[Pokemon Prismatic]Tempo Town (Starting Town)

Ashley Aeria Claye

Verity (Chimchar]|Female|Lv. 5

Ashley continued searching for Charmander while simultaneously keeping an eye on Verity who was doing the same. The small chimp didn't seem to be having any more luck than Ashley herself, but that could change. "Verity and I? I got her from Professor Rowan about a week ago. This is honestly only our second day in this region." She added sheepishly, hoping he wouldn't laugh at her inexperience. To her, everyone's opinions mattered.



He dashed to the arcade and leaned on its wall. He felt embarrassed. He checked his shoulder. (Damn it... I've forgotten Eves.) He planned to make a brand new eeveelution, the Ghost Type Spectreon. He adored Ghost types. He remembered Ashley and Jason. "Hmm," He murmured, "I wonder how they're doing I need to pick up Eves anyway." It was decided. He was going back to Howling Cafe. He strolled back over, a bit more calmed down. (On the outside, at least.) "Hi," He announced. "I said I only needed a moment, didn't I?"
"Sinnoh?" he asked rhetorically. Jason wondered what led to her wanting to start her journey in Aisu region. The kid wasn't sure if it was a good idea to just straight out ask that, but he wanted to keep up conversation to pass time as they searched. "Have you ever seen a luxray?" The large electric-type was Jason's favorite pokemon and it was mostly seen in Sinnoh. He had hoped to find one some day.

Scouting the area around the Howling Cafe, Jason could see Sebastian returning to his pokemon. He felt relieved the trainer came back to the eevee. He felt leaving it alone there in the first place, but it seemed very intelligent. Well at least Sebastian was okay, he guessed. "Wait...what is?" Jason saw what appeared to be a torch move swiftly passed a few tables outside the cafe. Could that light been the tip of Charmander's tail? Jason darted back to the cafe tables as the fireball with legs zipped through the seating area.



Bassy sighed with relief when he saw Jason coming back. He let Eves run around on his arm for a bit, then went over.

"Oh, hi. I was beggining to think you weren't here. Glad you are, cuz I love doing just nothing. Having to go around and look for you would be torture to me. Hey, have you heard of Applepie, the Pie Pokemon? I want one right now. But anyway, have you heard of it?"

Ashley Aeria Claye

Verity (Chimchar)|Female|Lv.5

Ashley nodded in silence as if affirming once more that she was from Sinnoh. She loved her home region, but she knew too much about it. She knew Sinnoh like the back of her hand, and had ultimately decided it would be best to start in a new region. "A Luxray? I've only seen one on T.V., but my mom owned a Luxio. At least he was a Luxio when I left." Ashley muttered thoughtfully, slipping into a dazed silence as she began thinking of home.

She would have stayed that way for a little while if Jason hadn't spoken.
"What...?" She asked as Jason ran back the direction they had come. He must have seen something that looked like Charmander. Ashley scurried after the larger boy, hoping to see his starter pokemon.

At first she didn't see Jason or Charmander when she went back to the table. She did see Bassy and Eves though.
"Oh, hello again." Ashley replied, not able to get many more words out between the boy's relentless talking. "Uh, no. I've never heard of that pokemon before." She answered, confusion clear on her face.
Jason chased the ball of fire around the outside of the cafe. It didn't look like it was losing energy anytime soon. The little charmander seemed to be having fun in it being pursued. Jason decided to hop over tables to get a better angle on it. The charmander panicked and stumbled forward, lacking on its face. "I've got you now, runt!"

He grabbed the lizard pokemon's ball from his harness and maximized it. The pokeball flew through air as it left Jason's hand. Smacking Charmander on the head, the little lizard, whined from disappointment. Charmander converted into a red light and was absorbed back into its pokeball. The new adventurer hopped off of the cafe table and made his way to the pokeball. "You had your fun, little one," he said to the ball.

He picked it up and stared at it for a minute. This was it, he was officially a pokemon trainer. He had his very own pokemon and was ready to continue his adventure. Jason returned to Ashley, who he ran off from suddenly. "Sorry about that, I couldn't let it get away." He took a second to catch his breath, before continuing.

"Anyway, I sure she doesn't want to stay returned for long." Jason held out the pokeball as a beam of light burst from within. Manifesting in from of him was the runaway charmander. She rubbed her eyes before looking up at Ashley. She didn't make a sound as she blinked in confusion. Charmander turned to Jason with the same eyes.

He stared back and smiled. "Hi...Charmander. I'm Jason, your trainer. I can't wai-" The boy was cut off as his face was engulfed in a burst of fire. The charmander had used ember on him. As he stood there with his face roasted he was at a loss for words.

"Nice to meet you t-too." Charmander turned her head and huffed. "Well then! I'm just going to ignore that, so we can be on our way." Jason said in an irritated manner. Charmander rolled its eyes. With his starter caught there was no reason to stick around this area any longer.

He also had to figure out what he was going to do with the random totodile that was sleeping cozy in his backpack. Should he take it to the professor or continue on with it? Jason looked over to Ashley and sighed. "Thanks a lot for your help, it was greatly appreciated," he said holding out his hand, to shake hers. "I'm going to be heading for the next route. How about you?"


