[Pokemon Prismatic]Tempo Town (Starting Town)

Julie West

Staring face to face with the other girl it immediately caused her to withdraw and fumble with her glasses with shaky hands.

"Umm, uhh, umm. I- I am." The girl had an innocent look on her, giving her a nice smile with her head slightly tilted in inquisition. But they always try to do that, act like they are friendly then go for the kill.

"I am getting my pokedex, x transceiver, umm, and my pokeballs. I have a pokemon already. From my grandma."

Haha, your granny give you that? You're a granny's girl!

The voices of her past rang in her ears, and she feared it will happen again. She twiddled her hair and then looked up at the girl.

"yeah, umm, I'm Julie."


Crystal Thawne
Exit of Tempo Town

"Hello ladies,"
Crystal heard a male voice coming out of nowhere and nearly jumped, but only turned her head to see a boy towering over her with bronze hair, green eyes, and a slight tan. He looked like he traveled often if she just judged him by what he wore. "I don't mean to interrupt, but would you happen to be Pokemon Trainers as well? I'm just starting on my journey and I would be very grateful if you would allow me to accompany you."

"Wow, you're really formal," was the first thing Crystal said, blurting out what first came to her mind. "We're both beginners, I think." She looked up to Miss Rae, not sure that she was actually a beginner on pokemon, and then looked back up at the tall boy. "Well... I don't really mind if you come with us, but..." The girl's gaze slid over to the older girl. "I guess it's up to her since she's helping me get to Capella Town." Bubbles was uncharacteristically quiet, just looking at the torchic on the boy's head. "Piip... luuup," Bubbles said hesitantly, as if she had just barely reached the decision to greet the other pokemon.

@Raerae @Silver Pansy
Danny's already blinding smile stretched a little bit wider, success; according to the map he couldn't quite read, Capella was the next closest town, somewhere past Route 1 but not so far out of the way they'd be starving by time they got there. It was also a plus that at least the girl with the Eevee knew where they were going. Danny was not the most direction oriented person in the world, and even if Liam knew how to get places, he didn't particularly care where they ended up as long as there was enough food and Danny was around to keep him company.

"That's great, we were thinking of heading to Capella too, but, um..." he trailed off, kind of embarrassed, and and looked down sheepishly as he continue, "we probably would have gotten lost." He was speaking more like himself now. One of the girls agreeing had bettered his chances of the other letting him come, but according to the girl with the Piplup it was ultimately Eevee Girl's decision. He turned towards her, if ever there was a time for Liam to make friends, now was it. "It's very nice to meet you though, even if we can't travel together, I've never seen a female Eevee before." He looked down to the Pokemon resting in the girl's arms, obviously addressing her directly, "It's very nice to make your acquaintance as well." He reached up a hand for Liam to hop onto. Still being a Torchic, he was small enough to fit there, if only just. "This is Liam, he's my partner, say hi Liam."

The little Torchic gave a chirp of acknowledgement and made a general greeting to the four of them. Well at least he didn't completely ignore everything, sometimes Danny was really glad Liam was so accepting and easy to work with.
Tempo Town with Crystal and Danny



"We're both beginners, I think."

That title was absolutely infuriating, especially for the daughter of a gym leader, though Crystal was correct with the fact. However the statement made Rae sigh to herself. She cast a glance the girls way, "Word of advice? Never let anyone know you're incompetent as a trainer. Someone will take advantage of that, and end up raking in all of your savings. If all you have is a Piplup, no offense Bubbles," She added, "Then make them believe there's a Salamence hidden up your sleeve."

Her father had told her similar precautionary tips most of her life, but they were heavily reiterated when the possibility of her traveling alone became more apparent. It was more of a general life lesson than a trainer oriented one, to not let another see you're vulnerable. And as her father insisted, always have a pocket knife, pokeball or mace hidden up your sleeve. But Rae didn't want to play parent, she simply had to show the girl that that blatant honesty could potentially endanger her.

"Call me Rae. I don't mind if you tag along, though I suggest we get moving before we've lost too much daylight. Everyone gets lost, don't worry about it," She told him with a dismissive wave, adjusting her hold on the little brown fox who greeted him and Liam the same as she had Crystal and Piplup, a bit of a bark and that was that.

