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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Endless Abyss


Within the Depths of a Dream
Rein ran along the path, dodging and pushing people out of her way whilst softly panting "I'm late...I'm late..I'm late..." It was the first recruiting ceremony the explorers guild had in a while and and the Eevee was determined to join. They had ignored her requests ever since her parents had gone missing, saying she wasn't old enough or they weren't accepting members at this time. Well now they had to listen and give her a shot.

Georgette was having the weirdest dream. All she could hear was a voice on a black background, and the voice told her that she was needed. The feminine voice whispered to her in the most scratchiest of voices that she was a savior, and she it was dire for her to be needed somewhere else other than where she was. The strangest part, however, was that Georgette could not wake up. All she could see was ebbing darkness. She was unconscious, but that she did not know. The voice soon faded before Georgette could ask for further details. No matter how loudly she screamed and protested in her dream state, the voice was gone, and everything was still black.

And then she was falling. Sure, the girl had these types of dreams before, like anyone, so she thought nothing of it as the dream carried on. But then, everything went black again. Again, nothing to really be worried about.

A Riolu soon plummeted through the air, having fallen from the sky. Its limp body hit something close to the ground with a loud thunk. An unfortunate little Eevee was the one to be so brutally attacked by something that was not even conscious, most likely bringing her to the ground as well as the body. The Riolu made idle noises upon the impact, but was still rendered unconscious, and the fall probably did not help matters in the slightest.
Rein could've have expect this. Running along the path before a Riolu on top of her. They tumbled in a mess of fur and limbs before halting a bit further down the road. Removing herself from the mess, the Eevee opened her mouth to yell before she noted two things.

1) She was unconscious

2) She had fallen from the sky

Frowning, she slowly padded over and gently shook the Riolu with her paw, trying to get her to wake up.

Everything was a blur in the Riolu's head. Her head in general hurt, but everything was black. Soon enough, however, she felt a soft object nudge her side. Honey, is that you? Georgette wondered. She owned a golden Labrador named Honey, and the dog often lied with her in her bed at night. And now he was trying to wake her up. She made a small groaning noise. An intense migraine wracked through her skull. But then, instead of prodding, she was being shaken by said paw. Honey could not possibly do that, now, could he? Of course not.

Georgette groaned once more, then slowly opening her eyes. Lying on her back, the first thing she saw was the sky. She blinked her green eyes, then flopped frantically like a fish for a second. Why was she seeing the sky, in her room? She was in a clear panic, her eyes wide, before she suddenly sat up. Georgette realized that was an instant mistake. Her head felt like someone had hit her with a hammer. Her hand slowly rose up to touch her forehead, but was that fur!?

Georgette screamed. But what came out was something intensely similar to the yelp of a dog. Her eyes were still very wide. Only then did she look around. Was that an Eevee? Since when were Pokemon real? "WOAH, WOAH WOAH." She yelled as she frantically scrabbled backwards while still sitting on her rear. "Am I still dreaming?" She said with still-wide eyes. "No! I can't possibly be!" She yelled still, looking around with disbelief. What in the world was happening?
Rein was quite startled by their reaction, exploding upward and causing her to fall back with a slight yelp. Getting back onto her paws, the Eevee shook the dirt out of her fur before speaking. “Hey! Calm down, you’re alright...well, for someone that just fell out of the sky that is…” Her voice soon died, something about them seeming a tad off. But she couldn’t pinpoint why.

@PlaguedWithInsanity (Sorry for such a short length, I’m incredibly busy at the moment… >.<)
The Riolu blinked. "Did you... Did you just say...the sky?" She said incredulously, her eyes still wide. Georgette could not believe what she was hearing. Her head still pounded intensely, but this was more important. "Yep. I'm still dreaming." She said as she touched her forehead again at the migraine, only to freak out once more at her blue paws. "What am I..?" Georgette wondered as she looked at her paws and small dog-like body. She soon came to a realization. Yes, this was definitely a dream, and yes, there was an Eevee right in front of her, and she was also a Pokemon that she could not quite put her finger on, just by seeing her paws alone. But yes, this was most definitely a dream.

Georgette simply looked at the Eevee before reaching out to touch her. This was a dream, so her actions obviously would not matter. Barely touching at the brown fur, she quickly jerked her Riolu arm backwards to her body. She was startled at the fact of how real even the slightest touch of the Eevee's fur felt. It did not matter, however, because Georgette was still surely convinced that this was a dream. Pokemon was not real, no matter how much she wanted for it to be as a child. So yes, this was most certainly a dream, and nothing more than that.
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'They must've hit their head quite hard when they fell...' Rein thought before saying "Uh...yeah I did say the Sky but I'm a bit worried about your current mental state and all, due to all the freaking out. Must've gotten grabbed by those Spearow chicks, damned things love to mess around." Listening to her a bit more, the Eevee sighed. "No, you're not dreaming, at least I don't think you are. But you are in fact a Riolu, pretty sure you have a concussion if you didn't know that."

She was about to say more before the confused Pokemon reached out her paw and stroked her cream colored collar of fur before suddenly pulling her arm back. Leaning back a bit on her paws herself, her ears folding back slightly, Rein asking "Are you okay...? I mean, I'm not one to judge or anything, but this is clearly..." She trailed off, now remembering what she was going to do today. "Gah, I'm going to be late! Hey, uh, are you sure you're alright because I have to get going…” Rein really wanted to go, yet she wasn’t going to leave the odd Pokemon if she wasn't totally stable.

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Georgette continued to look over her new form, poking at her legs and arms and such with an incredulous expression. It just all seemed so real. The way the fur felt on her....well, paws; how all of her senses seemed sharper and more acute, and what did that Eevee just say about her mental state? Georgette blinked in surprise. "My mental state?" she repeated, almost as if to confirm what she had just heard from the fox-like creature before her. "I'm not crazy." She told the creature. The Eevee even told her that she was not, in fact, dreaming. "I have to be! Pokemon is not real!" she said, raising her voice again.

She just could not accept that she was not dreaming, however, but being told that she was a Riolu somehow reassured her in a way. She was actually wondering what she was, and being confirmed on exactly that made her feel even more strange nostalgia.

"I feel fine. It's just a headache." Georgette told the Eevee. She had played sports before, and she was not the best with balance, so she knew what a concussion felt like, and this certainly was not it. This was more confusion than anything. Her mental state was fine; although at some times she questioned that fact, she knew for a fact that she was not crazy. This could not be real. Pokemon was just a game she used to play back in her childhood, one that she had even somewhat forgot about as she aged due to things in life. It was not real, and she could not be convinced otherwise.

The Eevee was about to speak more of Georgette's mental state before cutting herself off and saying that she was going to be late. Late for what, the Riolu wondered. "Yes, I'm alright! I already told you that!" she said, her dog-like ears splaying backwards. "In a couple minutes, I'm going to wake up, and this crazy dream will have never happened." she added, watching the Eevee. There was another thing that she had failed to really notice. Since when could Pokemon talk!? And why did she not notice that earlier?

Maybe she was going crazy after all. Or maybe this was one incredibly strange dream that she was sure to wake up from. Even so, it just felt so real, and Georgette could not shake that fact, no matter how she tried. The trees looked so lifelike with their detail, even the dirt that she was still sitting on felt like real dirt. Either way, Georgette was sure that she was dreaming, and that this crazy nightmare would be over, and that she would go to school in the morning just like normal; and then she would forget about all of this craziness that she had so wished to happen when she was younger, like any pure Pokemon fan.

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