@DreamBeat (I only tagged you because I still don't know what to do about the totodile situation xD )

@NoviceOfRoleplay (Seriously, did you have something planned with this totodile?)
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Ashley Aeria Claye

Verity (Chimchar)|Female|Lv. 5

Ashley stared at Bassy for a moment before muttering a quick "oh". Then she turned around and went in search of Jason and his runaway Charmander. Walking in the opposite direction of Bassy and Eves, she quickly found Jason; however, this time he was holding a pokeball and he was hopping off of a table. "Did you find Charmander?" She asked as she approached Jason. Ashley shrugged off his apology, but also took it to mean that he had found his pokemon.

Within a moment and another bright flash of light, a Charmander appeared. Ashley laughed as the small lizard pokemon engulfed her trainer's face with flames. The ginger-haired trainer quickly attempted to hide it by masking it as a cough.
"She seems a little feisty." Ashley replied, continuing to giggle softly.

Verity came up on Ashley's left side, and when she saw the new fire-type she scampered up to it quickly. The Chimp Pokemon gave a small wave to the other starter with a paw and started speaking in soft squeals.

After finally getting herself under control, she met Jason's gaze and took his hand to shake it. "Glad to help anytime. That Charmander of yours is going to be a handful." She murmured thoughtfully, glancing down at their two pokemon. "Actually, I was planning on heading to the next route as well."

(Italics will be Verity/Ashley's other pokemon.)



Suddenly, Bassy started acting very strangely. He stared at the pokeball, shivering. "D... Did you say... C h a r m a n d e r ? Does it HAVE to be a CHARMANDER? I was planning on heading to the next route, although... I might need more time to recover from my, heh, 'family' details." He spoke very slowly as he said this. His eyes were wide.
(OOC: good idea! Italics for the pokemon.)

Charmander sniffed Verity. She could see that the chimp was another fire-type. Charmander smiled and hopped once. The little lizard was always excited to meet other fire pokemon. It's why she ran away with the other fire starters and headed for the cafe. Together they were causing trouble and scaring away people with their fire attacks.

"Oh," Jason responded. Ashley was heading in the same direction. This wasn't what he was expecting, but it wasn't bad. The two could talk about pokemon and their favorites until they had to go their separate ways. Having an ally to travel with besides a pokemon could be fun. At least he hoped it would be.

Despite not being too fond of people, Ashley seemed to be alright. "Alright then should we get moving then?" he said looking to the group. He saw his charmander look up at him and sigh. This isn't what he wanted. A pokemon that didn't want to be with him was not what he was expecting for his journey.

"Are you ready?" he asked the auburn-haired girl.


Ashley Aeria Claye

Verity (Chimchar)|Female|Lv. 5

Ashley frowned a bit at his reply. He seemed... disappointed that she was going the same direction. Were they not friends? She had thought they were friends. Even Verity had thought so. Either way, Jason seemed to get over whatever disappointment he had; he seemed to see that since they were going the same way, it would be beneficial to simply travel together. The company would be good for both of them.

Ashley replaced her small frown with a much wider grin and she nodded.
"Let's go then! I want to meet some new pokemon!" Ashley suddenly became very excited at the idea of meeting and maybe catching some new pokemon. She really wanted to be able to make friends with the pokemon of this region. She glanced down to where their two pokemon stood and saw that Charmander was looking up at Jason. It didn't seem to be too fond of the boy, but that might be because he had stopped its little reign of terror around the café. The auburn-haired girl reached down with her arm, allowing Verity to climb up and rest on her shoulder. She nodded her head to affirm that she was ready to leave, but just as she was about to reply to him Verity sneezed. Ashley laughed as the small chimchar recovered, "Yes, I think we're ready Jason."



"HEY! There's NO WAY you're going... Without letting me come too." "Said Bassy, catching up to Ashley and Jason, slipping on his lab coat. He took out his Pokedex and added Charmander and Chimchar to it. Friends would be good for him, he just knew it.
Jason, raised his brows optimistically. "New pokemon?" The thought, excited him. He held in the urge to run off ahead. The kid was anxious. Charmander began walking off ahead of him, as if to not want to look at her new trainer. The boy narrowed his eyes.

"Hm, guess I should give you a name. Right about now, I'm thinking something to match your winning personality," he said mischieviously. Charmander narrowed her eyes, but didn't bother looking back. It kept her from shooting embers into the boys face. "How about Pouty, since you don't seem to be in the best of moods." He could have burst out laughing if it wasn't for the fact that Charmander didn't bite him in the ankle.

"I was kidding!" he shouted as he shook her off his leg. The fire lizard let go and continued walking ahead, letting out another pout. "Okay then! Ashley, have any ideas?" he asked his traveling companion as the two approached were approaching Route 1. He couldn't wait to hear her idea. That's when from a distance, he could hear a voice calling out.