Her tail swished from one side to the other in testing notions, she was wondering who these new faces were and how long they'd be considered companions. Like her trainer, Eevee wasn't used to a lot of human oriented social interaction. They spent nearly all of their time with animals, and even then seeing as she was little and often groomer Lottie was kept away from most other than starters, Blue's team and the litter. "And this is Lottie. Like I said, she's not used to be a faces, so if she nips or swats at you don't take it personally."

Admittedly, Rae was reluctant to travel with companions, and the fact that these two were both underage and novice had her a little a could; being both the oldest and perhaps most knowledgeable, it was inadvertently determined she'd be responsible for their well being, and that kind of weight was one the lissome female avoided as much as possible. Upon arriving, Rae hoped they'd all part ways and she could get on adventuring with just Lottie, free to procrastinate and proceed as they pleased.


She turned on her heels and fearlessly led the way out of Tempo, glancing behind her and pausing for a moment just before the actual route to snap a photo of the small town itself for her father. After titling it 'Departing!' and pressing send, Rae gestured for the two to follow, and soon enough they were enough route to Capella. Leading didn't phase her, it was whom she was leading that had Rae checking over her shoulder for the kids every now and then, occasionally biting her lip and then reapplying her watermelon lip balm unnecessarily afterwards.

"I'm assuming you both know how to work capsules and apply potions, right? Stay out of the tall grass, and don't go headbutting any trees." She asked after a few gravelly steps, eventually setting Lottie down to stretch and walk beside her.
There were a pair of pecha berry shrubs planted just along the dirt path, to which the kit bounded over and eagerly consumed one. Rae clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth, "Lottie, you're supposed to wash those first, you know that."

'Vee~' She nibbled away regardless, ears twitching back and forth at the distant rustling, cawing or disturbed foliage. She'd plucked off to and trotted over to the other pokemon, Liam and Bubbles, politely offering one berry to each before appearing back at Rae's side.

"That's a good girl. That was very sweet of you, Lottie."Admitedly, Rae really wanted to try her hand at catching a wild pokemon. But she weighed out excitement versus her actual supply and chance at a fair fight, and decided perhaps Lottie should just attempt to knock out a few birds. Experience would be gained regardless, and honestly the brunette was far too picky to just toss capsules at the first animal she saw. Tactfully, she needed to acquire a team, for safety if anything. For a moment, she truly wished she'd accepted her father's offer and brought one of his team members, Scizor, Nidoking, Houndoom... they'd be such a lovely addition. Though not hers, which reminded her of why she'd ventured out in the first place.


@DreamBeat @Silver Pansy
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Crystal Thawne
Tempo Town Route 1 w/ Rae and Danny

Miss Rae's eyes looked pointedly at her as she said, "Word of advice? Never let anyone know you're incompetent as a trainer. Someone will take advantage of that, and end up raking in all of your savings. If all you have is a Piplup, no offense Bubbles,"She added, "Then make them believe there's a Salamence hidden up your sleeve."

Piplup chirped and smiled in a way that showed that she took no offense to what she had said.Though she could see the logic behind that, why would someone try to make themselves look stronger than they actually are? Her head tilted slightly to the side as she contemplated what Miss Rae just said. It... kind of made sense. "What's raking in all of my savings mean? And what's a Sala.. something?" Despite her confusion and curiosity, Miss Rae's introduction to the boy was not yet over; she decided to stay quiet for just a little longer. Her gaze centered back on the tall boy before her as Miss Rae continued to speak.

"Call me Rae. I don't mind if you tag along, though I suggest we get moving before we've lost too much daylight. Everyone gets lost, don't worry about it. And this is Lottie. Like I said, she's not used to be a faces, so if she nips or swats at you don't take it personally."

"Well... I'm Crystal and this," she said while holding up Bubbles for a moment, "is Bubbles. So I guess we should get going huh?"

Soon after introductions were all done, they started their expedition to Capella Town. Miss Rae did something with her X-Transceiver before they left, but Crystal didn't really know what she did. It was probably nothing that concerned anyway, and she didn't really want to ask.

As she followed Miss Rae, Crystal took a moment to look at the vast green field that stretched out before her. Though she had been out in Route 1 a gazillion times, she had never gone far. Now that she was actually intending to walk out of town and journey to another place, a whole new
world, she felt all... all... weird. It was like her chest was fluttering. But she did know that if one thing hasn't changed since she'd last been here, it was the irritated wild pokemon. They typically didn't attack people at first sight, but some of the them were just jerks.

"I'm assuming you both know how to work capsules and apply potions, right? Stay out of the tall grass, and don't go headbutting any trees."

