[Pokemon Prismatic]Tempo Town (Starting Town)

LoupyLou23 said:
Sebastian Envy

Sebastian looked around. "Pretty nice place, huh, Eves?" Eevee leaped around on his shoulder angrily. "Yes, I know, we haven't eaten and/or have money for three days... Lucky they let us on the ferry out of kindness, huh?" Then Sebastian noticed a girl looking at him. He knew he looked out of place. He had scars all over him, for heaven's sake. He slumped onto the wall yet again...

Bassy (Yes, I know it's his nickname, but I don't care.)

Sebastian stroked his Eevee while gazing longingly at the food. Neither of them had had anything to eat for three days, but he couldn't he had no money. He jumped, let out a little yelp, and rubbed ten of his scars. "Well, Eves, maybe if we just wait, all good things will come to us... Probably not, though."​

Sebastian Envy

He decided to walk toward the girl who was looking at him. He extended his arm so he could do something he hadn't done in a long time. Shake hands. "Hi," he said, "I'm Sebastian Envy, but you can call me Bassy. What's your name?"

Ashley Aeria Claye

Verity (Chimchar)|Female|Lv. 5

As she continued to stare at the boy from across the cafe, Verity tapped her on the head. Just before she looked to what her Pokemon was excitedly pointing at, she caught the strange boy's eye. Whoops. When she looked away she saw a waiter coming from the opposite direction with the food she had ordered. A bowl of pokemon food for Verity and a fairly simple sandwich for herself. The Chimchar on her shoulder leaped onto the table in anticipation, softly squealing her thanks. Ashley gave him a small smile as her pokemon dug into her food. Just as she was about to do the same, the strange boy came over and introduced himself as Sebastian, or Bassy.
'Odd nickname,' she thought. "I'm Ashley and this is Verity, my Chimchar. Nice to meet you Bassy."

"Nice to meet you too, Ashley. Oh, and this is Eves, my Eevee. I'm so bad at names..." Suddenly, Sebastian jumped three feet into the air, and rubbed one of his scars, whimpering... Then he realized she was still looking and stopped, trying to look important. Then he passed out because of hunger.

(I'm not even sure I know how to respond to that.)

Ashley Aeria Claye
Verity (Chimchar)|Female|Lv. 5

Ashley smiled at the Eevee. "Nice to meet you Eves. Verity, stop eating and come say hello." She glanced over at her Chimchar and grinned even wider as the chimp pokemon reluctantly stepped away from the food. Making a couple of quiet sounds, her pokemon smiled at the Eevee and offered it some of the pokemon food from her bowl. Ashley herself shifted her gaze from the pokemon to Bassy and opened her mouth to speak; however she did not get the chance as Sebastian leapt into the air, whimpering when he finally landed again. She erased the smile from her face as this happened. What was wrong with him? She opened her mouth once more, but once again was interrupted. This time though, the boy who her words were directed to fainted. Ashley stood up, quickly attempting to drag the boy into the empty chair at their table.
Jason, for some reason, was holding his breath while listening to the professor's helpful information. He was to possibly find Charmander around the Howling Cafe. That was all he needed from here. He minimized the pokeball and placed it onto his harness. This was it. He was heading out into the world and it was going to be great.

At least he hoped. Jason exhaled after what seemed like forever. He hastily made his way out of the lab. Jason headed for the Howling Cafe. There he noticed a strange guy and a young girl. They seemed to both be pokemon trainers, exchanging conversation.

The strange boy suddenly jump specifically 3 feet into the air. "Well I'll be a mankey's uncle." Jason thought to himself. That guy had to be possessed by some ghost pokemon or was being levitated by a psychic type, because not only was he 3 feet in the air, but he was touching what appeared to be a scar, whining and trying to look impressive all at the same time. "Fascinating." The new adventurer didn't want to give it anymore thought.

He just imagined that this is what the pokemon world was going to be like. Jason watched the scarred stranger pass out right before he was being dragged away by the young girl. He made his way over to ensure that everything was alright. "I'd have just left him there," he said sarcastically.


Bassy (Kinda?)

Eves scrambled to the table, and started to scratch on it. This is relatively what she did. First, she drew a picture of some food and put a large X over it. Then = Day Day Day. Then she pointed to food and then to Sebastian's mouth.
Jason looked at the eevee in confusion. It seemed as it belonged to the unconscious trainer. He couldn't understand what it was doing, but it was apparent that it was trying to communicate something. Jason turned to the auburn haired girl. "I think your friends pokemon is just as strange as it's trainer." He waited to see if she knew what to do.