It was the stranger known as Sebastian. He was charging toward the two new adventurers shouting, in hopes of not being forgotten. "Oh."



Jason seemed to perk up at the idea of new pokemon. They could both try catching some on Route 1! They could also train too. Maybe have some mock battles to start off. Ashley hadn't had a battle yet, and she didn't feel as if she were an official trainer yet. She figured that once she had her first battle with Verity, it would be official.

As they started off, Jason looked down at his Charmander who had begun walking ahead of them. With a mischievous tone he mentioned giving the fiery Charmander a name. Ashley giggled at the response of the fire type to Jason's first suggestion, Pouty. To be honest, Ashley wasn't even sure if he had been kidding or not; however she didn't think the Charmander should have bit him. He had a lot of work to do if he wanted to train that pokemon.

Jason then asked if she had any name ideas. Ashley thought for a moment, glancing down at the Charmander who had once again started walking. "What about Serafina?" She suggested, waiting to see the fire type's reaction. She glanced over at Verity to see if her own starter approved, but the Chimchar only shrugged as if to say "It doesn't matter to me." Just as she turned back to the Charmander, she heard a rather familiar voice gradually growing closer.

Bassy. She didn't even need to look back to know it was the strange boy from the cafe. She had hoped they would be friends at first, but then he tricked her about that fake pokemon. She was not fond of being tricked and she was not a person who let grudges go easily. So instead of turning around and acknowledging the boy, she simply stayed still. She would ignore him until she felt he had payed for tricking her.

@Shasyu @LoupyLou23

Bassy sighed. Why did he have to mess up every friendship he made?

"Look. I know we got off to a wrong start, but I wasn't trying to trick you into believing in a fake pokemon. I just wanted a little joke we could laugh at." It was at the point where tears started welling up again, and he desperately tried not to let them fall. "Please. I've gone through a lot of stuff lately, and I really could use a friend." Were they going to listen? Sebastian had no idea. Ashley didn't seem to be listening at all. "You don't have to be my friend, but... The decision is up to you."

@Shasyu @Megus
Jason waited as Ashley thought of a name. He thought it was funny that she actually seemed to be thinking of a serious one. He honestly was only kidding. Charmander seemed like she wasn't excited either. But, then the two heard the name. "Serafina?" he repeated back to Ashley.

"That's actually not so bad," he said looking down at Charmander. The little fireball looked back at him with an uncaring face. "Maybe shorten it?" he asked, still looking down at his pokemon. "Sera?" Jason said with a little more enthusiasm.

Charmander seemed a little more comfortable with this name. She nodded her head at the boy before looking over to Verity's trainer and nodding her head at the girl as well. "Well! She seems to approve, thanks a lot Ash." Jason's eyes shot open. He wasn't even sure it was alright to go and shorted Ashley's name like that. For all he knew she may have been uncomfortable with that.

He didn't say anything about it. As Sebastian caught up, he continued speaking to the two adventurers. Ashley had seemed to be ignoring him, but Jason didn't know how long he could. Especially if the kid kept speaking. "We've all been through stuff pal, just promise keep the lies or tricks to yourself. Also, I know I don't have to be your friend.We only just met. I'd like it if we all knew each other for some time before we decided if we were friends," said Jason, finally responding to Bassy. He could be cold at times, but he never looked to make anyone cry. "Can we all just get to Route 1 and finally start this journey. I'm itching to catch something!"



Ashley gave a small grin as Jason repeated the name. He seemed to approve, and his Charmander hadn't bit her yet. That had to be a good sign. When he stated that it wasn't so bad Ashley faked being insulted. "Did you expect something worse?" She smiled a bit, just to show that she was kidding, but she honestly wanted an answer.

Ashley didn't mind that he shortened the name. Such a small pokemon didn't need a name longer than she was. His Charmander didn't seem appalled with the name either, so he stuck with it. She felt a rush of excitement as Sera nodded her approval at the new name. They could finally get going! Those new pokemon weren't going to wait forever.

Jason thanked her for the name idea, and she would have given him a smile if he hadn't used the infuriating nickname her little brother had given her. She hated that name. Ash sounded like a name someone's parents would give to a boy. Not a girl. Ashley was silent as she watched Jason's eyes open. He seemed almost as surprised as she was mad.

She could feel her face turning red, and she tried to control it. Obviously he hadn't meant it like her brother. She had to attempt to not get mad.
"You... You are welcome Jason. Just... Just don't call me Ash again." She forced the words out as she tried to keep her voice calm. Hopefully no remnants of her short fit of anger were still showing except the redness of her face.

She heard his apology. She heard, but she didn't necessarily listen. Yes, stubborn was one of her "prominent" traits, but even she didn't know if it were bad or good half the time. Either way, she still wasn't going to acknowledge him; well, maybe a little, but not much. Besides, she didn't need to see his face to know he was talking.



"Well, okay. Yeah. That's a good idea." Bassy hoped Ashley was going to accept his apology. He knew he wasn't the best of people, but he'd never been ignored like that before. He decided to say nothing else. He wanted to make sure he was going to keep his friends.

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