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Fandom Pokemon: Return of Darkness

Ravyn had gotten up to go get her own food as Zak began eating. Oatmeal wasn't all that good when it got cold . . . Something on a counter of condiments caught the trainer's eye. Was that sugar and . . . cinnamon? What could she say, she had a soft spot for putting cinnamon and sugar on things. Cinnamon sugar toast, cinnamon apples . . . Needless to say, it would be a moment before she returned to the table.

Meanwhile, Kurama remained sitting beside Zak. He noticed the trainer stop, seemingly horrified about something. "Is something wrong?" He inquired, tilting his head.
Zak put his burger down, though he didn't look at the Ninetails, "Uhhh no, nothings wrong. Say, don't you guys need to eat too?" Zak wanted to change the current subject as soon as possible. Oh how he wanted to finish his meal, but he couldn't with all the pokemon around. Do they know humans eat pokemon? How would they feel if they found out? 'Come on Ravyn hurry back,' thought Zak. His stomach growled, demanding the rest of the burger to eaten, but the Ninetails looking directly at Zak made him uneasy. 'Man, this is messed up, it has to be. I'm at a lose here.' Zak's stomach continued to growl, but Zak slouched in his seat, sadness showing in his face.
The older pokemon continued to look up at him, tails swishing slowly across the floor. "Boy, I've been on this world for a few hundred years now. It would be foolish to think I have any qualms with your meal." He yawned, revealing sharp fangs. "I eat other pokemon, you eat pokemon, it's only natural." After stretching, he laid down wrapping his tails around himself. "I'll eat after my trainer does."

Ravyn returned after a moment, mixing brown sugar into her oatmeal. She noticed Zak's expression, "You alright?"
Zak shook his head, and in one giant bite, finished the rest of his burger. Unfortunately, this resulted in him almost choking, but after a few pounds to his chest, Zak managed to sallow his food. After finishing his milk, Zak looked Ravyn, "So did they tell you how soon you would be able to see Fennekin?" Zak hoped this wouldn't change the Ravyn's mood, but he was concerned about the little guy too. He also remembered that there were other things he needed to do today, like call Pro. Elm.
Ravyn glanced up from the oatmeal she had been mixing. "They only said sometime today, hopefully it'll be soon. I don't think Storm can wait much longer." She cast a concerned glance out of the cafeteria. Sirene had taken it upon herself to try and keep the worried Riolu occupied, but there was only so much she could do.

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