"Yeah, I had to use those a lot so I know how," she said. About a year ago, it seemed like other pokemon liked to pick on Bubbles when she was still kiiiind of her friend - when they just barely met. Seriously, the piplup got into so much trouble back then that it wasn't even funny. But now that she looked back at those times, it made her reminiscent of the slowly developing friendship since the year they had met. Bubbles injuries were what prompted Crystal to learn how to patch her up real fast when she got hurt and what lead them to becoming best friends. Crystal looked at Lottie and Miss Rae with a nostalgic smile. They really reminded her of how all touchy and feely she and Bubbles were when they had just become best friends. What? They wanted to try it, and it felt nice for a while. Then, it just got annoying.

While Crystal was flashing back to her life's story before and after she had met Bubbles, Bubbles jumped out of her arms and obtained her berry from Lottie. With a smile and a grateful thank you that came out as,
"Piplup!", the piplup graciously accepted the berry and ate it, enjoying her new snack. The berry had quickly been consumed by Bubbles.

The girl was pulled out her memories when Bubbles talked and looked down at the piplup now down on the ground.
"Am I allowed to eat one?" She asked. The berries weren't only for the pokemon right? It looked really edible to her.

@Raerae @Silver Pansy

Zinnia Marles

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Pokemon_Trainer_1_by_Emeraldus.png.c601ad760665709a824cc8edb8756b5d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71489" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Pokemon_Trainer_1_by_Emeraldus.png.c601ad760665709a824cc8edb8756b5d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Entrance to Tempo Town >>>> Cafe

"Fen-Fen-Fennnekin!" Blaze yipped as she struggled to escape Zinnia's arms. "Whoa... easy there.... We'll have plenty of time to see everything, I promise. We have to do it fast though, or else we'll never get to train!" She smiled as her hand grazed the Pokemon's fur. It was silky soft and warm to the touch, enough to soothe the most panicked person. As she entered the cafe and spotted a Furfrou, she pulled out her Pokedex. Even though she knew the Pokemon's name and basic features, it always excited her to learn something new. Furfrou: The Poodle Pokemon. Historically, in the Kalos region, these Pokemon were guardians of the king. Trimming their fur not only makes it more elegant, but increases the swiftness of it's movements. "Ugh, history." She mumbled and rolled her eyes slightly as the Pokedex displayed Furfrou's stats. Looking around, she saw no one of particular interest, but was excited to hopefully meet some new trainers who would help her on her journey.



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Gael took the ever familiar route his father always used when heading to Capella Town. He smiled as he walked pass a grass patch that had been his playground when he was younger. The adults had employed all kinds of measures and tactics to keep him inside the village and away from the wild grass without supervision. Not that it had prevented him from finding his way back to the grass patch alone. He always found a way to slip past each and every one of them. He popped Azel another treat as he made a left turn, ruffling his hair. "I swear you're so adorable. Makes me feel really lucky to have you as my partner Azel." He watched as Azel munched away happily. "Once you evolve into a Typhlosion were swapping roles okay. I'll ride on your back just like you're riding on mine now." He joked as Azel peered over his shoulder, suddenly jumping onto the ground and running off. "Someone's way too excited." Gael shook his head, his lips curled into a smile as he jogged after Azel. "What did you find?" He asked as he came to a stop beside Azel some distance away, scooping him up into his arms. "Cynda-cynda-quil" Gael followed Azel's gaze and spotted three trainers, two girls and a guy some distance ahead. His eyebrows furrowed slightly at the sight of them. Gael had never exactly been fond of company. He always preferred being alone than part of a big group. It was easier to get things done and do what he wanted to. Unfortunately, Azel seemed to have other plans, jumping out of Gael's arms and making his way over to the trio. Before Gael could stop him, Azel had made his presence known, pawing at the guy's leg. "Cyndaquil!" Gael resigned himself with a sigh as he made his way over. He might as well try to make it short.

