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Fandom Pokemon: Return of Darkness


Florian Society Member
Shadow Pokemon return to the Pokemon world. But it is not team cipher behind this. There is a new Pokemon gang and their team name is Team Nexus. They stole the technology to create shadow Pokemon from the old cipher labs and the snag machine. They are made up of all the disbanded teams combined together. I will reveal that Ardos and Miror B from Pokemon xD is in this as well as a few others from other regions that are among the ranks of Team Cipher. But that is not where it starts. Team Nexus's main goal is to capture all the legendary Pokemon, clone them and make them shadow Pokemon, then cause so much chaos that Arceas (God of all Pokemon) will show itself and create a Shadow Arceas. Their are also the elite soliders of Team Nexus who are known as Snaggers who are tasked to steal the toughest Pokemon from the champions throughout the different regions and collect data on the legendary Pokemon. You and your Pokemon and friends must travel the whole Pokemon world (space, reverse world, and even the dream world) to stop Team Nexus from achieving their goal of conquering the entire Pokemon world and creating shadow legendary Pokemon and plunging the entire world into chaos.
The S.S. Fortuna was seen in the middle of the sea near a volcanic island, heading towards the Oress region just as the sun set. "uhhh... Captain! You may want to look at this!. (Captin walks over noticing the blip heading towards them. "This can't be right. nothing can go this fast. Wait.... its.. (looks out at window) heading towards us... (The blip gets louder) blip, blip. Blip!, Blip!!Blip!!! (suddenly its quiet.) "Captain?" Suddenly the ship was lifted into the air knocking a few sailors out. A shadow of the Pokemon attacking was seen in the water.The Captain and first mate rushed out of the cabin to see the volcanic island nearby exploding with a roar following after the volcanoes demise. GGGROOOHHHH!! The behemoth shadowed Pokemon trudged through the lava pushing the rocks off the edge causing the rest of the sailors and captain off. After all the commotion helicopters swooped in and another shadow be felled upon the ship. Then a shadow figure pressed a button on their gauntlet and the Pokemon in the water eye's glowed red and with a lot of power pushed the ship away. The other Pokemon disappeared back into the volcano leaving the Captain and his startled crew trudging water.

(On news)

This is Janet Weiver here to give you the scoop. This marks the two week notice since the S.S. Fortuna disappearance. Many Pokemon and even the legendary snag machine were on the list of what was stolen on that ship. Many similar "accidents happend like this one prior to these tow weeks from strange behavior in the weather including our own precious Pokemon. Rumor has it that this could be the works of team cipher, but is that possible since the last shadow incident? Stay tune to the news to find out more. This is Janet Wevier Pokemon World News.
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As John walked away from the tv which was now being surrounded by people all he could think about was the missing Pokemon. As he exited the Pokemon Center he to walk into a nearby forest. " I wonder what will become of the Pokemon that were lost. (looks at a poke ball (empty). sighs..... well this is no time be sulking. I should be happy! This is day one of my journey. As he began walking back he heard a ruffling in the grass. What th- Suddenly a shiny bagon jumped out holding a strange piece of equipment. It then knocked John to to the ground and as John saw bagon run out if sight towards the cliff he saw two shadey figures chasing it up. "Arghh... That hurt... (rubs head) Ahhh! That BAgon was in trouble. I have to go after them. As he ran in the direction of the bagon and shadey figures he saw a girl but she was soon behind him.

Sylvia was bored out of her mind. "Aughhh.... I wish something interesting will happen soon." Then a bagon ran past her, then two shadey figures and then a boy. I wonder what that was all about. She then followed the group all the way to the cliff side.
As John reached the top he saw the bagon in the hands of the shadey characters. One of them seem to be talking on a earpiece. "sire we retrived the stolen part. .... Understood sir meet you here in 5..." The other figure noticed John. "Get out of here kid! this is none of your buisness! Let go of that bagon now! Hmmm The shadey figure grinned. Those eyes of yours tells me your a trainer. Well then how about we have a battle against my new shadow pokemon! Serviper stand by for battle! John looked at intimidating pokemon and kept his stone face on but a drop of sweat went down the side of his face.Wait a minute... The shadey person reanalysed John. Your a beginner! Oh my gosh and i thought i might have some fun your not a trainer! (begins to laugh hysterically) You don't even have a pokemon of your own HA!

