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Fandom Pokemon RP

I just love all of their designs owo

though if this is going to be a more competitive rp then I need to have more variations XP
I like this idea but Pokemon groups (that I've been) seem to fail quickly because of the difficulty of creating a good fair fighting system that won't take forever and keeping everyone interested for longer than a week
Pokiemonfan said:
Ok, so I know there's been a few threads like this one asking people if they would be interested in a Pokemon RP, but I'm making this thread to ask people what sort of system you guys would prefer in a Pokemon RP, and to explain my RP ideas in further detail.
First of all, I'd like to ask whether or not you guys would like to have a new region or if you would prefer to RP in a currently existing region/regions. If you guys decide that you'd like for me to make a new region for the Pokemon RP, I wont be adding any "new" Pokemon, or "fakemon" to the RP. I know that might sound a little strange, but if you have ever played Pokemon xD : Gale of darkness, think of it as similar to that. There would be a new region similar to Orre, where its likely that there would be wild Pokemon, but there wouldn't be any new species native to the region.

The second idea, and probably the most easiest would be to just use an already existing region/regions for the RP. We can use multiple regions, or we can have just one. The regions could be spread out through various threads, or they could be compacted into one RP thread.

The last question I'd like to ask is whether or not you guys would prefer a combat system in the game, basically some sort of simple mechanic to decide the outcome of an RP battle, or if you guys would prefer if the RP was purely text-based. There's pros and cons to each one, which I'll go into detail with you guys if you'd like.

I have loads of ideas for my Pokemon RP, and I have prior experience creating a Pokemon RP before so its no problem. Let me know what kind of RP you guys want, and I'll get it started!
I am ready to join.Though concerning the combat system it would depend on what the mechanics of the system will be and etc,that's my current opinion of it,I am fine with a system to sort things out and decide outcomes.But in some cases the system doesn't always solve the issue due to other problems arising or just because the rp goes dead before it can be given a fair chance.So for me it's just about what the system will be.

The type of system we had over on the other forum with a few adds to help with outcomes would be a simple and suitable start for this rp,in my opinion.But either way I am in and look forward to seeing this Rp get started.
Either way it still is part or full dragon which I already will have XP though idk Ill see. Ill probably have like 5 dragons on my team xD
DarkElite020 said:
Im interested!
Would it be ok for my character to be from kanto but have tyrunt as a starter as long as they dont become a trainer until they leave kanto to be in whatever region this ends up being? I really like kanto since leafgreen was my first game ever so I really like kanto but Tyrantrum is the bae
I was considering this. Here are my two ideas:

I don't think that I'll be creating every region just yet, only a few. I was thinking about creating three regions to start out with; Hoenn, Sinnoh and Unova. I could make it possible for trainers to move from one region to another, while still having their starter from whatever region they moved from.

Or, trainers would have to RP in whatever region they start in until they get the national dex. After getting the national dex, it would be possible to encounter Pokemon from other regions.

I'm in favor of the second option, but are you guys ok with that? The reason it would work better imo is because there would be no reason to have multiple regions if people can start in whatever region they want while having any Pokemon they want. I want to give people a reason to want to RP in the different regions, while also giving them the opportunity to discover new Pokemon in the region they are already in. (When they have roleplayed long enough to get the national dex, that is.) Plus, moving from one region to another is not an easy task. Not everyone can say that their character immigrated from Johto just so they can have a Cyndaquil. lol xD

Ilikepie said:
Mega evolution would it be available in regions that where created before mega evolutions were created? Will the item that holds the key stone be allowed customization in case you don't want the bracelet the players get and something more like the npc characters get like Maxie's glasses or Korrina's glove? The basic one allowed per battle would apply and you need a few badges before you would be allowed to use megas.
Yes, similarly to how Red was able to have a mega Charizard in Pokemon origins, in this RP players will be able to have mega evolutions for their Pokemon even if they are not from Kalos. Customization for your mega ring, necklace, bracelet or whatever will be allowed. :) Not sure what you mean by NPCs having Maxie's glasses or Korrina's glove, but players will be allowed to have a glove with a mega stone in it if they want! I don't want anyone to use characters from the games or anime in the RP for copyright purposes, but mentioning them by name will be ok. I intend for this RP to take place after the main series' characters have already passed on, so in other words you guys will be the new generation. And yeah, one mega per battle seems legit. I'm not sure when you'll be able to mega evolve your Pokemon, but it will probably be when you have beaten the fourth gym and your Pokemon have evolved to their last stage.
The second idea seems good, but Im thinking of an issue: if our characters were in different regions we pretty much would be rping by ourselves without other character interactions until we get the dex, which Im guessing might take a while, though I dont know.