@Silver Pansy @Raerae @DreamBeat

Zinnia Marles

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Pokemon_Trainer_1_by_Emeraldus.png.2ab69e1eb477cea6470b25acb65ced01.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71763" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Pokemon_Trainer_1_by_Emeraldus.png.2ab69e1eb477cea6470b25acb65ced01.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Cafe>>>>Route 1

After a couple hours of hanging around in the city, Zinnia stood at the exit to Tempo Town. She looked to Blaze, who was curiously pawing at her bag, probably searching for more Poke puffs. As she reached in for the box of extras, Zinnia quickly grabbed her and held her in front. "You don't get any of those. Not for a while, anyways." She smiled. It's finally time to go. Zinnia smiled as she stepped out into route one, Pokemon in hand. Spotting a group of what she assumed to be trainers, she smiled, and waved a bit. @Silver Pansy @Raerae @DreamBeat @Xeyran



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Aiko Sukoshi

Aiko nodded. "I'm getting a Pokemon here! I guess I'll get all that other cool stuff to then, right?" Aiko stood up straight and did a little twirl. "It's nice to meet you Julie!"

"Are you nervous about getting a Pokemon? I know I'm nervous." Aiko began to talk fast, not really paying attention to what she was saying. "Right now this guy named Ray is helping me get started on my adventure. I mean, he's going on an adventure too though. Are you going on an adventure? You should stick with us! Ray already has a Pokemon I think." Aiko abruptly turned and wandered into the lab, as if she suddenly forgot about her current 'conversation'.

Aiko was stunned by what she saw. She hadn't seen anything science like before, and all this felt like 'magical'. Professor Willow spoke up from the other side of the lab. "Are you trying to be a trainer too?" The Professor asked nicely. "Yup! I have two friends that are gonna be Pokemon Trainers as well!" Professor Willow nodded. "I'm glad you found some friends. Anyway, when I heard that you were coming, I got everything ready for you." The woman was near a machine that was holding Poke-balls. "I actually have a Pokemon already picked out for you. It's probably the only one that you could work with properly."

After Aiko received all her gear, she waited in the lab for her two friends to come in. In her hand she held her Pokemon Torchic's Poke-ball. Aiko didn't know how to get the Pokemon to come out, so she would need to wait for her friends. She'd let them get their Trainer gear before she bothered them of course. Aiko help both of her hands behind her back, and she stared at the floor.

Looks like I'm on my way now.! I hope my Pokemon is nice. I haven't been near a Pokemon in so long... I wonder how my grandma is doing...



Ray Cobalt Zaffre


Ray let out a deep sigh. Aiko did all the talking for him and even introduced him to the girl. Ray already had an idea about Aiko's disposition so he just kept silent about it.

Ray then looked to the kid. She didn't look so bad but she looked like the clumsy, shy and dependent type. "This is gonna be a drag." Ray thought to himself. Ray looked at Duke and he had no comment whatsoever. Rather than that, Duke was busy looking at the girl's Chimchar.

Ray was gonna give her the benefit of the doubt though. "Well, you heard her... uhm, Julie was it?" Ray said. "I'm here for a pokedex too."

Ray stopped for a second and looked at the girl and his Chimchar. It quickly reminded him about how he and Duke were like before when they first met. Duke was very stubborn even for a Squirtle but he warmed up to him as they got to know each other more. Ray wasn't an expert on pokemon aside from water-types but that could be true for this girl and this Chimchar.

"It's looks like your pokemon doesn't trust you yet." he told her. "You'll have time to work on that though." he added. "You're welcome to join us." he said before turning to his Squirtle. "Come on Duke, let's go." Ray said as he got inside.

As Ray entered, it looked like Professor Willow was finished dealing with Aiko. "That was quick." Ray thought to himself. "Hey Aiko, looks like you got your pokemon." Ray said as he grinned

As soon as Professor Willow turned to Ray, she was surprised. "Oh! Did you mean him?" she told Aiko. Professor Willow was clearly delighted. It's not everyday you see your friend's son. "It's so good to see you Ray. Your father already told me everything and I had everything ready." she said as Ray came closer. Professor Willow took a closer look at Ray's face. "You look so much like Reynold when we were younger." she said before smiling again. "I trust him and Celeste are doing fine?" she said but didn't wait for Ray to answer.

"I assume you're following after Cyan and Iris." she said as he handed Ray his pokedex. "Both of them left to fill that and learn more about pokemon. I assume you want to do the same? You should head to Capella after this."

Ray paused for a second and looked at the pokedex he was holding. This was finally it. He was about to start on a journey of his own. Hopefully, he'd be able to catch up with his siblings. "Thanks, doc." Ray said cheerfully as he showed a rare smile on his face.

Professor Willow then turned his attention to Ray's partner, Duke. she squatted down to take a closer look at him.

"My, my, Ray. This one's fascinating. You've got such a dependable partner. Even among Squirtles, this one's rare." she said.

"Uhm... thanks?" Ray was quite confused what the professor meant.