Ashley Aeria Claye

Verity (Chimchar)|Female|Lv. 5

After successfully getting Bassy to sit in the chair, Eves hopped up on the table and began to draw something. She looked curiously down at it. The Eevee seemed to be trying to tell her something, but before Ashley could think on what it was, another boy stepped over. He stated how he would have left Bassy on the floor, and then continued on to say that Eves was strange like its trainer. Who was this trainer who just came over and started insulting her and Bassy's pokemon? Her face quickly went from its normal tone to a deep red. "Well, I'm not you; am I?" She growled in response to his first statement. "So if you aren't going to help me at all, I believe I am smart enough to figure out what Eves is saying." She gave him one last glare before turning towards Eves.

Verity, who had been watching the exchange quietly, proceeded to follow her trainer's actions. Shooting a glare at the tall boy, the Chimchar stepped next to Eves and began to make soft chittering noises. Ashley looked down at the Eevee's picture once more. It looked like the Eevee was trying to say something about food. Suddenly, it dawned on her what Eves was attempting to say.
"You haven't eaten in three days? Goodness, why didn't you two just say so? Verity, share your food with Eves please." Reluctantly, the Chimchar grabbed her food bowl, placing it in between her and Eves. Ashley took half of her sandwich and set it aside before attempting to wake up Bassy.

@Shasyu @LoupyLou23
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Jason rolled his eyes at the auburn haired girl. She appeared to have taken his joke seriously and he could tell he probably shouldn't make anymore. "Alright, alright, I was only kidding." The young new adventurer took a few steps back from the girl and the unconscious stranger. "Well it seems that you have things under control here. You're a real... pro at charades, but I really should be going. I'm looking for a runaway charmander," he said, hoping she had information of its whereabouts.

Jason looked over at the eevee. Apparently it's name was "Eves." It was quiet an intelligent pokemon with it's ability to communicate without speaking. Seeing it up close drew his interest. He'd only seen an eevee on television. Even more impressive was the chimchar that was with the girl.

Chimchar was one of his favorite pokemon. He wondered if the girl received it from the professor. With what was going on at the moment he didn't think it was a good time to ask. "Alright then, should we get some help if he doesn't wake up soon?" he asked looking outward around town. He wasn't used to offering help to people.


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It appeared to Eves that the humans understood what she was saying. She nudged Bassy. He didn't wake up. Suddenly, one of his scars started bleeding. She rushed to his emergency medical case in his pocket and tackled it, opening it. Then she nudged out his phone. She'd seen him talking through it before, and tried to get the other trainers' attention. Several options were on the screen; she pointed at the 'doctor' one.
Howling Cáfe

A bustling and quaint place. The cáfe has one window that reveals the circle-top tables with customer enjoying onevof the best times thwy've had in awhile. Those Fire-types , that have been messing around the cáfe as part of daily routine, haven't showed up for their noon attack. People reasoned that the pokemon were just migrating and picked the cáfe as a rest stop. Too bad nobody knew about the bush far behind the cáfe, too bad nobody noticed the Oshawatt next to the bush, and too bad a polite Totadile had just trotted into the cáfe.

Most of the regulars looked nervous when this Totadile came in. Thoughts were filled with dread of a new vigilante. However, the Totadile settled itself next to Jason and fell asleep.

@LoupyLou23 @Megus @Shasyu
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After Bassy had blacked out, he couldn't see for around half an hour. Then, his vision whirred back into life. His eyes flickered open, and saw scratches on the table, his medical case and his phone. ".... WHO THE HELL DID ALL THIS." Then he noticed the new trainer, and forgot that he was forcing himself to use good manners. "Terribly sorry about that Ashley, and... Who might you be?" Then he saw Eves munching on some food. "Hey, how come she gets food and not me?! Way unfair! Anyway, before you tell me your name, I'm Bassy." He rubbed his cheek, and felt something sticky. He looked at his hand and saw blood. "Eh, doesn't matter." He simply took a bandage out of the case and stuck it on. "Good as new. NOW ANSWER MY QUESTION. WHO ARE YOU??!!"

(I am so sorry guys. I meant to get on like a week ago but I never got to it.)

Ashley Aeria Claye

Verity (Chimchar)|Female|Lv. 5

Ashley glanced up for a moment as Jason mentioned looking for a Charmander. "I haven't seen a Charmander." She stated rather bluntly as she looked back down at Eves. When Jason asked about getting help, she shrugged. "Probably." She muttered. She noticed out a Totodile out of the corner of her eye curling up next to Jason, but before she could ask questions Bassy woke. She jumped a little bit seeing as he startled her with the sudden yelling. She put her hands up in an effort to calm him down after blacking out. "Don't worry Bassy. You blacked out and Eves explained everything. That is why Eves has food." She explained, taking half of her sandwich and handing it to him.

