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Realistic or Modern Pokémon Super-casss. A Mystery Dungeon experience.


New Member
Eerie calls, of creatures far, you hear them through their yells- The coastal beach, you step upon, is racked with empty shells.

It is impossible to remember exactly how you came to be here- yet somehow, it is familiar; Far as the eye can see, you are alone, and will not yet be bothered. At either end of the 2-mile beachead, curving to form a smile on the island, you see empty spaces between the overgrowth of trees and forest in front of you, one careerning NorthWest, and the other, NorthEast, although both lead into the woods.

It is apparently midday, the sun is on your back and it is easy to see.
Still feeling dizzy I look around trying to check if I have any memories of recent past. Thinking that it's best not to stay in the one place I start to slowly walk NorthWest. One thing is for sure: Something doesn't feel quite right... Are the surroundings out of proportion...?
Your steps take you slowly across the expanse of warm sand; The occasional low-tide wave splashes into the fur of your ankles, cold, leaving a trace of white salt.

Northwest, the sand becomes coarser as you walk further, into granules, pebbles- Ahead, some small rocks. The approach leading up and into the brush was more visible now, and appeared to have a slight incline as you went, while any traces of land across the water were either invisible or nonexistant.

There was a slight, warm breeze. On occasion, the treeline shuddered, but this was obviously just the wind passing by, so you ignore it as the mile expanse shortens to a few minutes, a minute, then seconds left of walking.
"This must be the most surreal dream I've had." - I think to myself, wondering if I actually had dreams before. Something inside me told me that I should enjoy this calm moment. I felt slight anixety as the world around me seemed more and more... real. The sounds, the wind... how can a dream be so well detailed? I shaked my head trying to discard the creeping thoughts in my head and instead I focused on walking.
Your steps lead into the Northwest clearing; It is at first open-ended and apparently expansive, but soon shuts down to the width of a 5 - foot corridor in front of you, made from the interlaced overgrowths of a many thousand trees and shrubbery in the area.

Further steps lead you to a strange, expanded gap in the barricade ahead, one inquisitive look inside, and you find your grip loosening enough to tumble down within...


( Overgrowth Grotto, F1 )

You fall through into a mazelike path that extends out both North and, by another route West for what seems to be forever, from the hub of a corner that is large enough to classify as a room; As your line of sight is faded too much to see beyond either path completely, you are not sure what is ahead, but both are relatively clear and uniformly wide enough to walk through freely, while being tall and only somewhat blocked in the ceiling by branches and leaves thay diffuse incoming sunlight to a dim glow on the hard, compacted dirt floor.

Nearby, there is a rolled-up Pink Scarf on the ground, and some rough claw-marks nearby it. Someone has been here recently.
I pick up the Pink Scarf and examine the claw marks. I go down the path that is closest to the scarf. Whoever lost it probably ran that way... and whatever chased him or her ran there as well. It would be smarter to run into the opposite direction but... what if they need help? After a few seconds of thinking I go where I think the scarf owner ran while trying to focus on hearing. It's too dark to see anything but the I might hear something.

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