"I'm sure you'll understand soon." she said and smiled as she stood back up after patting Duke in the head a few times. "So where's this other friend of yours?" she asked Aiko and Ray.

@Kiwi @InsaneAsylum
Julie West

Julie finally smiled at Aiko. She nodded and joined her new friend in the lab to get her items.

"Well, I already have a pokemon. His name is Bruce, and I got him as a gift from my Grandma in the Sinnoh Region." She took out her pokeball that contained Bruce. "He is a Chimchar"

When they walked in the lab, the minutes went by fast as the greeting face of Professor Willow met them both. Julie received her pokedex, pokeballs and X Transceiver. With Bruce in her arms, Julie and Aiko walked out to meet Ray. He was a confident looking boy, he had a face about him that showed Julie that he can be a great leader of their team. That word soothed Julie. She was in a team. It made her happy inside that she can be around someone without ridicule.

Suddenly her shyness slowly deteriorated and she walked up to her new friends.

"So, are we heading to Capella?" she wanted to show her excitement. Bruce sighed and sat down where he stood. "Chimchar"

Aiko Sukoshi

"Capella? Is that the next town?" Aiko questioned as she studied her Pokemon's poke-ball. "Before we go, I want to see what my Pokemon looks like!"

Aiko did what she saw other trainers on T.V. do and threw her poke-ball, expecting something to emerge. Much to her despair, the poke-ball simply flew a few feet and landed in the grass. "Wha-what happened!" Aiko cried.

Is the poke-ball broken? Maybe the Pokemon just doesn't want to come out... Did I throw it wrong? Maybe it's empty! No, that can't be right. Poo...

Aiko trudged to her fallen poke-ball, crouched down, and picked it up. Although she had simply forgotten to press the only button on the poke-ball, Aiko assumed that getting the Pokemon to emerge would be very difficult. Aiko stood up and turned to her friends with a concerned look.
"Yeah, I guess so." Ray replied to Julie.

In all honesty, Ray was worried about the kid. She looked like the shy-type. Ray couldn't just leave her alone or something might happen to her. It was then that Ray decided to be like an older-brother figure to her. Besides, she looked like better company than Aiko. Just as his attention shifted to Aiko, an expression of comical disbelief overtook Ray's face.

Ray facepalmed after seeing what Aiko was doing and let out a sigh shortly after. Her concerned look only served to strengthen Ray's impression that this chick had a few screws loose. That or she was totally oblivious to the world.

"Listen, you," he said as he approached Aiko. Ray pointed to the pokeball she was holding. "You're supposed to press this button before you throw it... or at least if you want to let the pokemon out..." he explained. "Pokeballs have a time-delay function among other things so when you press it, the pokemon comes out after a second or two." he added to his lengthy explanation.

Ray suddenly came up with an idea. Rather than telling them all these things, it was better if he showed them. A demonstration was probably necessary. It was a good thing that Ray knew all these things from his travels with his dad.

"Thanks a lot professor." Ray said as he turned to Professor Willow, getting ready to leave.

He then turned to his two companions. "Come with me, I wanna show you guys something." he said as he left the lab. Duke just quietly followed after him.

@Kiwi @InsaneAsylum
Aleska yawned and stretched as she snuggled next to Seth, the snivy, as she awoke from her slumber. Paris was already in the kitchen preparing breakfast along side West, his froakie. "Jaybird, it is time to get up," he called to her in a sing song voice. She grumbled at his morning person attitude as she rolled off the bed, shocking her poor snivy. "Sorry Seth," she apologized to him, but he just scoffed and headed towards the kitchen. Aleska grabbed her brush and started to remove the tangles from her hair as she picked out an outfit for the day. "This one," she said as she grabbed a black skirt, tank top and a half shirt to put on over it. Rummaging through her drawer, she grabbed some stockings as well and hurried to get dressed.

"Aleska, your food will get cold," Paris called to her as she grumbled again before pulling on the last of her close. She put on her blue converses and grabbed a hat from the closet before running down stairs. "Omelets?" she sniffed the air as her mouth watered. Sitting down at her spot, her brother brought her an omelet with whip cream, strawberry syrup and a fresh strawberry on top. "Eat up, because today we start our journey," he told her as she quickly gobbled up her food. Seth stole the strawberry and received only a small glare from Aleska who recalled scaring her poor pokemon."I'm sorry Seth," he scoffed again before walking to the door.

