. Ushe it if djou zhink djou're quick enough. But may'ap djour brozher vill prefer it if djou 'as it vhilsht ve shpend zhish time togezher." Though dark, his grin was genuine. The tool had a nasty edge to it, and would certainly serrate flesh nicely from bone. Would leave a beautiful scar. A memory of the lad, if he felt brave enough to use it. He liked memories of his encounters.

"Sho djou 'ave no shtory djou are villing to sshare, eh? Vell. Ssheemsh I 'ave no choish vhen! Djou shay djou do not know vhere to begin vhen djou are sho young? Deazh'sh cloak!!" The beast-man laughed, and rocked back, allowing himself a true expression of amusement. "I did not alvaysh look like zhish. It may sshock djou to know, vonsh, I vash most 'andshome. I know, but casht djour mind back, imagine myshelf no older zhan djou vhen I left my 'ome, sheeking zhe approval of a beautiful girl. Shtupid, I agree." He laughed again, red eyes glinting at the teen in front of him. "One might even shay sshe rivalled djou in delectablenessh." He chuckled, but his eyes turned cold as he focused on the flames.

"I shtrayed too far, and vash captured by djour kind. Shaw potential profit from my 'ide, or at leasht my shtrengzh." Eyes closed for a moment as the mind recalled the lash, the whip, the chain. A clawed hand rose to touch a band of scarring around his throat. "I wash nozhing but a dog to zhem." He stopped his story for a moment, but a darkness was creeping over his face as he remembered the sweet dawn twilight that had heralded the visit of his new Master. "Never beat a beasht, Little Rabbit. 'Is memory ish long, his determinashion, unrivalled. If djou shtrike a blow, make shure djou follow through and kill 'im. 'E von't forget djou for ash long ash 'e livesh." He grinned now, and a near black tongue swiped out over his teeth. It's meaning was simple, but it was at this point he tilted his head, much like a domestic dog of old might have when it's owner made a strange noise, or a new noise to its ears was registered, and the dog needed time to process it.

"I 'ave now sshared vizh djou, Rua Rabbit. Now come, djour brozher musht 'ave shomezhing 'e ish villing to sshare vizh me." He raised his clawed hands in a gesture of friendship. "I 'ave moved from djour shide, ash 'e vished. I 'ave refrained from my shordid zhoughtsh of vhat I could do vizh djou. Shurely 'e could find it in 'imshelf to trusht me now?" If such a scarred face to feign innocence well, it was being attempted now by this beast-man. The webs of scars across him certainly spoke of a life of guilt, hardship, and excesses. But his eyes would hold an honest gleam, a true interest in the story of the younger. His hands lowered, and settled upon knees curled up close to his body. Occasionally, his tail flickered, a sign of excitement and intrigue at what the younger may be permitted to speak.
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Ashtar tried to get her bearings. From her spot at the back door of the house she had stayed in, she could make out rectangular shapes blocking out the starlight. That meant if she wanted to get to the forest, she would have to pass by whoever was setting up camp a little ways in front of the house.

She tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear and started moving. She would sneak around the houses and stay out of sight.

She worked her way around slowly, getting closer to the fire and the dread she felt in her stomach grew. She was close enough to hear voices, but couldn't make out what they were saying. 

She kept her distance, slinking around the fire, but still growing closer and closer. Her footsteps were quiet and her breathing was even. She came to a wall.

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][I didn't mean for this post to get so long. >.>;;  Also that one mature site I hover around on is called IwakuRoleplay. In case you were interested. They have an adult section and a not adult section.][


Rua was silent, wondering why type of thing he could tell this creature, what would the ghost allow him to say? What would he even be able to remember? His own thoughts were disrupted as the creature began cutting the can, he leaned forward and a bit to the side, trying to peer around the fire and see what the creature was doing. He watched the metal be folded and crinkled as easily as if it were paper, and he wondered just how strong this creature might be, true a can was weak metal, tin or aluminum, but Rua certainly couldn't fold or cut it like that.

Soon the finished product was being handed to him over the fire, Rua reached for it. He didn't hesitate, but a slight glare towards the ghost surely indicated that entity's disapproval. For the most part, Rua ignored the words he heard in his head, and his fingers curled around the offered object. A knife of sorts, it looked mean, it looked vicious and cruel. A smile touched Rua's lips as he brought the knife closer, and inspected it a bit.