@LoupyLou23 @Shasyu
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Things kept getting stranger. Jason waited by as the eevee pulled out a cell phone so that someone could call a doctor. Jason agreed. If this kid was just randomly bleeding from a scar, which is supposed to be a healed wound, he definitely needed to see some kind of professional. Jason could tell that he was on the auburn haired girl's bad side already. It was apparent that he wasn't very good at speaking to people.

He spent most of his life staying away from them. His attempt to try make any kind of friend came out as an unintentional annoyance. That was fine. He didn't need friends anyway. He was going to be on his way after making sure the strange kid was alright. As strange kid woke up, Jason watched in suspense.

He wasn't sure what was going to come out of the kid's mouth. Immediately the strange kid shouted. Jason clutched his teeth. He couldn't stand being up close to people shouting. The strange kid asked Jason who he was and before he could open his mouth he began whining about the lack of food in his mouth. Wow.

Jason didn't bother giving his name since, the strange kid was obviously quickly distracted. But he did learn the stranger's name. Bassy. Jason went to point out to him that he was bleeding, but again before he could say a word Bassy whipped out a bandage and covered his wound. I guess we don't need a doctor. Thank Arceus. Bassy went on to ask for Jason's name.

"Yikes. Demanding," Jason said monotonically. "My name's Jason." He then turned to the girl. "I guess I don't know your name, either." Of course with the start of this strange day, a mysterious Totodile appeared next to Jason. It made itself comfortable on the new adventurer.

"Bumbling beedrill! What is happening here?!"


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Sebastian went red. He had forgot hiss manners. "Hmm. Let's start that again... Hi, I'm Sebastian. What's your name?" Then he saw the sandwich and almost fainted again he was so happy. "Wait, I had no idea Eves could do that. (Well... Maybe I did*) Well... I imagine you have lots of questions, both of you, and I should probably get them answered. My full name is Sebastian John Envy, I come from Sinnoh and sometimes work for Professor Rowan. I'd... Rather not go into family details. For personal reasons. Okay, I might cry if I talk about-" Suddenly, Bassy felt moisture well up in his eyes. "E.. Excuse me.. I need a moment." Then he dashed off as fast ass he could, wetting the ground with tears.

*Whenever you see brackets, it indicates his thoughts.

Ashley Aeria Claye


So, one could say she was having a strange day. First, making friends with someone who seems a bit bipolar. Well, maybe very bipolar. Secondly, this new friends faints, apparently from lack of food. Already she was mentally scolding herself for getting involved like this boy stranding next to her said. She was still annoyed with him for coming up and basically saying she shouldn't have helped Bassy, but she was starting to see his point.

As Bassy began to introduce himself once more, Ashley calmed down a bit. He seemed to be more relaxed now. Bassy mentioned that he was from Sinnoh, and Ashley attempted to say she was as well; however, before she could do so, Bassy ran off while cleary crying.
"What did I get myself into?" Ashley muttered while glancing up at the annoying kid who revealed that his name was Jason. "I'm Ashley. Sorry about getting so mad earlier. My mother always said that my temper was worse than a Charizard's flamethrower. Not sure how she would know that though." The auburn-haired girl gave a small grin, hoping he would accept her apology.
Bassy seemed to be more put together this time. For the time being at least. He reintroduced himself with his full name. "Sebastian, huh? Yeah, I'm not saying my name again." Jason listened as Sebastian went on. The strange kid assumed Jason wanted answers.

He realized at this point it was best not to know. Sebastian proceeded to yammer on about not wanting to go on into his family details. "Yeah I prefer if you didn't as well," Jason said, smiling. Jason was shocked when Sebastian got up and took off crying. "Son of a bisharp!" he said as watched the strange kid take off. "Yeah I too cry when I think about my awful family," he thought.

Jason turned to the auburn-haired girl who seemed to be talking to him. "No worries, Ashley. I tend to say the wrong things all the time," he said awkwardly. It wasn't often he admitted his own faults. "Speaking of Charizard's, perhaps you'd like to help me find it's pre-evolution hiding around here somewhere? Also...the owner of this random totodile that's sleeping beside me!" he had almost forgot.



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Ashley Aeria Claye

Verity (Chimchar)|Female|Lv. 5

Her grin grew a little as he seemed to have accepted her apology. It made her feel better to hear him state one of his own faults. Just a slap of reality that she wasn't the only one with imperfections. As Jason mentioned looking for a pre-evolution of Charizard, she nodded. She loved fire types and Charmander had been a favorite besides Chimchar. She giggled a little as he mentioned the sleeping Totodile. "Oh come on. That poor Totodile looks so comfortable. Besides, are we even sure it has an owner? I would think a captured Pokemon wouldn't stray too far from its trainer and vice versa." The only reason she could think of for a captured pokemon being away from its trainer was if the trainer abandoned it, but she couldn't imagine anyone doing that.

