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[pokemon] mxf preferably >>romance<<

c h i h o

hi i'm chiho and i like to disappear often you've been warned with this bold, first and obvious sentence.  now that you've been warned, i'll introduce myself again. hi i'm chiho and i've been roleplaying for so many years why do you guys really care? HA jk no i've been roleplaying for roughly 8 years now. woohoo

i'm under 18 if anyone wanted to know,,,

i am searching for pokemon roleplayers! yep yep! and i prefer mxf (idc what gender i play tho) and with romance drama and adventure that y'know, you can hope we'll finish 

favorite pairings . . . or y'know just normal pairings i like to do

- trainer x trainer

- ranger x trainer

- trainer x rival

- evil grunt x trainer

- gym leader x trainer

- elite four x trainer

- champion x trainer !!! esp noob trainers

- EVIL ADMIN x TRAINER !!!! < my favorite pls 

for my roleplays: i like to have pokemon death included. but do not go into too much detail. have you guys ever heard of a nuzlocke? and how once a pokemon faints it is considered dead? i live by those rules in my pokemon roleplays because realism. along with that: TRAINERS MUST BE 17+!!! in what good mother's mind would let a little 10 yr old who is not even a teen yet explore the goddamn world? my mum ain't letting me outta town by myself. or even in town by myself. much less let me explore the world.

plots? man, i have an empty jar of it. HAHA i can come up with plots depending on if the pairing is specific however "trainer x trainer" "trainer x rival" is way too vague. gotta give me something good. first give me an idea of what kind of character you wanna play, then we can roll with that! okay? okay. cool.

requirements - 5-8 sentences/paragraph (2 paragraphs minimum, 6 paragraphs maximum! [you can exceed, just don't expect a long reply back bc of my lazyass]), details along with dialogue!, no godmoding, no marysues, no garysues, check ur grammar, do not leave me lines of dialogue or it's a for sure i'll drop the roleplay w/o warning

IF I DO NOT REPLY WITHIN TWO WEEKS+ (or even one week) W/O SAYING ANYTHING PLEASE FEEL FREE TO BUG ME!!! i check rpn often i just don't reply bc i think the roleplay's dead by then : ^ ) 

am i missing anything? i hope not. but if i am and if you have questions, my inbox is open!

if you have read everything, please start your message with "╰☆╮" whether in your title or actual body message idc !

thank you for reading !! i hope to see some messages♥
I'll be interested in being the trainer in the trainer in the evil admin x trainer pairing, if that's all right with you of course?

@c h i h o   ╰☆╮

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