Rua laid the knife in his lap, but the smile on his lips didn't seem quite right. That tiny spark, that tiny gleam of insanity that had been in his eyes earlier was there again, for only a brief moment. He ran his fingers almost sensually over the makeshift knife as it rested on his leg, careful of the sharp edges. Though he intimately inspected his weapon with his fingers. His hand stilled as the creature spoke, and Rua's full attention went to him.

A hint of color came to Rua's cheeks when the other said the female rivaled him in delectableness but Rua wasn't sure if that was a compliment, a flirt, or just...he didn't know, either way it brought a tiny bit of color to his cheeks and very briefly. Rua had never been compared to a girl before, but he didn't mind too much. Mostly though Rua focused on what the creature told him, and he found himself wondering what the creature had been like in his youth, what kinds of cruelty the creature had suffered.

Those eyes followed the clawed hand that strayed to touch the scars around the creature's neck. Rua watched intently, giving the slightest of nods and shivers as the other warned him against beating a beast and then swiped that tongue over his teeth.

Rua blinked, shaking his head slightly, when the creature mentioned Rua's brother, a slight amused smile touched his lips and his fingers rested on that knife again. Sensually, almost absently caressing the dangerous thing. "Oh my brother has a lot he'd like to say to you, none of it is pleasant though." Rua grasped the knife and lifted it so the creature could see it. "He especially disapproves of giving me something so dangerous." He tilted his head back, for a moment a look of perverse pleasure flitted across his face, and could be seen in the smile on his lips. He touched that blade to his own throat and closed his eyes.

So easy it would be now, to join his brother in the afterlife. So simple. His hand twitched. It wasn't the first time he'd had a chance to die, it wouldn't be the last. His eyes opened, that gleam of insanity and something darker was in them, but as he lowered the knife that gleam slowly faded. Rua couldn't do it. He couldn't take his own life, his brother knew that well, it was the only reason the ghost hadn't stopped him.

That knife was set on the floor next to him, that smile faded from his lips, replaced with a small frown. "...We've always been together, my brother Noa, and I...ever since we were born. He was older, but only by a minute or two." Rua bit his bottom lip, his brow creasing a bit. "...Our mother died when I came out...I killed her....My father would always remind me of that, every chance he got.." His expression turned to a sneer for a brief moment. Hands clenching into a fist, then he relaxed, and his expression cleared.

"A lot of my child hood memories are gone, I do remember Father very clearly, and the white rooms. The needles. The experiments he put me through..I remember some of those..." Rua had shuddered, those arms going up to hug himself, his body tensed then relaxed and he leaned against something not there. As if leaning into the embrace of another. "My brother protected me...when he could...sometimes he couldn't..but he tried....Father was never cruel to him though....but sometimes....sometimes Father would make Noa hurt me...to prove to me that Noa couldn't really protect me." Rua closed his eyes tightly. He didn't want to remember these things, he didn't want to remember the steel tables and the tubes. The doctoral instruments sitting on their cold steel tray.

A whimper left his lips, there was so much he wasn't telling. Some of it he couldn't tell if he had wanted to, simply because he could not remember it. "...My brother became possessive and obsessive towards me, he was cruel to anyone that touched me, spoke to me, even looked at me, sometimes he was cruel to me and used the excuse that it was because he loved me, and I belonged to only him. Forever. Always, just him...." Rua opened his eyes and stared into the fire, not looking at the creature. "My brother killed Father...one day..and we ran. We escaped the underground lab and found this wasteland of a world." His nose scrunched up in slight disapproval. He was mildly surprised that Noa wasn't stopping him from saying these things.

Perhaps the ghost realized that sometimes, someone needed to tell things to living creature and not to the ghost that had lived through the events. Or maybe there was another reason. Either way, Rua had fallen silent. Of course there was more to tell, but Rua was not ready to speak about the circumstance of his brother's death, or the warlocks that he had sung necromantic spells with in order to attempt to bring Noa back. Rua shook his head, lowering his arms and shaking a bit, as if to shake himself free of his dead brother's embrace.
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((Woop c; ))

@Kry @galacticspaceray

The Bone Collector watched the boy intently as he raised the blade to his own throat, closing his eyes. The beast-man nearly leaped forward in excitement at such an easy meal being served, but as the hand shook and lowered the blade, disappointment crashed down on him, and his stomach gurgled. He placed his hand upon his bare, scarred abdomen with a pat. Soon. The kid had issues, troubles, and the Collector couldn't help but feel if this teen was going to go in any way, it was by his own hand. His tail lashed absent-mindedly, a physical representation of his hunger and disappointment the teen didn't serve himself up on a platter for him.

