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Fandom Pokemon rp anyone?

May I ask your rules? What is the age limit for this RP, what is allowed vs. what isn't, what generation does this take place in or is it a new fanmade region that can have all pokemon within it?
To answer all your question, 1. The only rule is honestly limit cursing and be kind, 2. No age limit, 3. No godmodding, take your turn, and limit the amount of one liners, 3. Yes it’s a new fan made region with all Pokémon in it and no fakemon.
Interested for sure, but what's the party limit? Cause if it's still six I might have a problem XD
Interested for sure, but what's the party limit? Cause if it's still six I might have a problem XD
Party limit is six but you ca carry around more than six after a couple of gym badges because nobody wants a ten year old struggling to feed 30 Taurus.
Hmmm, new region, canon Pokemon, no fakemon. Besides the character sheet, is there anything else we oughta know? For example; battle mechanics like mega evolution or Z-moves. What's the verdict on their use?
mega evolution,Z moves,dynamax/gigantamax is fair game nothing new except that they are heavily regulated. you can get mega stones from high ranking officials in the league if you do something exceptional. Z crystals are common in Alola and can be found regularly there but anywhere outside of Alola is impossible. You’d have to get it exported or just fly there, both of which cost cash baby. dynamax can only be used where power spots are and you have to use it in a special stadium that Has a league official. anymore questions?
Hmmm, new region, canon Pokemon, no fakemon. Besides the character sheet, is there anything else we oughta know? For example; battle mechanics like mega evolution or Z-moves. What's the verdict on their use?
What's the character limit
Like are we okay with a few sentences
And do we have to start as someone just starting out? Cause I was thinking that having a bunch of noobies isn't smart
Ok character limit is 4 (2 ocs, two league officials WITH MY PERMISSION) A few sentences is ok but i would like for you to write more and develop your writing skills while in this group. You don’t have to be starting out as an oc as long as i give approval.
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Being a gym leader would be interesting, except then I can't use all Eeveelutions.

I was more referring to an oc who's older and can help out a bit more(and knows what their doing essentially)
I'll literally create a Pokemon OC just for this
I'll name him Indigo(cause the pokemon games are named after colors

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