Sylvia watched the situation unfold. She had enough of this. HE might not be a trainer but I am! Skarmory come on out!

the other shadey figure poked her freind in the back. This is not the time to battle. We have to go now! The other figure defeated by this fact grinded his teeth. Very well... Serviper return! You kid! You told me to let go of the bagon i must say... (puts bagon over the cliffside) Poor choice of words... (releases bagon and John runs over the edge to grab it.) Nooooo!!! As he grabbed the bagon he closed his eyes waiting to hit the ground but as he opened his eyes he was no longer falling. He looked up to see the girl and her skarmory who was gripping his hood. As he thanked her Sylvia flew back up but returned shortly saying the two got away. As she looked at bagon she told John for the two of them to walk back to the Pokemon center in Rustboro. As the two walked back they introduced themselves and talked for a little while. As they entered the pokemon center John handed bagon over to be treated the two of them sat down to rest.
Drake had been walking down the path and saw everything, from the boy talking to the shady figure to him pretty much committing suicide to save the pokemon. He had to admit it was intresting seeing the guts that kid had and he was pretty impressed. Not many people were willing to die to save another let alone a pokemon. With a grin he casually walked to the next town where the two kids were heading.

It didn't take him long to arrive and when he did he handed his pokemon to Nurse Joy as they all needed some rest. After doing this he looked around and saw the kid along with the girl that had helped him. He adjusted his beanie before walking over to them with a smile. "Do you have a death wish kid?" He asked in a friendly voice that wasn't threatening in the least.
Evril approached his friend and put his hand on his shoulder. Now now Drake don't give him a hard time. Its rude not to introduce ourselves before we strike a conversation. Hello there my name is Evrill and this is my friend Drake. We saw what happened earlier and i must say we were both impressed about your actions young trainer.

John looked at Evrill." But i'm no trainer yet. I don't even have my own pokemon". Evrill just cracked a smile " I wouldn't count on that much longer". John gave Evrill a strange look. What do you mean by tha- (Nurse Joy enters into their conversation holding bagon) Excuse me but bagon here is fully recovered. John got up "That's Great!" As he got closer to the bagon it jumped and head butted John in the stomach knocking the air out of him and towards the ground. The bagon was clenching tightly around his shirt crying. It then took one of John's empty pokeballs. It then wiped its tears and looked at John. Evrill smile widened. "It seems you have your first pokemon here. Since you saved its life it appears it wants to go with you." John looked at bagon in surprise "Is this true? (BAgon nods head) John then smiled too and took the pokeball and all of a sudden baon leaped up and hit the button with its head and a smile on its face. (pokeball shakes three tims and blinked) My first pokemon. John said to himself. BAgon come on out!. (As John drew out bagon it leaped right onto his shoulder rubbing its head against his. He then shook hands with Drake and Evrill until he heard something behind him.

Ah-hemm. John Looked at Sylvia. Oh sorry... Ahem This is Sylvia Stone.

Please to meet your acquaintance. Shacks hands with Evrill and leaves her hand out towards Drake.
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Drake stood to the side and kept his kind smile as he watched everything that was going on. He let out a sigh and shook his head at the young kid and the happy pokemon. "That is one way to get your first pokemon. I didn't have to almost die to get my buddy... Props to you though. That pokemon is just as lucky as you are." He said before turning his attention to the girl.

He of course stretched out his hand and shook it. "As my friend here said I'm Drake, nice to meet you. Are you both new trainers or just that boy?" He asked as he nodded his head in the direction of John.
Sylvia put her hands behind her head. Na I've bee a trainer for nearly a year now. I just happen upon this kid here. By the way how are you feeling John.