Paris chuckled before picking up Froakie and grabbing his bag. "Let's go," he called to his sister, who swallowed the last bit of her omelet before following her brother and their pokemon out the door into the world.

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"Alright, that took longer then I thought."

Mystic, a teenage boy in a training suit and carrying old clothes over his shoulders, looks at Temp Town. His muscles relax as he breathes the air of what he thought a grand journey.

Having the water far behind him was good. Mystic came from Vibra City and took a route through the sea-he thought it would be beneficial for his one and only Pokemon. Hitchhiking boat to boat did give Mystic stories to tell, old men, young hags, however he when he was formulating a way to tell the stories to new friends-he realized Alexander had walked away.

Alexander, a Marill, wanted some rest, but grass wasn't going to be enough. He thought his cuteness could win over strangers."

"Honey look it's a Marill."


"Oh dear I don't want to wash the thing, don't have time to take care of an attachment."

Alexander was going to find Mystic again, eventually, but rest is such an essential thing for a young Pokemon. Mystic found Alexander trying to break in someone's house.

Apologies exchanged, Mystic went to find the Prof. Willow. His Johto Pokédex wouldn't be much help here. Mystic finds the easy to spot lab. He does feel strange in a place with such ragged clothes, he should get something el-

Mystic is greeted by Prof. Willow.

She gave a nice summary to the region. Mystic thanks her for a Pokédex. He leaves and hangs out the lab to think about his next move.

Ge only has one Fairy-type and doesn't know when He'll see another. Running solo with Alexander for awhile. The best thing to do is for more intensive training before a gym battle. Mystic runs inside to grab a sleeping Alexander out of the lab.
Night passed; day returned. Me and Alexander slept in a nice tree, we were having a little debate over how next course of action. Alexander wanted to rush to the next town, or he was just chasing in acorn. I knew that Alexander wasn't quite ready, our team work wasn't cohesive yet. An hour after Breakfast and my own training, I lost Alexander again.

I followed a trail of oval footprints to Route 1.

"He's showing energy. That'll be good when we get into rock exercises."


Eleanor Rivers

We're finally here! The day I've been waiting for all my life! We're going to see so many places, so many new pokemon, so many people... And the battles! Soon, we're going to be the strongest and nobody could possibly st-

"Sylvie, I'm so nervous." Ellen admitted, interrupting her Treecko's internal monologue.

Sylvester the Treecko, who was sitting on Ellen's shoulder as usual, reassuringly patted her on the top of the head. Although the girl couldn't see it, he also shook his head in slight disapproval. She never changes, he thought, but that's why she has me.

The journey to Tempo town was over at last and Ellen was finally taking her first steps in the new region. She seemed to have long forgotten the discomfort of sitting on a boat for many hours. The moment her foot touched the pavement in Aisu, any feelings she might have previously experienced were replaced by excitement and tension. The girl was looking forward to starting her pokemon journey, but being in an unfamiliar town proved to be rather overwhelming. As soon as she found herself surrounded by the town's buildings, she began looking around with curiosity. Tempo town wasn't all that big, in fact she could swear that it was smaller than Fallarbor, but everything seemed completely different. The houses, the plants... Even the passers-by had that unfamiliar aura around them. Ellen wanted to look at every single person, but she thought that it'd make her seem rude. They were probably already looking at her with concern and thinking she might be lost. Not like they'd be very wrong, she didn't exactly know which way to go, but she decided that avoiding unnecessary contact would be best for her. She also realized that she was wasting time that could as well be used on doing the usual pokemon trainer stuff, such as getting her pokedex from Professor Willow. Having Sylvester pull her ponytail impatiently surely helped with the realization.

Ellen rushed ahead, along the street she was already at. At the same time, she was hastily browsing through her cross-body bag, in search of a map. When she finally found it, she decided not to waste any more time and hurried to the Lab, occasionally glancing at the map to make sure she doesn't end up getting lost. Surprisingly, finding the building proved to be rather easy. This must be why the pokemon labs are always in small towns, Ellen assumed, at the same time wondering if it really is a rule, or if it's just Aisu and Hoenn. Not bothering to ponder this any longer, she stood in front of the door, took a deep breath, and went inside.

"Hello?" Ellen looked around. "I'm one of the new trainers."

@DemonKitten @NoviceOfRoleplay @DreamBeat @LifeNovel
Professor Willow


It seemed every tree had got itself shredded and decided to live on Professor Willow's marble table. A voice at the door made her ear twitch. She yawned and blew away all the papers on the table she was using as a headrest. Willow scrambles to grab the chunks of the falling stacks, but she finds her self too many paper's short. She drops her caught papers and rubs her head.