"Djour brozher ish velcome to exshplain to me vhy 'e zhinksh djou sshouldn't be able to protect djourshelf." The Collector smiled at Rua, and took up his blade, using its sharp edge to clean out from under his claws. He listened with interest to words he didn't really comprehend; laboratory, testing, experiments. He knew needles, but it didn't seem to be the same usage; from what he could see, there were no tattoos upon the youngster. So what were these needles he spoke of? The Collector wanted to ask, however, the way the kid hugged himself, the words stuck on his tongue, and instead, he lowered his head, and concentrated on clearing the paint from beneath his claws.

The Collector stopped suddenly, ears snapping forward, a hand flying quickly to his skull mask, setting it perfectly upon his face and securing its strapping. His eyes narrowed, and he stood, hips popping as he shifted his body shape. His nose twitched, clawed hands flexing a moment. He stepped around the fire and placed a hand upon Rua's head, lingering but a moment on its softness. He said nothing, but left the light, swift, sinking to a quadruped form in a variety of pops and clunks as his hips resettled. He knew he should probably have said something to the kid, but something had stirred a memory, a scent upon the breeze. He slunk out, serpentine. His nose rose to the air, breathing deep, a growl rumbling his chest, deep and broad. He slunk between clumps of rubble, what was left of buildings, walls, around shrubs. His nose led him to a building, a mere stone's throw from his camp. He scented around, and realised he had been closer than he'd anticipated.

The feral snarl that erupted from him was vicious and frustrated. The kid had distracted him!! Had he known? Known he was hunting that bird-girl and purposefully got in the way? He turned nose buried into the ground as he scented the way she had gone. He crossed back and forth, like a hunting dog, and realised the scent headed back to his fire. His roar echoed throughout the small suburb, and he was not quiet, crashing back the way he had come. When the light flooded his eyes, he pounced, knocking the teen over, blade drawn and pressed against his throat as he stood over the kid in his quadruped form, face pulled into a snarl.

"Djou planned zhish vizh 'er!!" His rancid breath parted his blond hair as he bit out his words, pressing his blade closer. "Djou vollowed me; I knew it zhe moment I velt djou before. Djou vollowed me to shtop me vinding 'er!!!"
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Rua didn't notice the creature had even moved, despite the noise of those movements, until it was standing beside him and it's hand rested on his head. Blinking softly he looked up at the creature, the creature sensed something, or heard something. Rua could tell now by the way it moved, was something out there? Something dangerous? A glance was given to the unseen entity, and then a nod, he had no intention of following the creature out into the night. It was dangerous at night. Rua busied himself with watching the fire, and contemplating his past, things he'd rather not think about.

His thoughts were interrupted rather suddenly and violently, the warning coming from his ghost a second too late for him to react. Rua found himself on his back, hazel eyes staring wide at the creature. Fear had flashed in those eyes for a moment, then anger. When he felt the knife at his throat he licked his lips and tilted his head back, exposing more of the vulnerable area to the creature. Rua had no idea what the creature was talking about, but when it pressed the blade closer, the human rose slightly to meet it. As if daring, wanting the creature to cut him, all the while ignoring the panicked words the ghost shouted at him. Words that told him how to get out of this situation, words that begged him not to let the creature kill him.

That small gleam of insanity was in Rua's eyes. "...Planned?" For a moment Rua seemed confused, he honestly had no idea what the creature was on about, but that confusion gave way quickly to amusement. An insane amusement, as there really wasn't anything amusing about this situation. "...Followed?" Rua laughed lightly, and pressed up against that blade harder, causing it to draw blood from him. "Noa, this guy thinks we followed him, when he's the one that snuck up on us while we were sleeping." Another laugh. "It is funny, isn't it, Noa? I guess you were right, brother. I shouldn't get so close to dogs, they do bite." His eyes danced to the side, looking towards the visage he saw.

