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Fandom Pokémon OOC/Planning

I mean, I certainly don't mind waiting; meanwhile, if we'd rather keep the ic thread more active, I have some stuff Corbrân can do individually within his woods, or if Echo wants a bit more interaction between characters, I can do that too; whatever y'all prefer.
I mean, I certainly don't mind waiting; meanwhile, if we'd rather keep the ic thread more active, I have some stuff Corbrân can do individually within his woods, or if Echo wants a bit more interaction between characters, I can do that too; whatever y'all prefer.
I'm completely fine with y'all posting your characters doing more things on their own. Feel free to flesh them and their surroundings out. I can add more in if wanted, or just let your characters do their thing.
I'm sorry for how quiet I've been. These past couple of weeks have been really mentally and emotionally trying for me, and I haven't felt like I've had much to spare on creativity. But I'd like to get back to writing more, and may try to think of something for Els to do until we're able to start progressing the story. Thanks to you all for being understanding.
I'm sorry for how quiet I've been. These past couple of weeks have been really mentally and emotionally trying for me, and I haven't felt like I've had much to spare on creativity. But I'd like to get back to writing more, and may try to think of something for Els to do until we're able to start progressing the story. Thanks to you all for being understanding.
No worries! Although things may be slow going right now, I'm always here.

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