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Fantasy Post-apocalyptic Fantasy [ Jump-in RP ! ]

"No wonder he's dead."

As soon as those words were spoken, intense emotion flashed through Rua's eyes. Anger, hatred, and an unbridled desire to murder. If Rua's glare could kill, the entire world might have been annihilated in that moment. In fact, the entire solar system they were in might've died as well. His body trembled with barely contained emotion, and there was a psychotic, murderous gleam in his eyes. Those eyes aimed at the tar creature, a creature that was now taking on the shape of a female person. The creature continued speaking, but Rua was past listening to her words.

He took a couple of menacing steps towards her and stopped abruptly, looking to the space next to him. As if someone had suddenly reached out and stopped him. Rua's gaze softened a bit when they landed on the form only he could see, though irritation passed across his features momentarily from words only he could hear. Clearly not agreeing with what the image created by his own psychosis was telling him. Another murderous glance was sent towards the female, then that four armed jacket was thrown angrily at her, and Rua turned on his heels and began angrily walking away. Arms still wrapped around the large amount of food stuffs he had taken from the four armed male.

@Deadly Darkness
Ashtar watched a tar mass and a boy converse from the rooftop, and her speckled brown hawk wings flapped restlessly, almost as if they had a mind of their own. She considered making an entrance, but decided against it. She was perfectly fine watching from her position on the rooftop.

@Kry @Deadly Darkness
Accibelle quickly caught the jacket that was thrown at her as the man grumbled and left. Her large eye settled on the four arm man with a tired look. "Don't be so dumb next time." She tossed the jacket to him. Usually she wasn't the type to do drastic things unless she benefited from it. She wasn't some sort of vigilante or hero. The only person who mattered to her was herself, but when she saw the poor pathetic guy getting his stuff taken she felt a pang of sympathy, remembering what it had been like for her before she became so cynical. 

She scanned the area to make sure no one else was around and spotted a silhouette of another creature. She squinted, trying to get a better look at whoever it was.

@7catsinatrenchcoat @galacticspaceray
Ashtar watched the cyclops-like tar-woman catch sight of her, and ducked her head, trying stay further out of view. If worse came to worse, she could just fly away.

@Deadly Darkness
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The apocalypse was an interesting place for one so obsessed by death and decay. The very epitome of ones' obsessions were all around, and lent this heart a little leap of excitement every time he entered a new place. His lengthened face cast about beneath the cowl made of some animal's stinking hide; or perhaps it was the entrails and blood stains that stank so horribly. Red glowing eyes with a mere pin-prink of a pupil darted back and forth, following the path his padded nose, so canine in appearance on the end of his snub-muzzle like face, was leading him. Pale skin, laced in scars wherever it peaked through his ragged cowl and loincloth, was covered in a fine, silvery layer of white fur. One might mistake him, if they knew of it, to be a humanoid kiwi fruit, his body so downy in this fur was. It protected his sensitive skin from the worst of the Sun; the dank, stinking paste of blood and herbs covering clawed feet, hands, and the slowly wagging tail that followed him protected the rest, and kept most individuals he came across in his travels at arms' length. From his head, the same dank paste had been used to form the humanoid hair that sproated from his head and around his neck and shoulders into lank, bone encrusted dreadlocks. Wrapped about his face, a skull. The eye sockets, empty of its own eyes, are the casings for the red eyes to peer from beneath.

The hunkered form stopped in its slow, cautious, stooped meandering. The loincloth that protected his dignity held a bone blade, perhaps a rib, or a femur, carefully shaped and sharpened for optimum strength, and slicing ability. Pointed ears twitch, listening to muffled speech, and footsteps that seemed to be huffy in their demeanour. The strange beast-man sniffed, tongue flicking over his lengthened fanged teeth. Canines that dipped past his lip and were horribly yellowed showed more in a smirk. The machete-type bone blade was carefully unsheathed, sliding silently from the leather bindings. The feral face, hidden beneath the skull of another, smirked in amusement at the idea he may have hit the jackpot. A huffy youth, heading away from safety, and he, a hungry beast, so adept in his killing, so swift in his finishing blow on his prey.