Other then having the wind knocked out of i feel pretty good about myself. But to answer your question Blake I just started today. What about you two?
Zack entered the Pokemart of Rustboro City, a giant, happy grin on his. He just came from battling Roxanne, and he won! Zack was so proud of himself and his team, he couldn't help but not show it. He walked up to the counter and gave Nurse Joy his three pokeballs, "Alright sweetie, just go have a seat ok? I'll let you know when your pokemon are ready, it shouldn't take long," She told him.

"Yes ma'am, and thank you. There's no rush, you look busy today," Zak replied to her. He proceeded to take a seat in the lobby and watched the tv. 'Shadow incident? Snag machine? Team Cipher? Where the hell have I been? I don't remember hearing anything about this.' Zak thought. Just then the news was over, disappointing Zak, he was hoping the news reporter would've talk more about this "shadow incident".

So Zak decided to bring out his newly obtained badge, the Stone Badge. The rectangular badge shined in Zak's hand, he still couldn't get over the fact that he won.
'Rustboro better have a good donut shop, 'cause we deserve some!' Zak's grin returned as the thought of eating a well deserved chocolate donut entered his mind.
Drake looked at John and let out a sigh. "I guess I'm really not known here huh? I've been at this for a good four years now." He said in a calm voice. "I've come to this region to start another journey and to get more badges. If you were in the Sinnoh region you may know me. I've won several pokemon contest in a row and I'm known for a few other things." He said in a relaxed manner a small smirk decorating his lips.

Moments later the door to the nurse joy office burst open and in came an albino boy who had been thoroughly freaked out. He was holding a panthump close to his chest and it looked like it was suffocating because of the boys tight hold on it. Not watching where he was going as his eyes were closed the boy crashed right into Zak toppling the two over and making the panthump fly out of his arms. "Ahhh! I-I'm s-s-sorry! I-I didn't m-mean to run into you!" The boy exclaimed as he looked at Zak who he was currently on top of. Panicking heavily he looked around and quickly got off the other. "I-I'm really sorry!" He exclaimed only to flinch at his own loud voice making him feel close to crying. This day just wasn't turning out well for Kibito. Not only did a pokemon eat a few berries he was in the middle of picking. But when he was minding his own business a horde of pokemon had jumped out of him giving him a close heart attack. And if that wasn't enough as he ran away from the pokemon he had ran right into a bunch of scary looking shady guys! Because he ran into them he messed them up or something and they yelled at him completely ignoring his apology! He had just ran away from those frightening men only to run into another person. This day really wasn't going his way...
Zak was so into his day dreaming of donuts, he didn't even realize someone had walked into him and knocked him to the floor. He was so lost into his dream, that the warmth from body on top of him made him dream about hugging a giant chocolate donut, that is until the giant donut started apologizing. Zak snapped out of his day dream to come face to face with a boy so seemed to be seconds away from crying. Zak blushed, both from embarrassment and never being that close to anyone before, and quickly stood up as soon as the smaller boy got off of him.

The younger boy kept on apologizing, but Zak waved his hands dismissively. "Hey now, it's ok, it was an accident. No harm done, My name is Zak." Zak offered a handshake to the boy, hoping his calm demeanor won't scare him and no one noticed his blushing.

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Evrill, John, and Sylvia gathered near the two strangers. Are you two alright? Sylvia asked in a worried tone seeing how the little kid was still shaking.
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Drake walked over with the others and looked at the two boys with slight curiosity.

Kibto was about to take the others hand actually calming slightly down as he saw the guy wasn't mad. However when the group suddenly approached him he flinched and scooted away from them. "I-I'm s-s-sorry! I-I didn't mean to cause a d-disturbance." He said in a meek tone as he looked at the group fearing he messed up again! 'Did I step on one of their toes? Did I anger them somehow? Are they mad at me? I don't want to be yelled at! Should I leave???'
Zak raised an eyebrow when he saw a small group of people approach them. The little accident wasn't that big of a deal, Zak didn't feel comfortable with the sudden attention, and he could tell the younger didn't like it either. "Uhhh...well...hello there. We're both ok, it was just a little accident, that's all," Zak replied to the girl. There wasn't a need to make a scene, so he wanted to defuse the current situation as much as possible. Zak noticed the younger boy had walked away a bit, so Zak walked to him, "Say, didn't you have a little phantumb with you? Wadda say we look for it?" Zak just wanted to help the poor guy.