"On the other hand, why are you looking for a Charmander? Is it yours? I'll help you look either way." Ashley glanced over to where Verity was sitting with her food. At the same time, Ashley also saw Eves and she remembered Bassy who had run off. "Give me a second first." Ashley looked down at Eves and smiled gently. "Hey, take care of Bassy. I'm going to go with Jason. You two can have the rest of this food." The fiery-haired girl turned to the Chimchar and picked the small chimp up before turning back to Jason.
Jason made a quick nervous chuckle. "Well you see there are several run away starter pokemon and charmander just happens to be one of them. So I guess it's mine...and it isn't...yet." The new adventurer looked down at he aquatic reptilian. He just assumed that the totodile belonged to someone since it wasn't really from this region. "Totodile's are usually from the Johto region, though." he picked it up and held it out in front of him.

"Unless it's one of the runaway starters!" he suddenly realized. "I've got to return it to the professor...as soon as I find Charmander of course." Ashley offered to assist him. He was relieved to have some help. She had to do something first, so he waited.

"Thanks," Jason said softly as she turned her attention to her pokemon. He put totodile in his backpack and left the zipper open so that it could continue sleeping. "Well, all I know is that it's around the howling cafe somewhere. So, we can honestly stay in this area and look around."


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Ashley Aeria Claye

Verity (Chimchar)|Female|Lv. 5

As Jason explained the situation, she glanced down at the Totodile. He made a good point about Totodile usually being from Johto, but maybe Charmander wasn't the only missing starter. As Jason looked down at the sleeping big jaw pokemon, it was clear he realized the same thing. "One down. Apparently one more to go." Ashley set Verity on her right shoulder. "If you see or sense a Charmander, tell me ok?" With a series of soft squeals, the Chimchar nodded her head in agreement.

"Hey Jason, are you the only one looking for these runaway starters?" Ashley asked, standing on her toes to get a better view of cafe.
Jason nodded his head. "There was one other as far as I'm concerned, but honestly I'm only worried about finding Charmander. She's the one I chose." He held his hand above his eyes to block out the sun while he searched around. "Maybe if your chimchar were to take the scent of Charmander's pokeball, that would help?" He wasn't sure how that worked. He could only hope pokemon left their scent on their pokeball.



Ashley Aeria Claye

Verity (Chimchar)|Female|Lv. 5

She was the one Jason chose? Well, Ashley could understand why he seemed so set on finding this Charmander then. When Jason mentioned having Verity possibly catch Charmander's scent, the Chimchar instantly nodded. Ashley chuckled softly and took the chimp pokemon off of her shoulder. Verity sat patiently on Ashley's outstretched arm, apparently ready to help in the search for the lost starter.

"I'm going to assume this is a yes. Verity would be glad to help in any way." Verity gave a few squeals of agreement and Ashley grinned.
"Alright then!" Jason responded optimistically. He was ready to begin the search and with Verity and Ashley assisting it shouldn't take long. "Well, if you think you caught a scent, feel free to lead the way, Verity," he said, giving the chimchar a smile. Jason shook his backpack a bit, to see if the sleeping totodile would wake up. For the time being, it was still sleeping soundly.

He wasn't sure how much noise and movement it was going to take to wait this thing. "Sheesh, you'd swear it was a snorlax," he said to his new ally.



Ashley Aeria Claye

Verity (Chimchar)|Female|Lv. 5

Verity nodded quickly as Ashley set her on the ground. The Chimchar's trainer chuckled lightly. "I don't know why she's so excitable right now. I've never seen her this hyperactive before. She usually has such a gentle and calm nature." Shaking her head in amusement Ashley started walking quickly after her pokemon. She looked back over her shoulder and gestured for Jason to follow. She honestly didn't know why Verity seemed so intent on helping Jason find his Charmander. Maybe it was just an urge to help a fellow fire starter, or maybe the chimp pokemon just had a strong liking for said fire type's trainer.
Ashley had signaled for Jason to follow her and Verity. The three were off and it seemed as if the little chimp had a scent. At least that's what he hoped from her eagerness. "So how long have you and Verity been partners?" he asked, in an attempt to fill in the time it took to search around. Jason wondered if she had just begun her journey as he did or if she was an experienced trainer.

Even with the curiosity he still remained focus and with the pokeball in his hand, he kept an eye out for the lizard pokemon. Charmanders don't just wander around this region and someone not take notice. How hard should it be to find a pokemon with its tail on fire, running around town anyway?


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