The beast-man skulked into a rubble pile, mounting it quickly, his clawed feet, swift, his clawed hands, sure on their direction. Now he had mounted the rubble, he had access to a decent breeze, which ruffled his stinking cowl, his silken fur. He crouched, digigrade legs pulled up close around his torso, muscled corded and bunched, ready to take flight. The tail, wavering behind him just moments before, was still and focused, like the piercing red gaze. Before him now, from his vantage point amongst beams and rubble, he could see the disappearing figure of a wounded human. At least, it seems to move in a wounded manner, and it certainly scented like blood, and decay. But this figure was not the source of the voices, but something separate from them, perhaps, like he, hoping to avoid suspicion, detection. He smiled, his teeth clinking lightly together as he did so, the sharp fangs fitting together like a glove. His padded nose sniffed again. This one was interesting. Smelt like death, though less than he, and yet still it walked. Like the predator he was, he took the blade between his teeth, and on all fours, back arched, he skulked down the side of the rubble pile. He reached the spot the body had lain, scenting at it, running his clawed fingers over the stained wood that had support the figure. Blood stained it deeply, so saturated it came away tacky on his fingertips. His dark tongue flicked out, licking the blood from his appendages. He sucked in his breath and sighed, eyes narrowing, but pupils widening slightly to take in the retreating figure. A low chuckle escaped his throat; rasping, barely used.

The hunt was on.
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With a quick swipe of her hand, Accibelle pulled her mask back on. "Try to stay out of trouble, kid." The modulator gurgled with her now deep voice. Silently she walked away, back towards the shadows. She gave one last glance to the figure now hunched on the roof before disappearing into the darkness. The alley way was dark, cold and musty, just the kind of setting she liked. With silent steps, she weaved her way between buildings until her nose was penetrated by a terribly powerful odor. She paused at the smell, looking around cautiously; it wreaked of blood and death, but stronger than most of the places she had been, more concentrated. Staying low to the ground and deep within the shadows Accibelle slipped around corners trying to find the source of the smell. She could tell she was getting closer to it by its now overbearing nature, but no matter how hard she or her eye stalks looked, she couldn't see anything. It was obvious whatever it was was either a group of dead bodies or something dangerous. The girl remained absolutely still, watching intently for any sign of movement. Being someone else's prey was not on her list of things to do.

@Malhyanth @galacticspaceray
Ashtar watched the cyclops tar-girl, starting to shiver from being up in the cold for so long. She had to hope that tar-girl was friendly.

She unfurled her wings to their full length, a wingspan of almost twenty feet to accommodate for her height, and not-so-gracefully descended into the alleyway. The tail feathers that poked out of the top of her trousers flared, and saved her the trouble of hitting her face on the tarmac. She expertly folded her wings in a heart shape and stuck to the wall, the stench of death hitting her like a tidal wave. She gagged.

@Deadly Darkness @Malhyanth
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Accibellt whipped her head around at the sudden sound. It was the figure from on top of the roof. It took all strength not to yell at the girl for recklessly flying in and making such a ruckus. She bit her tongue and waited quietly to see if what she thought was near her would respond to the sudden noise. Maybe they would get lucky and it was truly just a pile of decomposing carcasses. 

@galacticspaceray @Malhyanth
Ashtar's wings and tail feathers twitched. This was a bad decision. Again.

"Get out of here," she whispered. "There's something in the darkness."
She growled silently as the girl continued to make noise. "Don't you think I'm already aware of that?" She whispered viciously. It was too late though whatever was in the darkness was probably already aware of their presence so there was no choice, but to leave. With quick speed she made her way down through the alley and back into the open area where everything could be seen. Accibelle turned back with a hidden look of annoyance under her mask as she waited to see if the bird brain had made it out as well.
Ashtar managed to make it out of the alleyway, still slightly clueless and dumb from spending so much time alone. Her tail feathers twitched again. She glanced at the cyclops girl, then tugged at her jacket, seemingly nervous.
Now that they were out of whatever peril they might have been in she tore off her mask to allow the girl a glance at her face scrunched up in anger. "What the hell were you doing? I was trying to get a look at whatever the hell was back there, but then you come flying in making all this racket." She sighed and pinched the small bridge of her nose that sat below her massive eye. "I don't mean to yell, but that was a dumb choice you made." She attempted to cool her anger as to not anger or upset the stranger in front of her.
Ashtar's face went red enough to hide the numerous freckles on it. "How am I supposed to know that there was something dangerous when I'm up there, freezing my butt off?" She retaliated, immediately on the defensive. "I had to come down at some point!"
"Sure, but not into the death pit where every dangerous creature hides. No where is safe, but it's definitely even less safe in the alleys. It was that way before everything went to hell too." She shot back, but then waved a hand, signifying giving up. "I suppose it doesn't matter now though." She ran a pale hand through her tangled black hair.
Ashtar's intense blush eventually faded, and she rubbed her face with her hand. "I'm sorry," she sighed, rubbing at her hand with the opposite thumb.
@galacticspaceray @Deadly Darkness @cyndiratoms