Rua saw his brother standing there, a frown on his lips, a helpless look on his face. There was nothing the ghost could do to save him from this creature, but the ghost was speaking desperate instructions, instructions that Rua was not listening to at all. That hazel gaze met the creature, an almost euphoric smile on Rua's lips. His hand moved, grasping the wrist of the creature's knife hand, not to try and pull it away but to try and tug it closer. As if to force the thing to slit his throat. "Oh, I wish you could see my brother right now, that angry, helpless look on his face. I've never seen him so helpless before, it's almost sad." Again his eyes glanced to the side, where the ghost was.

Then a frown touched Rua's lips, and his brow furrowed as he saw and felt the ghost wrap a hand around his wrist. Noa tried to pull Rua's hand away from the creature's wrist, but Rua resisted and tried to pull the creature's wrist and knife into his throat. "Let go! Let me go! Let it kill me, let it do it!" Rua seemed almost frantic, yelling those words at the ghost. Tears had formed at the corners of Rua's eyes, not sadness though, they seemed more like tears of frustration. Gently they slipped down his face, an odd expression he had. Tears and yet he still smiled that euphoric smile.

Ashtar heard the creature's voice, and instantly started sprinting in the other direction, swearing at herself in her mind. How was she so dumb? She should have waited until morning!

She gritted her teeth and looked up at the sky. Flying at night wasn't a wise choice, but if she didn't have an option, she would have to.
((Done with permission from Kry. Galactic, I'm really struggling to keep Bones' intention on your character as every time I make an opening for interaction, she's fleeing. If he loses her now, he may give up, if I were to keep true to him.))

@Kry @galacticspaceray

The beastman's chest swelled with a snarl, that vibrated through his throat as a growl, and eventually left him, heaving through his entire body as a bellow. The hand at his wrist only infuriated him more as he yanked away, raising to his bipedal form and stalking around the camp in a fit of rage. His blade was sheathed, but as soon as it was home, he threw himself at the low wall that had protected the bird-girl only moments before, his claws gaining purchase as he flipped as much of the decaying brick as he could. He spun away from it, his frustration still unsatisfied as another roar tore from his body. His hands gripped a shrub, hefting it bodily from the ground, roots and all, and throwing it at the fire, causing sparks and hot ash to cascade everywhere. The Collector pointed at the youth, his eyes wild behind the mask. He approached, stooping where he had sat previously to scoop up his bowl, which he launched at the boy now. His anger was sparking like electricity through the whole area.

"DJOU!!! DJOU LITTLE RAB-BIT!!!" The words left the creature in a flurry of spittle, barely distinguishable from the snarls that still reverberated through his chest. He grabbed the front of the kid's shirt as he stepped over his ruined fire, avoiding the parts of the dried out shrub he had thrown which were starting to catch. It wouldn't be long before this fire was out of control. He dragged the boy, and slammed him heftily up against what remained of the one stable wall. He leaned in close to his face, tearing off his mask and dropping it at his feet, so his full hideous face was pushed up close to the teen. Being so much taller, the poor kid was likely choking as his feet would dangle to put him at eye line with the Bone Collector at full height in his bipedal form. His chest heaved below his cowl, his eyes held pupils constricted in anger to mere pin pricks as he stared into his very soul. He had trusted this kid, pitied him even, and he had been colluding with his prey. The Collector wasn't set to hear his excuses, even if they were truth; he felt cheated, and that was not a way to leave this beast-man!

"I did not shneak up on djou, Little Rab-bit." The words were still bit out with pure spite. "I shettled 'ere, and out djou pop, innoshent ash can be. No more vill I be taken in my djour gamesh. Djou losht me my meal. Do djou undershtand vhat zhat meansh?" His words became sultry as a vicious smile split his face, his teeth dripping with anticipation. Gripping the left arm of the kid and pinning it to the wall, he stretched out the kid's shoulder, his grin spreading further. "DO DJOU UNDERSHTAND?!" The bellow echoed through the area as he struck, fast as a cobra; his teeth tore through the cloth, sank through the thin flesh and muscle, and connected with bone. He let go with his hands, and stood with the lad hanging from his jaws and shook him a little in punishment, before releasing, and letting him drop. He turned from the kid and kicked out at th shrub that was really starting to catch. He could not kill the boy. He did not intend to do that. He'd invested too much time in him, telling him stories, given him a make-shift knife for goodness sake, so he survived. No. He would mark him, for all the world to see, mark him as belonging to the Bone Collector. Back to the boy, he picked up the burning shrub he'd tossed in his fury, mouth still dripping with the blood he was savouring from the boy. Sweet and salty, and cloying, lacking moisture; he really was dehydrated. He glanced over his shoulder at the kid, eyes glowing like the embers he held in his clawed hand.