Zak turned back to the group,
"You guys can help out if you want, shouldn't be that hard to find it."

@Peaceswore @Carnation
Kibto was holding his shoulder as he shook a bit trying not to freak out. At the mention of his phantump Kibto blinked and looked around. "O-Obito?" He asked softly obviously not wanting to raise his voice. To his surprise he couldn't find his pokemon in the main room of the center which was making him worry now. "O-Obito where a-are you?" He asked as he turned his back to the group trying to locate his pokemon.

Drake sighed as he stuffed his hands in his pocket. "I don't mind helping... A phantump huh? I'll see if I can locate it" He said as he moved from the group to search for the pokemon.
(sighs...) This is so boring Neela. The shady character was taliking to the other. There were two people i could have fought today! That girl and that little brat!

Neela rolled her eyes. Orders are orders Nick. Besides do you remember what the bosses said about revealing your shadow pokemon. Well i guess it doesn't matter. That kid with the phantump just pumped into you and your men.

Nick's rage grew. Well I've been itching for a fight all day. Besides didn't the boss also say to test out these "new" shadow pokemon?

Neela snapped back. On Wild pokemon imbecile not trainers! At least not yet... Neela says under breath.

(Suddenly a phantump bumps into Nick's leg) Oh for Crying out loud!! (Turns around and anger suddenly subsides a little) Well hello there little phantump. Grins with hidden anger. I saw you in the hands of the little brat. Hey Neela. Didn't the bosses say to gather pokemon for the experiment? Because i think i found our first test subject.

(Nick's shadow falls over phantump and its cries can be heard.)
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Zak looked around as the cry of a phantumb echoed throughout the Pokecenter. Maybe the phantumb wandered to the back of the center? It's cries came from inside the building, that's for sure. Zak walked back to the younger boy, still not knowing his name, "Hey, I never caught your name. I'm sure you just heard that cry too, I think it came from the back of the center. You know, where the ICU rooms and the hotel rooms are? Any who, why don't we go take a look?"

Zak felt bad the guy, he made attention he didn't want and lost his pokemon, or at least Zak assumed the Phantumb belonged to him. Zak wondered if he should let the others know. 'Well, it'll be better to have eyes all over the place, just in case I'm wrong and the phantumb ends up being here in the lobby still.' So Zak decided it would be best to just split up from the little searching party.

Drake moved his head in the direction of the cry, however he didn't head to at first. After all sounds could be messing with him and the pokemon could be else where.

Kibito looked over in the direction he heard the cry an he got very worried as well as scared for his pokemon. Hearing the other he quickly turned his head in the direction of the man and gulped a bit. "K-Kibito." He said in a meek tone. "I-I'm sorry f-for causing trouble... I can get h-him, you don't have to help I-I'm really sorry for bothering you." He said quietly as he slowly backed up really not wanting to trouble Zac and the others more. Taking a small gulp he turned his back and headed toward the direction he heard his pokemon. "O-Obito?"

@Joey Winchester

Zak raised an eyebrow at Kibito, "Alright if you say so," Zak replied to him. He didn't mind helping him, but if he wanted to go on his own, Zak would respect that. Once Kibito faded into the hallway, Zak decided to see if his pokemon were ready. He walked to the front desk were Nurse Joy was filling some paperwork, "Excuse me, I don't think I heard you call me, are my pokes ready?" "Oh yes dear, they are ready, but I didn't call you over, it's my fault. I thought I heard some weird noise so I went to check it out, when I came back calling you totally slipped my mind. I apologize," Nurse Joy replied to him. Zak shook his head in response, "It's no big deal, I was preoccupied for a little while, so I probably won't have picked them up right away."

Nurse Joy brought a tray that held Zak's three pokeballs and Zak put them on his trainer's belt. Zak wasn't sure if he should leave or not, he wasn't obligated to stay, but his gut was telling him not to leave yet. Zak decided to walk to the girl with white hair, "Hi there, do you know if he found his phantumb yet?" Zak couldn't explain it, but he was starting to get a bad feeling.