The prey the beast had originally been stalking became infinitely less interesting when a strange, globular creature appeared to his line of sight, believing itself hidden within the alleyways. He snarled slightly, ducking back into the lieu of the rubble as feathers clattered against roof tiles, and rustled loudly like glittering sweet wrappers of yore. A low hiss escaped his sharpened maw, and his eyes narrowed, the pupils once again disappearing to mere pinpricks as he watched the scurrying movements of his new fixation. The figure that smelt like death could wait; he could follow that scent all day long. Even after rains, it was difficult to disguise that smell, so cloying and sticky in your nostrils.

As the strange, globular figure shifted, nearly dragging the winged beast with them, the beast-man's interest was piqued. Feathers were of special interest to this Collector, and from his belt a number did hang, along with the bones that made up the wing of some unfortunate bird. Within his mane of ruddy dreadlocks, skulls of birds, bats and various other creatures dangled and gently clanked together. Other bones from limbs dangled from jewellery, and rib cages decorated his arms and wrists. His pale clawed fingers clacked against the stone surrounding him. Did he follow? Instigate communication for disturbing his hunt? A sneer spread across his unusual, snub-muzzled face. This was his moment to enter the strained truces of this world, and reek his havoc.

As the one with the tarry appearance fled, so did the Collector. He shifted his body low, resheathing his bone machete. He needed to appear at least marginally more approachable, even if his general appearance and scent would support the idea of flee as fast as you can!!! He took the alley a few meters down from the others, skulking still on all fours. As comfortable crouched like this as he was on two, he was a deadly silent stalker of his prey. He watched them, quietly, noticing their movements; the sure, solid step of the cyclops, the more twitchy, nervous twittering of the bird. His dark tongue flicked out over his fangs. Bird-people would surely be a most interesting taste! The sweet meat of the humanoid with the distinct avian flavour of the bird.

He straightened, his digigrade legs taking his full weight and height with ease; the clawed toes gripping the cobbled ground. At full stretch he could easily hit near on 7ft in height, but his willowy appearance belied the danger in every sinew. He new he was now upwind of the creatures in the street, so his truly horrifying scent spread over the scene as he stepped out, skull mask focused on the pair, its face permanently twisted into its toothy grin. Beneath, his own fangs bared in a semblance of a grin as he spread his arms wide to reveal he held nothing. His bare, heavily scarred chest was patterned beneath the animal hide in the thick blood paste, in intricate designs, swirling and beautiful.

"Did djour damsh never teacsh you, shcuppering zhe 'unt of one larger zhan djou wash never a clever move." A voice like torn silk rumbled from his chest. A lisp affected his words slightly, perhaps accented. It was difficult to tell, but it was hypnotic in its melody as he stepped forward, tail loose, ears perked, eyes sharp as they looked over the pair. His sharp grin widened.
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Her eye shot open wide at the familiar putrid scent; each tendril searched frantically for the source as she remained deathly still. One stopped spotting the tall lanky beast emerging from one of the alleys. All of the eye stalks then clumped together and stared at the creature, not only to get a better look, but it was also a defense mechanism. Most creatures would find it frightening and uncomfortable to be stared down by what felt like hundreds of large eyes, but something told Accibelle that it wouldn't work against this behemoth. 

(Of course @Malhyanth! To tag someone you want to put the @ symbol and then start typing their username. A small bar will appear below and you want to select their name and then it will turn blue much like I did for yours)
(I'm new and I'm not sure if I need a profile pic for this, but I'll jump in..)