"Juniper was just too excited to send me these water stone facts..."

Willow stood at the door, brushed the lab coat, and put on a smile. Then gravely realized that her PC wan't working right now...really hoped no trainers without a pokemon.

Willow opened the door," Welcome what would you be here for?"

Eleanor was exposed to a smiling women in front of strange silhouettes, a thing in the back was bubbling, another twirling, something else looked like it had a nice pair of eyes. The only light came from outside.
Eleanor Rivers

The laboratory left Ellen speechless. It was just as she expected, with all the mysterious machines and the scientific atmosphere, but being able to see it with her own eyes filled her with an adventurous spirit, as if she was only now coming to terms with the fact that her journey was starting.

The girl had rehearsed the scene in her mind multiple times prior to arriving, so when the woman came to greet her, she quickly thought back to what she was supposed to do next. She snapped out of her awe and gave a small smile, assuming that the person in front of her was the professor. Somehow, the woman seemed rather easy-going, encouraging the girl to go ahead and introduce herself.

"My name is Eleanor. Eleanor Rivers. And, well, I already have my first pokemon," she explained, realizing that it was a rather redundant thing to say, seeing as Sylvester was still sitting comfortably on her shoulder. The Treecko didn't seem to mind, given how he wagged his tail happily, as if saying "Yep, that'd be me!". "I suppose... I just need a pokedex and such now, right?" Ellen added, nervously playing with the map that she still had in her hand.
Professor Willow


Willow did a quick analysis of the girl: blonde, nice shorts, eyes of a young trainer. Willow believed she would perfect for the task, especially with that cheerful Treecko.

"Alright, just a gear job? Come in."

Willow bent down and petted Treecko's head.

"You little bundle of energy can join too."

Willow left the door open and attempted to prevent the new trainer from stepping on anything important. She flipped a switch to the side of the door and did so repeatedly. She groaned and ran around the lab. She shuffled through various boxes and metal to grab a couple boxes and metal. Noises resonated throughout the lab. Finally a loud Crack! The lab came to life.

It turned out that the entrance had visitors go through this small L-shaped lab area first (the entrance being located at the top of the L): marble counters, bubbling water, beakers filled to the brim, and beakers filled with papers. The room was actually a square but a clear wall created the L-shape. Prof. Willow was standing in the bottom L area of the room next to a circuit box and a door that lead to another room.

The next door of the lab was wide enough that one could see the next room through the clear wall. The other room usually seemed comforting to others. A wooden floor that had a velvet carpet in its center; a sofa stood next to the beige walls, and a curved TV hanged on the opposite wall of the sofa.

Willow says, to Eleanor outside, " Go sit on the sofa, or stand, relax."

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Eleanor Rivers

Ellen nodded, relieved to see that her arrival was not of any inconvenience. Both she and Sylvester were getting a feeling that they'd get along with the professor. Ellen would normally be intimidated by a stranger, but the professor's casual demeanor made her feel welcome. On the other hand, Sylvester simply appreciated it whenever someone paid attention to him.

The two of them watched the professor as she ran around in search of something, not quite sure where they should stand to avoid getting in the way. When the light was finally turned on, Ellen carefully made her way towards the bottom of the L-shaped room, watching her step to make sure she didn't walk into anything important. Sylvester was greatly interested in a container filled with bubbling water, and he was about to jump off Ellen's shoulder to take a closer look, but his trainer grabbed his arm just in time. "It's best if we don't break anything," she whispered, worried that the professor would get the wrong idea if she heard that. As instructed, they went into the cozy looking room. This part of the laboratory was not something Ellen expected, but she was glad that she could just wait there until Professor Willow was done preparing the trainer equipment. The girl sat down on the edge of the sofa, and shuffled her feet on the comfortable carpet. Her Treecko jumped off her shoulder and climbed the backrest of the sofa, turning it into his observation point, as he waited for the professor impatiently.
Professor Willow


After a worried glance at the lights, Prof. Willow strides into the Visitor's Room. She always looked to have a bit more swagger in this room, because she felt the most uncomfortable in this room. The nice lab areas is where she slept, read, and ate. Touch of fabric never enticed her; marble was easy to clean and good for measuring things on flat surfaces.

So, the swaggered Prof. Willow put a hand on her hips and made Juniper-like pose.