@Carnation @Peaceswore
Nick saw the little boy coming out of the pokrmon center who ran into him. While Neela has gone to deliver the part might as well have a little bit of fun Nick thought to himself. He jumped down showing he had phantump in a cage. (With an evil grin) "Does this belong to you BOY?"

Sylvia looked at the man apparently known as Zak and replied in a somewhat worried tone. "No I didn't see him or his phantump. Let's look for him everyone just to be sure Kibito found his phantump.

(John) "How did you know his name? I could barely hear him.

Sylvia gave a small smile. I can read lips.

As John git outside his bagon began to quiver and shake and hid inside his coat. Whats wrong Bagon? Just as John looked up he saw the shady character who dropped bagon over the cliff side holding phantump in a strange container. (John, and Sylvia together) You!???
Kibto shook a bit as he took a small step forward. "Th-That's my pokemon... U-Um c-can you please let it go? I-Im sorry if he bothered you." He said in a quiet tone as he looked at the man instantly remembering the man. At remembering him he took a small breath and had a huge desire to run but he wouldn't leave behind Obito. "P-Please sir, I-I'm really sorry for running into you... B-But Please give me back O-Obito." He said as meek as ever as he tried to stop shaking.

Drake looked as the others left. Taking a small breath he fixed his beanie and looked at Evrill. "Think we should check it out? It could be intresting." He said in a calm manner as he placed his hands in his pocket.
Zak watched as the white haired girl and the black haired boy ran outside, a shocked look on both their faces. "Hey guys what's go-" , but before he could finish asking his question, they ran off. Zak then heard them both yell, but he couldn't make out what they were saying. Zak clenched his teeth, he wasn't sure if there was trouble or not. Should he go get the guy with the beanie? Should he go outside and help? What if there wasn't any trouble and Zak just made a fool of himself? Oh man, what a day this has turned out to be. Zak decided to join the boy and the girl outside.

When he caught up with them, he saw Kibito and the others looking at a, Well, weird dressed man. At least, Zak thought his outfit looked weird. But just then, Zak noticed Kibito's phantumb in a cage, the poor thing looked scared and beat up. Zak frowned in anger, he wasn't one to save the day, but he knew who the bad guy was in this situation. But what angered Zak the most was the fact that the guy dressed in black had Kibito's phantumb. Kibito clearly isn't the type to defend himself well, so that made him an easy target. Picking one people weaker than yourself, that is what Zak hated.

Zak reached for a pokeball from his belt, pressed the button to expand it's size, and then threw it in the air.
"Edge! Let's go!", yelled Zak as the pokeball opened and released a flash of white light. Then Edge, Zak's shiny Axew, materialized from the light. "Edge! Use Dual Chop, bust that cage open!"

@Peaceswore @Carnation
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Heh nice try. Nick did a fancy flip just getting out of reach of the dual chop. Nick just gave this new challenger his trademark grin. Alright if you think you have what it takes to beat me then show me what you got! Serviper! Stand by for battle!

@Joey Winchester
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Ravyn lay on her back, staring at the ceiling of the small guest room in the pokemon center. Her sleeping companions were either snuggled up beside her or laying on top of her. They'd all had a long journey and the rest would do them some good. Though the rumors of shadow pokemon were troubling. Why would someone be making them again? Cipher's long gone.

Storm's ears perk up as she slowly lifts her head and looks around confused. While young, the Riolu could still sense the intense emotions from Kibito whose pokemon was just stolen. She sent a strong aura to Ravyn in an attempt to get her attention. "Hm? What's got you all worked up?" A faint yell was heard and running footsteps pounded down the hall. The trainer frowned, "sounds like trouble . . . " She nudged her sleeping Fennekin Blaze awake. The small fox yawned and stretched before getting up. "Come on, let's go see what's going on out there."

Pulling her jacket on as she walked towards the door, she heard Sirene and Kurama jump down from the bed and follow her.
Evrill just nodded his head and walked out. But as he walked out there was a certain gleam in his eye that looked very intimidating.

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