"I 'ave marked djou. Tashted djou. It ish a promishe. A promishe from me to djou, to shay I am djour mashter. I may not sheek to shettle zhish debt for many yearsh, but I'll keep tabsh on djou. Ozhersh vill know djou belong to me now." He raised his free hand to touch his face where the blood still clung, feeling its stickiness on his muzzle. He shivered a little. "Itsh my promishe to djou zhat one day, it vill be me zhat shendsh djou to meet vizh djour brozher. Trusht in zhat." The Collector turned, a sneer on his face, no longer friendly, as before; vicious, animalistic. His eyes narrowed as he watched the last of the shrub die out, no longer fed by the fire below. He tossed it idly away. His eyes settled on his mask, close to the teen, and he held out his clawed hand.

"Bring me my mashk."
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His actions of pressing into that knife, of grabbing the creature's wrist to pull that knife into his flesh had seemed to anger the creature. Suddenly it was off of him and rampaging around, breaking an already broken wall, then pulling up a shrubbery and tossing it into the fire. Rua blinked, felt the presence of his brother all around him, but for the moment he could not see the entity. That truly frightened him. He was sitting up, looking a little dazed and glancing around for his ghost when that creature's attention was on him again.

That dazed look fled once the creature grabbed him, replaced by that almost euphoric smile, that glint in his eyes. Though he gasped and squirmed a bit as he was slammed against that wall, for the most part, Rua made no attempt to escape. His brother was shouting at him, from somewhere, but Rua couldn't see him, couldn't make out the words. Slowly, very slowly that expression on his face turned to one of worry. Not fear. Just worry. He gasped and choked, his head swam as the creature's face was so close to his. Spitting out words with that angry tone.

His left arm was grabbed, stretched out, and that worry faded. Replaced by the euphoric smile as he wondered if the creature was about to rip his arm off. He honestly didn't have much time to think on that, before the thought had even completed, searing pain shot through him. That creature was fast. Like a snake, it had bitten into him rather deeply. Rua had felt the teeth scrape the bone. A half choked cry of pain left those lips, though it was quickly followed by a moan. Not a moan of pain, but it almost seemed as if Rua relished that pain. The pain was shooting up and down his arm from that wound, making his nerves tingle in what should have been agony. It was agony, but there was also the most delightful tingle along with it.

The creature shook him a bit, but Rua barely noticed, he only noticed the increase of pain and tingle that shot through him, and the light gasp of breath that left his lungs when he was no longer choking. Soon Rua found himself on the ground, he didn't even remember the fall only seconds ago. His hear was pounding, not with fear as a normal person would have, but with exhilaration. Hazel eyes lifted up to look at the creature, as it spoke. Mentioned marking him, he belonged to it now. Something like that. Rua stared at him.

Slowly the blonde stood, a hand going to rest over the wound in his left arm, as if his small hand could stop the blood flow that ran like rivers down his arm. When that creature told him to bring the mask, Rua's lips curled up in a snarl of their own, then the expression turned defiant. Angry and defiant. He stepped over to that mask and picked it up, almost gingerly with his right hand, not caring if any of his blood got on it or not. "You want it?" Then he turned, and tossed it away from the creature. Over a small wall that was connected to another wall. Into a room. The room Rua had previously been sleeping in. The mask clattered as it hit the other cans Rua had left in there.

"Fetch, dog." His tone was full of anger, and a bit of pain laced his voice as well, his body trembled but not from fear. From excitement, the thrill of being hurt, the potential of getting killed. The thought of joining his brother in death. Quickly he moved, snatching up the makeshift knife the creature had given him. Would the creature attack him again? He almost hoped so, and then maybe if he stabbed the thing with this knife, it would attack him again! Rua began to laugh.

He had seen his brother now, the ghost stood in a corner and cried for him. Rua found that uncontrollably funny. A ghost, crying for him, especially when that ghost was partly responsible for how crazy Rua was.

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