"I'm so delightfully happy you young trainers come. Always with energy and ready to take on experiences."

Prof. Willow walks toward Eleanor and leans forward," And today I get the lovely meeting of Eleanor a trainer already with a pokemon and ready to gear up for the world."

Prof. Willow leaned in even more, in a space that may be uncomfortable for a few people," You are in luck young one, you are going to get to be the first trainer to get the newest generation of Aisu Pokedex technology. The Pokedex will be able to connect Global Link, ability to add Apps to the device to add functions that would take a whole other device, and will be able to be customized with soon to be released accessories."

Prof. Willow was happy to remember the way the Pokemon League described the new Pokedex in that email.

Prof. Willow went to lean on the opposite wall of Eleanor.

She quickly, and increasingly quietly, said," but my PC is down and can't confirm my shipment. I need you to go to Cappella City to fetch PC parts and the new Pokedex..."
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Eleanor Rivers

As Professor Willow approached Ellen and her pokemon, both of them looked at her attentively. Sylvester slid down the backrest and sat next to his trainer, wagging his tail in excitement. Ellen was holding her breath and waiting to hear from the professor, although if she had a tail, she'd probably be wagging it too.

Hearing the professor's compliments forced a goofy smile on the girl's lips. She didn't feel like she had done much to deserve them yet, but nonetheless, she was happy. Hearing about the functions of the pokedex also contributed to her general good mood. She listened in awe, although she didn't really understand all of it and by the time Professor Willow was done explaining, the girl no longer remembered half of it. It did sound like good news though, so she nodded repeatedly. Ellen just couldn't wait to receive her pokedex...

Her excitement took a bit of a blow when she learned that she wouldn't be getting it just yet. "Oh," Ellen commented with slight disappointment in her voice before she could stop herself. She hastily continued. "I-I can do that! Just leave it to me! To us, that is! Right, Sylvie?" the girl turned to her pokemon, who confirmed with a short cry. Sylvester didn't mind either way, he had no plans of making use of a pokedex anyway. Meanwhile, although Ellen had been hyped for receiving it, she was fine with this outcome too. It sounded like an adventure.
Professor Willow


Prof. Willow let out a needed sigh. The trainer took it the opportunity and she might not get caught as the Professor who ruined new trainer's chances with a breakfast table next a PC.

Hmm, wonder if I can balance this cup of orange juice on my noise. If can just find the right spot, OH GOD. Napkins, need napkins. Maybe I can just wipe it with a consenting Bulbasaur, dang it no starters here...Okay, you know what, Juniper sent me some papers and this seems like a tomorrow kinda problem...

Prof. Willow smiled at Eleanor," Alright that is terrific! I don't know if you have a map or if it's even recent so just in case, give me a sec."

Prof. Willow went to the lab area and picked up a box off the ground. She took a rolled up piece of paper and a marker out of the box. She did some swift arm movements then planted the paper, unrolled, onto Eleanor's lap.

The map was of Tempo Town, Route 1, Pitch Forest, and Cappella Town. It showed a straight path from Tempo Town to Cappella City decorated with red marker. Prof. Willow jotted down names of pokemon on the Route, angry Bidoof picture on Route 1, and a little star on Cappella City.

"For the PC parts and Pokedexes, at night, go to Liepard Cafe and ask the waitress if she has seen a shady looking guy digging in the trash, he gives me good prices on PC parts and will tell you how to get the Pokedexes."
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Eleanor Rivers

The girl smiled proudly, believing that for one reason or another, her answer was comforting to the professor. When Professor Willow mentioned the map, Ellen opened her mouth to speak up about already having one, but she was too late, so she decided to just go with it and quickly hide the map she already had in her bag. Sylvester rolled his eyes.

When map number 2 landed on Ellen's lap, she analyzed the symbols. Relieved that the road seemed simple enough, the girl smirked at the almost-threatening picture of Bidoof and looked up at the professor. She was nodding in understanding at the instructions, until Professor Willow got to the "shady looking guy digging in the trash" part. It wiped the smile off her face. The girl exchanged looks with Sylvester, who seemed rather puzzled as well. She also noticed that the professor had a habit of playing with her feelings.

"I... I see," Ellen confirmed, wondering how to word the next question. "Um... but it's safe, right?" she asked casually, as if curiosity was the only thing making her question the safety of her mission. She was a little bit concerned, but she had already agreed and had no intention of disappointing the professor.

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