Erik would be standing in the distance, far from the crowd, but close enough to watch. The man would look to be about 5'7, about 19 Years old, Black hair, and red eyes. It would seem as if hes a Demon, With a nature touch to him. His mother is a Fairy, his father is a Demon. Erik would look rather suspicious, as he watches the action going on. He grabs his right arm with his left hand, as he bites his lip. He studies all the people, one by one, of course, He is trying to see if they are a threat. He walks closer, but stays hidden in the shadows. Anyone who can sense Dark Magic can feel a powerful dark force coming from him, They can sense that he's cursed with something apparently Powerful, and that he has been dabbling with Dark Magic.
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((@NormalPeopleScareMe; my profile picture is my past time ;p Passing resemblance to my character not intentional ;p))

@galacticspaceray @Deadly Darkness

The beast watched the feathered one freeze in slight panic, her unease at the situation she found herself in palpable even at this distance. The strangely eye-encrusted creature didn't seem so meek, and the way she set herself suggested someone very sure in their ability. He liked that. Their blood tended to taste better; the meek and timid were somewhat watered down to his tongue. His smile broadened, meant to appear friendly, but of course, his appearance anything but. He used a hand to swat at something tickling at his peripheral senses, like a buzzing to his ear, or a hum on his skin. He sucked air through his teeth in a hiss, believing it to be a mere pestilent flying insect, something vying to lay its eggs in his mane, or on the tattered hide roped lazily about his shoulders. His long, shapely legs halted about 4 meters from the unusual pair. The skull upon his visage stared blankly at them, the eyes beneath shaded from the light of the day. The eyes roved over their forms; the shorter of the two was certainly succulent; rounded, covered, as it were. She would make a fine delicacy, though whatever it was she had covered herself in was a potential issue. What if it was poison? Or made her meat indigestible? Most unfortunate... the Bird however. There was an elegant form. Not much meat on her bones though. Again, an element of disappointment. He'd let his prey escape him, for two morsels that as he viewed them closer, no longer held his appetite.

"Szhame..." He muttered, lowering his hands, and sinking a little on his knees and ankles, stooping his shoulders a little, a less intimidating form, something that had him shrink almost in front of their eyes to a more manageable 6'5. His strong shoulders rolled beneath the shawl of skin and fur, a few trinkets of skulls and bone beads tinkling together. "Zho. Djou 'ave piqued my interesht... what are djou? Bird? 'Uman? Szhome short of flying contrapshion?" The Collector approached suddenly, the gap eaten by his long, silvery legs like fluid flowing through a gully towards its destination. His hands were quick as lightning to lift the feathered appendage and sniff gently at the avian scents that surrounded him. To this beast-man, the scents of decay that enveloped him were just a background scent, something normal and natural. His sensitive nose so used to its cloying stench, it was somehow able to pick up minute scents he wanted to identify even through its smog. He ran his pale claws over the feathers, leaving barely a ruffle, his touch was so gentle. As a collector of all things that were left behind, feathers were something to be prized. If he were to sample this beast's flesh, he would have to ensure optimum, clean precision to his cuts. She would make a fine new shawl...

As quickly as he had approached, he disappeared away, stepping back from them, eyes focused on the tar-girl. Again, a hand snaked forward to stroke, to coax, but this time he refrained. Her weird substance sang to him to avoid, and though he longed to touch, he withdrew his arm, his hand pressing to teeth, and he bit down, drawing blood that trickled down his chin, before his hand was withdrawn.

"Mosht fashinating..." He whispered, using his bitten fingers to swat at that annoying feeling that flittered around the edge of his consciousness. This let dark flecks of his blood fly, landing in specks upon his dirt mottled, silvery down fur; speckled the pristine, Sun bleached bone on his face. His ears, harshly pointed, twitched back. They sat in the same position as they would if you viewed his head as humanoid, tugfted on the ends, like a caracal. They were almost elfen, in appearance, and sat horizontally against his head. Their twitching was an indicator he sensed they were not alone, but thus far his conscious was too wrapped in the enigmas of the two stood before him to truly take heed of the hybrid that watched them mere meters away.
With her back to the creature she pulled her mask back over her face to shield her large eye. The tendrils watched closely as he stepped forward, reached out a hand, and stepped back as if changing his mind. "I can see you know its unwise to touch unknown things, but what makes you think the bird is safe? For all you know she could be riddled with diseases and parasites that now cling to your skin." Her voice was now a deep rumble due to the modulator. Carefully she turned to face the thing, the stalks following, now forming a large mane around her like an anemone. "What are you?" She questioned in a commanding voice that demanded to be answered. She watched as his ears twitched, but figured they were picking up lesser sounds now another being.

@Malhyanth @galacticspaceray @NormalPeopleScareMe

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