And sorry because I am dumb would that be a no then to my character being from kanto starting with a tyrunt?
You can start in different regions if you want, and if you're concerned about being by yourself you can make a second character to RP with your friends in whatever region they are in. There's only going to be two regions to start with, and I'll add a third if the two region threads stay pretty active. You wont be able to start with a Tyrunt, but you will be able to have a Tyrunt after you get the national dex! Actually, by that time you can catch a Tyrantrum if you really want to!
What two regions do we get to pick our starters from then? And do you have a planned time for when this rp will start?
DarkElite020 said:
What two regions do we get to pick our starters from then? And do you have a planned time for when this rp will start?
If you begin in Hoenn you will be able to choose any basic Pokemon from the Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald games as long as it can be found in the regional dex. You can also use the Pokemon from the Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire regional pokedex. The same rules apply if you choose to RP in Sinnoh or Unova.

As for when the RP will start, currently I'm still working on the combat system for the RP. I'm trying to come up with an easy way to determine how much damage a Pokemon can take, how many hit points they have and things like that. So far I have a general idea, but I'm trying not to make it too complicated. Writing everything out will take some time, so I hope you guys will continue to bear with me!

WickedKhaleesi said:
Thank you, Unova is an option.

So, what were your thoughts on pseudo-legendaries and semi-pseudo legendaries?
I don't mind if you use pseudo legendaries in this RP. If you mean using them as starters, as long as they are basic Pokemon I don't care. :)
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Pokiemonfan said:
If you begin in Hoenn you will be able to choose any basic Pokemon from the Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald games as long as it can be found in the regional dex. You can also use the Pokemon from the Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire regional pokedex. The same rules apply if you choose to RP in Sinnoh or Unova.
As for when the RP will start, currently I'm still working on the combat system for the RP. I'm trying to come up with an easy way to determine how much damage a Pokemon can take, how many hit points they have and things like that. So far I have a general idea, but I'm trying not to make it too complicated. Writing everything out will take some time, so I hope you guys will continue to bear with me!

I don't mind if you use pseudo legendaries in this RP. If you mean using them as starters, as long as they are basic Pokemon I don't care. :)
I think you should put some form of stats in it so the hits take out a fair amount of hp (or just roll for how much damage you do) and maybe every Pokemon has like 10 hp at its max to help move the battle quickly. Just a thought tell me what you think about it I'm pretty hyped for this group
Yea include the dice

Maybe have one dice represent h

What attack goes through first

Then a second to determine the critical/evassivnrss of the other
combat system has to use type advantages super effective do more damage and not very effective moves do less damage. Also factor in stat increasing, status effects, and likely ban OHKO moves because those moves are always banned in tournaments. Attract, paralyzes, sleep, and freeze status have special rolls to see if the pokemon's attack works, wakes up, or defrosts.
Ilikepie said:
combat system has to use type advantages super effective do more damage and not very effective moves do less damage. Also factor in stat increasing, status effects, and likely ban OHKO moves because those moves are always banned in tournaments. Attract, paralyzes, sleep, and freeze status have special rolls to see if the pokemon's attack works, wakes up, or defrosts.
I agree with you on most of this but it's an rp so maybe leave out stat increases so it won't be unbalanced towards a person that posts more it would also lead to more intense battles if everyone is equal all the time

The system I was thinking about using in the RP is basically just like the games.

When making an attack, you will have to roll a 10 sided dice for accuracy. If a Pokemon's attack has an accuracy of 80%, then a roll of 2 or lower would be a miss. 8 or higher would be a hit. Moves that have like 95% accuracy will probably just be rounded up to 100, and moves that have 85% accuracy will be rounded up to 90% accuracy, and so on.

The speed of your Pokemon will determine who goes first.

As for attack, defense, hp, status effects and type effectiveness, I also have an idea for those but it's complicated. I'll explain that in another post.
I was thinking of rounding down. It probably would be better, since I don't want every move to be near-100 accuracy

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